To cite package 'MEDME' in publications use: Mattia Pelizzola, Yasuo Koga, Alexander Eckehart Urban, Michael Krauthammer, Sherman Weissman, Ruth Halaban and Annette M. Molinaro; MEDME: An experimental and analytical methodology for the estimation of DNA methylation levels based on microarray derived MeDIP-enrichment; Genome Research, 2008 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {MEDME: An experimental and analytical methodology for the estimation of DNA methylation levels based on microarray derived MeDIP-enrichment}, author = {Mattia Pelizzola and Yasuo Koga and Alexander Eckehart Urban and Michael Krauthammer and Sherman Weissman and Ruth Halaban and Annette Molinaro}, journal = {Genome Research}, year = {2008}, note = {R package version 1.65.0}, }