Main steps of the pipeline
Starting with GWENA
Installation can either be from:
- the official version of the last Bioconductor release (recommended).
- the last stable version from the Bioc Devel branch.
- the day-to-day development version from the Github repository.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
# 1. From Bioconductor release
# 2. From Bioconductor devel
BiocManager::install("GWENA", version = "devel")
# 3. From Github repository
# OR
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly=TRUE))
Package loading:
Input data
The expression data
GWENA support expression matrix data coming from either RNA-seq or microarray experiments. Expression data have to be stored as text or spreadsheet files and formatted with genes as columns and samples as rows. To read this file with R, use the appropriate function according to the data separator (e.g. read.csv, read.table). Moreover, the expression data have to be normalized and transcripts expression reduced to the gene level (See How can I reduce my transcriptomic data to the gene level ? since GWENA is designed to build gene co-expression networks.
In this vignette, we use the microarray data set GSE85358 from the Kuehne et al. study. This data was gathered from a skin ageing study and has been processed and normalized with the R script provided in Additional data n°10 of the corresponding article.
# Import expression table
# If kuehne_expr was in a file :
# kuehne_expr = read.table(<path_to_file>, header=TRUE, row.names=1)
# Number of genes
#> [1] 15801
# Number of samples
#> [1] 48
# Overview of expression table
#> A_19_P00325768 A_19_P00800244 A_19_P00801821 A_19_P00802027
#> 253949420929_1_1 10.27450 5.530172 10.75672 16.78277
#> 253949420929_1_2 10.23440 5.712894 11.05393 16.25480
#> 253949420929_1_3 10.54336 5.889068 10.92150 16.39615
#> 253949420929_1_4 10.32649 5.646343 10.55770 16.37210
#> 253949420929_2_1 10.13626 5.726866 11.23012 16.41413
#> A_19_P00802201
#> 253949420929_1_1 8.549254
#> 253949420929_1_2 8.313369
#> 253949420929_1_3 8.469018
#> 253949420929_1_4 7.983723
#> 253949420929_2_1 7.521542
# Checking expression data set is correctly defined
#> $bool
#> [1] TRUE
#> $reason
The metadata
To be able to perform the phenotypic association step of the pipeline (optional), we need to specify in another matrix the information associated with each sample (e.g. condition, treatment, phenotype, experiment date…). This information is often provided in a separate file (also text or spreadsheet) and can be read in R with read.csv or read.table functions.
# Import phenotype table (also called traits)
# If kuehne_traits was in a file :
# kuehne_traits = read.table(<path_to_file>, header=TRUE, row.names=1)
# Phenotype
#> [1] "young" "old"
# Overview of traits table
#> Slide Array Exp Condition Age
#> 1 253949420929 1 1_1 young 23
#> 2 253949420929 2 1_2 old 66
#> 3 253949420929 3 1_3 young 21
#> 4 253949420929 4 1_4 old 62
#> 5 253949420929 5 2_1 young 25
Using SummarizedExperiment
GWENA is also compatible with the use of SummarizedExperiment. The previous dataset can therefore be transformed as one and used in the next steps
se_kuehne <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = list(expr = t(kuehne_expr)),
colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(kuehne_traits)
S4Vectors::metadata(se_kuehne) <- list(
experiment_type = "Expression profiling by array",
transcriptomic_technology = "Microarray",
GEO_accession_id = "GSE85358",
overall_design = paste("Gene expression in epidermal skin samples from the",
"inner forearms 24 young (20 to 25 years) and 24 old",
"(55 to 66 years) human volunteers were analysed",
"using Agilent Whole Human Genome Oligo Microarrays",
"8x60K V2."),
contributors = c("Kuehne A", "Hildebrand J", "Soehle J", "Wenck H",
"Terstegen L", "Gallinat S", "Knott A", "Winnefeld M",
"Zamboni N"),
title = paste("An integrative metabolomics and transcriptomics study to",
"identify metabolic alterations in aged skin of humans in",
URL = "",
PMIDs = 28201987
Gene filtering
Although the co-expression method implemented within GWENA is designed to manage and filter out low co-expressed genes, it is advisable to first reduce the dataset size. Indeed, loading a full expression matrix without filtering for uninformative data will result in excessive processing time, CPU and memory usage, and data storage. However, the author urges the users to proceed carefully during the filtering as it will impact the gene network building.
Multiple filtration methods have been natively implemented :
- For RNA-seq and microarray:
: Filtering on low variation of expression
- For RNA-seq data:
filter_RNA_seq(<...>, method = "at least one")
: only one sample needs to have a value above the minimal count threshold in the genefilter_RNA_seq(<...>, method = "mean")
: the means of all samples for the gene needs to be above min_countfilter_RNA_seq(<...>, method = "all")
: all samples for the gene need to be above min_count
NB: The authors of WGCNA (used in GWENA for network building) advise against using differentially expressed (DE) genes as a filter since its module detection method is based on unsupervised clustering. Moreover, using DE genes will break the scale-free property (small-world network) on which the adjacency matrix is calculated.
In this example, we will be filtering the low variable genes with
Network building
Gene co-expression networks are an ensemble of genes (nodes) linked to each other (edges) according to the strength of their relation. In GWENA, this strength is estimated by the computation of a (dis)similarity score which can start with a distance (euclidian, minkowski, …) but is usually a correlation. Among these, Pearson’s one is the most popular, however in GWENA we use Spearman correlation by default. It is less sensitive to outliers which are frequent in transcriptomics datasets and does not assume that the data follows the normal distribution.
The co-expression network is built according to the following sub-steps :
- A correlation (or distance) between each pair of genes is computed.
- A power law is fitted on the correlation matrix.
This step can be performed by itself through the function
if needed. - An adjacency score is computed by adjusting previous correlations by the fitted power law.
- A topological overlap score is computed by accounting for the network’s topology.
These successive adjustments improve the detection of modules for the next step.
# In order to fasten the example execution time, we only take an
# arbitary sample of the genes.
kuehne_expr_filtered <- kuehne_expr_filtered[, 1:1000]
net <- build_net(kuehne_expr_filtered, cor_func = "spearman",
n_threads = threads_to_use)
# Power selected :
#> [1] 8
# Fit of the power law to data ($R^2$) :
fit_power_table <- net$metadata$fit_power_table
fit_power_table[fit_power_table$Power == net$metadata$power, "SFT.R.sq"]
#> [1] 0.917733
Modules detection
At this point, the network is a complete graph: all nodes are connected to all other nodes with different strengths. Because gene co-expression networks have a scale free property, groups of genes are strongly linked with one another. In co-expression networks these groups are called modules and assumed to be representative of genes working together to a common set of functions.
Such modules can be detected using unsupervised learning or modeling. GWENA use the hierarchical clustering but other methods can be used (kmeans, Gaussian mixture models, etc.).
modules <- detect_modules(kuehne_expr_filtered,
detailled_result = TRUE,
merge_threshold = 0.25)
Important: Module 0 contains all genes that did not fit into any modules.
Since this operation tends to create multiple smaller modules with highly similar expression profile (based on the eigengene of each), they are usually merged into one.
# Number of modules before merging :
#> [1] 6
# Number of modules after merging:
#> [1] 3
layout_mod_merge <- plot_modules_merge(
modules_premerge = modules$modules_premerge,
modules_merged = modules$modules)
Resulting modules contain more genes whose repartition can be seen by a simple barplot.
ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(modules$modules %>% stack),
ggplot2::aes(x = ind)) + ggplot2::stat_count() +
ggplot2::ylab("Number of genes") +
Each of the modules presents a distinct profile, which can be plotted in two figures to separate the positive (+ facet) and negative (- facet) correlations profile. As a summary of this profile, the eigengene (red line) is displayed to act as a signature.
Biological integration
Functional enrichment
A popular way to explore the modules consists of linking them with a known biological function by using currated gene sets. Among the available ones, Gene Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), WikiPathways, Reactome, Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) put modules into a broader systemic perspective.
In oppositions, databases references like TRANSFAC, miRTarBase, Human Protein Atlas (HPA), and CORUM give more details about tissue/cell/condition information.
Using the over-representation analysis (ORA) tool GOSt from g:Profiler, we can retrieve the biological association for each module and plot it as follows.
Phenotypic association
If phenotypic information is available about the samples provided, an
association test can help to determine if a module is specifically
linked to a trait. In this case, module 1 seems to be strongly linked to
# With data.frame/matrix
phenotype_association <- associate_phenotype(
kuehne_traits %>% dplyr::select(Condition, Age, Slide))
# With SummarizedExperiment
phenotype_association <- associate_phenotype(
SummarizedExperiment::colData(se_kuehne) %>% %>%
dplyr::select(Condition, Age, Slide))
Combination of phenotypic information with the previous functional enrichment can guide further analysis.
Graph visualization and topological analysis
Information can be retrieved from the network topology itself. For example, hub genes are highly connected genes known to be associated with key biological functions. They can be detected by different methods :
: Highest connectivity, select the top n (n depending on parameter given) highest connected genes. Similar to WGCNA’s selection of hub genesget_hub_degree
: Superior degree, select genes whose degree is greater than the average connection degree of the network. Definition from network theory.get_hub_kleinberg
: Kleinberg’s score, select genes whose Kleinberg’s score is superior to the provided threshold.
Manipulation of graph objects can be quite demanding in memory and CPU usage. Caution is advised when choosing to plot networks larger than 100 genes. Since co-expression networks are complete graphs, readability is hard because all genes are connected with each other. In order to clarity visualization, edges with a similarity score below a threshold are removed.
module_example <- modules$modules$`2`
graph <- build_graph_from_sq_mat(net$network[module_example, module_example])
layout_mod_2 <- plot_module(graph, upper_weight_th = 0.999995,
vertex.label.cex = 0,
node_scaling_max = 7,
legend_cex = 1)
As modules also follow a modular topology inside, it may be interesting to detect the sub clusters inside them to find genes working toward the same function through enrichment. The sub cluster can then be plotted on the graph to see their interaction.
net_mod_2 <- net$network[modules$modules$`2`, modules$modules$`2`]
sub_clusters <- get_sub_clusters(net_mod_2)
layout_mod_2_sub_clust <- plot_module(graph, upper_weight_th = 0.999995,
groups = sub_clusters,
vertex.label.cex = 0,
node_scaling_max = 7,
legend_cex = 1)
Networks comparison
A co-expression network can be built for each of the experimental conditions studied (e.g. control/test) and then be compared with each other to detect differences of patterns in co-expression. These may indicate breaks of inhibition, inefficiency of a factor of transcription, etc. These analyses can focus on preserved modules between conditions (e.g. to detect housekeeping genes), or unpreserved modules (e.g. to detect genes contributing to a disease).
GWENA uses a comparison test based on random re-assignment of gene names inside modules to see whether patterns inside modules change (from NetRep package). This permutation test is repeated a large number of times to evaluate the significance of the result obtained.
To perform the comparison, all previous steps leading to modules
detection need to be done for each condition. To save CPU, memory and
time, the parameter keep_cor_mat
from the
function can be switched to TRUE so the
similarity matrix is kept and can be passed to
. If not, the matrix is re-computed in
# Expression by condition with data.frame/matrix
samples_by_cond <- lapply(kuehne_traits$Condition %>% unique, function(cond){
df <- kuehne_traits %>%
dplyr::filter(Condition == cond) %>%
dplyr::select(Slide, Exp)
apply(df, 1, paste, collapse = "_")
}) %>% setNames(kuehne_traits$Condition %>% unique)
expr_by_cond <- lapply(samples_by_cond %>% names, function(cond){
samples <- samples_by_cond[[cond]]
kuehne_expr_filtered[which(rownames(kuehne_expr_filtered) %in% samples),]
}) %>% setNames(samples_by_cond %>% names)
# Expression by condition with SummarizedExperiment
se_expr_by_cond <- lapply(unique(se_kuehne$Condition), function(cond){
se_kuehne[, se_kuehne$Condition == cond]
}) %>% setNames(unique(se_kuehne$Condition))
# Network building and modules detection by condition
net_by_cond <- lapply(expr_by_cond, build_net, cor_func = "spearman",
n_threads = threads_to_use, keep_matrices = "both")
mod_by_cond <- mapply(detect_modules, expr_by_cond,
lapply(net_by_cond, `[[`, "network"),
MoreArgs = list(detailled_result = TRUE),
comparison <- compare_conditions(expr_by_cond,
lapply(net_by_cond, `[[`, "adja_mat"),
lapply(net_by_cond, `[[`, "cor_mat"),
lapply(mod_by_cond, `[[`, "modules"),
pvalue_th = 0.05)
The final object contains a table summarizing the comparison of the
modules, directly available with the
command. The
comparison take into account the permutation test result and the z
comparison |
preserved |
preserved |
inconclusive |
preserved |
The detail of the pvalues can also be seen as a heatmap. Since all
evaluation metrics of compare_conditions
need to be
significant to consider a module preserved/unpreserved/one of them, it
could be interesting to see which metrics prevented a module to be