This vignettes summarizes our views and experiences on running
for 10x multiome data. While GRaNIE
been developed originally for bulk data, it can in fact also be applied,
with particular preprocessing, to single-cell data. As many tools that
integrate single-cell data, some kind of aggregation is necessary to
reduce the scarcity of the data - ATAC in particular. While many tools
do this implicitly in their methods, somewhat hidden from the user, we
employ here a different approach: We preprocess the data manually and
feed it into GRaNIE
in a pseudobulk manner so that the
original frameworks works just as well, while giving a lot of
flexibility to the user in how exactly the data preprocessing and
granularity of the data should look like. From our experience, very
often this is very question-specific and data-dependent, and no
universal solution exists that works equally well for everything.
Disclaimer: These are just recommendations here based on our (limited) experience and testing so far. We cannot guarantee this works also well for your data. Feel free to contact us for questions and feedback, we are happy for discussions and comments.
In this vignette, we pretty much follow this
Seurat vignette for the preprocessing of the RNA and ATAC data and
subsequent clustering for 10x multiome data. However,
is not dependent on a specific way of preprocessing
as long as the final count matrices that are used as input are
appropriate - see subsequent chapters here for details on what
appropriate means here in this context.
Thus, feel free to modify and extend the preprocessing and
RNA/ATAC integration as proposed here - let us know whether and how well
it worked, we are very happy for receiving feedback for
in single-cell / pseudobulk mode.
If you do not have 10x multiome data, you need to find a way
to match the ATAC and RNA data by yourself, and most of the steps in the
tutorial below may not apply. Share your experiences with us
how and whether you managed to run GRaNIE
for your
The first step is to create a multimodal Seurat
with paired transcriptome and ATAC-seq profiles. For details on how to
generate it, you only need the output of, for example,
CellRanger ARC
for 10x multiome experiments. You may check
various excellent tutorials such as this
Seurat vignette.
For the 10x multiome data, we next perform pre-processing and
dimensional reduction on both assays independently, using standard
approaches for RNA and ATAC-seq data. We provide our default processing
as summarized below, but we explicitly note that running GRaNIE by no
means specifically requires this particular preprocessing, variations of
this may work similarly well or even better. For example, we did not yet
explore how well alternatives to SCTransform
perform or
whether it makes a noticable difference in the first place. If you have
feedback, please let us know.
In a nutshell, we perform a standard scRNA-seq normalization and processing:
return.only.var.genes = FALSE
(default: using 50 dimensions)Similarly, we perform the following standard scATAC-seq normalization and processing:
(min.cutoff = 'q0'
using reduction = 'lsi'
For integrating both modalities, you can use any method you find appropriate for your data. Here, we use a weighted-nearest neighbor (WNN) analysis, an unsupervised framework to learn the relative utility of each data type in each cell. By learning cell-specific modality ‘weights’, and constructing a WNN graph that integrates the modalities, we represent a weighted combination of the RNA and ATAC-seq modalities that we can subsequently use for generating our pseudobulk samples.
In short, we run this on the Seurat
reduction.list = list("pca", "lsi"), dims.list = list(1:50, 2:50)
We now have both data modalities in a reduced dimensionality representation.
After integration of both RNA and ATAC modalities, we can now perform a clustering on RNA+ATAC data on the single cell level.
For the 10x multiome, we so far used the WNN graph for UMAP visualization and subsequent clustering as described here. However, many other methods may be used and we will update this vignette with alternatives in the future.
In a nutshell, these are the functions we may run here:
with a specific resolution
value that we usually vary between 0.1 and 20. Reasonable cluster
resolutions are data and question dependent. For recommendations, see
the notes below. We use the default of FindClusters
for the
specific clustering algorithm, while this is a parameter that the user
can adjust in the script that we provide.AggregateExpression
to aggregate counts within each
cluster to cluster pseudocounts based on their (cluster) identities.
Each cluster forms a sample as used in the GRaNIE
Importantly, we found that mean count aggregation works
better than sum count aggregation: For the former, the
resulting eGRNs from GraNIE
are more stable and similar to
each other as compared to the eGRNs that come from the sum count
aggregation.We strongly suggest choosing a resolution that gives at least
20-30 clusters, as fewer clusters (or samples consequently in the
analysis) can cause statistical issues and artifacts
as observed in the enhancer-gene diagnostic plots for some
datasets. If the desired number of clusters is small, pay
close(r) attention to the enhancer-gene QC plots, in particular whether
the signal from the randomized connections looks flat (enough). For more
details, see the Package
On the other extreme, too many clusters will result in data
that becomes too scares - especially the ATAC-seq data suffers from
scarcity. Throughout our experiments, we have seen that when
having too many clusters (close to or more than 100, for example), the
scarcity of ATAC becomes so big that either man peaks are filtered out
in the filterData()
function or that the abundance of zeros
results in very few connections in the eGRN. Thus, we advise on
an intermediate level of cluster that is also plausible biologically,
but testing different cluster resolutions is generally also a good idea
for initial exploration.
Typically, resolutions of 10 to 20 work best for GRaNIE and produce a reasonably high number of clusters (a few dozens to around 100) that can be used for pseudobulking as input for GRaNIE with a compromise between the number of samples on the one hand and the number of cells per cluster on the other hand. However, this amy also depend on the sequencing depth and the initial number of cells for the dataset in question. We therefore typically produce the GRaNIE files for different resolutions, then run GRaNIE for each of them and then compare the results to finally select one resolution that gives reasonably big, high-quality eGRNs that pass the GRaNIE QCs.
Lastly, we remove clusters that contain less than a pre-defined number of cells (default: 25). This specific threshold can be user-adjusted, depending on the number of cells in the first place and other considerations.
Lastly, we need a few processing steps to bring both RNA and ATAC
count matrices into the required format that can be directly used by
. This encompasses mainly simple transformation
No special steps are needed here except for creating a
column. For more details, see the example scripts we
provide and link in this document.
For RNA, one extra step is needed: We need to translate the gene
names as provided by Seurat
into proper Ensembl IDs. To do
so, there are two options:
can be used for it. It is called features.tsv.gz
or alike
and contains in total 6 columns (Ensembl ID, gene
name, set name, chr, start,
end). This can be utilized to use the Ensembl IDs in the ID
column of the RNA count matrix (default name is
and mm10
that can be used. You
can download them here.Creating a metadata file is completely optional but recommended. If present, this can help to identify patterns of variation in the GRaNIE PCA QC plots, as metadata are automatically incorporated there. We usually create a simple data frame with two columns:
However, you may add additional metadata such as cluster annotation or other information to it. For example, we usually also add some additional cluster-specific metrics, such as min, mean, median, and max values.
For an example how this file may look like and how it can be automatically produced, we will provide a link here soon.
Especially for single-cell data, the choice of the TF database is important. We recommend using HOCOMOCO v12 (Website, Paper). Using this database however requires one extra step of downloading the database and preparing it for the use with GRaNIE. For details and a download link, see the Package Details Vignette.
Alternatively, using JASPAR (e.g., JASPAR 2022 or 2024) should also work well, although we did not fully test that yet. Using the JASPAR database is easier, as it is directly integrated into GRaNIE via the designated Bioconductor package and therefore it doesnt require any custom database download beforehand as with HOCOMOCO. However, we found that HOCOMOCO v12 works really well and produces large and high-quality eGRNs. If you want to use JASPAR 2024, make sure to use a recent GRaNIE version (at least 1.9.1), as the programmatic access changed with the 2024 edition and this has been addressed in the GRaNIE package only recently. If you still receive errors, please let us know.
We are now all set to run GRaNIE
, using the
cluster-specific pseudobulk count matrices for both ATAC and RNA and,
optionally, the metadata file. We usually use GRaNIE
in the
default mode except a few noteworthy exceptions, see below. The reason
is that the pseudobulk data mimics bulk data close enough from our
We here organize the recommended changes by function and workflow order, for convenience:
normalization_peaks = "none"
and normalization_rna = "none"
and therefore basically
treat the data as pre-normalized. This may not be the only reasonable
choice related to data normalization, but is currently the recommended
minNormalizedMean_peaks = NULL
minNormalizedMeanRNA = NULL
to remove any filters for the
ATAC and RNA modality. The default filters for bulk data are usually too
stringent for single-cell data due to the sparsity. However, it
is worthwhile to play around with these thresholds and to filter out
peaks and genes that have very low mean values (for example, try values
of 0.5 or so first) if the peak-gene QC plots do not look
satisfactory. Pay close attention to the output of the function
and the number of peaks or genes that are filtered out. If, for example,
50% of peaks or genes are filtered with a specific set of filters,
decrease the values until a satisfactory set of peaks and genes remains.
If, on the other hand, almost no genes and peaks are filtered out,
increase the value. There is, unfortunately, no golden value here, as
this depends on many factors such as sequencing depth, number of cells,
number of clusters / samples etc.addConnections_TF_peak
corMethod = "spearman"
instead of
corMethod = "pearson"
for single-cell data. This reduces
the effect of outlier samples/clusters that sometimes appear due to
potentially a small number of cells per cluster or low clustering
quality.Depending on the number of clusters, GRaNIE
may run a
little longer than the typical bulk analysis but from our experience not
much longer - a typical analysis, even for 100 clusters / samples, is
done in 1-2 hours.
We will soon provide a set of scripts that can help setting up a
analysis for 10x multiome data. They are still in
development, and will be made available here once they are mature
preparationWe have a script that takes a Seurat
object with
and RNA
assays as input and processes the
data according to what we described here in this vignette, performs
multiple clustering runs for resolutions between 0.5 and 20
(user-adjustable) and produces the properly processed count and metadata
files that can be directly used as input for GRaNIE
. Other
noteworthy pre-processing parameters are documented as part of the
script and include but are not limited to:
, see above for important comments regarding this)SCT_nDimensions
, default of 50)Currently, in the preprocessing script that we provide,
is currently the only supported package for RNA
processing, while we appreciate that other approaches and packages may
be needed. We are working on making this more flexible.
We here provide some example data that can be used to run GRaNIE for a pre-processed single-cell dataset so that users can check the format of the files and other requirements. While they mimic the format of bulk datasets, we nevertheless provide them here. These files are also the output of the aforementioned script.
You can download them here. You can use and reference these three files as input for GRaNIE.
Over time, we will add here further notes and compile a list of FAQs.
## R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/; LAPACK version 3.12.0
## locale:
## time zone: Etc/UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] knitr_1.49 BiocStyle_2.35.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] digest_0.6.37 R6_2.5.1 fastmap_1.2.0
## [4] xfun_0.49 maketools_1.3.1 cachem_1.1.0
## [7] htmltools_0.5.8.1 rmarkdown_2.29 buildtools_1.0.0
## [10] lifecycle_1.0.4 cli_3.6.3 sass_0.4.9
## [13] jquerylib_0.1.4 compiler_4.4.2 sys_3.4.3
## [16] tools_4.4.2 evaluate_1.0.1 bslib_0.8.0
## [19] yaml_2.3.10 formatR_1.14 BiocManager_1.30.25
## [22] jsonlite_1.8.9 rlang_1.1.4