Due to the sparsity observed in single-cell data (e.g. RNA-seq,
ATAC-seq), the visualization of cell features (e.g. gene, peak) is
frequently affected and unclear, especially when it is overlaid with
clustering to annotate cell types. Nebulosa
is an R package
to visualize data from single cells based on kernel density estimation.
It aims to recover the signal from dropped-out features by incorporating
the similarity between cells allowing a “convolution” of the cell
For this vignette, let’s use Nebulosa
with the
and scater
packages. First, we’ll do a
brief/standard data processing.
Let’s download a dataset of 3k PBMCs (available from 10X Genomics).
For the purpose of this vignette, let’s use the
package to dowload the data and store it in
a temporary directory defined by the tempdir()
function. To
import the count data, we’ll use the read10xCounts
from the
bfc <- BiocFileCache(ask = FALSE)
data_file <- bfcrpath(bfc, file.path(
## adding rname 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/10x.files/samples/cell/pbmc3k/pbmc3k_filtered_gene_bc_matrices.tar.gz'
untar(data_file, exdir = tempdir())
pbmc <- read10xCounts(file.path(tempdir(),
The default feature names are Ensembl ids, let’s use thegene
names and set them as row names of the sce
object. The
following step will use the gene names as rownames and make them unique
by appending it’s corresponding Ensemble id when a gene-name
duplicate is found.
First, let’s remove features that are not expressed in at least 3 cells.
And cells not expressing at least one UMI in at least 200 genes.
Finally, let’s remove outlier cells based on the number of genes
being expressed in each cell, library size, and expression of
mitochondrial genes using the perCellQCMetrics
functions from the scater
is_mito <- grepl("^MT-", rownames(pbmc))
qcstats <- perCellQCMetrics(pbmc, subsets = list(Mito = is_mito))
qcfilter <- quickPerCellQC(qcstats, percent_subsets = c("subsets_Mito_percent"))
For more information on quality control, please visit the OSCA website: https://osca.bioconductor.org/quality-control.html
Let’s normalize the data by scaling the counts from each cell across
all genes by the sequencing depth of each cell and using a scaling
factor of 1 x 10^4. Then, we can stabilize the variance by
calculating the pseudo-natural logarithm using the log1p
Please refer to the OSCA website for more details on other normalization strategies: https://osca.bioconductor.org/normalization.html
A reduced set of variable genes are expected to drive the major
differences between the cell populations. To identify these genes, let’s
use the modelGeneVar()
and getTopHVGsfrom()
from scran
by selecting the top 3000 most highly-variable
Once the data is normalized and highly-variable features have been determined, we can run a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensions of our data to 50 principal components. Then, we can run a Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) using the principal components to obtain a two-dimensional representation that could be visualized in a scatter plot.
Finally, we can run the UMAP as follows:
To assess cell similarity, let’s cluster the data by constructing a
Shared Nearest Neighbor (SNN) Graph using the first 50
principal components and applying cluster_louvain()
the igraph
The main function from Nebulosa
is the
Let’s plot the kernel density estimate for CD4
For comparison, let’s also create a standard scatter plot using
By smoothing the data, Nebulosa
allows a better
visualization of the global expression of CD4 in myeloid and CD4+ T
cells. Notice that the “random” expression of CD4 in other areas of the
plot is removed as the expression of this gene is not supported by
enough cells in those areas. Furthermore, CD4+ cells appear to show
considerable dropout rate.
Characterizing cell populations usually relies in more than one marker. Nebulosa also allows the visualization of the joint density from multiple features in a single plot.
Users familiarized with PBMC datasets may be aware that CD8+ CCR7+ cells usually cluster next to CD4+ CCR7+ and separate from the rest of CD8+ cells. Let’s aim to identify naive CD8+ T cells. To do so, we can just add another gene to the vector containing the features to visualize.
can return a joint density plot by
multiplying the densities from all query genes by using the
joint = TRUE
When compared to the clustering results, we can identify that Naive
CD8+ T cells are contained within cluster 4
returns the density estimates for each gene
along with the joint density across all provided genes. By setting
combine = FALSE
, we can obtain a list of ggplot objects
where the last plot corresponds to the joint density estimate.
p_list <- plot_density(pbmc, c("CD8A", "CCR7"), joint = TRUE, combine = FALSE)
Likewise, the identification of Naive CD4+ T cells becomes clearer by
combining CD4
and CCR7
is predominantly expressed in cluster
, and its expression gets reduced in cluster
, which suggests that cluster 4
may consist
of most naive T cells (both CD4+ and CD8+).
In summary,Nebulosa
can be useful to recover the signal
from dropped-out genes and improve their visualization in a
two-dimensional space. We recommend using Nebulosa
particularly for dropped-out genes. For fairly well-expressed genes, the
direct visualization of the gene expression may be preferable. We
encourage users to use Nebulosa
along with the core
visualization methods from the Seurat
environments as well as other visualization
methods to draw more informed conclusions about their data.