Title: | Gene Set Analysis in R |
Description: | Gene set analysis using specific alternative hypotheses. Tests for differential expression, scale and net correlation structure. |
Authors: | Yasir Rahmatallah <[email protected]>, Galina Glazko <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Yasir Rahmatallah <[email protected]>, Galina Glazko <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 1.41.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-27 04:36:12 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/GSAR |
Package GSAR provides a set of statistical methods for
self-contained gene set analysis. It consists of two-sample multivariate
nonparametric statistical methods to test a null hypothesis
against specific alternative hypotheses, such as differences in shift
(functions KStest
, MDtest
, ADtest
and CVMtest
), scale (functions RKStest
, RADtest
, RCVMtest
, and
) or correlation structure
(function GSNCAtest
) between two conditions. It also
offers a graphical visualization tool for correlation
networks to examine the change in the net correlation structure of a gene
set between two conditions (function plotMST2.pathway
The visualization scheme is based on the minimum spanning trees (MSTs).
Function findMST2
is used to find the unioin of the first
and second MSTs. The same tool works as well for protein-protein
interaction (PPI) networks to highlight the most essential interactions
among proteins and reveal fine network structure as was already shown in
Zybailov et. al. 2016. Function findMST2.PPI
is used to
find the unioin of the first and second MSTs of PPI networks.
Gene set analysis methods available in this package were
proposed in Rahmatallah et. al. 2012, Rahmatallah et. al. 2014, and
Rahmatallah and Glazko 2024. The performance of different methods was
tested using simulation and real gene expression data. These methods can
be applied to RNA-Seq count data given that proper normalization is
used. Proper normalization must take into account both the within-sample
differences (mainly gene length) and between-samples differences
(library size). However, because the count data often
follows the negative binomial distribution, special attention should be
paid to applying the variance tests (RKStest
, RADtest
, RCVMtest
and AggrFtest
). The variance of the
negative binomial distribution is proportional to it's mean and
multivariate tests of variance designed specifically for RNA-seq count
data are under-explored.
Yasir Rahmatallah <[email protected]>, Galina Glazko <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Yasir Rahmatallah <[email protected]>, Galina Glazko <[email protected]>
Rahmatallah Y. and Glazko G. (2024) Gene Set Analysis: improving data interpretability with new differential variance tests. 09 September 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4888767/v1].
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2014) Gene sets net correlations analysis (GSNCA): a multivariate differential coexpression test for gene sets. Bioinformatics 30, 360–368.
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Zybailov B., Byrd A., Glazko G., Rahmatallah Y. and Raney K. (2016) Protein-protein interaction analysis for functional characterization of helicases. Methods, 108, 56–64.
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of means based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Anderson-Darling statistic. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same mean in two conditions versus different means.
ADtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
ADtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has no shift between two conditions. It performs a two-sample nonparametric multivariate test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Anderson-Darling statistic as proposed in Rahmatallah and Glazko (2024). The MST of the weighted undirectional graph created from the samples is found. The nodes of the MST are ranked based on their position in the MST. The MST is rooted at the node with largest geodisic distance and then nodes are ranked in the High Directed Preorder (HDP) traversal of the tree (Rahmatallah et. al. 2012). The Anderson-Darling statistic can be defined as
where is the number of nodes (samples) from condition 1 which ranked lower
is the total number of samples, and
are respectively the number of samples in groups 1 and 2.
The Anderson-Darling statistic put more emphasis on the tails of the deviation
between the empirical cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of samples of two
phenotypes in the MST. The performance of this test under different alternative
hypotheses was examind in Rahmatallah and Glazko (2024). The null distribution of
the test statistic is estimated by permuting sample labels
times and
calculating the test statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function ADtest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function ADtest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
This function invokes function HDP.ranking
which does not
work properly if there is any node in the MST with more than 26 links.
However, this situation is almost impossible for a dataset composed of a few
hundreds or less of samples.
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y. and Glazko G. (2024) Gene Set Analysis: improving data interpretability with new differential variance tests. 09 September 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4888767/v1].
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
, MDtest
, CVMtest
, RKStest
, RMDtest
, HDP.ranking
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 in both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 pvalue <- ADtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 in both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 pvalue <- ADtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Performs two-sample nonparametric test of variance. The univariate F-test is used for every gene in the gene set and the resulted p-values are aggregated together using Fisher's probability combining method and used as the test statistic. The null distribution of the test statistic is estimated by permuting sample labels and calculating the test statistic for a large number of times. This statistic tests the null hypothesis that none of the genes shows significant difference in variance between two conditions against the alternative hypothesis that at least one gene shows significant difference in variance between two conditions according to the F-test.
AggrFtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
AggrFtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features (genes). |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
nperm |
a numeric value indicating the number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that none of the genes in a gene set shows a significant difference in variance between two conditions according to the F-test against the alternative hypothesis that at least one gene shows significant difference in variance according to the F-test. It performs a two-sample nonparametric test of variance by using the univariate F-test for every gene in a set, adjust for multiple testing using the Benjamini and Hochberg method (also known as FDR) as shown in Benjamini and Hochberg (1995), and then aggregates the obtained adjusted p-values using Fisher's probability combining method to get a test statistic (T) for the gene set
where is the adjusted p-value of the univariate F-test for
. The null distribution of the test statistic is estimated
by permuting sample labels nperm
times and calculating the test
statistic T for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function AggrFtest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function AggrFtest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Benjamini Y. and Hochberg Y. (1995) Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 57, 289–300.
, RMDtest
, RCVMtest
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- AggrFtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- AggrFtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of means based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Cramer-Von Mises statistic. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same mean in two conditions versus different means.
CVMtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
CVMtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has no shift between two conditions. It performs a two-sample nonparametric multivariate test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Cramer-Von Mises statistic as proposed in Rahmatallah and Glazko (2024). The MST of the weighted undirectional graph created from the samples is found. The nodes of the MST are ranked based on their position in the MST. The MST is rooted at the node with largest geodisic distance (rank 1) and then nodes are ranked in the High Directed Preorder (HDP) traversal of the tree (Rahmatallah et. al. 2012). The Cramer-Von Mises statistic can be defined as
where and
are respectively the number of samples from
conditions 1 and 2 which ranked lower than
are respectively the number of samples in groups
1 and 2, and
is the total number of samples. The performance of this
test under different alternative hypotheses was examind in Rahmatallah and
Glazko (2024). The null distribution of the test statistic is estimated by
permuting sample labels
times and calculating the test
statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function ADtest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function ADtest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
This function invokes function HDP.ranking
which does not
work properly if there is any node in the MST with more than 26 links.
However, this situation is almost impossible for a dataset composed of a few
hundreds or less of samples.
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y. and Glazko G. (2024) Gene Set Analysis: improving data interpretability with new differential variance tests. 09 September 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4888767/v1].
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
, KStest
, MDtest
, RKStest
, RMDtest
, HDP.ranking
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 in both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 pvalue <- CVMtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 in both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 pvalue <- CVMtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Find the union of the first and second minimum spanning trees.
findMST2(object, cor.method="pearson", min.sd=1e-3, return.MST2only=TRUE)
findMST2(object, cor.method="pearson", min.sd=1e-3, return.MST2only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
cor.method |
a character string indicating which correlation
coefficient is to be computed.
Possible values are “ |
min.sd |
the minimum allowed standard deviation for any feature.
If any feature has a standard deviation smaller than |
return.MST2only |
logical. If |
This function produces the union of the first and second minimum
spanning trees (MSTs) as an object of class igraph
(check package
for details). It can as well return the first and
second minimum spanning trees when return.MST2only
(default). It starts by calculating the correlation (coexpression) matrix and
using it to obtain a weighting matrix for a complete graph using the equation
is the correlation between
is the weight of the link between
vertices (nodes)
in the graph
For the graph where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of
edges, the first MST is defined as the acyclic subset
that connects all vertices in V and whose total length
is minimal
(Rahmatallah et. al. 2014). The second MST is defined as the MST of the
reduced graph
. The union of the first and second MSTs is
denoted as MST2.
It was shown in Rahmatallah et. al. 2014 that MST2 can be used as a graphical visualization tool to highlight the most highly correlated genes in the correlation network. A gene that is highly correlated with all the other genes tends to occupy a central position and has a relatively high degree in the MST2 because the shortest paths connecting the vertices of the first and second MSTs tend to pass through the vertex corresponding to this gene. In contrast, a gene with low intergene correlations most likely occupies a non-central position in the MST2 and has a degree of 2.
In rare cases, a feature may have a constant or nearly constant level across
the samples. This results in a zero or a tiny standard deviation. Such case
produces an error in command cor
used to compute the correlations
between features. To avoid this situation, standard deviations are checked in
advance and if any is found below the minimum limit min.sd
(default is 1e-3
), the execution stops and an error message is returned
indicating the the number of feature causing the problem (if only one the
index of that feature is given too).
When return.MST2only=TRUE
(default), function findMST2
an object of class igraph
representing the MST2. If
, function findMST2
returns a list of
length 3 with the following components:
MST2 |
an object of class |
first.mst |
an object of class |
second.mst |
an object of class |
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2014) Gene sets net correlations analysis (GSNCA): a multivariate differential coexpression test for gene sets. Bioinformatics 30, 360–368.
## generate a dataset of 20 features and 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution with different covariance matrices library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 20 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## create a covariance matrix with high off-diagonal elements ## for the first 5 features and low for the remaining 15 features cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 mask <- diag(ngenes/4) mask[!diag(ngenes/4)] <- 0.6 cov_mtrx[1:(ngenes/4),1:(ngenes/4)] <- mask gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## findMST2 returns a list of length 3 ## trees[[1]] is an object of class igraph containing the MST2 trees <- findMST2(dataset)
## generate a dataset of 20 features and 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution with different covariance matrices library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 20 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## create a covariance matrix with high off-diagonal elements ## for the first 5 features and low for the remaining 15 features cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 mask <- diag(ngenes/4) mask[!diag(ngenes/4)] <- 0.6 cov_mtrx[1:(ngenes/4),1:(ngenes/4)] <- mask gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## findMST2 returns a list of length 3 ## trees[[1]] is an object of class igraph containing the MST2 trees <- findMST2(dataset)
Find the union of the first and second minimum spanning trees for protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks.
findMST2.PPI(object, return.MST2only=TRUE)
findMST2.PPI(object, return.MST2only=TRUE)
object |
an object of class |
return.MST2only |
logical. If |
This function produces the union of the first and second minimum
spanning trees (MSTs) as an igraph
object (check package
for details). It can as well return the first and
second minimum spanning trees when return.MST2only
For the graph where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of
edges, the first MST is defined as the acyclic subset
that connects all vertices in V and whose total length
is minimal
(Rahmatallah et. al. 2014). The second MST is defined as the MST of the
reduced graph
. The union of the first and second MSTs is
denoted as MST2.
It was shown in Zybailov et. al. 2016 that MST2 can be informative as a graphical visualization tool in deciphering the properties of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks by highlighting the minimum set of essential interactions among proteins. Most influential proteins with many interactions tend to occupy central position and have relatively high connectivity degree in the MST2 because the shortest paths connecting the vertices of the first and second MSTs tend to pass through the verteces corresponding to these proteins. In contrast, proteins with few interactions most likely occupy non-central positions in the MST2 and have a degree of 2.
If return.MST2only=TRUE
(default), function findMST2.PPI
returns an object of class igraph
representing the MST2. If
, function findMST2.PPI
returns a list
of length 3 with the following components:
MST2 |
an object of class |
first.mst |
an object of class |
second.mst |
an object of class |
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Zybailov B., Byrd A., Glazko G., Rahmatallah Y. and Raney K. (2016) Protein-protein interaction analysis for functional characterization of helicases. Methods, 108, 56–64.
## generate a random undirected graph with power-law ## distribution degree where minimum degree is 4 and ## maximum degree is 100 set.seed(123) degs <- sample(c(4:100), 100, replace=TRUE, prob=c(4:100)^-2) if(floor(sum(degs)/2) != (sum(degs)/2)) degs[1] <- degs[1] + 1 randomGraph <- sample_degseq(degs, method="vl") ## find MST2 of the random graph and highlight vertices ## with degree greater than 10 with red color mst2.ppi <- findMST2.PPI(object=randomGraph, return.MST2only=TRUE) degs <- degree(mst2.ppi) ind <- which(degs > 10) V(mst2.ppi)$color <- "yellow" V(mst2.ppi)$color[ind] <- "red"
## generate a random undirected graph with power-law ## distribution degree where minimum degree is 4 and ## maximum degree is 100 set.seed(123) degs <- sample(c(4:100), 100, replace=TRUE, prob=c(4:100)^-2) if(floor(sum(degs)/2) != (sum(degs)/2)) degs[1] <- degs[1] + 1 randomGraph <- sample_degseq(degs, method="vl") ## find MST2 of the random graph and highlight vertices ## with degree greater than 10 with red color mst2.ppi <- findMST2.PPI(object=randomGraph, return.MST2only=TRUE) degs <- degree(mst2.ppi) ind <- which(degs > 10) V(mst2.ppi)$color <- "yellow" V(mst2.ppi)$color[ind] <- "red"
Performs Gene Sets Net Correlation Analysis (GSNCA) test to detect differentially coexpressed gene sets.
GSNCAtest(object, group, nperm=1000, cor.method="pearson", check.sd=TRUE, min.sd=1e-3, max.skip=10, pvalue.only=TRUE)
GSNCAtest(object, group, nperm=1000, cor.method="pearson", check.sd=TRUE, min.sd=1e-3, max.skip=10, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
cor.method |
a character string indicating which correlation
coefficient is to be computed. Possible values are “ |
check.sd |
logical. Should the standard deviations of features checked for small values before the intergene correlations are computed? Default is TRUE (recommended). |
min.sd |
the minimum allowed standard deviation for any feature. If
any feature has a standard deviation smaller than |
max.skip |
maximum number of skipped random permutations which yield
any feature with a standard deviation less than |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function performs the Gene Sets Net Correlations Analysis
(GSNCA), a two-sample nonparametric multivariate differential coexpression test
that accounts for the correlation structure between features (genes).
The test assigns weight factors to features under one condition and adjust
these weights simultaneously such that equality is achieved between each
feature's weight and the sum of its weighted absolute correlations with other
features in the feature set. The problem is solved as an eigenvector problem
with a unique solution (see Rahmatallah et. al. 2014 for details). The test
statistic is given by the first norm between the scaled
weight vectors
(each vector is multiplied
by its norm) between two conditions
This test statistic tests the null hypothesis that against
the alternative that
does not equal to zero.
The performance of this test was thoroughly examind in
Rahmatallah et. al. (2014). The null distribution of the test statistic is
estimated by permuting sample labels
times and calculating the
test statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
In the case of RNA-seq count data, some non-expressed genes may have zero
counts across the samples under one or two conditions. Such situation
results in zero or tiny standard deviation for one or more features.
Such case produces an error in command cor
used to compute the
correlation coefficients between features.
To avoid this situation, standard deviations are checked in advance when
(default) and if any is found below the minimum
limit min.sd
(default is 1e-3
), the execution stops and an error
message is returned indicating the number of feature causing the problem
(if only one the index of that feature is given too).
If a feature has nearly a constant level for some samples under both
conditions, permuting sample labels may group such samples under one condition
and produce a standard deviation smaller than min.sd
. To allow the test
to skip such permutations without causing excessive delay, we set an upper
limit for the number of allowed skips by the argument max.skip
(default is 10). If the upper limit is exceeded, an error message is
returned. Allowing this skipping may or may not solve the issue depending on
the proportion of samples causing the problem in the feature set.
If the user is certain that the tested feature sets contain no feature with
nearly equal levels over many samples (such as the case with microarrays),
the checking stage for tiny standard deviations can be skipped by setting
in order to reduce the execution time.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function GSNCAtest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function GSNCAtest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2014) Gene sets net correlations analysis (GSNCA): a multivariate differential coexpression test for gene sets. Bioinformatics 30, 360–368.
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution with different covariance matrices library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## create a covariance matrix with low off-diagonal elements cov_mtrx1 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx1[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 ## create a covariance matrix with high off-diagonal elements ## for the first 5 features and low for the rest 15 features cov_mtrx2 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx2[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 mask <- diag(ngenes/4) mask[!diag(ngenes/4)] <- 0.6 cov_mtrx2[1:(ngenes/4),1:(ngenes/4)] <- mask gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx1) gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx2) gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- GSNCAtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution with different covariance matrices library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## create a covariance matrix with low off-diagonal elements cov_mtrx1 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx1[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 ## create a covariance matrix with high off-diagonal elements ## for the first 5 features and low for the rest 15 features cov_mtrx2 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx2[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 mask <- diag(ngenes/4) mask[!diag(ngenes/4)] <- 0.6 cov_mtrx2[1:(ngenes/4),1:(ngenes/4)] <- mask gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx1) gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx2) gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- GSNCAtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Rank nodes in an object of class igraph
(see package
for the definition of class igraph
) containing a
minimum spanning tree (MST) according to the High Directed Preorder traversal
of the tree.
object |
object of class |
Rank nodes in an object of class igraph
(see package
) containing a minimum spanning tree (MST). The MST is
rooted at a node with the largest geodesic distance and the rest of the nodes
are ranked according to the high directed preorder (HDP) traversal of the tree
(Friedman and Rafsky 1979).
Numeric vector giving the node ranks according to HDP traversal of the MST.
This function does not work properly if there is any node in the MST with more than 26 links. However, this situation is almost impossible for a dataset composed of a few hundreds or less of samples.
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Friedman J. and Rafsky L. (1979) Multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov two-sample tests. Ann. Stat. 7, 697–717.
, KStest
, MDtest
## generate random data using normal distribution ## generate 20 features in 20 samples object <- matrix(rnorm(400),20,20) objt <- aperm(object, c(2,1)) ## calculate the weight matrix Wmat <- as.matrix(dist(objt, method = "euclidean", diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, p = 2)) ## create a weighted undirectional graph from the weight matrix gr <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Wmat, weighted = TRUE, mode = "undirected") ## find the minimum spanning tree MST <- mst(gr) HDP.ranks <- HDP.ranking(MST)
## generate random data using normal distribution ## generate 20 features in 20 samples object <- matrix(rnorm(400),20,20) objt <- aperm(object, c(2,1)) ## calculate the weight matrix Wmat <- as.matrix(dist(objt, method = "euclidean", diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, p = 2)) ## create a weighted undirectional graph from the weight matrix gr <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Wmat, weighted = TRUE, mode = "undirected") ## find the minimum spanning tree MST <- mst(gr) HDP.ranks <- HDP.ranking(MST)
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of means based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same mean in two conditions versus different means.
KStest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
KStest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has
no shift between two conditions. It performs a two-sample nonparametric
multivariate test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic as proposed by Friedman and Rafsky (1979).
The MST of the weighted undirectional graph created from the samples is found.
The nodes of the MST are ranked based on their position in the MST. The MST
is rooted at the node with largest geodisic distance (rank 1) and then nodes
are ranked in the High Directed Preorder (HDP) traversal of the tree
(Rahmatallah et. al. 2012). The quantity
is calculated where
) is the number of nodes (samples)
from condition 1(2) which ranked lower than
is the total number of samples. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is
given by the maximum absolute difference
. The performance of this
test under different alternative hypotheses was thoroughly examind
in Rahmatallah et. al. (2012). The null distribution of the test statistic
is estimated by permuting sample labels
times and calculating
the test statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function KStest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function KStest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
This function invokes function HDP.ranking
which does not
work properly if there is any node in the MST with more than 26 links.
However, this situation is almost impossible for a dataset composed of a few
hundreds or less of samples.
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Friedman J. and Rafsky L. (1979) Multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov two-sample tests. Ann. Stat. 7, 697–717.
, ADtest
, CVMtest
, RKStest
, RMDtest
, RCVMtest
, HDP.ranking
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 in both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 pvalue <- KStest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 in both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 pvalue <- KStest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of means based on the minimum spanning tree (MST). It calculates the mean deviation between the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of sample ranks in two conditions. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same mean in two conditions versus different means.
MDtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
MDtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has
no difference in mean (shift) between two conditions. It performs a two-sample
nonparametric multivariate test by ranking samples based on the minimum spanning
tree (MST) as proposed by Friedman and Rafsky (1979). The MST of the weighted
undirectional graph created from the samples is found.
The nodes of the MST are ranked based on their position in the MST. The MST
is rooted at the node with largest geodisic distance and then nodes
are ranked in the High Directed Preorder (HDP) traversal of the tree
(Rahmatallah et. al. 2012). The mean deviation between the cumulative
distribution functions (CDFs) of sample ranks in two conditions is calculated.
The null distribution of the test statistic is estimated by permuting sample
labels nperm
times and calculating the test statistic for each.
P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
This statistic was introduced for a single-sample version of Gene
Set Enrichment Analysis (ssGSEA) in Barbie et al. (2009) to estimate enrichment
scores for gene sets. It was repurposed in package GSAR to test if the
mean deviation between the empirical CDFs of sample ranks of two
groups in the MST is significant.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function MDtest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function MDtest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
This function invokes function HDP.ranking
which does not
work properly if there is any node in the MST with more than 26 links.
However, this situation is almost impossible for a dataset composed of a few
hundreds or less of samples.
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Barbie D., Tamayo P., Boehm J., et al. (2009) Systematic RNA interference reveals that oncogenic KRAS-driven cancers require TBK1. Nature 462, 108–112.
Friedman J. and Rafsky L. (1979) Multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov two-sample tests. Ann. Stat. 7, 697–717.
, ADtest
, CVMtest
, RKStest
, RMDtest
, RCVMtest
, HDP.ranking
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 2 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- MDtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 3 to half of the features under condition 2 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 3 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- MDtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
A matrix of gene expression profiles for a processed version of the p53 dataset obtained from the NCI-60 cell lines using the hgu95av2 microarray platform.
A matrix of 8655 rows and 50 columns where rows correspond to genes and
columns correspond to samples. Gene symbol identifiers are used for rows.
Column names indicate the class of the samples (wild type p53 or mutated p53)
with the first 17 column names starting with WT1
and ending with
and next 33 column names starting with MUT1
and ending with
p53 is a major tumor suppressor protein. The p53 dataset comprises 50 samples of NCI-60 cell lines differentiated based on the status of the TP53 gene: 17 cell lines carrying wild type (WT) TP53 and 33 cell lines carrying mutated (MUT) TP53 (Olivier et. al. 2002, Subramanian et. al. 2005). Transcriptional profiles obtained from microarrays of platform hgu95av2 were obtained from the available datasets at the GSEA Broad Institute's website.
Probe level intensities were quantile normalized and transformed to the log
scale using log2(1 + intensity). Probes originally had Affymetrix identifiers
which are mapped to unique gene symbol identifiers. Probes without mapping
to entrez and gene symbol identifiers were discarded. Probes with duplicate
intensities were assessed and the probe with the largest absolute value of
t-statistic between WT and MUT conditions was selected as the gene match.
Genes were assigned gene symbol identifiers and columns were assigned names
indicating weither they belong to WT or MUT condition. The columns were
sorted such that the first 17 columns are WT samples and the next 33
columns are the MUT samples. p53DataSet
was used in the analysis
presented in Rahmatallah et. al. 2014.
Broad Institute (http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/datasets.jsp)
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2014) Gene sets net correlations analysis (GSNCA): a multivariate differential coexpression test for gene sets. Bioinformatics 30, 360–368.
Subramanian A., Tamayo P., Mootha V., Mukherjee S., Ebert B., Gillette M., Paulovich A., Pomeroy S., Golub T., Lander E. and Mesirov J. (2005) Gene set enrichment analysis: A knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 15545–15550.
Olivier M., Eeles R., Hollstein M., Khan M., Harris C. and Hainaut P. (2002) The IARC TP53 database: new online mutation analysis and recommendations to users. Hum. Mutat. 19, 607–614.
data(p53DataSet) dim(p53DataSet)
data(p53DataSet) dim(p53DataSet)
This is a wrapper function which uses function
to find the union of the first and second minimum
spanning trees (or MST2) of the correlation network for a feature set (pathway)
under two conditions. It plots the MST2 of the correlation network of the
feature set under both conditions side-by-side and highlights hub nodes to
facilitate a visual comparison.
plotMST2.pathway(object, group, name=NULL, cor.method="pearson", min.sd=1e-3, legend.size=1, leg.x=-0.8, leg.y=1.5, return.weights=FALSE, group1.name="Group 1", group2.name="Group 2", label.size=1, label.color="black", label.dist=0.5, vertex.size=8, vertex.label.font=1, edge.width=1)
plotMST2.pathway(object, group, name=NULL, cor.method="pearson", min.sd=1e-3, legend.size=1, leg.x=-0.8, leg.y=1.5, return.weights=FALSE, group1.name="Group 1", group2.name="Group 2", label.size=1, label.color="black", label.dist=0.5, vertex.size=8, vertex.label.font=1, edge.width=1)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. Gene names are provided to this function as the rownames of this matrix. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
name |
an optional character string giving the name of the feature set (gene set). If given, the name will be displayed at the top of the plot. |
cor.method |
a character string indicating which correlation
coefficient is to be computed. Possible values are “ |
min.sd |
a numeric value indicating the minimum allowed standard
deviation for any feature. If any feature has a standard deviation
smaller than |
legend.size |
an optional numeric value controlling the relative font size of the legend to the default font size. Default is 1. |
leg.x |
a numeric value indicating the amount of horizontal shift of the legend box to allow better positioning in the plot. |
leg.y |
a numeric value indicating the amount of vertical shift of the legend box to allow better positioning in the plot. |
return.weights |
logical. Default value is FALSE. If the weight
factors aasigned to the genes by the GSNCA method are desired, setting
this parameter to TRUE returns the weight factors in a matrix with 2 columns
(for class 1 and class 2) and number of rows equal to the number of genes
in the gene set. If the |
group1.name |
an optional character string to be presented as the
given name for class 1 in the plot. Default value is “ |
group2.name |
an optional character string to be presented as the
given name for class 2 in the plot. Default value is “ |
label.size |
a numeric value passed to argument vertex.label.cex in command plot.igraph to specify the vertex label size. Default value is 1. |
label.color |
a character string specifying the color of vertex
labels. Default value is “ |
label.dist |
a numeric value passed to argument vertex.label.dist in command plot.igraph to specify the distance between vertex labels and the centers of vertices. Default value is 0.5. |
vertex.size |
a numeric value passed to argument vertex.size in command plot.igraph to specify the vertex size. Default value is 8. |
vertex.label.font |
a numeric value passed to argument vertex.label.font in command plot.igraph to specify the used font type. Default value is 1. |
edge.width |
a numeric value passed to argument edge.width in command plot.igraph to specify the edge width in the plot. |
This is a wrapper plotting function for the convenience of users. It
uses function findMST2
to find the union of the first and second
minimum spanning trees (or MST2) of the correlation network for a feature set
(pathway) under two conditions and plots them side-by-side. It also lists the
hub nodes and their weight factors () under each condition (see
Rahmatallah et. al. 2014 for details). The range in which weight factors fall
is indicated by the node colors defined in the legend. Weight factor have
values mostly ranging between 0.5 (low coexpression) and 1.5 (high
coexpression). To allow the users more control over plotting parameters and
to present different feature sets appropriately, two optional arguments were
and label.size
. Node lables will be the
names of the features in the set, i.e. rownames(object)
. If the
attribute is not set for object
, node labels will be
set to as.character(c(1:nrow(object)))
The weight factors, inferred from the Gene Sets Net Correlations Analysis
(GSNCA) method (see GSNCAtest
), correlate to some extent with
genes centralities in the MST2: genes with large weights are placed near the
center of the MST2, and genes with small weights are placed on the periphery
(Rahmatallah et. al. 2014). Adopting network terminology, a gene with the
largest weight is a hub gene, coexpressed with most of the other genes in a
pathway (see findMST2
). Therefore, MST2 is a convenient
graphical visualization tool to examine the pathways tested by the GSNCA
method (see GSNCAtest
The correlation (coexpression) network is obtained using the weight matrix
with elements
is the
correlation between features
is the weight
of the link between vertices (nodes)
in the network. The
correlation coefficient used is indicated by the argument
with three possible values: “pearson
” (default),
” and “kendall
In some cases (especially for RNA-Seq count data), a feature (or more) may
have a constant or nearly constant level across the samples in one or both
conditions. This results in a zero or a tiny standard deviation. Such case
produces an error in command cor
used to compute the correlation
coefficients between features. To avoid this situation, standard deviations
are checked in advance and if any is found below the minimum limit
(default is 1e-3
), the execution stops and an error
message is returned indicating the number of feature causing the problem
(if only one the index of that feature is given too).
This function is suitable for a feature set of roughly 80 features or less. It works for feature sets with larger number of features but the placements of nodes and their labels in the plot will be too crowded for a useful visual presentation.
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2014) Gene sets net correlations analysis (GSNCA): a multivariate differential coexpression test for gene sets. Bioinformatics 30, 360–368.
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution with different covariance matrices library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## create a covariance matrix with low off-diagonal elements cov_mtrx1 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx1[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 ## create a covariance matrix with high off-diagonal elements ## for the first 5 features and low for the rest 15 features cov_mtrx2 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx2[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 mask <- diag(ngenes/4) mask[!diag(ngenes/4)] <- 0.6 cov_mtrx2[1:(ngenes/4),1:(ngenes/4)] <- mask gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx1) gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx2) gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 ## since rowname(object)=NULL, node labels will be automatically ## set to as.character(c(1:nrow(object))) plotMST2.pathway(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)), name="Example Pathway")
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution with different covariance matrices library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## create a covariance matrix with low off-diagonal elements cov_mtrx1 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx1[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 ## create a covariance matrix with high off-diagonal elements ## for the first 5 features and low for the rest 15 features cov_mtrx2 <- diag(ngenes) cov_mtrx2[!diag(ngenes)] <- 0.1 mask <- diag(ngenes/4) mask[!diag(ngenes/4)] <- 0.6 cov_mtrx2[1:(ngenes/4),1:(ngenes/4)] <- mask gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx1) gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx2) gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 ## since rowname(object)=NULL, node labels will be automatically ## set to as.character(c(1:nrow(object))) plotMST2.pathway(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)), name="Example Pathway")
Rank vertices in an object of class igraph
(see package
for the definition of class igraph
) that consists
of a minimum spanning tree (MST) or the union of multiple MSTs radially
such that vertices with higher depth and distance from the centroid are
given higher ranks.
object |
object of class |
Rank nodes in an object of class igraph
(see package
) that consists of a minimum spanning tree (MST) or
the union of multiple MSTs radially. The MST is rooted at the node of
smallest geodesic distance (centroid) and nodes with largest depths
from the root are assigned higher ranks. Hence, ranks are increasing
radially from the root of the MST (Friedman and Rafsky 1979).
Numeric vector giving the radial node ranks in the MST or union of MSTs.
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Friedman J. and Rafsky L. (1979) Multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov two-sample tests. Ann. Stat. 7, 697–717.
, RKStest
, RMDtest
## generate random data using normal distribution ## generate 20 features in 20 samples object <- matrix(rnorm(400),20,20) objt <- aperm(object, c(2,1)) ## calculate the weight matrix Wmat <- as.matrix(dist(objt, method = "euclidean", diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, p = 2)) ## create a weighted undirectional graph from the weight matrix gr <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Wmat, weighted = TRUE, mode = "undirected") ## find the minimum spanning tree MST <- mst(gr) radial.ranks <- radial.ranking(MST)
## generate random data using normal distribution ## generate 20 features in 20 samples object <- matrix(rnorm(400),20,20) objt <- aperm(object, c(2,1)) ## calculate the weight matrix Wmat <- as.matrix(dist(objt, method = "euclidean", diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, p = 2)) ## create a weighted undirectional graph from the weight matrix gr <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Wmat, weighted = TRUE, mode = "undirected") ## find the minimum spanning tree MST <- mst(gr) radial.ranks <- radial.ranking(MST)
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of variance based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Anderson-Darling statistic. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same scale in two conditions versus different scales.
RADtest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
RADtest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
mst.order |
numeric value to indicate the consideration of the union
of the first |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same scale in two conditions. It performs a two-sample nonparametric multivariate test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Anderson-Darling statistic as proposed by Rahmatallah and Glazko (2024). The MST of the weighted undirectional graph created from the samples is found. The nodes of the MST are ranked based on their position in the MST. The MST is rooted at the node with smallest geodisic distance and nodes with higher depths from the root are assigned higher ranks (radial ranking). The Anderson-Darling statistic can be defined as
where is the number of nodes (samples) from condition 1 which
ranked lower than
are respectively the number of samples in groups 1 and 2, and
the total number of samples. The performance of this test under different
alternative hypotheses was examind in Rahmatallah and Glazko (2024). The
null distribution of the test statistic is estimated by permuting sample
times and calculating the test statistic for each.
P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
is the observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function RKStest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function RKStest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
The variance of both the Poisson and negative Bionomial distributions, used
to model count data, is a function of their mean. Therefore, using the radial
Anderson-Darling test (RADtest
) to detect pathways with differential
variance for RNA-Seq counts is not recommended without proper data
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y. and Glazko G. (2024) Gene Set Analysis: improving data interpretability with new differential variance tests. 09 September 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4888767/v1].
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
, RMDtest
, RCVMtest
, KStest
, MDtest
, radial.ranking
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RADtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RADtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of variance based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Cramer-Von Mises statistic. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same scale in two conditions versus different scales.
RCVMtest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
RCVMtest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
mst.order |
numeric value to indicate the consideration of the union
of the first |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same scale in two conditions. It performs a two-sample nonparametric multivariate test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Cramer-Von Mises statistic as proposed by Rahmatallah and Glazko (2024). The MST of the weighted undirectional graph created from the samples is found. The nodes of the MST are ranked based on their position in the MST. The MST is rooted at the node with smallest geodisic distance and nodes are assigned ranks according to their distance from the root (radial ranking) in the MST (Rahmatallah et. al. 2012). The Cramer-Von Mises statistic can be defined as
where and
are respectively the number of samples from
conditions 1 and 2 which ranked lower than
are respectively the number of samples in
groups 1 and 2, and
is the total number of samples. The performance
of this test under different alternative hypotheses was examind in
Rahmatallah and Glazko (2024). The null distribution of the test statistic
is estimated by permuting sample labels
times and calculating
the test statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function RKStest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function RKStest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
The variance of both the Poisson and negative Bionomial distributions, used
to model count data, is a function of their mean. Therefore, using the radial
Anderson-Darling test (RADtest
) to detect pathways with differential
variance for RNA-Seq counts is not recommended without proper data
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y. and Glazko G. (2024) Gene Set Analysis: improving data interpretability with new differential variance tests. 09 September 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4888767/v1].
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
, RKStest
, RMDtest
, KStest
, MDtest
, radial.ranking
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RCVMtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RCVMtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of variance based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same scale in two conditions versus different scales.
RKStest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
RKStest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
mst.order |
numeric value to indicate the consideration of the union
of the first |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the
same scale in two conditions. It performs a two-sample nonparametric
multivariate test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) and
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic as proposed by Friedman and Rafsky (1979). The
MST of the weighted undirectional graph created from the samples is found.
The nodes of the MST are ranked based on their position in the MST. The MST is
rooted at the node with smallest geodisic distance (rank 1) and nodes with
higher depths from the root are assigned higher ranks. The quantity
is calculated where
is the number of nodes (samples) from condition 1(2) which ranked lower than
is the total number of samples. The
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is given by the maximum absolute difference
. The performance of
this test under different alternative hypotheses was thoroughly examind in
Rahmatallah et. al. (2012). The null distribution of the test statistic is
estimated by permuting sample labels
times and calculating the
test statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function RKStest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function RKStest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
The variance of both the Poisson and negative Bionomial distributions, used
to model count data, is a function of their mean. Therefore, using the radial
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (RKStest
) to detect pathways with differential
variance for RNA-Seq counts is not recommended without proper data
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Friedman J. and Rafsky L. (1979) Multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov two-sample tests. Ann. Stat. 7, 697–717.
, RADtest
, RCVMtest
, KStest
, MDtest
, CVMtest
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RKStest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RKStest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate test of variance based on the minimum spanning tree (MST). It calculates the mean deviation between the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of sample ranks in two conditions. It tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has the same variance (scale) in two conditions versus different variances.
RMDtest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
RMDtest(object, group, mst.order=1, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
mst.order |
numeric value to indicate the consideration of the union
of the first |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the null hypothesis that a set of features has
the same scale in two conditions. It performs a two-sample nonparametric
multivariate test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST) as proposed by
Friedman and Rafsky (1979). The MST of the weighted undirectional graph
created from the samples is found. The nodes of the MST are ranked based on
their position in the MST. The MST is rooted at the node with smallest geodisic
distance (rank 1) and nodes with higher depths from the root are assigned
higher ranks. The mean deviation between the cumulative distribution functions
(CDFs) of sample ranks in two conditions is calculated. The null distribution
of the test statistic is estimated by permuting sample labels nperm
times and calculating the test statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
This statistic was introduced for a single-sample version of Gene
Set Enrichment Analysis (ssGSEA) in Barbie et al. (2009) to estimate enrichment
scores for gene sets. It was repurposed in package GSAR to test if the
mean deviation between the empirical CDFs of sample ranks of two
groups in the MST is significant.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function RMDtest
the p-value indicating the attained significance level. When
, function RMDtest
produces a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
The variance of both the Poisson and negative Bionomial distributions, used
to model count data, is a function of their mean. Therefore, using the radial
mean deviation test (RMDtest
) to detect pathways with differential
variance for RNA-Seq counts is not recommended without proper data
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Barbie D., Tamayo P., Boehm J., et al. (2009) Systematic RNA interference reveals that oncogenic KRAS-driven cancers require TBK1. Nature 462, 108–112.
Friedman J. and Rafsky L. (1979) Multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov two-sample tests. Ann. Stat. 7, 697–717.
, RADtest
, RCVMtest
, KStest
, MDtest
, CVMtest
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RMDtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for condition 1 cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## set some scale difference in the covariance matrix for condition 2 cov_mtrx <- cov_mtrx*3 gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- RMDtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
A wrapper function that invokes a specific statistical method from the ones available in package GSAR (see Rahmatallah and Glazko 2024, Rahmatallah et. al. 2014, and Rahmatallah et. al. 2012 for details) to test a list of gene sets in a sequential order and returns results in a list object.
TestGeneSets(object, group, geneSets=NULL, min.size=10, max.size=500, test=NULL, nperm=1000, mst.order=1, pvalue.only=TRUE)
TestGeneSets(object, group, geneSets=NULL, min.size=10, max.size=500, test=NULL, nperm=1000, mst.order=1, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
geneSets |
a list of character vectors providing the identifiers of features to be considered in each gene set. |
min.size |
a numeric value indicating the minimum allowed gene set size. Default value is 10. |
max.size |
a numeric value indicating the maximum allowed gene set size. Default value is 500. |
test |
a character parameter indicating which statistical method
to use for testing the gene sets. Must be one of “ |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
mst.order |
numeric value to indicate the consideration of the union
of the first |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This is a wrapper function that facilitates the use of any
statistical method in package GSAR for multiple gene sets that are
provided in a list object. The function filters out any gene that is
abscent in the considered data (input parameter object
) from
the gene sets and discard any set that is too small in size (has less
than min.size
genes) or too large (has more than
genes). The function performs the specified method
for all the remaining gene sets in a sequential order and return
results in a list object.
A list object of length equals the length of the provided gene set list.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), each item in the returned list
by function TestGeneSets
consists of a numeric p-value indicating
the attained significance level obtained by the specified method. When
, each item in the returned list is a list of
length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y. and Glazko G. (2024) Gene Set Analysis: improving data interpretability with new differential variance tests. 09 September 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4888767/v1].
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2014) Gene sets net correlations analysis (GSNCA): a multivariate differential coexpression test for gene sets. Bioinformatics 30, 360–368.
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
, WWtest
, MDtest
, RKStest
, RMDtest
## generate a feature set of size 50 in two conditions ## where each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 50 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 50 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 5 to the first 10 features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 5 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## assign a unique identifier to each gene rownames(dataset) <- as.character(c(1:ngenes)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 sample.labels <- c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)) ## construct 3 named gene sets such that they respectively consist of ## genes 1 to 20, 11 to 40, and 31 to 50. Notice that gene sets ## can have intersections and can be of different sizes ## Sine only the first 10 genes have a significant difference between ## the two conditions the only the first gene set (set1) returns a ## small p-value when KStest is selected geneSets <- list("set1"=as.character(c(1:20)), "set2"=as.character(c(11:40)), "set3"=as.character(c(31:40))) results <- TestGeneSets(object=dataset, group=sample.labels, geneSets=geneSets, test="KStest")
## generate a feature set of size 50 in two conditions ## where each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 50 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 50 for both conditions zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix for both conditions cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp <- mvrnorm(nsamples, zero_vector, cov_mtrx) ## apply a mean shift of 5 to the first 10 features under condition 1 gp[1:20,1:10] <- gp[1:20,1:10] + 5 dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## assign a unique identifier to each gene rownames(dataset) <- as.character(c(1:ngenes)) ## first 20 samples belong to condition 1 ## second 20 samples belong to condition 2 sample.labels <- c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)) ## construct 3 named gene sets such that they respectively consist of ## genes 1 to 20, 11 to 40, and 31 to 50. Notice that gene sets ## can have intersections and can be of different sizes ## Sine only the first 10 genes have a significant difference between ## the two conditions the only the first gene set (set1) returns a ## small p-value when KStest is selected geneSets <- list("set1"=as.character(c(1:20)), "set2"=as.character(c(11:40)), "set3"=as.character(c(31:40))) results <- TestGeneSets(object=dataset, group=sample.labels, geneSets=geneSets, test="KStest")
Performs two-sample nonparametric multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz runs test based on the minimum spanning tree (MST). It tests the alternative hypothesis that a set of features has different distributions in two conditions against the null hypothesis of having the same distribution.
WWtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
WWtest(object, group, nperm=1000, pvalue.only=TRUE)
object |
a numeric matrix with columns and rows respectively corresponding to samples and features. |
group |
a numeric vector indicating group associations for samples. Possible values are 1 and 2. |
nperm |
number of permutations used to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic. If not given, a default value 1000 is used. |
pvalue.only |
logical. If |
This function tests the alternative hypothesis that a set of features
has different distributions in two conditions against the null hypothesis of
having the same distribution. It performs the two-sample nonparametric
multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz runs test based on the
minimum spanning tree (MST) as proposed by Friedman and Rafsky (1979). The
performance of this test under different alternative hypotheses was thoroughly
examind in Rahmatallah et. al. (2012). The null distribution of the test
statistic is estimated by permuting sample labels nperm
times and
calculating the test statistic for each. P-value is calculated as
where is the test statistic for permutation
, is the
observed test statistic, and
is the indicator function.
When pvalue.only=TRUE
(default), function WWtest
returns the
p-value indicating the attained significance level. When pvalue.only=FALSE
function WWtest
produces a list of length 3 with the following components:
statistic |
the value of the observed test statistic. |
perm.stat |
numeric vector of the resulting test statistic for
p.value |
p-value indicating the attained significance level. |
Yasir Rahmatallah and Galina Glazko
Rahmatallah Y., Emmert-Streib F. and Glazko G. (2012) Gene set analysis for self-contained tests: complex null and specific alternative hypotheses. Bioinformatics 28, 3073–3080.
Friedman J. and Rafsky L. (1979) Multivariate generalization of the Wald-Wolfowitz and Smirnov two-sample tests. Ann. Stat. 7, 697–717.
, RKStest
, MDtest
, ADtest
, RADtest
, RCVMtest
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for condition 1 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## let the mean vector have 2s of length 20 for condition 2 mu_vector <- array(2,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), mu_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- WWtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))
## generate a feature set of length 20 in two conditions ## each condition has 20 samples ## use multivariate normal distribution library(MASS) ngenes <- 20 nsamples <- 40 ## let the mean vector have zeros of length 20 for condition 1 zero_vector <- array(0,c(1,ngenes)) ## let the mean vector have 2s of length 20 for condition 2 mu_vector <- array(2,c(1,ngenes)) ## set the covariance matrix to be an identity matrix cov_mtrx <- diag(ngenes) gp1 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), zero_vector, cov_mtrx) gp2 <- mvrnorm((nsamples/2), mu_vector, cov_mtrx) ## combine the data of two conditions into one dataset gp <- rbind(gp1,gp2) dataset <- aperm(gp, c(2,1)) ## first 20 samples belong to group 1 ## second 20 samples belong to group 2 pvalue <- WWtest(object=dataset, group=c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20)))