NADfinder 1.31.1
NADfinder 1.15.2
- add rmarkdown as suggest package.
NADfinder 1.15.1
- fix the missing link for rtracklayer::export.
NADfinder 1.11.1
NADfinder 1.9.2
- Update citation.
- Update trimPeaks.R to filter peaks using adjusted pvalues and trimmed peaks by removing windows with zscore < 1.696
NADfinder 1.9.1
NADfinder 1.7.4
- Fix the warning of documentation of computeLibSizeChrom.
NADfinder 1.7.1
NADfinder 1.5.4
- Fix the warning of documentation in windows with missing link.
NADfinder 1.5.3
- add BiocManager into suggest package.
NADfinder 1.3.13
NADfinder 1.3.12
NADfinder 1.3.11
- update documentation of NADfinder.
NADfinder 1.3.10
- Update the callPeaks.
- Fix typo of nucleolus.
NADfinder 1.3.9
- Fix the warning in windows for the help files.
NADfinder 1.3.8
- update the documentation of tileCount, log2se and trimPeaks
NADfinder 1.3.5
- Speed up tileCount per Herve's recommendation
- Add Herve Pages as a coauthor
- resave triplicate.count and single.count
NADfinder 1.3.3
- Fix the warning in windows for the help files.
- Add Haibo Liu as a coauthor.
- Add different methods for transformation and combining p-values.
NADfinder 1.3.1
- remove Bessel's correction for zscore calculation
- narrow the distance when trim the peaks to avoid overlaps.
- change the baseline.modpolyfit from degree 4 to degree 3.
NADfinder 1.1.2
- update the documentations.
NADfinder 1.1.1
- add parameter in backgroundCorrection.
NADfinder 0.99.4
- replace slidingWindows by GenomicRanges::slidingWindows
NADfinder 0.99.3
- add new function cumulativePercentage
- add DNASeq, PeakDetection to biocViews.
- update documentations of vignette by provide a narrative better explaining
use of the package.
- indicate argument type for each parameter in the documentations.
- use vectorized rather than iteractive operations in place of other uses of
- use
and seq_along
to replace :
NADfinder 0.99.2
- change GRanges to RangedSummarizedExperiment
- update documentations
- change plotCorrelations to getCorrelations
- change sig2bedgraph to exportSignals
- change tileGRanges to slidingWindows
NADfinder 0.99.1
- change NEWS to
- add details to
- update documentations
NADfinder 0.99.0
- update the version to 0.99.0
NADfinder 0.1.4
NADfinder 0.1.3
- add new function plotCorrelations
NADfinder 0.1.2
NADfinder 0.1.1
- add the power to analyze duplicates.
NADfinder 0.1.0