To cite the MSstatsTMT package in publications use: Huang, T., Choi, M., Tzouros, M., Golling, S., Pandya, N.J., Banfai, B., Dunkley, T. and Vitek, O. MSstatsTMT: Statistical detection of differentially abundant proteins in experiments with isobaric labeling and multiple mixtures. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (2020), 19(10), 1706-1723. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {MSstatsTMT: Statistical detection of differentially abundant proteins in experiments with isobaric labeling and multiple mixtures}, author = {Ting Huang and Meena Choi and Manuel Tzouros and Sabrina Golling and Nikhil Janak Pandya and Balazs Banfai and Tom Dunkley and Olga Vitek}, journal = {Molecular & Cellular Proteomics}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {1706-1723}, year = {2020}, }