HicAggR 1.1.2
- minor fix in doc for preparePlotgardener
HicAggR 1.1.1
- HicAggR is now on bioconductor release 3_19
- added a minor fix to ExtractSubmatrix when using GRanges
object to extract, retain only GRanges with seqnames that
are present in hicList
- added preparePlotgardener function to generate a data.frame
that can be directly used in plotgardener's plotHicTriangle,
plotHicRectangle and plotHicSquare directly
HicAggR 0.99.7
HicAggR 0.99.6
- default set column names in OrientateMatrix are now removed,
this is for ggAPA
- ggAPA: "rf" mode has it's own customized axes labels now
- added introduction to the package's vignette
HicAggR 0.99.5
- added option to remove duplicated submatrices in SearchPairs
HicAggR 0.99.4
HicAggR 0.99.3
- NAMESPACE was generated with roxygen2 to define exportable functions.
- CompareToBackground: to correct the skewedness of o/e values towards long distances,
computation of z.scores is now calculated using residuals from a polynomial
model that fits the background couples (log(counts)~distance).
- SearchPairs: added option to remove self interacting bins.
- all internal functions are now in utilities.R.
- Docs were reviewed.
HicAggR 0.99.2
- Implemented import of corrected matrices for data in .hic and cool/mcool format.
- Implemented import of O/E matrix for data in .hic format.
- Implemented import of raw data in .h5 format.
- Added GetInfo function to get info on a hic data (.hic, cool/mcool/h5 formats).
- Removed dependency to BSDA::z.test in CompareToBackground.
- Removed dependency to InteractionSet and added it as package to import in NAMESPACE to remove the PackageStartUpMessages.
- Removed chatty package start up message and replaced it with nicer message.
- Some BiocCheck NOTES were also takedn into consideration: changing sapply to vapply etc.
HicAggR 0.99.1
- Corrected with Bioconductor's reviews
- Added PrepareMtxList, ImportLoops, plotMultiAPA & CompareToBackground functions
- Corrected bugs on seqlevels consistancy and name column for GRanges objects
- Encapsulated small and internal functions in utilities.R
- ExtractSubMatrix has option to remove duplicated submatrices
- Corrected quantilization operations in Aggregation
- Corrected over all code with suggestions from BiocCheck
HicAggR 0.99.0
- Submitted to Bioconductor