To cite package 'KEGGgraph' in publications please use: Jitao David Zhang and Stefan Wiemann (2009) \emph{KEGGgraph: a graph approach to KEGG PATHWAY in R and Bioconductor}. Bioinformatics, 25(11):1470--1471 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {KEGGgraph: a graph approach to KEGG PATHWAY in R and Bioconductor}, author = {Jitao David Zhang and Stefan Wiemann}, year = {2009}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, volumn = {25}, number = {11}, pages = {1470--1471}, } Jitao David Zhang (2022). KEGGgraph: Application ExamplesR package version 1.65.0. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {KEGGgraph: Application Examples}, author = {Jitao David Zhang}, year = {2022}, note = {R package version 1.65.0}, }