MLP 1.43.1
- getGeneSets: add 'Rhesus' to 'species' (available only for 'GOBP', 'GOMF', 'GOCC' or 'KEGG')
MLP 1.39.1
- use Imports rather than Depends
- use Authors@R
- KEGG.db (not available from BioC >= 3.13) -> KEGGREST
- getGeneSets: only return descriptions for selected pathways
- update example gene set
MLP 1.21.1
- mlpBarplot: add ylab, cex, use title instead of mtext to set title
- plotGOgraph: add nCutDescPath, replace '\\\n' by \n', add error when graphs without edges
MLP 1.5.2
- remove require(mouse4302mmentrezg.db) calls to keep R CMD check from giving inappropriate warnings
MLP 1.5.0
- update exampleGeneSet.rda using GO.db for BioC 2.11
MLP 1.4.2
- further improvements in getGeneSets and addGeneSetDescription
MLP 1.4.1
- better checks on geneSetSource in getGeneSets
MLP 1.3.0
- update using new annotation packages
- move to roxygen2
MLP 1.2.1
- also export addGeneSetDescription
MLP 1.2.0
MLP 1.1.1
- update using new annotation packages
- apply changes to column permutations (contributed by Heather Turner)
MLP 0.99.5
- further adaptations for use with the reactome.db package
MLP 0.99.4
- adapt MLP for use with the reactome.db package (Willem Ligtenberg)
MLP 0.99.3
- fix mlpBarplot (p values equal to 0) reported and patched by Willem Ligtenberg
MLP 0.99.2
- fix bug in plotGeneSetSignificance (barColors argument)
MLP 0.99.1
- fix mouse4302.db dependency of vignette
MLP 0.99.0
- no longer export utility functions
MLP 0.0-14
- add examples to help pages
MLP 0.0-13
MLP 0.0-12
- fix main title handling in plotGOgraph
- fix main title handling for mlpBarplot in case the geneSetSource are external data (data frame)
MLP 0.0-11
- fix in plotGeneSetSignificance (psids)
- typo NEWS file
MLP 0.0-10
- updated vignette
- change argument criticalValues of the MLP function to probabilityVector
- trivial change example data set
MLP 0.0-9
- updated default grey scales for plot(., type = "barplot")
- default grey for plotGeneSetSignificance set to 'grey50'
- substantial improvement to vignette (An)
- uniform use of 'main' argument for main titles in plot functions
MLP 0.0-8
- add Dog species funcionality to getGeneSets (public GO and KEGG annotation only)
- getGeneSets: replace eset argument by entrezIdentifiers argument
- use geneSetSource instead of pathwaySource for uniformity across
all functions (most notably getGeneSets)
- plot(., type = "barplot") now allows for specifying colors for the bars
(barColors argument) and includes fix
- fix colors and legend for plot(., type = "GOgraph")
- added plotGeneSetSignificance
- impose character type for geneSetDescription in MLP output (instead of factor)
MLP 0.0-7
- add type = "GOgraph" to the plot method for MLP objects
- rudimentary draft for vignette included
MLP 0.0-6
- store pathwaySource information in MLP output object
- integrate addGeneSetDescription into MLP function and adapt mlpBarplot accordingly
- remove plot argument from quantileCurves (argument was not used)
- introduce plot method with support for type = "barplot" and type = "quantileCurves"
MLP 0.0-5
- goAnnotation replaced by the more general getGeneSets (for other pathway sources than the GO data base)
- added mlpBarplot
MLP 0.0-4
- significant speedups for goAnnotation and addGeneSetDescription
- renamed summary.MLP to addGeneSetDescription
- add support for dogs
- documentation fixes
- remove (deprecated) goInputMLP
- remove dead code in goAnnotation
- remove pperm, tStatistic and their utility functions (limma being preferred)
MLP 0.0-3
- fix probeset names (exclude non-numeric ones)
MLP 0.0-2
MLP 0.0-1