FGNet 3.26
- Queries to DAVID are no longer supported.
FGNet 3.23
- Kegg-related functionalities have been removed.
FGNet 3.15
- plotKegg() has been deprecated. It will be removed from the package in upcoming versions.
FGNet 3.4
- Added argument 'downloadFile' to fea_david() to choose whether to save the analysis results to the current directory
- DAVID now requires https. This causes errors in some systems. A (hopefully) temporary solution is to install some certificates locally.
See RDAVIDWebService help:
FGNet 3.2
- HTML vignette
- Bipartite network: Nodes are now circles and squares (only available for "static" plot)
- PlotGoAncestors: added argument nCharTerm
- clustersDistance: added argument 'clustMethod' and set "average" as default clustering method.
- GO evidence: Added argument to fea_topGO (new data object available: GOEvidenceCodes)
- Added argument vExprColors to functionalNetwork.
- Vertex size now allows to set a value for each gene.
- fea2incidMat: filter negative values
FGNet 3.0
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- New FEA tools: topGO and GAGE (GSEA)
- Plot gene expression (up/down) in the functional networks (Available since devel. version 2.1)
- plotGoAncestors, plotKegg
- Functions renamed or replaced:
- toMatrix/adjMatrix: fea2incidMat
- plotMetagroupsDistance: clusterDistance
- query_gtLinker & getResults_gtLinker: fea_gtLinker & fea_gtLinker_getResults
- query_david & getResults_david: fea_david & format_david
- report_gtLinker & report_david: FGNet_report
- intersectionNetwork: is now included in functionalNetwork
FGNet 2.1
- Expression in functionalNetwork: It is now possible to plot gene expression (up/down) in the network.
- plotGoAncestors: New function.
- report: Added option to show only the most specific GO terms (tree leaves: terms at the bottom of the ontology). Kegg pathway plot can now be plotted and saved locally.
- Added p-value stats to clusters matrix.
- Side colors added to metagroups heatmap.
- toMatrix: added argument sepChar, legendPrefix and filterOperator. Attribute and threshold renamed to filterAttribute and filterThreshold.
- functionalNetwork: added arguments plotIntersectionNetwork,plotTitleSub.
- getResults_gtLinker: added argument organism (adds the prefix to kegg id).
- getResults_david: inputFileLocation renamed to fileName
- GO ontology plot: now done locally through plotGoAncestors.
- toMatrix: Accepts characters in cluster column (provides more flexibility with non-clustered/modular FEA and support to build term-term and term-genes networks). Arguments: legendMg renamed to legendText.
FGNet 2.0
- The networks can now be plotted for terms in addition to genes.
- In the report, clicking on the plots allows to see the plot at full size next to the terms table (if the screen resolution allows it).
- ToMatrix(): Added arguments 'key' (to choose either genes or terms) and 'removeFiltered' terms. Renamed main argument (geneTermSets) to 'results'.
- IntersectionNetwork() shows a warning if there is no intersection. Added argument 'plotAllMg' to allow choosing wether to plot unconnected metagroups or not.
- FunctionalNetwork() changed the two main arguments to a single one, which is the raw output from toMatrix() (a list with names: c("metagroupsMatrix", "gtSetsMatrix", "filteredOut")). Added arguments: 'eColor' to provide the edges color, and 'weighted' to draw the edge width according to the number of shared gene-term sets.
- Reports: Added argument 'downloadGOtree' to allow choosing wether to download the go term trees png (slower) or just provide the link to the web tool.
- functionalNetwork() now correctly writes either "cl" or "mg" in the legend.
FGNet 1.3.1
- adjMatrix() has been renamed to toMatrix()
- GO png trees are now automatically downloaded when generating the report
- functionalNetwork: metagroup/cluster legend order has been changed to alphabetical
FGNet 1.2
- Query David through web service (RDAVIDWebService): Avoids limitations of API interface
- Added argument KeepColors to functionalNetwork and intersectionNetwork: Keeps the same color for each group even if some are filtered out.
- Added argument geneLabels to getResults_david: Allows to replace the IDs for a gene name/symbol in the plots
FGNet 1.1.1
- query_david: Checks whether the server accepted the query
- MAN pages using query_david: Reduced yeast example to 15 genes. In windows, with the whole gene list, the server returns "Error: Expectation failed".
FGNet 1.0.0