Title: | Multi Omic Master Regulator Analysis |
Description: | This package implements the inference of candidate master regulator proteins from multi-omics' data (MOMA) algorithm, as well as ancillary analysis and visualization functions. |
Authors: | Evan Paull [aut], Sunny Jones [aut, cre], Mariano Alvarez [aut] |
Maintainer: | Sunny Jones <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.19.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-18 03:19:40 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/MOMA |
Integrate CNV scores
cnvScoreStouffer( mapping, diggit.interactions, cytoband = TRUE, from.p = FALSE, pos.nes.only = TRUE )
cnvScoreStouffer( mapping, diggit.interactions, cytoband = TRUE, from.p = FALSE, pos.nes.only = TRUE )
mapping |
a named vector of genomic locations/cytoband IDs. names are the gene names for each–i.e. a many to one mapping from HUGO or entrez IDs to cytoband location |
diggit.interactions |
list indexed by MR/TF name in Entrez Space each points to a named vector of NES / z-scores associated with entrez IDs for each interacting event. |
cytoband |
Boolean to use cytoband locations for computing final integrated score |
from.p |
Boolean, set TRUE if diggit.interaction values are p-values instead of z-scores |
pos.nes.only |
Boolean, only consider positive DIGGIT association scores when ranking candidate MRs (default=TRUE) |
A vector of z-scores, named by the Master Regulators in 'diggit.interactions'
MultiAssayExperiment Object containing all the genomic assays needed to run the example code for MOMA
An MultiAssayExperiment object with 4 different sets of GBM assays
matrix of viper scores with samples in columns and regulators across the rows
matrix of samples and genes with potential mutations. 0 for no mutation, 1 for presence of some non-silent mutation
matrix of samples and genes with copy number variant scores
Object containing information about the biological pathways that will be used in the analysis
A list of lists named "cindy" and "preppi" respectively
list of regulators, each with a set of modulators and p values representing their CINDY inferred association
list of regulators, each with a set of potential binding partners and PREPPi inferred p values for probability of binding
Table used for converting between different forms of gene information. Downloaded from HGNC's custom download portal using the "Approved Symbol", "NCBI Gene ID", "Chromosome" and "Ensembl Gene ID" curated data options and only those with "Approved" status. Updated December 2019.
A Data frame with 4 columns
Approved Symbol gene name
Chromosome location
Ensembl gene ID
@source https://www.genenames.org/download/custom/
Main function to generate the summary plots of the analysis
makeSaturationPlots( momaObj, clustering.solution = NULL, important.genes = NULL, fCNV = NULL, max.events = 30 )
makeSaturationPlots( momaObj, clustering.solution = NULL, important.genes = NULL, fCNV = NULL, max.events = 30 )
momaObj |
: momaObj that has already run the saturationCalculation function |
clustering.solution |
: clustering vector with sample names and cluster designations |
important.genes |
: vector of gene names to prioritize when plotting. Can be general genes of interest, oncogenes, tumor supressors etc |
fCNV |
: vector of confirmed functional CNVs if calculated. Will filter for only those CNVs |
max.events |
: maximum number of events to plot for the oncoplots |
object with both types of summary plot for each subtype
## Not run: makeSaturationPlots(momaObj, max.events = 20) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: makeSaturationPlots(momaObj, max.events = 20) ## End(Not run)
Convert from entrez ids to hugo gene names
entrez.ids |
: vector of entrez ids requires hugo2entrez to be loaded |
: vector of hugo gene names
mapEntrez(c("29974", "5728"))
mapEntrez(c("29974", "5728"))
Convert from hugo gene names to entrez ids
hugo.ids |
: vector of hugo gene names, requires hugo2entrez to be loaded |
: vector of entrez ids
Map scores to cytoband location
mapScoresCnvBand( mapping, diggit.interactions, from.p = FALSE, pos.nes.only = TRUE )
mapScoresCnvBand( mapping, diggit.interactions, from.p = FALSE, pos.nes.only = TRUE )
mapping |
a named vector of genomic locations/cytoband IDs. names are the gene names for each–i.e. a many to one mapping from HUGO or entrez IDs to cytoband location |
diggit.interactions |
list indexed by MR/TF name in Entrez Space |
from.p |
DIGGIT interactions are in p-value format instead of z-score (default=FALSE) |
pos.nes.only |
Only consider positive associations with NES scores (default=TRUE) each points to a named vector of NES / z-scores associated with entrez IDs for each interacting event. |
A list of input scores, now named by cytoband location
Main class encapsulating the input data and logic of the MOMA algorithm
matrix of inferred activity score inferred by viper
binary mutation matrix 1 for presence of mutation, 0 for not, NA if not determined
matrix of cnv values. Can be binary or a range.
binary matrix of fusion events if appliable
list of pathways/connections to consider as extra evidence in the analysis
character vector of genes to not include because of high mutation frequency
character vector of location to save files if desired
data frame of gene names, entrez ids and cytoband locations
field for saving Normalized Enrichment Matrices from the associate events step
field for saving the MR-interactions list
results from clustering are saved here
results field for ranking of MRs based on event association analysis
results field for saving events that have enough occurences to be considered
results field for genomic saturation analysis
results field for genomic saturation analysis
results field with the MRs determined to be the checkpoint for each cluster
field to save sample clustering vector. Numbers are cluster assignments, names are sample ids
clus.eval = c("reliability", "silhouette"),
use.parallel = FALSE,
cores = 1
Cluster the samples after applying the MOMA weights to the VIPER scores
genomic.event.types = c("amp", "del", "mut", "fus"),
cindy.only = FALSE
Make interaction web for significant MRs based on their associated events
use.cindy = TRUE,
genomic.event.types = c("amp", "del", "mut", "fus"),
use.parallel = FALSE,
cores = 1
Rank MRs based on DIGGIT scores and number of associated events
runDIGGIT(fCNV = NULL, cnvthr = 0.5, min.events = 4, verbose = FALSE)
Run DIGGIT association function to get associations for driver genomic events
clustering.solution = NULL,
cov.fraction = 0.85,
topN = 100,
verbose = FALSE
Calculate the number of MRs it takes to represent the desired coverage fraction of events
Create MOMA Object from either a MultiAssayExperiment object or a list of assays. See vignette for more information on how to set up and run the MOMA object
MomaConstructor( x, pathways, gene.blacklist = NA_character_, output.folder = NA_character_, gene.loc.mapping = gene.map, viperAssay = "viper", mutMat = "mut", cnvMat = "cnv", fusionMat = "fusion" )
MomaConstructor( x, pathways, gene.blacklist = NA_character_, output.folder = NA_character_, gene.loc.mapping = gene.map, viperAssay = "viper", mutMat = "mut", cnvMat = "cnv", fusionMat = "fusion" )
x |
A MultiAssayExerperiment object or list object with the following assays: (note: by default assays must have these exact names. Otherwise they can be changed using the viperAssay, mutMat, cnvMat and fusionMat parameters.)
pathways |
A named list of lists. Each named list represents interactions between proteins (keys) and their associated partners |
gene.blacklist |
A vector of genes to exclude from the analysis |
output.folder |
Location to store output and intermediate results |
gene.loc.mapping |
A data.frame of band locations and Entrez IDs |
viperAssay |
name associated with the viper assay in the assay object |
mutMat |
name associated with the mutation matrix in the assay object |
cnvMat |
name associated with the cnv matrix in the assay object |
fusionMat |
name associated with the fusion matrix in the assay object |
an instance of class Moma
momaObj <- MomaConstructor(example.gbm.mae, gbm.pathways)
momaObj <- MomaConstructor(example.gbm.mae, gbm.pathways)
List of genes to not include in the DIGGIT mutation inference because they have been found to be mutated more often than expected by chance given background mutation processes.
A character vector of Entrez Gene IDs
Retain TCGA sample ids without the final letter designation ('A/B/C')
sampleNameFilter(input, desired.len = 15)
sampleNameFilter(input, desired.len = 15)
input |
Matrix of expression or protein activity scores. Columns are sample names, rows are genes. Input can also just be an input vector of sample names. |
desired.len |
length to reduce strings to. Default is 15 because of TCGA naming conventions |
An identical matrix with new (shorter) column names, or a vector with the shortened names.
sample.names <- c("TCGA-14-1825-01A", "TCGA-76-4931-01B", "TCGA-06-5418-01A") sampleNameFilter(sample.names)
sample.names <- c("TCGA-14-1825-01A", "TCGA-76-4931-01B", "TCGA-06-5418-01A") sampleNameFilter(sample.names)
dispatch method for either CNV location corrected or SNV
stoufferIntegrate(interactions, cytoband.map = NULL)
stoufferIntegrate(interactions, cytoband.map = NULL)
interactions |
List of MR - Genomic Event interactions, inferred by DIGGIT |
cytoband.map |
Data.frame mapping Entrez.IDs to cytoband locations |
Z-scores for each MR
This function combines only positively associated DIGGIT scores by default to create a culmulative DIGGIT score for each cMR.
stoufferIntegrateDiggit(interactions, from.p = FALSE, pos.nes.only = TRUE)
stoufferIntegrateDiggit(interactions, from.p = FALSE, pos.nes.only = TRUE)
interactions |
A list indexed by TF, includes z-scores or p-values for each interacting event |
from.p |
Integrate p-values or z-scores (default z-scores; from.p = FALSE) |
pos.nes.only |
Use only positive NES scores to rank proteins (default TRUE) |
A list indexed by TF, a stouffer integrated z-score