Title: | FISHalyseR a package for automated FISH quantification |
Description: | FISHalyseR provides functionality to process and analyse digital cell culture images, in particular to quantify FISH probes within nuclei. Furthermore, it extract the spatial location of each nucleus as well as each probe enabling spatial co-localisation analysis. |
Authors: | Karesh Arunakirinathan <[email protected]>, Andreas Heindl <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Karesh Arunakirinathan <[email protected]>, Andreas Heindl <[email protected]> |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
Version: | 1.41.0 |
Built: | 2024-12-29 05:21:30 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/FISHalyseR |
Cleans a given binary image according to area criteria specified by the user.
analyseParticles(Image,MaxSize,MinSize, isMask)
analyseParticles(Image,MaxSize,MinSize, isMask)
Image |
Binary image |
MaxSize |
Maximum area allowed for objects |
MinSize |
Minimum area allowed for objects |
isMask |
In case isMask=1, the function assumes that the binary images contains nuclei. Nuclei with an area smaller than MaxSize and greater than MinSize will be removed. If isMask=0, the function assumes that the binary images contains probes and subsequently probes with an area smaller than MinSize or larger than MaxSize are removed |
Returns a labeled image
Karesh Arunakirinathan
f = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHgray.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") img = readImage(f) anaImg <- analyseParticles(img, 20000, 1000,0) ## anaImg contains now the cleaned-up image
f = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHgray.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") img = readImage(f) anaImg <- analyseParticles(img, 20000, 1000,0) ## anaImg contains now the cleaned-up image
The function converts a grayscale image to a binary image by computing a threshold using the Max Entropy method.
Image |
grayscale image |
Max Entropy thresholding can be used to detect the signals of probes in FISH cell culture images.
The function returns the threshold value
Karesh Arunakirinathan
J.N KANPUR, P.K SHAOO, A.K.C WONG: A New Method for Gray-Level picture thresholding Using the Entropy of the Histogram. In COMPUTER VISION, GRAPHICS AND IMAGE PROCESSING,1985 p 273-285
f = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHgray.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") img = readImage(f) t = calculateMaxEntropy(img) ## Threshold grayscale image using the value computed by the Max Entropy method img[img<t] <- 0 img[img>=t] <- 1
f = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHgray.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") img = readImage(f) t = calculateMaxEntropy(img) ## Threshold grayscale image using the value computed by the Max Entropy method img[img<t] <- 0 img[img>=t] <- 1
Computes the binary image of a grayscale image by using Otsu thresholding
Image |
grayscale image |
The function computes a binary image using Otsu's method.
calculateThreshold returns the threshold value
Karesh Arunakirinathan
Nobuyuki Otsu: A threshold selection method from grey level histograms. In: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. New York 9.1979, S.62-66. ISSN 1083-4419
f = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHgray.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") img = readImage(f) t = calculateThreshold(img) ##Threshold image using the value computed via Otsu's method img[img<t] <- 0 img[img>=t] <- 1
f = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHgray.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") img = readImage(f) t = calculateThreshold(img) ##Threshold image using the value computed via Otsu's method img[img<t] <- 0 img[img>=t] <- 1
Function to compute the multidimensional illumination correction (MDIC) using a stack of images
Images |
Directory containing the images |
pattern |
Filenames have to match the pattern specified here |
AmountOfFiles |
Limit the amount of files used to compute the illumination gradient |
computeIlluminationCorrection |
return the image containing the illumination background |
Andreas Heindl
illuCorrection = dirname(system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHillu.jpg", package="FISHalyseR"))
illuCorrection = dirname(system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHillu.jpg", package="FISHalyseR"))
Function to automatically quantify FISH probes in cell-culture images.
processFISH(combinedImg, writedir, bgCorrMethod = list(1, 100),channelSignals = NULL, channelColours = NULL, sizeNucleus = c(5, 15000), sizeProbe = c(5, 100), gaussigma = 20, outputImageFormat = ".png")
processFISH(combinedImg, writedir, bgCorrMethod = list(1, 100),channelSignals = NULL, channelColours = NULL, sizeNucleus = c(5, 15000), sizeProbe = c(5, 100), gaussigma = 20, outputImageFormat = ".png")
combinedImg |
Composite image of all available channels |
writedir |
Traget directory for output files |
bgCorrMethod |
Specifies the method used to correct for uneven background. Accepts only list types. Currently, four different methods are available: (1) Gaussian blurring, (2) Illumination correction image provided by the user, (3) multidimensional illumination correction (using a stack of images). In case no illumination correction should be applied, pass an empty list to the function |
channelSignals |
List of images containing the FISH probe |
channelColours |
List of colour vectors for each single channel |
sizeNucleus |
Minimum and maximum area (in pixel) of probes to be consided for further analysis |
sizeProbe |
Minimum and maximum area (in pixel) of probes to be considered for further analysis |
gaussigma |
Sigma of Gaussian used to blur the image |
outputImageFormat |
File format for the output image |
processFISH |
does not return any value |
Karesh Arunakirinathan, Andreas Heindl
computeIlluminationCorrection, analyseParticles
## Specify illumination correction image illuCorrection = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHillu.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") ## Composite image containing available channels combinedImage <- system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISH.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") ## Single FISH channels containing the probe signals red_Og <- system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISH_R.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") green_Gn <- system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISH_G.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") ## Output directory writedir = paste(tempdir(),sep='') ## Use provided illumination correction image bgCorrMethod = list(2,illuCorrection) ## Colour vector for three different probe channels (red, green and blue) channelColours = list(R=c(255,0,0),G=c(0,255,0)) ## Add probe channels to list channelSignals = list(red_Og,green_Gn) ## Minimum and maximum area allowed for nuclei respectively probes sizecell = c(1000,20000) sizeprobe= c(5,20) ## Call processFISH with the specified parameters processFISH(combinedImage,writedir,bgCorrMethod,channelSignals, channelColours,sizecell,sizeprobe)
## Specify illumination correction image illuCorrection = system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISHillu.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") ## Composite image containing available channels combinedImage <- system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISH.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") ## Single FISH channels containing the probe signals red_Og <- system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISH_R.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") green_Gn <- system.file( "extdata", "SampleFISH_G.jpg", package="FISHalyseR") ## Output directory writedir = paste(tempdir(),sep='') ## Use provided illumination correction image bgCorrMethod = list(2,illuCorrection) ## Colour vector for three different probe channels (red, green and blue) channelColours = list(R=c(255,0,0),G=c(0,255,0)) ## Add probe channels to list channelSignals = list(red_Og,green_Gn) ## Minimum and maximum area allowed for nuclei respectively probes sizecell = c(1000,20000) sizeprobe= c(5,20) ## Call processFISH with the specified parameters processFISH(combinedImage,writedir,bgCorrMethod,channelSignals, channelColours,sizecell,sizeprobe)