To cite package ‘MetaCyto’ in publications use: Hu, Zicheng, et al. Meta-analysis of Cytometry Data Reveals Racial Differences in Immune Cells. bioRxiv (2017): 130948. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {{Hu} and {Zicheng} and {Jujjavarapu} and {Chethan} and {Hughey} and Jake J. and {Andorf} and {Sandra} and {Gherardini} and Pier Federico and {Spitzer} and Matthew H. and {Dunn} and {Patrick} and {Thomas} and Cristel G. and {Campbell} and {John} and {Wiser} and {Jeff} and {Nolan} and Garry P. and {Bhattacharya} and {Sanchita} and {Butte} and Atul J.}, title = {Meta-analysis of Cytometry Data Reveals Racial Differences in Immune Cells}, journal = {bioRxiv}, year = {2017}, }