Title: | Detection of miRNAs that regulate interacting groups of pathways |
Description: | PanomiR is a package to detect miRNAs that target groups of pathways from gene expression data. This package provides functionality for generating pathway activity profiles, determining differentially activated pathways between user-specified conditions, determining clusters of pathways via the PCxN package, and generating miRNAs targeting clusters of pathways. These function can be used separately or sequentially to analyze RNA-Seq data. |
Authors: | Pourya Naderi [aut, cre], Yue Yang (Alan) Teo [aut], Ilya Sytchev [aut], Winston Hide [aut] |
Maintainer: | Pourya Naderi <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.11.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-29 06:34:59 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/PanomiR |
function to align a list of sets and a reference universe
alignToUniverse(pathwaySets, universe)
alignToUniverse(pathwaySets, universe)
pathwaySets |
a list of sets |
universe |
all set elements must be a subset of universe |
a list of sets, aligned to universe
Plots clusters of pathways with associated directionality.
clusterPlot( subNet, subplot = FALSE, topClusters = 2, prefix = "", outDir = ".", plotSave = TRUE )
clusterPlot( subNet, subplot = FALSE, topClusters = 2, prefix = "", outDir = ".", plotSave = TRUE )
subNet |
pathways network (edge list of pathways) |
subplot |
if TRUE, store individual clusters plots and connected plots in Figures directory of plots |
topClusters |
plot figures for top x clusters |
prefix |
add prefix to plots |
outDir |
output directory |
plotSave |
saves the plot if set true. Otherwise display |
a set of plots for DE-PCXN and subclusters
data(miniTestsPanomiR) clusterPlot(miniTestsPanomiR$miniPathClusts$DE_PCXN, plotSave = FALSE)
data(miniTestsPanomiR) clusterPlot(miniTestsPanomiR$miniPathClusts$DE_PCXN, plotSave = FALSE)
Performs differential expression analysis for pathways using LIMMA package with gene counts
differentialPathwayAnalysis( geneCounts, pathways, covariates, condition, adjustCovars = NULL, covariateCorrection = FALSE, quantileNorm = FALSE, outDir = ".", saveOutName = NULL, id = "ENSEMBL", deGenes = NULL, minPathSize = 10, method = "x2", trim = 0.025, geneCountsLog = TRUE, contrastConds = NA )
differentialPathwayAnalysis( geneCounts, pathways, covariates, condition, adjustCovars = NULL, covariateCorrection = FALSE, quantileNorm = FALSE, outDir = ".", saveOutName = NULL, id = "ENSEMBL", deGenes = NULL, minPathSize = 10, method = "x2", trim = 0.025, geneCountsLog = TRUE, contrastConds = NA )
geneCounts |
Gene counts, rows refer to genes and columns to samples. |
pathways |
Pathways table, containing pathway names and genes with id specified. |
covariates |
Covariates/metadata file; rows matches the columns of geneCounts. |
condition |
Condition to be examined (tumor vs normal etc); must exist in covariates column. |
adjustCovars |
Adjustment covariates like batch; if NULL, no adjustments performed. |
covariateCorrection |
If TRUE, performs covariates detection and correction; requires **adjustCovars**; (limma). |
quantileNorm |
If TRUE, performs quantile normalization on pathway summary statistics; from *preprocess* package. |
outDir |
Output directory. |
saveOutName |
If not NULL, saves output as RDS using save name, if NULL, does not save output. |
id |
ID matching genes to pathways; rownames of geneCounts. |
deGenes |
If not NULL, add t-scores to pathways summary statistics; filter by genes t-scores. |
minPathSize |
Minimum pathway size. |
method |
Define method to use for pathway summary statistics; specifications in documentations. |
trim |
Filter pathways with mean less than trim threshold in pathway summary statistics. |
geneCountsLog |
If TRUE, log(geneCounts). |
contrastConds |
Provide a contrast expression to be used in Limma comparison. This is necessary if you have more than two levels in the condition covariate. |
List containing differentially expressed pathways as DEP and pathway summary statistics as pathwaySummaryStats.
data("path_gene_table") data("miniTestsPanomiR") differentialPathwayAnalysis(geneCounts = miniTestsPanomiR$mini_LIHC_Exp, pathways = path_gene_table, covariates = miniTestsPanomiR$mini_LIHC_Cov, condition = 'shortLetterCode')
data("path_gene_table") data("miniTestsPanomiR") differentialPathwayAnalysis(geneCounts = miniTestsPanomiR$mini_LIHC_Exp, pathways = path_gene_table, covariates = miniTestsPanomiR$mini_LIHC_Cov, condition = 'shortLetterCode')
Pairwise enrichment analysis between two given lists of sets
enrichAllPairs(mirSets, pathwaySets, pathsRef, numCores)
enrichAllPairs(mirSets, pathwaySets, pathsRef, numCores)
mirSets |
a list of targets of miRNAs |
pathwaySets |
a list of pathways |
pathsRef |
universe of genes. |
numCores |
number of cores to calculate the results. |
enrichment analysis results
Modified from covariates pipeline of Menachem Former. Imported from https://github.com/th1vairam/CovariateAnalysis
getDesignMatrix(covariatesDataFrame, intercept = TRUE, reLevels = list())
getDesignMatrix(covariatesDataFrame, intercept = TRUE, reLevels = list())
covariatesDataFrame |
Dataframe of covariates. |
intercept |
intercept in the linear model. |
reLevels |
TBA. |
List containing a design matrix.
data(iris) getDesignMatrix(iris)
data(iris) getDesignMatrix(iris)
function to get a DE table
getDiffExpTable(expMat, designMat, contrastsName)
getDiffExpTable(expMat, designMat, contrastsName)
expMat |
an expression matrix |
designMat |
a design Matrix |
contrastsName |
the contrast to perform |
a table of differential expression
function to get residuals with respect to a set of covariates
getResidual(covariates, adjustCovars, pathSumStats)
getResidual(covariates, adjustCovars, pathSumStats)
covariates |
a covariate dataframe. |
adjustCovars |
covariates to adjust for |
pathSumStats |
an expression matrix |
a matrix of adjusted expression
Example genesets from MSigDB
A GeneSet Collection object containing two genesets.
Outputs a table with col x (miRNA), probability of observing k (depending on methodology) against a random distribution with jack-knifing of the pathway cluster (removing a pathway at a time)
jackKnifeBase( selector, pathways, enrichNull, fn, jackKnifeData, m, numCores = 1 )
jackKnifeBase( selector, pathways, enrichNull, fn, jackKnifeData, m, numCores = 1 )
selector |
Table with x(miRNA) in pathway cluster and observed k (depending on methodology). |
pathways |
Pathways in pathway cluster. |
enrichNull |
Enrichment dataset with x (miRNA), y (pathway) and pval (probability of observing x in pathway cluster). |
fn |
Methodology function. |
jackKnifeData |
Random distribution data with jack-knifing (i.e. one less pathway) |
m |
method name |
numCores |
number of cores |
Outputs a new selector table with col x, pval_jk
Function imported from https://github.com/th1vairam/CovariateAnalysis Modified from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13088770/ Function to find linearly dependednt columns of a matrix
mat |
an input design matrix. |
a list of independent columns
data("iris") designMat <- getDesignMatrix(iris) linColumnFinder(designMat$design)
data("iris") designMat <- getDesignMatrix(iris) linColumnFinder(designMat$design)
Outputs a table with pathways and their respective clusters
mappingPathwaysClusters( pcxn, dePathways, clusteringFunction = NULL, edgeFDR = 0.05, correlationCutOff = 0.316, pathwayFDR = 0.05, topPathways = 200, plotOut = TRUE, subplot = TRUE, topClusters = 2, prefix = "", outDir = ".", saveNameCSV = NULL, weighted = FALSE )
mappingPathwaysClusters( pcxn, dePathways, clusteringFunction = NULL, edgeFDR = 0.05, correlationCutOff = 0.316, pathwayFDR = 0.05, topPathways = 200, plotOut = TRUE, subplot = TRUE, topClusters = 2, prefix = "", outDir = ".", saveNameCSV = NULL, weighted = FALSE )
pcxn |
pathways network (edge list of pathways) |
dePathways |
differential expressed pathways, obtained from *DifferentialPathwayAnalysis* |
clusteringFunction |
clustering algorithm |
edgeFDR |
FDR threshold for pathway-pathway adjusted p-values; filter edges with adjusted p-values less than given threshold |
correlationCutOff |
cut-off threshold for pathway-pathway correlation; filter pathways with correlation less than given threshold |
pathwayFDR |
FDR threshold for DE pathways adjusted p-values; filter pathways with adjusted p-values less than given threshold |
topPathways |
use only top x paths; if NULL, use all paths |
plotOut |
if TRUE, store graph plot in Figures directory of plots |
subplot |
if TRUE, store individual clusters plots and connected plots in Figures directory of plots |
topClusters |
plot figures for top x clusters |
prefix |
add prefix to plots |
outDir |
output directory |
saveNameCSV |
if not NULL, saves output as csv using save name |
weighted |
True if you wish to include correlation weights in clustering |
a list where the first item is a table with each row containing a pathway and its respective cluster. The second item is an igraph object.
data("miniTestsPanomiR") mappingPathwaysClusters(pcxn = miniTestsPanomiR$miniPCXN, dePathways = miniTestsPanomiR$miniDEP, topPathways = 200, outDir=".", plot = FALSE, subplot = FALSE, prefix='', clusteringFunction = "cluster_louvain", correlationCutOff = 0.1)
data("miniTestsPanomiR") mappingPathwaysClusters(pcxn = miniTestsPanomiR$miniPCXN, dePathways = miniTestsPanomiR$miniDEP, topPathways = 200, outDir=".", plot = FALSE, subplot = FALSE, prefix='', clusteringFunction = "cluster_louvain", correlationCutOff = 0.1)
Outputs a table with col x, miRNA, probability of observing k against a random distribution of the cover of methodology
methodProbBase(samplingData, selector, m, nPaths = 100, coverFn = NULL)
methodProbBase(samplingData, selector, m, nPaths = 100, coverFn = NULL)
samplingData |
Random distribution data. |
selector |
Table with x(miRNA) in pathway cluster and observed k (depending on methodology). |
m |
Method name. |
nPaths |
Number of pathways used to generate the samplingData at each iteration. Default is set at 100. |
coverFn |
Cover of methodology function. |
Outputs a new selector table with col x, pval and cover.
The item miniEnrich is a reduced representation of the TargetScan For full table use miRNAPathwayEnrichment function in the package along with msigdb_c2 and targetScan_03 datasets.
A list of 5:
a reduced expression dataset from TCGA LIHC data
a reduced covariates dataset from TCGA LIHC data
a reduced table of miRNA-pathway enrichment, TargetScan.
Differentially activated pathways from reduced TCGA LIHC
reduced representation of PCXN network
miniDEP mapped to miniPCXN
These datasets include reduced representation of TCGA LIHC data for reproducing the pipeline. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.05.046
A reduced representation of PCxN is provided. For full dataset and method please refer to pcxn.org or https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006042
Outputs enrichment probability of miRNAs based on pathway clusters.
miRNAPathwayEnrichment( mirSets, pathwaySets, geneSelection = NULL, mirSelection = NULL, fromID = "ENSEMBL", toID = "ENTREZID", minPathSize = 9, numCores = 1, outDir = ".", saveOutName = NULL )
miRNAPathwayEnrichment( mirSets, pathwaySets, geneSelection = NULL, mirSelection = NULL, fromID = "ENSEMBL", toID = "ENTREZID", minPathSize = 9, numCores = 1, outDir = ".", saveOutName = NULL )
mirSets |
Table of miRNAs and a list of their interactions with genes in ENTREZ ID. |
pathwaySets |
Table of pathways and a list of their interactions with genes in ENTREZ ID. |
geneSelection |
Table of genes with dtype; if not NULL, select only genes from a given table. |
mirSelection |
Table of miRNA names; if not NULL, select only miRNAs from given table. |
fromID |
ID of genes in geneSelection. |
toID |
ID of genes used in pcxn and pathways set. |
minPathSize |
Filter out pathways with sets less than given value. |
numCores |
Number of CPU cores to use, must be at least one. |
outDir |
Output directory. |
saveOutName |
If not NULL, saves output as RDS using save name. |
Table of enrichment, each row contains mirna-pathway and its enrichment p-values.
data(msigdb_c2) data(targetScan_03) miRNAPathwayEnrichment(targetScan_03[1:20],msigdb_c2[1:20])
data(msigdb_c2) data(targetScan_03) miRNAPathwayEnrichment(targetScan_03[1:20],msigdb_c2[1:20])
Canonical pathways from Molecular Signatures Database, MsigDb V6.2
A list of 1143 pathways
A table of gene-pathway association. based on the pathways of MSigDB.
A matrix with 3 columns and 76926 rows:
An MSigDB annotated pathway
The ENTREZID of a gene belonging to the pathway
The ENSEMBL of a gene belonging to the pathway
Generates a table of pathways and genes associations.
pathwayGeneTab( pathAdress = NA, pathwayList = NA, fromType = "ENTREZID", toType = "ENSEMBL", outDir = NA )
pathwayGeneTab( pathAdress = NA, pathwayList = NA, fromType = "ENTREZID", toType = "ENSEMBL", outDir = NA )
pathAdress |
Address to an RDS file containing list of pathways where each element is a list of genes similar to GMT format. |
pathwayList |
If you wish to use a list of pathways instead of a file use this argument instead. The list must contain no NA values. |
fromType |
gene annotation type used in your input data. |
toType |
gene annotation type to be produced in the output. |
outDir |
Address to save an RDS for a table of pathway-gene association |
pathExpTab Table of pathway-gene association.
pathway1 <- c("125", "3099", "126") pathway2 <- c("5232", "5230", "5162") pathList <- list("Path1" = pathway1, "Path2" = pathway2) res <- pathwayGeneTab(pathwayList = pathList) data(msigdb_c2) pathwayGeneTab(pathwayList = msigdb_c2[1:2])
pathway1 <- c("125", "3099", "126") pathway2 <- c("5232", "5230", "5162") pathList <- list("Path1" = pathway1, "Path2" = pathway2) res <- pathwayGeneTab(pathwayList = pathList) data(msigdb_c2) pathwayGeneTab(pathwayList = msigdb_c2[1:2])
Generates a table of pathway activity profiles per sample
pathwaySummary( exprsMat, pathwayRef, id = "ENSEMBL", zNormalize = FALSE, method = FALSE, deGenes = NULL, trim = 0, tScores = NULL )
pathwaySummary( exprsMat, pathwayRef, id = "ENSEMBL", zNormalize = FALSE, method = FALSE, deGenes = NULL, trim = 0, tScores = NULL )
exprsMat |
Gene expression matrix with row names as genes and samples as columns. |
pathwayRef |
Table of pathway-gene associations. Created from
id |
Gene annotation type in the row name of gene expression data. |
zNormalize |
Normalization of pathway summary score. |
method |
Choice of how to summarize gene ranks into pathway statistics. |
deGenes |
List of differentially expressed genes along with t-scores. Only necessary if working on Top 50% summary method. |
trim |
Percentage of top and bottom ranked genes to be excluded from pathway summary statistics. |
tScores |
Argument for-top-50-percent-genes method. |
pathExp Table of pathway activity profiles per sample.
pathTab <- tibble::tribble( ~Pathway, ~ENTREZID, ~ENSEMBL, "Path1", "125", "ENSG00000196616", "Path1", "3099", "ENSG00000159399", "Path2", "5230", "ENSG00000102144", "Path2", "5162", "ENSG00000168291" ) exprsMat <- matrix(2 * (seq_len(12)), 4, 3) rownames(exprsMat) <- pathTab$ENSEMBL colnames(exprsMat) <- LETTERS[seq_len(3)] pathwaySummary(exprsMat, pathTab, method = "x2")
pathTab <- tibble::tribble( ~Pathway, ~ENTREZID, ~ENSEMBL, "Path1", "125", "ENSG00000196616", "Path1", "3099", "ENSG00000159399", "Path2", "5230", "ENSG00000102144", "Path2", "5162", "ENSG00000168291" ) exprsMat <- matrix(2 * (seq_len(12)), 4, 3) rownames(exprsMat) <- pathTab$ENSEMBL colnames(exprsMat) <- LETTERS[seq_len(3)] pathwaySummary(exprsMat, pathTab, method = "x2")
Creates a network out of pcxn table
pcxnToNet(pcxn, edgeFDR, correlationCutOff, weighted)
pcxnToNet(pcxn, edgeFDR, correlationCutOff, weighted)
pcxn |
pathways network edge list of pathways |
edgeFDR |
FDR threshold for pathway-pathway adjusted p-values; filter edges with adjusted p-values less than given threshold |
correlationCutOff |
cut-off threshold for pathway-pathway correlation; filter pathways with correlation less than given threshold |
weighted |
True if you wish to include correlation weights in clustering |
enrichment analysis results
Outputs a table of miRNA ordered with respective p-values derived from method for prioritization
prioritizeMicroRNA( enriches0, pathClust, method = "AggInv", methodThresh = NULL, enrichmentFDR = 0.25, topClust = 2, sampRate = 1000, outDir = ".", dataDir = ".", saveSampling = TRUE, runJackKnife = TRUE, saveJackKnife = FALSE, numCores = 1, saveCSV = TRUE, prefix = "", autoSeed = TRUE )
prioritizeMicroRNA( enriches0, pathClust, method = "AggInv", methodThresh = NULL, enrichmentFDR = 0.25, topClust = 2, sampRate = 1000, outDir = ".", dataDir = ".", saveSampling = TRUE, runJackKnife = TRUE, saveJackKnife = FALSE, numCores = 1, saveCSV = TRUE, prefix = "", autoSeed = TRUE )
enriches0 |
miRNA-pathway enrichment dataset obtained from miRNAPathwayEnrichment. |
pathClust |
Pathway clusters, obtained from MappingPathwaysClusters. |
method |
Vector of methods pCut, AggInv, AggLog, sumz, sumlog. |
methodThresh |
Vector of methods threshold for each method in method, if NULL use default thresh values in method. |
enrichmentFDR |
FDR cut-off calculating miRNA-pathway hits in the input cluster based on significant enrichment readouts. |
topClust |
Top x clusters to perform miRNA prioritization on. |
sampRate |
Sampling rate for CLT. |
outDir |
Output directory. |
dataDir |
Data directory. |
saveSampling |
If TRUE, saves sampling data as RDS for each cluster in topClust in dataDir. |
runJackKnife |
If TRUE, jacknifing will be performed. |
saveJackKnife |
If TRUE, saves jack-knifed sampling data as RDS for each cluster in topClust in dataDir. |
numCores |
Number of CPU cores to use, must be at least one. |
saveCSV |
If TRUE, saves CSV file for each cluster in topClust in outDir. |
prefix |
Prefix for all saved data. |
autoSeed |
random permutations are generated based on predetermined seeds. TRUE will give identical results in different runs. |
Table of miRNA and p-values, each row contains a miRNA and its associated p-values from the methods.
data("miniTestsPanomiR") prioritizeMicroRNA(enriches0 = miniTestsPanomiR$miniEnrich, pathClust = miniTestsPanomiR$miniPathClusts$Clustering, topClust = 1, sampRate = 50, method = c("aggInv"), saveSampling = FALSE, runJackKnife = FALSE, numCores = 1, saveCSV = FALSE)
data("miniTestsPanomiR") prioritizeMicroRNA(enriches0 = miniTestsPanomiR$miniEnrich, pathClust = miniTestsPanomiR$miniPathClusts$Clustering, topClust = 1, sampRate = 50, method = c("aggInv"), saveSampling = FALSE, runJackKnife = FALSE, numCores = 1, saveCSV = FALSE)
This function summarizes the outputs
enrichmentTable |
Outputs from [miRNAPathwayEnrichment()] function |
A summarized miRNA-Pathway enrichment table
data(msigdb_c2) data(targetScan_03) eTab <- miRNAPathwayEnrichment(targetScan_03[1:20],msigdb_c2[1:20]) repTab <- reportEnrichment(eTab)
data(msigdb_c2) data(targetScan_03) eTab <- miRNAPathwayEnrichment(targetScan_03[1:20],msigdb_c2[1:20]) repTab <- reportEnrichment(eTab)
Outputs a table of sampling data(rows are miRNA and cols are samples)
samplingDataBase( enrichNull, selector, sampRate, fn, nPaths, samplingDataFile, jackKnife = FALSE, saveSampling, numCores = 1, autoSeed = TRUE )
samplingDataBase( enrichNull, selector, sampRate, fn, nPaths, samplingDataFile, jackKnife = FALSE, saveSampling, numCores = 1, autoSeed = TRUE )
enrichNull |
Enrichment dataset with x (miRNA), y (pathway) and pval (probability of observing x in pathway cluster). |
selector |
Table with x(miRNA) in pathway cluster. |
sampRate |
Sampling rate. |
fn |
Methodology function. |
nPaths |
Number of pathways in pathway cluster. |
samplingDataFile |
If file exists, load. Else, perform random sampling |
jackKnife |
If TRUE, conduct sampling with one less pathway, used for jack knifing |
saveSampling |
If TRUE, data is saved. |
numCores |
number of cores used |
autoSeed |
random permutations are generated based on predetermined seeds. TRUE will give identical results in different runs. |
Outputs of sampling data.
This function enables to utilize MSigDB packages and GSEABase objects to incorporate customized genesets into PanomiR.
tableFromGSC(gsCollection, fromType = "ENTREZID", toType = "ENSEMBL")
tableFromGSC(gsCollection, fromType = "ENTREZID", toType = "ENSEMBL")
gsCollection |
An GSEABase gene set collection object |
fromType |
gene annotation type used in your input data |
toType |
gene annotation type to be produced in the output |
A table of pathway-gene associations
data(gscExample) tableFromGSC(gscExample)
data(gscExample) tableFromGSC(gscExample)
The interactions are filtered to only human interactions.
A list of 439 items
The interactions are filtered to have a Cumulative weighted context++ score of < -0.3