MeSHDbi 1.30.0
- MeSH-related packages (, MeSH.db, MeSH.AOR.db, and MeSH.PCR.db) were deprecated.
- The distribution of each SQLite file has been changed to the AnnotationHub-style.
- By using MeSHDbi, we can convert SQLite files acquired by the AnnotationHub's query function into MeSH objects, which can then be used for analysis using MeSH-related packages as before.
- makeGeneMeSHPackage was deprecated.
- .loadMeSHDbiPkg was deprecated.
MeSHDbi 1.4.0
MeSHDbi 1.2.3
- dbBeginTransaction is changed to dbBegin caused by Hadley's specification of RSQLite
MeSHDbi 1.2.2
- Addition of "meshVersion" function to validate which version of MeSH is used
MeSHDbi 1.0.1
- documentation improvements
MeSHDbi 0.99.0