Package 'GeneSelectMMD'

Title: Gene selection based on the marginal distributions of gene profiles that characterized by a mixture of three-component multivariate distributions
Description: Gene selection based on a mixture of marginal distributions.
Authors: Jarrett Morrow <[email protected]>, Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>, Wenqing He <[email protected]>, Xiaogang Wang <[email protected]>, Ross Lazarus <[email protected]>.
Maintainer: Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 2.51.0
Built: 2025-01-28 04:23:27 UTC

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Calculating FDR, FNDR, FPR, and FNR for a real microarray data set


Calculating FDR, FNDR, FPR, and FNR for a real microarray data set based on the mixture of marginal distributions.





an object returned by gsMMD, gsMMD.default, gsMMD2, or gsMMD2.default


We first fit the real microarray data set by the mixture of marginal distributions. Then we calculate the error rates based on the posterior distributions of a gene belonging to a gene cluster given its gene profiles. Please refer to Formula (7) on the page 6 of the paper listed in the Reference section.


A vector of 4 elements:


the percentage of nondifferentially expressed genes among selected genes.


the percentage of differentially expressed genes among unselected genes.


the percentage of selected genes among nondifferentially expressed genes


the percentage of un-selected genes among differentially expressed genes


Jarrett Morrow [email protected], Weiliang Qiu [email protected], Wenqing He [email protected], Xiaogang Wang [email protected], Ross Lazarus [email protected]


Qiu, W.-L., He, W., Wang, X.-G. and Lazarus, R. (2008). A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 4(1):Article 20.


## Not run: 
    eSet1 <- ALL[1:100, ALL$BT == "B3" | ALL$BT == "T2"]
    mem.str <- as.character(eSet1$BT)
    nSubjects <- length(mem.str)
    memSubjects <- rep(0,nSubjects)
    # B3 coded as 0, T2 coded as 1
    memSubjects[mem.str == "T2"] <- 1
    obj.gsMMD <- gsMMD(eSet1, memSubjects, transformFlag = TRUE, 
      transformMethod = "boxcox", scaleFlag = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
    round(errRates(obj.gsMMD), 3)
## End(Not run)

Gene selection based on a mixture of marginal distributions


Gene selection based on the marginal distributions of gene profiles that characterized by a mixture of three-component multivariate distributions. Input is an object derived from the class ExpressionSet. The function will obtain initial gene cluster membership by its own.


      maxFlag = TRUE, 
      thrshPostProb = 0.5, 
      geneNames = NULL, 
      alpha = 0.05, 
      iniGeneMethod = "Ttest", 
      transformFlag = FALSE, 
      transformMethod = "boxcox", 
      scaleFlag = TRUE, 
      criterion = c("cor", "skewness", "kurtosis"), 
      minL = -10, 
      maxL = 10, 
      stepL = 0.1, 
      eps = 0.001, 
      ITMAX = 100, 
      plotFlag = FALSE,



an object derived from the class ExpressionSet which contains the matrix of gene expression levels. The rows of the matrix are genes. The columns of the matrix are subjects.


a vector of membership of subjects. memSubjects[i]=1 means the ii-th subject belongs to diseased group, 00 otherwise.


logical. Indicate how to assign gene class membership. maxFlag=TRUE means that a gene will be assigned to a class in which the posterior probability of the gene belongs to this class is maximum. maxFlag=FALSE means that a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. Similarly, a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. If the posterior probability is less than thrshPostProb, the gene will be assigned to class 2 (non-differentially expressed gene group).


threshold for posterior probabilities. For example, if the posterior probability that a gene belongs to cluster 1 given its gene expression levels is larger than thrshPostProb, then this gene will be assigned to cluster 1.


an optional character vector of gene names


significant level which is equal to 1-conf.level, conf.level is the argument for the function t.test.


method to get initial 3-cluster partition of genes. Available methods are: “Ttest”, “Wilcox”.


logical. Indicate if data transformation is needed


method for transforming data. Available methods include "boxcox", "log2", "log10", "log", "none".


logical. Indicate if gene profiles are to be scaled to have mean zero and variance one. If transformFlag=TRUE and scaleFlag=TRUE, then scaling is performed after transformation. To avoid linear dependence of tissue samples after scaling gene profiles, we delete one tissue sample after scaling (c.f. details).


if transformFlag=TRUE, criterion indicates what criterion to determine if data looks like normal. “cor” means using Pearson's correlation. The idea is that the observed quantiles after transformation should be close to theoretical normal quantiles. So we can use Pearson's correlation to check if the scatter plot of theoretical normal quantiles versus observed quantiles is a straightline. “skewness” means using skewness measure to check if the distribution of the transformed data are close to normal distribution; “kurtosis” means using kurtosis measure to check normality.


lower limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


upper limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


tolerance when searching the optimal lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


a small positive value. If the absolute value of a value is smaller than eps, this value is regarded as zero.


maximum iteration allowed for iterations in the EM algorithm


logical. Indicate if the Box-Cox normality plot should be output.


logical. Indicate if intermediate results should be printed out.


We assume that the distribution of gene expression profiles is a mixture of 3-component multivariate normal distributions k=13πkfk(xθ)\sum_{k=1}^{3} \pi_k f_k(x|\theta). Each component distribution fkf_k corresponds to a gene cluster. The 3 components correspond to 3 gene clusters: (1) up-regulated gene cluster, (2) non-differentially expressed gene cluster, and (3) down-regulated gene cluster. The model parameter vector is θ=(π1\theta=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, π3\pi_3, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, ρc1\rho_{c1}, μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, ρn1\rho_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, ρ2\rho_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, ρc3\rho_{c3}, μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, ρn3\rho_{n3}. where π1\pi_1, π2\pi_2, and π3\pi_3 are the mixing proportions; μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, and ρc1\rho_{c1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, and ρn1\rho_{n1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects; μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, and ρ2\rho_2 are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 2 (non-differentially expressed genes); μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, and ρc3\rho_{c3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, and ρn3\rho_{n3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects.

Note that genes in cluster 2 are non-differentially expressed across abnormal and normal tissue samples. Hence there are only 3 parameters for cluster 2.

To make sure the identifiability, we set the following contraints: μc1>μn1\mu_{c1}>\mu_{n1} and μc3<μn3\mu_{c3}<\mu_{n3}.

To make sure the marginal covariance matrices are poisitive definite, we set the following contraints: 1/(nc1)<ρc1<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c1}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn1<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n1}<1, 1/(n1)<ρ2<1-1/(n-1)<\rho_{2}<1, 1/(nc1)<ρc3<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c3}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn3<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n3}<1.

We also has the following constraints for the mixing proportion: π3=1π1π2\pi_3=1-\pi_1-\pi_2, πk>0\pi_k>0, k=1,2,3k=1,2,3.

We apply the EM algorithm to estimate the model parameters. We regard the cluster membership of genes as missing values.

To facilitate the estimation of the parameters, we reparametrize the parameter vector as θ=(π1\theta^*=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, rc1r_{c1}, δn1\delta_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, rn1r_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, r2r_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, rc3r_{c3}, δn3\delta_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, rn3)r_{n3}), where μn1=μc1exp(δn1)\mu_{n1}=\mu_{c1}-\exp(\delta_{n1}), μn3=μc3+exp(δn3)\mu_{n3}=\mu_{c3}+\exp(\delta_{n3}), ρc1=(exp(rc1)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc1))\rho_{c1}=(\exp(r_{c1})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c1})), ρn1=(exp(rn1)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn1))\rho_{n1}=(\exp(r_{n1})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n1})), ρ2=(exp(r2)1/(n1))/(1+exp(r2))\rho_{2}=(\exp(r_{2})-1/(n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{2})), ρc3=(exp(rc3)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc3))\rho_{c3}=(\exp(r_{c3})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c3})), ρn3=(exp(rn3)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn3))\rho_{n3}=(\exp(r_{n3})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n3})).

Given a gene, the expression levels of the gene are assumed independent. However, after scaling, the scaled expression levels of the gene are no longer independent and the rank r=r1r^*=r-1 of the covariance matrix for the scaled gene profile will be one less than the rank rr for the un-scaled gene profile Hence the covariance matrix of the gene profile will no longer be positive-definite. To avoid this problem, we delete a tissue sample after scaling since its information has been incorrporated by other scaled tissue samples. We arbitrarily select the tissue sample, which has the biggest label number, from the tissue sample group that has larger size than the other tissue sample group. For example, if there are 6 cancer tissue samples and 10 normal tissue samples, we delete the 10-th normal tissue sample after scaling.


A list contains 18 elements.


the (transformed) microarray data matrix. If tranformation performed, then dat will be different from the input microarray data matrix.


the same as the input memSubjects.


a vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means up-regulated gene; 22 means non-differentially expressed gene; 33 means down-regulated gene.


an variant of the vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means differentially expressed gene; 00 means non-differentially expressed gene.


parameter estimates (c.f. details).


value of the loglikelihood function.


posterior probability that a gene belongs to a cluster given the expression levels of this gene. Column i is for cluster i.


posterior probability matrix for different initial gene selection methods.


a matrix of initial cluster membership of genes.


a matrix of parameter estimates based on initial gene cluster membership.


a vector of values of loglikelihood function.


a matrix of cluster membership of genes based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


a matrix of parameter estimates based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


a vector of values of loglikelihood function based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


the parameter used to do Box-Cox transformation


parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector (c.f. details).


a matrix of parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector based on initial gene cluster membership.


a matrix of parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


The speed of the program can be slow for large data sets, however it has been improved using Fortran code.


Jarrett Morrow [email protected], Weiliang Qiu [email protected], Wenqing He [email protected], Xiaogang Wang [email protected], Ross Lazarus [email protected]


Qiu, W.-L., He, W., Wang, X.-G. and Lazarus, R. (2008). A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 4(1):Article 20.

See Also

gsMMD.default, gsMMD2, gsMMD2.default


      eSet1 <- ALL[1:100, ALL$BT == "B3" | ALL$BT == "T2"]
      mem.str <- as.character(eSet1$BT)
      nSubjects <- length(mem.str)
      memSubjects <- rep(0,nSubjects)
      # B3 coded as 0, T2 coded as 1
      memSubjects[mem.str == "T2"] <- 1
      obj.gsMMD <- gsMMD(eSet1, memSubjects, transformFlag = TRUE, 
        transformMethod = "boxcox", scaleFlag = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
      round(obj.gsMMD$para, 3)

Gene selection based on a mixture of marginal distributions


Gene selection based on the marginal distributions of gene profiles that characterized by a mixture of three-component multivariate distributions. Input is a data matrix. The function will obtain initial gene cluster membership by its own.


              maxFlag = TRUE, 
              thrshPostProb = 0.5, 
              geneNames = NULL, 
              alpha = 0.05, 
              iniGeneMethod = "Ttest", 
              transformFlag = FALSE, 
              transformMethod = "boxcox", 
              scaleFlag = TRUE, 
              criterion = c("cor", "skewness", "kurtosis"), 
              minL = -10, 
              maxL = 10, 
              stepL = 0.1, 
              eps = 0.001, 
              ITMAX = 100, 
              plotFlag = FALSE,



a data matrix. The rows of the matrix are genes. The columns of the matrix are subjects.


a vector of membership of subjects. memSubjects[i]=1 means the ii-th subject belongs to diseased group, 00 otherwise.


logical. Indicate how to assign gene class membership. maxFlag=TRUE means that a gene will be assigned to a class in which the posterior probability of the gene belongs to this class is maximum. maxFlag=FALSE means that a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. Similarly, a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. If the posterior probability is less than thrshPostProb, the gene will be assigned to class 2 (non-differentially expressed gene group).


threshold for posterior probabilities. For example, if the posterior probability that a gene belongs to cluster 1 given its gene expression levels is larger than thrshPostProb, then this gene will be assigned to cluster 1.


an optional character vector of gene names


significant level which is equal to 1-conf.level, conf.level is the argument for the function t.test.


method to get initial 3-cluster partition of genes. Available methods are: “Ttest”, “Wilcox”.


logical. Indicate if data transformation is needed


method for transforming data. Available methods include "boxcox", "log2", "log10", "log", "none".


logical. Indicate if gene profiles are to be scaled. If transformFlag=TRUE and scaleFlag=TRUE, then scaling is performed after transformation. To avoid linear dependence of tissue samples after scaling gene profiles, we delete one tissue sample after scaling (c.f. details).


if transformFlag=TRUE, criterion indicates what criterion to determine if data looks like normal. “cor” means using Pearson's correlation. The idea is that the observed quantiles after transformation should be close to theoretical normal quantiles. So we can use Pearson's correlation to check if the scatter plot of theoretical normal quantiles versus observed quantiles is a straightline. “skewness” means using skewness measure to check if the distribution of the transformed data are close to normal distribution; “kurtosis” means using kurtosis measure to check normality.


lower limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


upper limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


tolerance when searching the optimal lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


a small positive value. If the absolute value of a value is smaller than eps, this value is regarded as zero.


maximum iteration allowed for iterations in the EM algorithm


logical. Indicate if the Box-Cox normality plot should be output.


logical. Indicate if intermediate results should be printed out.


We assume that the distribution of gene expression profiles is a mixture of 3-component multivariate normal distributions k=13πkfk(xθ)\sum_{k=1}^{3} \pi_k f_k(x|\theta). Each component distribution fkf_k corresponds to a gene cluster. The 3 components correspond to 3 gene clusters: (1) up-regulated gene cluster, (2) non-differentially expressed gene cluster, and (3) down-regulated gene cluster. The model parameter vector is θ=(π1\theta=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, π3\pi_3, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, ρc1\rho_{c1}, μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, ρn1\rho_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, ρ2\rho_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, ρc3\rho_{c3}, μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, ρn3\rho_{n3}. where π1\pi_1, π2\pi_2, and π3\pi_3 are the mixing proportions; μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, and ρc1\rho_{c1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, and ρn1\rho_{n1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects; μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, and ρ2\rho_2 are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 2 (non-differentially expressed genes); μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, and ρc3\rho_{c3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, and ρn3\rho_{n3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects.

Note that genes in cluster 2 are non-differentially expressed across abnormal and normal tissue samples. Hence there are only 3 parameters for cluster 2.

To make sure the identifiability, we set the following contraints: μc1>μn1\mu_{c1}>\mu_{n1} and μc3<μn3\mu_{c3}<\mu_{n3}.

To make sure the marginal covariance matrices are poisitive definite, we set the following contraints: 1/(nc1)<ρc1<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c1}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn1<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n1}<1, 1/(n1)<ρ2<1-1/(n-1)<\rho_{2}<1, 1/(nc1)<ρc3<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c3}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn3<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n3}<1.

We also has the following constraints for the mixing proportion: π3=1π1π2\pi_3=1-\pi_1-\pi_2, πk>0\pi_k>0, k=1,2,3k=1,2,3.

We apply the EM algorithm to estimate the model parameters. We regard the cluster membership of genes as missing values.

To facilitate the estimation of the parameters, we reparametrize the parameter vector as θ=(π1\theta^*=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, rc1r_{c1}, δn1\delta_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, rn1r_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, r2r_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, rc3r_{c3}, δn3\delta_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, rn3)r_{n3}), where μn1=μc1exp(δn1)\mu_{n1}=\mu_{c1}-\exp(\delta_{n1}), μn3=μc3+exp(δn3)\mu_{n3}=\mu_{c3}+\exp(\delta_{n3}), ρc1=(exp(rc1)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc1))\rho_{c1}=(\exp(r_{c1})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c1})), ρn1=(exp(rn1)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn1))\rho_{n1}=(\exp(r_{n1})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n1})), ρ2=(exp(r2)1/(n1))/(1+exp(r2))\rho_{2}=(\exp(r_{2})-1/(n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{2})), ρc3=(exp(rc3)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc3))\rho_{c3}=(\exp(r_{c3})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c3})), ρn3=(exp(rn3)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn3))\rho_{n3}=(\exp(r_{n3})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n3})).

Given a gene, the expression levels of the gene are assumed independent. However, after scaling, the scaled expression levels of the gene are no longer independent and the rank r=r1r^*=r-1 of the covariance matrix for the scaled gene profile will be one less than the rank rr for the un-scaled gene profile Hence the covariance matrix of the gene profile will no longer be positive-definite. To avoid this problem, we delete a tissue sample after scaling since its information has been incorrporated by other scaled tissue samples. We arbitrarily select the tissue sample, which has the biggest label number, from the tissue sample group that has larger size than the other tissue sample group. For example, if there are 6 cancer tissue samples and 10 normal tissue samples, we delete the 10-th normal tissue sample after scaling.


A list contains 18 elements.


the (transformed) microarray data matrix. If tranformation performed, then dat will be different from the input microarray data matrix.


the same as the input memSubjects.


a vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means up-regulated gene; 22 means non-differentially expressed gene; 33 means down-regulated gene.


an variant of the vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means differentially expressed gene; 00 means non-differentially expressed gene.


parameter estimates (c.f. details).


value of the loglikelihood function.


posterior probability that a gene belongs to a cluster given the expression levels of this gene. Column i is for cluster i.


posterior probability matrix for different initial gene selection methods.


a matrix of initial cluster membership of genes.


a matrix of parameter estimates based on initial gene cluster membership.


a vector of values of loglikelihood function.


a matrix of cluster membership of genes based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


a matrix of parameter estimates based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


a vector of values of loglikelihood function based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


the parameter used to do Box-Cox transformation


parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector (c.f. details).


a matrix of parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector based on initial gene cluster membership.


a matrix of parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector based on the mixture of marginal models with initial parameter estimates obtained initial gene cluster membership.


The speed of the program can be slow for large data sets, however it has been improved using Fortran code.


Jarrett Morrow [email protected], Weiliang Qiu [email protected], Wenqing He [email protected], Xiaogang Wang [email protected], Ross Lazarus [email protected]


Qiu, W.-L., He, W., Wang, X.-G. and Lazarus, R. (2008). A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 4(1):Article 20.

See Also

gsMMD, gsMMD2, gsMMD2.default


## Not run: 
    eSet1 <- ALL[1:100, ALL$BT == "B3" | ALL$BT == "T2"]
    mat <- exprs(eSet1)
    mem.str <- as.character(eSet1$BT)
    nSubjects <- length(mem.str)
    memSubjects <- rep(0,nSubjects)
    # B3 coded as 0, T2 coded as 1
    memSubjects[mem.str == "T2"] <- 1
    obj.gsMMD <- gsMMD.default(mat, memSubjects, iniGeneMethod = "Ttest",
            transformFlag = TRUE, transformMethod = "boxcox", scaleFlag = TRUE)
    round(obj.gsMMD$para, 3)
## End(Not run)

Gene selection based on a mixture of marginal distributions


Gene selection based on the marginal distributions of gene profiles that characterized by a mixture of three-component multivariate distributions. Input is an object derived from the class ExpressionSet. The user needs to provide initial gene cluster membership.


       maxFlag = TRUE, 
       thrshPostProb = 0.5, 
       geneNames = NULL, 
       alpha = 0.05, 
       transformFlag = FALSE, 
       transformMethod = "boxcox", 
       scaleFlag = TRUE, 
       criterion = c("cor", "skewness", "kurtosis"), 
       minL = -10, 
       maxL = 10, 
       stepL = 0.1, 
       eps = 0.001, 
       ITMAX = 100, 
       plotFlag = FALSE,



an object derived from the class ExpressionSet which contains the matrix of gene expression levels. The rows of the matrix are genes. The columns of the matrix are subjects.


a vector of membership of subjects. memSubjects[i]=1 means that the ii-th subject belongs to diseased group, 00 otherwise.


a vector of user-provided gene cluster membership.


logical. Indicate how to assign gene class membership. maxFlag=TRUE means that a gene will be assigned to a class in which the posterior probability of the gene belongs to this class is maximum. maxFlag=FALSE means that a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. Similarly, a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. If the posterior probability is less than thrshPostProb, the gene will be assigned to class 2 (non-differentially expressed gene group).


threshold for posterior probabilities. For example, if the posterior probability that a gene belongs to cluster 1 given its gene expression levels is larger than thrshPostProb, then this gene will be assigned to cluster 1.


an optional character vector of gene names


significant level which is equal to 1-conf.level, conf.level is the argument for the function t.test.


logical. Indicate if data transformation is needed


method for transforming data. Available methods include "boxcox", "log2", "log10", "log", "none".


logical. Indicate if gene profiles are to be scaled. If transformFlag=TRUE and scaleFlag=TRUE, then scaling is performed after transformation. To avoid linear dependence of tissue samples after scaling gene profiles, we delete one tissue sample after scaling (c.f. details).


if transformFlag=TRUE, criterion indicates what criterion to determine if data looks like normal. “cor” means using Pearson's correlation. The idea is that the observed quantiles after transformation should be close to theoretical normal quantiles. So we can use Pearson's correlation to check if the scatter plot of theoretical normal quantiles versus observed quantiles is a straightline. “skewness” means using skewness measure to check if the distribution of the transformed data are close to normal distribution; “kurtosis” means using kurtosis measure to check normality.


lower limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


upper limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


tolerance when searching the optimal lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


a small positive value. If the absolute value of a value is smaller than eps, this value is regarded as zero.


maximum iteration allowed for iterations in the EM algorithm


logical. Indicate if the Box-Cox normality plot should be output.


logical. Indicate if intermediate results should be printed out.


We assume that the distribution of gene expression profiles is a mixture of 3-component multivariate normal distributions k=13πkfk(xθ)\sum_{k=1}^{3} \pi_k f_k(x|\theta). Each component distribution fkf_k corresponds to a gene cluster. The 3 components correspond to 3 gene clusters: (1) up-regulated gene cluster, (2) non-differentially expressed gene cluster, and (3) down-regulated gene cluster. The model parameter vector is θ=(π1\theta=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, π3\pi_3, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, ρc1\rho_{c1}, μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, ρn1\rho_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, ρ2\rho_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, ρc3\rho_{c3}, μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, ρn3\rho_{n3}. where π1\pi_1, π2\pi_2, and π3\pi_3 are the mixing proportions; μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, and ρc1\rho_{c1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, and ρn1\rho_{n1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects; μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, and ρ2\rho_2 are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 2 (non-differentially expressed genes); μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, and ρc3\rho_{c3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, and ρn3\rho_{n3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects.

Note that genes in cluster 2 are non-differentially expressed across abnormal and normal tissue samples. Hence there are only 3 parameters for cluster 2.

To make sure the identifiability, we set the following contraints: μc1>μn1\mu_{c1}>\mu_{n1} and μc3<μn3\mu_{c3}<\mu_{n3}.

To make sure the marginal covariance matrices are poisitive definite, we set the following contraints: 1/(nc1)<ρc1<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c1}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn1<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n1}<1, 1/(n1)<ρ2<1-1/(n-1)<\rho_{2}<1, 1/(nc1)<ρc3<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c3}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn3<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n3}<1.

We also has the following constraints for the mixing proportion: π3=1π1π2\pi_3=1-\pi_1-\pi_2, πk>0\pi_k>0, k=1,2,3k=1,2,3.

We apply the EM algorithm to estimate the model parameters. We regard the cluster membership of genes as missing values.

To facilitate the estimation of the parameters, we reparametrize the parameter vector as θ=(π1\theta^*=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, rc1r_{c1}, δn1\delta_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, rn1r_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, r2r_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, rc3r_{c3}, δn3\delta_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, rn3)r_{n3}), where μn1=μc1exp(δn1)\mu_{n1}=\mu_{c1}-\exp(\delta_{n1}), μn3=μc3+exp(δn3)\mu_{n3}=\mu_{c3}+\exp(\delta_{n3}), ρc1=(exp(rc1)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc1))\rho_{c1}=(\exp(r_{c1})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c1})), ρn1=(exp(rn1)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn1))\rho_{n1}=(\exp(r_{n1})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n1})), ρ2=(exp(r2)1/(n1))/(1+exp(r2))\rho_{2}=(\exp(r_{2})-1/(n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{2})), ρc3=(exp(rc3)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc3))\rho_{c3}=(\exp(r_{c3})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c3})), ρn3=(exp(rn3)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn3))\rho_{n3}=(\exp(r_{n3})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n3})).

Given a gene, the expression levels of the gene are assumed independent. However, after scaling, the scaled expression levels of the gene are no longer independent and the rank r=r1r^*=r-1 of the covariance matrix for the scaled gene profile will be one less than the rank rr for the un-scaled gene profile Hence the covariance matrix of the gene profile will no longer be positive-definite. To avoid this problem, we delete a tissue sample after scaling since its information has been incorrporated by other scaled tissue samples. We arbitrarily select the tissue sample, which has the biggest label number, from the tissue sample group that has larger size than the other tissue sample group. For example, if there are 6 cancer tissue samples and 10 normal tissue samples, we delete the 10-th normal tissue sample after scaling.


A list contains 13 elements.


the (transformed) microarray data matrix. If tranformation performed, then dat will be different from the input microarray data matrix.


the same as the input memSubjects.


a vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means up-regulated gene; 22 means non-differentially expressed gene; 33 means down-regulated gene.


an variant of the vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means differentially expressed gene; 00 means non-differentially expressed gene.


parameter estimates (c.f. details).


value of the loglikelihood function.


posterior probability that a gene belongs to a cluster given the expression levels of this gene. Column i is for cluster i.


the initial cluster membership of genes.


the parameter estimates based on initial gene cluster membership.


the value of loglikelihood function.


the parameter used to do Box-Cox transformation


parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector (c.f. details).


the parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector based on initial gene cluster membership.


The speed of the program can be slow for large data sets, however it has been improved using Fortran code.


Jarrett Morrow [email protected], Weiliang Qiu [email protected], Wenqing He [email protected], Xiaogang Wang [email protected], Ross Lazarus [email protected]


Qiu, W.-L., He, W., Wang, X.-G. and Lazarus, R. (2008). A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 4(1):Article 20.

See Also

gsMMD, gsMMD.default, gsMMD2.default


## Not run: 
    eSet1 <- ALL[1:100, ALL$BT == "B3" | ALL$BT == "T2"]
    mem.str <- as.character(eSet1$BT)
    nSubjects <- length(mem.str)
    memSubjects <- rep(0,nSubjects)
    # B3 coded as 0, T2 coded as 1
    memSubjects[mem.str == "T2"] <- 1
    myWilcox <-
    function(x, memSubjects, alpha = 0.05)
      xc <- x[memSubjects == 1]
      xn <- x[memSubjects == 0]
      m <- sum(memSubjects == 1)
      res <- wilcox.test(x = xc, y = xn, conf.level = 1 - alpha)
      res2 <- c(res$p.value, res$statistic - m * (m + 1) / 2)
      names(res2) <- c("p.value", "statistic")
    mat <- exprs(eSet1)
    tmp <- t(apply(mat, 1, myWilcox, memSubjects = memSubjects))
    colnames(tmp) <- c("p.value", "statistic")
    memIni <- rep(2, nrow(mat))
    memIni[tmp[, 1] < 0.05 & tmp[, 2] > 0] <- 1
    memIni[tmp[, 1] < 0.05 & tmp[, 2] < 0] <- 3
    cat("initial gene cluster size>>\n"); print(table(memIni)); cat("\n");
    obj.gsMMD <- gsMMD2(eSet1, memSubjects, memIni, transformFlag = TRUE, 
         transformMethod = "boxcox", scaleFlag = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
    round(obj.gsMMD$para, 3)
## End(Not run)

Gene selection based on a mixture of marginal distributions


Gene selection based on the marginal distributions of gene profiles that characterized by a mixture of three-component multivariate distributions. Input is a data matrix. The user needs to provide initial gene cluster membership.


               maxFlag = TRUE, 
               thrshPostProb = 0.5, 
               geneNames = NULL, 
               alpha = 0.05, 
               transformFlag = FALSE, 
               transformMethod = "boxcox", 
               scaleFlag = TRUE, 
               criterion = c("cor", "skewness", "kurtosis"), 
               minL = -10, 
               maxL = 10, 
               stepL = 0.1, 
               eps = 0.001, 
               ITMAX = 100, 
               plotFlag = FALSE,



a data matrix. The rows of the matrix are genes. The columns of the matrix are subjects.


a vector of membership of subjects. memSubjects[i]=1 means the ii-th subject belongs to diseased group, 00 otherwise.


a vector of user-provided gene cluster membership.


logical. Indicate how to assign gene class membership. maxFlag=TRUE means that a gene will be assigned to a class in which the posterior probability of the gene belongs to this class is maximum. maxFlag=FALSE means that a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. Similarly, a gene will be assigned to class 1 if the posterior probability of the gene belongs to class 1 is greater than thrshPostProb. If the posterior probability is less than thrshPostProb, the gene will be assigned to class 2 (non-differentially expressed gene group).


threshold for posterior probabilities. For example, if the posterior probability that a gene belongs to cluster 1 given its gene expression levels is larger than thrshPostProb, then this gene will be assigned to cluster 1.


an optional character vector of gene names


significant level which is equal to 1-conf.level, conf.level is the argument for the function t.test.


logical. Indicate if data transformation is needed


method for transforming data. Available methods include "boxcox", "log2", "log10", "log", "none".


logical. Indicate if gene profiles are to be scaled. If transformFlag=TRUE and scaleFlag=TRUE, then scaling is performed after transformation. To avoid linear dependence of tissue samples after scaling gene profiles, we delete one tissue sample after scaling (c.f. details).


if transformFlag=TRUE, criterion indicates what criterion to determine if data looks like normal. “cor” means using Pearson's correlation. The idea is that the observed quantiles after transformation should be close to theoretical normal quantiles. So we can use Pearson's correlation to check if the scatter plot of theoretical normal quantiles versus observed quantiles is a straightline. “skewness” means using skewness measure to check if the distribution of the transformed data are close to normal distribution; “kurtosis” means using kurtosis measure to check normality.


lower limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


upper limit for the lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


tolerance when searching the optimal lambda parameter used in Box-Cox transformation


a small positive value. If the absolute value of a value is smaller than eps, this value is regarded as zero.


maximum iteration allowed for iterations in the EM algorithm


logical. Indicate if the Box-Cox normality plot should be output.


logical. Indicate if intermediate results should be printed out.


We assume that the distribution of gene expression profiles is a mixture of 3-component multivariate normal distributions k=13πkfk(xθ)\sum_{k=1}^{3} \pi_k f_k(x|\theta). Each component distribution fkf_k corresponds to a gene cluster. The 3 components correspond to 3 gene clusters: (1) up-regulated gene cluster, (2) non-differentially expressed gene cluster, and (3) down-regulated gene cluster. The model parameter vector is θ=(π1\theta=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, π3\pi_3, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, ρc1\rho_{c1}, μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, ρn1\rho_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, ρ2\rho_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, ρc3\rho_{c3}, μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, ρn3\rho_{n3}. where π1\pi_1, π2\pi_2, and π3\pi_3 are the mixing proportions; μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, and ρc1\rho_{c1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn1\mu_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, and ρn1\rho_{n1} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 1 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects; μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, and ρ2\rho_2 are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 2 (non-differentially expressed genes); μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, and ρc3\rho_{c3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for diseased subjects; μn3\mu_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, and ρn3\rho_{n3} are the marginal mean, variance, and correlation of gene expression levels of cluster 3 (up-regulated genes) for non-diseased subjects.

Note that genes in cluster 2 are non-differentially expressed across abnormal and normal tissue samples. Hence there are only 3 parameters for cluster 2.

To make sure the identifiability, we set the following contraints: μc1>μn1\mu_{c1}>\mu_{n1} and μc3<μn3\mu_{c3}<\mu_{n3}.

To make sure the marginal covariance matrices are poisitive definite, we set the following contraints: 1/(nc1)<ρc1<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c1}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn1<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n1}<1, 1/(n1)<ρ2<1-1/(n-1)<\rho_{2}<1, 1/(nc1)<ρc3<1-1/(n_c-1)<\rho_{c3}<1, 1/(nn1)<ρn3<1-1/(n_n-1)<\rho_{n3}<1.

We also has the following constraints for the mixing proportion: π3=1π1π2\pi_3=1-\pi_1-\pi_2, πk>0\pi_k>0, k=1,2,3k=1,2,3.

We apply the EM algorithm to estimate the model parameters. We regard the cluster membership of genes as missing values.

To facilitate the estimation of the parameters, we reparametrize the parameter vector as θ=(π1\theta^*=(\pi_1, π2\pi_2, μc1\mu_{c1}, σc12\sigma^2_{c1}, rc1r_{c1}, δn1\delta_{n1}, σn12\sigma^2_{n1}, rn1r_{n1}, μ2\mu_2, σ22\sigma^2_2, r2r_2, μc3\mu_{c3}, σc32\sigma^2_{c3}, rc3r_{c3}, δn3\delta_{n3}, σn32\sigma^2_{n3}, rn3)r_{n3}), where μn1=μc1exp(δn1)\mu_{n1}=\mu_{c1}-\exp(\delta_{n1}), μn3=μc3+exp(δn3)\mu_{n3}=\mu_{c3}+\exp(\delta_{n3}), ρc1=(exp(rc1)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc1))\rho_{c1}=(\exp(r_{c1})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c1})), ρn1=(exp(rn1)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn1))\rho_{n1}=(\exp(r_{n1})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n1})), ρ2=(exp(r2)1/(n1))/(1+exp(r2))\rho_{2}=(\exp(r_{2})-1/(n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{2})), ρc3=(exp(rc3)1/(nc1))/(1+exp(rc3))\rho_{c3}=(\exp(r_{c3})-1/(n_c-1))/(1+\exp(r_{c3})), ρn3=(exp(rn3)1/(nn1))/(1+exp(rn3))\rho_{n3}=(\exp(r_{n3})-1/(n_n-1))/(1+\exp(r_{n3})).

Given a gene, the expression levels of the gene are assumed independent. However, after scaling, the scaled expression levels of the gene are no longer independent and the rank r=r1r^*=r-1 of the covariance matrix for the scaled gene profile will be one less than the rank rr for the un-scaled gene profile Hence the covariance matrix of the gene profile will no longer be positive-definite. To avoid this problem, we delete a tissue sample after scaling since its information has been incorrporated by other scaled tissue samples. We arbitrarily select the tissue sample, which has the biggest label number, from the tissue sample group that has larger size than the other tissue sample group. For example, if there are 6 cancer tissue samples and 10 normal tissue samples, we delete the 10-th normal tissue sample after scaling.


A list contains 13 elements.


the (transformed) microarray data matrix. If tranformation performed, then dat will be different from the input microarray data matrix.


the same as the input memSubjects.


a vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means up-regulated gene; 22 means non-differentially expressed gene; 33 means down-regulated gene.


an variant of the vector of cluster membership of genes. 11 means differentially expressed gene; 00 means non-differentially expressed gene.


parameter estimates (c.f. details).


value of the loglikelihood function.


posterior probability that a gene belongs to a cluster given the expression levels of this gene. Column i is for cluster i.


the initial cluster membership of genes.


the parameter estimates based on initial gene cluster membership.


the value of loglikelihood function.


the parameter used to do Box-Cox transformation


parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector (c.f. details).


the parameter estimates for reparametrized parameter vector based on initial gene cluster membership.


The speed of the program can be slow for large data sets, however it has been improved using Fortran code.


Jarrett Morrow [email protected], Weiliang Qiu [email protected], Wenqing He [email protected], Xiaogang Wang [email protected], Ross Lazarus [email protected]


Qiu, W.-L., He, W., Wang, X.-G. and Lazarus, R. (2008). A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 4(1):Article 20.

See Also

gsMMD, gsMMD.default, gsMMD2


## Not run: 
    eSet1 <- ALL[1:100, ALL$BT == "B3" | ALL$BT == "T2"]
    mat <- exprs(eSet1)
    mem.str <- as.character(eSet1$BT)
    nSubjects <- length(mem.str)
    memSubjects <- rep(0, nSubjects)
    # B3 coded as 0, T2 coded as 1
    memSubjects[mem.str == "T2"] <- 1
    myWilcox <-
    function(x, memSubjects, alpha = 0.05)
      xc <- x[memSubjects == 1]
      xn <- x[memSubjects == 0]
      m <- sum(memSubjects == 1)
      res <- wilcox.test(x = xc, y = xn, conf.level = 1 - alpha)
      res2 <- c(res$p.value, res$statistic - m * (m + 1) / 2)
      names(res2) <- c("p.value", "statistic")
    tmp <- t(apply(mat, 1, myWilcox, memSubjects = memSubjects))
    colnames(tmp) <- c("p.value", "statistic")
    memIni <- rep(2, nrow(mat))
    memIni[tmp[, 1] < 0.05 & tmp[, 2] > 0] <- 1
    memIni[tmp[, 1] < 0.05 & tmp[,2] < 0] <- 3
    cat("initial gene cluster size>>\n"); print(table(memIni)); cat("\n");
    obj.gsMMD <- gsMMD2.default(mat, memSubjects, memIni = memIni,
            transformFlag = TRUE, transformMethod = "boxcox", scaleFlag = TRUE)
    round(obj.gsMMD$para, 3)
## End(Not run)

Replace expression levels by the residuals of regression analysis to remove the confounding effects.


Replace expression levels by the residuals of regression analysis in which predictor of interest is not in the regression model. The purpose of this function is to remove potential confounding factors.


obtainResi(es, fmla)



An ExpressionSet object.


A formula object that specifies the covariates of the linear regression model. The variable of interest should not be included. No response variable should be specified in fmla since the response variable is always the expression level. See function lmFit of R Bioconductor package limma.


To remove confounding effects, we can replace the expression level by the residuals of a linear regression model with response variable the expression level and covariates the potential confounders. The functions lmFit and eBayes will be used to obtain regression coefficients.


An ExpressionSet object with expression levels replaced by residuals of linear regression analysis.


The number of arrays of the returned ExpressionSet object might be smaller than that of the original ExpressionSet object, due to missing values in covariates.


Jarrett Morrow [email protected], Weiliang Qiu [email protected], Wenqing He [email protected], Xiaogang Wang [email protected], Ross Lazarus [email protected]

Plot of histogram and density estimate of the pooled gene expression levels.


Plot of histogram of pooled gene expression levels, composited with density estimate based on the mixture of marginal distributions. The density estimate is based on the assumption that the marginal correlations between subjects are zero.


                plotFlag = "case",
                plotComponent = FALSE,
                myxlab = "expression level",
                myylab = "density",
                mytitle = "Histogram with estimated density (case)",
                x.legend = NULL,
                y.legend = NULL,
                numPoints = 500,
                mycol = 1:4, 
                mylty = 1:4, 
                mylwd = rep(3,4), 
                cex.main = 2, 
                cex.lab = 1.5, 
                cex.axis = 1.5, 
                cex = 2,
                bty = "n")



an object returned by gsMMD, gsMMD.default, gsMMD2, or gsMMD2.default


logical. Indicate the plot will based on which type of subjects.


logical. Indicate if components of the mixture of marginal distribution will be plotted.


label for x-axis


label for y-axis


title of the plot


the x-corrdiates of the legend


the y-corrdiates of the legend


logical. Indicate how many genes will be plots.


color for the density estimates (overall and components)


line styles for the density estimates (overall and components)


line width for the density estimates (overall and components)


font for main title


font for x- and y-axis labels


font for x- and y-axis


font for texts


the type of box to be drawn around the legend. The allowed values are '"o"' and '"n"' (the default).


For a given type of subjects, we pool their expression levels together if the marginal correlations among subjects are zero. We then draw a histogram of the pooled expression levels. Next, we composite density estimates of gene expression levels for the overal distribution and the 3 component distributions.


A list containing coordinates of the density estimates:


sorted pooled gene expression levels for cases or controls.


a subset of x specified by the sequence: seq(from = 1,to = len.x, by = delta), where len.x is the length of the vector x, and delta = floor(len.x/numpoints).


density estimate corresponding to x2


weighted density estimate for gene cluster 1


weighted density estimate for gene cluster 2


weighted density estimate for gene cluster 3


The density estimate is obtained based on the assumption that the marginal correlation among subjects is zero. If the estimated marginal correlation obtained by gsMMD is far from zero, then do not use this plot function.


Jarrett Morrow [email protected], Weiliang Qiu [email protected], Wenqing He [email protected], Xiaogang Wang [email protected], Ross Lazarus [email protected]


Qiu, W.-L., He, W., Wang, X.-G. and Lazarus, R. (2008). A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 4(1):Article 20.


## Not run: 
eSet1 <- ALL[1:100, ALL$BT  ==  "B3" | ALL$BT  ==  "T2"]

mem.str <- as.character(eSet1$BT)
nSubjects <- length(mem.str)
memSubjects <- rep(0,nSubjects)
# B3 coded as 0 (control), T2 coded as 1 (case)
memSubjects[mem.str  ==  "T2"] <- 1

obj.gsMMD <- gsMMD(eSet1, memSubjects, transformFlag  =  TRUE, 
  transformMethod  =  "boxcox", scaleFlag  =  TRUE, quiet  =  FALSE)

plotHistDensity(obj.gsMMD, plotFlag  =  "case", 
    mytitle  =  "Histogram of for T2 imposed with estimated density (case)", 
    plotComponent  =  TRUE, 
    x.legend  =  c(0.8, 3), 
    y.legend  =  c(0.3, 0.4), 
    numPoints  =  500)
## End(Not run)