IPO 1.21.2
- move examples from mzData to mzML after xcms dropped mzData support
(thx to @sneumann)
IPO 1.7.5
- added usage of clustering method FORK on unix-systems (thanks to Pablo Moreno)
- fixed bug in parallelization to prevent conflicts with package 'snow'
IPO 1.7.4
- preceded parallel-functions with 'parallel::' to use right package
- fixed bug in function writeRScript using 'loess' retention time cor.
- decreased runtime for R CMD check IPO
IPO 1.7.3
- added runnable examples
- decreased size of pictures in vignettes/rsmDirectory
- decreased runtime for unit-tests
- replaces expand.grid with expand.grid.subset (in utils.R)
IPO 1.7.2
- bugfix: try to prevent error in calcPPS possibly caused by NAs
- replaced cat() and print() calls with message()
IPO 1.7.1
- checking correlation of peak-shape with sinus curve (-pi/2 to pi*1.5), normal distribution or checkBorderIntensity
- findIsotopes.IPO renamed parameter checkBorderIntensity to checkPeakShape
- performance improvement calcPPS for checkPeakShape=FALSE
- calculating xcmsSet-object and respective PPS for each DoE. (PPS is not estimated from rsm anymore)
- additionally forwarding nSlaves for xcmsSet-function (also see getDefaultXcmsSetStartingParams())
IPO 1.7.0
- added support for XCMS-method retcor.loess
- updated help files
- changed return value of getRGTVValues
- adapted unit tests
- parameter scanrange for XCMS-methods findPeaks can be set
but not optimized
IPO 1.6.2
- Updated the function getNormalizedResponse() to prevent NAs
IPO 1.6.1
- Added installation script and installation description in vignette
IPO 1.6
- Added support of CAMERA isotope identification (findIsotopes.CAMERA)
- selectivity of findIsotopes.IPO may be increased if checkBorderIntensity
is set to TRUE: 'maxo' of each peak of an isotopologue must be three
times higher than the intensities at 'rtmin' and 'rtmax'
- simplified return value of calcPPS() to vector with meaningful names
- changed getDefaultXcmsSetStartingParams() for min_peakdwidth = c(12, 28)
and for ppm to c(17, 32)
- using predict() to identify best levels and expand.grid to generate testdata for model
IPO 1.5.7
- supporting single parameter optimization. Only basic version with
redundant levels in consecutive DoEs
- removed integer-rounding in maximum focusing for all findPeaks
parameters except prefilter(I) and steps
- Update documentation to match code
- Remove use of getwd() preventing absolute subdir paths
IPO 1.5.6
- updated vignette
- generally using Central-Composite design instead of Box-Behnken design
- fixed bug when defining subdir=NULL in functions optimizeXcmsSet and optimizeRetGroup
- modified unit tests to handle versions > 1.5.6
- added function writeRScript to NAMESPACE export
- updated man for optimizeXcmsSet and optimizeRetGroup
IPO 1.5.5
- increased recall of reliable peaks in calcPPS. Changed exponent for PPS calculation from 1.5 to 2
- remove file lookup in optimizeXcmsSet, and leave that to xcmsSet()
- explicitely use serial evaluation if nSlaves=1, to help debugging
- remove dependency on Rmpi
- added examples from msdata
- fix Depends, imports and library() and require() calls
- packaged script
- changed method name attachparams to attachList
- changed method name calculateRGTV to getRGTVValues
- changed method name getDefaultStartingXcmsParams to getDefaultXcmsSetStartingParams
- changed method name typeCastFactor to typeCastParams
- changed method name writeRSkript to writeRScript
- changed the parameter name n_slaves to nSlaves
- resultIncreased: if last optimization score was 0, no isotopes have been found hence
the dataset is not optimizable with IPO.
- added man files for attachList, calcPPS, combineParams, createModel, decode, decodeAll,
encode, getBbdParameter, getCcdParameter,
getDefaultRetCorCenterSample, getDefaultRetGroupStartingParams, getDefaultXcmsSetStartingParams,
getNormalizedResponse, getRGTVValues, IPO-package, optimizeRetGroup, optimizeXcmsSet,
startSlaves, toMatrix, typeCastParams
- removed xcmsSetsettingsAsString.R
- getResponses: now able to handle NULL value for slices parameter
- calcPPS: peaks with NA values are removed before isotopes identification
- if subdir is NULL, no rsm's are saved
- optimizeXcmsSet: lowere minimum value for min_peakwith from 5 to 3
#IPO_V1.5.4.3: * LIP calculation in calcPPS fixed
#IPO_V1.5.4.2: * added initial parameter check
# * renamed all factor-variables to params
# * in optimizeXcmsSet: - also look for mzML-files
# - check if files were found
# * bug in optimization for matchedFilter fixed; sigma and mzdiff have to be
# definded later (combineFactors()) when sigma and step as well as steps are already known
#IPO_V1.5.4.1: changes in calcPPS:
# rt_window <- rt * 0.005
# rt_lower <- part_peaks[,"rt"] - rt_window
# rt_upper <- part_peaks[,"rt"] + rt_window
#IPO_V1.5.4: if bad_group == 0; bad_group = 1 && good_group += 1
#IPO_V1.5.3: no parameter for isotope detection.
# c13_peak[,"mz"] has to be within (mzmin + isotope_mass) and (mzmax + isotope_mass)
# c13_peak[,"rt"] has to be within (rtmin + isotope_mass) and (rtmax + isotope_mass)
#IPO_V1.5.: in RCSandGSIncreased: also used good_groups ^ 2
#IPO_V1.4.: vectorized isotope identification;
# no intensity window, between intensity of max carbon and 1
#IPO_V1.3.: good_groups ^ 2 to increase recall
IPO 1.5.1
- fix error in plotting to graphic device with too small margins (#53)
(thx to @sneumann)
IPO 1.4.0
IPO 1.3.3
User visible
- new 'plot'-parameter for 'optimizeXcmsSet' and 'optimizeRetGroup' to
control plotting (#51)
IPO 1.3.2
- bug fix #50: correct peaks-matrix, to handle xcms bug (sneumann/xcms#220)
for older xcms-versions
- test order of parameters to optimize
IPO 1.3.1
- bug fix regarding conflict of BPPARAM and nSlaves arguments (thx to @lauzikaite)
IPO 1.2.0
IPO 1.1.2
- vignette updated
- plot margins omitted
IPO 1.1.1
- use package BiocParallel (via argument 'BPPARAM') instead of 'nSlaves'
to controll 'xcms'-parallelization
- depends on xcms >= 1.50.0
- formatting 'writeRScript' to output more beautifully
IPO 1.1.0
- merge Bioconductor 1.0.0 release code with Github code.
IPO 1.0.0
- Biocondcutor release 3.4
After version 1.7.5 IPO was put on Biocondcutor. After that the
versioning schema changes to meet the Bioconductor version numbering
and starts with 1.0.0.