The GEM package provides a highly efficient R tool
suite for performing epigenome wide association studies (EWAS). GEM
provides three major functions named GEM_Emodel
and GEM_GxEmodel
to study the
interplay of Gene, Environment and Methylation (GEM). Within GEM, the
existing “Matrix eQTL” package is utilized and extended to study
methylation quantitative trait loci (methQTL) and the interaction of
genotype and environment (GxE) to determine DNA methylation variation,
using matrix based iterative correlation and memory-efficient data
analysis. GEM can facilitate reliable genome-wide methQTL and GxE
analysis on a standard laptop computer within minutes.
The input data to this package are normal text files presenting methylation profiles, genotype variants and environmental factors including covariates. Each row presents one CpG probe or SNP position or an environment measure, while each column represents one sample.
If you are using Rpackage GEM in a publication, please cite [1]. Rpackage GEM adopted the matrix operation method, which is described in [2]. Some of the sample data were from [3].
User can find the demo data with codes below:
## [1] "cov.txt" "env.txt" "gxe.txt" "methylation.txt"
## [5] "snp.txt"
The format of input files for GEM are explained as below:
2.1 cov.txt - Artificial covariate data for GEM sample code.
Artificial data set with 1 covariate, for example, gender (encoded as
1 for male and 2 for female), across 237 samples. Columns of the file
must match to those of the methylation and genotype data sets. In
practical use, covariate data can contain multiple covariates, with each
row representing one covariate and columns must match those in
methylation and genotype data sets. Data in this file is the “covt” in
lm (M ~ E + covt)
lm(M ~ G + covrt)
## S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
## Gender 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
2.2 env.txt - Artificial environment factor for GEM sample code.
Artificial data set with 1 environmental factor. Environmental factor
can be one of the phenotypes, or maternal conditions or birth outcomes
that is studied the association with methylation or genotype variants,
for example, gestational age (GA) from 28 to 41 weeks across 237
samples. Columns of the file must match to those of the methylation and
genotype data sets. Data in this file is the “E” in
lm (M ~ E + covt)
## S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
## env 28 29 28 34 25 31 33 30 28 28
2.3 gxe.txt - Artificial covariate and environment data for GEM sample code.
Artificial data set with 1 covariate and 1 environmental factor
across 237 samples. Columns of the file must match to those of the
methylation and genotype data sets. In practical use, it can contain n
covariates and 1 environmental factor, just need to put the
environmental factor as the last covariates at the last row. Data in
this file combines both environment (E) and covariates (covt) in
lm (M ~ G x E + covt)
## S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
## Gender 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
## env 28 29 28 34 25 31 33 30 28 28
2.4 methylation.txt - A subset of methylation data for GEM sample code.
A subset of DNA methylation profiles ranged in [0,1] for 100 CpGs
across 237 real clinical samples. Each row represents one CpG’s profile
across all 237 samples. Columns of the file must match to those of the
covariate and genotype data sets. Data in this file is “M” used in
, GEM_Gmodel
, and
## ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
## 1 CpG1 0.257156 0.276115 0.226727 0.209648 0.424285 0.307873
## 2 CpG2 0.474323 0.262313 0.374242 0.401164 0.652304 0.301403
## 3 CpG3 0.635235 0.769377 0.657936 0.639285 0.669690 0.710200
## 4 CpG4 0.454893 0.439979 0.251926 0.292658 0.365113 0.217411
## 5 CpG5 0.878137 0.843197 0.679204 0.890284 0.686224 0.764305
2.5 snp.txt - A subset of genotype data for GEM sample code.
A subset with genotype data encoded as 1,2,3 for major allele
homozygote (AA), heterozygote (AB) and minor allele homozygote (BB) for
100 SNPs across 237 real clinical samples. Each row represents one SNP
profile across 237 samples. Columns of the file must match to those of
the covariate and methylation data sets. Data in this file is “G” used
in GEM_Gmodel
and GEM_GxEmodel
## ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14
## 1 SNP1 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
## 2 SNP2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
## 3 SNP3 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3
## 4 SNP4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
## 5 SNP5 2 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
3.1 GEM_Emodel:
env_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "env.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
covariate_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "cov.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
methylation_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "methylation.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
Emodel_pv = 1
Emodel_result_file_name = "Result_Emodel.txt"
Emodel_qqplot_file_name = "QQplot_Emodel.jpg"
GEM_Emodel(env_file_name, covariate_file_name, methylation_file_name, Emodel_pv, Emodel_result_file_name, Emodel_qqplot_file_name, savePlot=FALSE)
## 100.00% done, 100 CpGs
## Analysis done in: 0.03 seconds
## cpg beta stats pvalue FDR
## 1 CpG99 0.002820575 2.779243 0.005891264 0.5891264
## 2 CpG32 0.003551990 2.008946 0.045691601 0.9345452
## 3 CpG21 0.001896850 1.886230 0.060502399 0.9345452
## 4 CpG66 0.001602048 1.866568 0.063212780 0.9345452
## 5 CpG75 -0.001969172 -1.696740 0.091075634 0.9345452
## 6 CpG34 0.003809056 1.688606 0.092627076 0.9345452
3.2 GEM_Gmodel:
snp_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "snp.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
covariate_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "cov.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
methylation_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "methylation.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
Gmodel_pv = 1e-04
Gmodel_result_file_name = "Result_Gmodel.txt"
GEM_Gmodel(snp_file_name, covariate_file_name, methylation_file_name, Gmodel_pv, Gmodel_result_file_name)
## 100.00% done, 144 methQTL
## Analysis done in: 0.04 seconds
## cpg snp beta stats pvalue FDR
## 1 CpG32 SNP962 0.17808859 42.28204 1.482360e-111 1.482360e-106
## 2 CpG94 SNP700 -0.21534752 -18.43573 1.761554e-47 8.807769e-43
## 3 CpG14 SNP578 -0.15171656 -16.70323 9.169281e-42 3.056427e-37
## 4 CpG81 SNP690 0.10567235 13.47239 5.237893e-31 1.309473e-26
## 5 CpG75 SNP589 0.07781375 13.07099 1.112935e-29 2.225870e-25
## 6 CpG94 SNP703 0.13979006 12.55871 5.390763e-28 8.984606e-24
3.3 GEM_GxEmodel:
snp_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "snp.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
covariate_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "gxe.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
methylation_file_name = paste(DATADIR, "methylation.txt", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
GxEmodel_pv = 1
GxEmodel_result_file_name = "Result_GxEmodel.txt"
GEM_GxEmodel(snp_file_name, covariate_file_name, methylation_file_name, GxEmodel_pv, GxEmodel_result_file_name, topKplot = 1, savePlot=FALSE)
## 100.00% done, 100,000 cpg-snp pairs
## Analysis done in: 0.057 seconds
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## cpg snp beta stats pvalue FDR
## 1 CpG25 SNP991 0.007363396 4.424023 1.490302e-05 0.8948726
## 2 CpG70 SNP232 -0.007460388 -4.341772 2.112071e-05 0.8948726
## 3 CpG83 SNP77 -0.006540673 -4.130645 5.051351e-05 0.8948726
## 4 CpG66 SNP44 0.007428030 4.043966 7.155883e-05 0.8948726
## 5 CpG59 SNP592 0.025209578 4.042911 7.186018e-05 0.8948726
## 6 CpG30 SNP847 -0.005175795 -4.031095 7.532016e-05 0.8948726
[1] Pan H, Holbrook JD, Karnani N, Kwoh CK (2016). “Gene, Environment and Methylation (GEM): A tool suite to efficiently navigate large scale epigenome wide association studies and integrate genotype and interaction between genotype and environment.” BMC Bioinformatics (submitted).
[2] Shabalin AA. (2012). “Matrix eQTL: ultra fast eQTL analysis via large matrix operations.” Bioinformatics 28(10): 1353-1358.
[3] Teh AL, Pan H, Chen L, Ong ML, Dogra S, Wong J, MacIsaac JL, Mah SM, McEwen LM, Saw SM et al(2014): “The effect of genotype and in utero environment on interindividual variation in neonate DNA methylomes”. Genome research, 24(7):1064-1074.