RBGL: R interface to boost graph library

Summary. The RBGL package is primarily an interface from R to the Boost Graph Library (BGL). It includes some graph algorithms built on top of those from BGL and some algorithms independent of BGL.

Basic notations/Preliminaries

Basics Notations

We use the following notation:

G: a graph, represented as G = (V, E); V = v1, v2, …, vn: a set of vertices (or nodes); E = e1, e2, …, em: a set of edges with ei = [vj, vk], with vj, vk are in V; W = w1, w2, …, wm: a set of weights of the edges, i.e., wi is the weight on edge ei.

A walk is a sequence of vertices v1, v2, …, vk such that for all i, [vi, vi+1] in E. A path is a walk without repeated vertices. A cycle is a path that begins and ends at the same vertice.

A directed graph is a graph with direction assigned to its edges, therefore, [vj, vk] != [vk, vj].

A directed acyclic graph (DAG) is a directed graph with no directed cycle.

An in-degree of vertex v is the total number of edges [u, v] in E; an out-degree of v is the total number of edges [v, u] in E.

A network N is a directed graph G with:

  1. a source s whose in-degree is 0,
  2. a sink t whose out-degree is 0, and
  3. a capacity for each edge in a network.

A flow in N assigns a value on each edge that doesn’t exceed its capacity, all the internal vertices have the same incoming flow as the outgoing flow, s has outgoing flow only, t has incoming flow only.

Examples in use

We are going to use the following graphs repeatedly in the examples.

con <- file(system.file("XML/bfsex.gxl", package="RBGL"))
bf <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/dfsex.gxl", package="RBGL"))
df <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/dijkex.gxl", package="RBGL"))
dijk <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/conn.gxl", package="RBGL"))
coex <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/conn2.gxl", package="RBGL"))
coex2 <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/conn2iso.gxl", package="RBGL"))
coex2i <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/kmstEx.gxl", package="RBGL"))
km <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/biconn.gxl", package="RBGL"))
bicoex <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/ospf.gxl", package="RBGL"))
ospf <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("dot/joh.gxl", package="RBGL"))
joh <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/hcs.gxl", package="RBGL"))
hcs <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/snacliqueex.gxl", package="RBGL"))
kclex <- fromGXL(con)
con <- file(system.file("XML/snacoreex.gxl", package="RBGL"))
kcoex <- fromGXL(con)
The example graphs (I).

The example graphs (I).

The example graphs (II).

The example graphs (II).

The example graphs (III).

The example graphs (III).

File dependency digraph example from Boost library

File dependency digraph example from Boost library

Working with the Bioconductor graph class

An example object representing file dependencies is included, as shown in Figure 4.

## A graphNEL graph with directed edges
## Number of Nodes = 15 
## Number of Edges = 19
a) The graph for depth-first-search example b) The graph for depth-first-search example, showing search orders.

  1. The graph for depth-first-search example b) The graph for depth-first-search example, showing search orders.

Algorithms from BGL