--- title: Troubleshooting output: rmarkdown::html_document vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{troubleshooting} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- **Updated:** ***`r format(Sys.Date(), '%b-%d-%Y')`*** This vignette provides troubleshooting tips for common issues encountered when using the `MotifPeeker` package. If you encounter an issue that is not covered, please open an issue on the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/neurogenomics/MotifPeeker/issues).
#### MEME Suite Related 1. **Error: Cannot find MEME Suite** If You have ensured that the MEME Suite is installed, but still encounter this error, set the path to the MEME suite binaries (`.../meme/bin/`) using the `meme_path` parameter in the `MotifPeeker()` function call. 2. **Error: Failed to generate .html file.** Please ensure that the [Perl dependencies required by the MEME Suite](https://meme-suite.org/meme/doc/install.html#prereq_perl) are installed, particularly `XML::Parser`, which can be installed using the following command in the terminal: ```bash cpan install XML::Parser ``` #### `MotifPeeker()` Related 1. **Function takes too long to run** It is likely motif discovery is what is taking too long to run. Try reducing the number of workers if you are running out of memory while running the `MotifPeeker()` function. Additionally, follow the [runtime guidance](https://neurogenomics.github.io/MotifPeeker/articles/MotifPeeker.html#runtime) for `MotifPeeker()`. # Session Info
```{r session-info} utils::sessionInfo() ```