Package 'ExperimentHubData'

Title: Add resources to ExperimentHub
Description: Functions to add metadata to ExperimentHub db and resource files to AWS S3 buckets.
Authors: Bioconductor Maintainer [cre]
Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.31.0
Built: 2024-09-28 04:43:47 UTC

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Add resource metadata to a local ExperimentHub database


addResources(pathToPackage, fileName=character(), insert = FALSE, ...)



Full path to data package including package name.


Name of single metadata file located in "inst/extdata". If none is provided the function looks for a file named "metadata.csv".


A logical to control if metadata are inserted in the ExperimentHub db. By default this option is FALSE which is a useful state in which to test a new recipe and confirm the metadata fields are correct.

When insert = TRUE, the "EXPERIMENT_HUB_SERVER_POST_URL" global option must be set to the http location of the ExperimentHubServer in the global environment or .Rprofile. This option controls Additionally, AWS command line tools must be installed on the local machine to push files to S3 buckets. See for installation instructions.


TDB. Currently not used.


This function is used by the Bioconductor Core team to add new metadata to the production database.

When insert is TRUE, addResources attempts to add the metadata to the local database. (NOTE: A local database can be created with the ExperimentHub docker). Records in ExperimentHub must have unique file names. If the new metadata have duplicate file names a warning is thrown and the records are omitted from those added to the database.

This function does not add data to an AWS S3 bucket. ExperimentHub packages do not have 'recipes' that generate data on the fly. Instead, data files are provided by the maintainer in final form and added to the appropriate S3 location in a separate step.


A list of ExperimentHubMetadata objects.

See Also


## Not run: 
    ## Generate metadata for inspection
    addResources("/home/vobencha/mypackage", insert=FALSE)
    ## Inset metadata into ExperimentHub database
    addResources("/home/vobencha/mypackage", insert=TRUE)
## End(Not run)

Class ExperimentHubMetadata objects and methods


The ExperimentHubMetadata object is used to represent records in the server data base.





character(1) Prefix of the local path to resources to be added to ExperimentHub. Internal use only.


character() URL of original resource(s).


character() Form of original data, e.g., BED, FASTA, etc. getValidSourceTypes() list currently acceptable values. If nothing seems appropiate for your data reach out to [email protected].


character(1) Version of original file.


POSIXct() Date when resource was last modified.


character(1) md5 hash of original file.


numeric(1) Number of bytes in original file.


character(1) Provider of original data, e.g., NCBI, UniProt etc.


character(1) Title for the resource with version or genome build as appropriate. Titles must be unique and not match any existing title in ExperimentHub.


character(1) Description of the resource. May include details such as data type, format, study origin, sequencing technology, treated vs control, number of samples etc.


character(1) Species name.For help on valid species see getSpeciesList, validSpecies, or suggestSpecies.


character(1) NCBI code. Taxonomy ID. There are checks for valid taxonomyId given the Species which produce warnings. See GenomeInfoDb::loadTaxonomyDb() for full validation table.


character(1) Name of genome build.


‘Tags’ are search terms used to define a subset of resources in a Hub object, e.g, in a call to query.

For ExperimentHub resources, ‘Tags’ are automatically generated from the ‘biocViews’ in the DESCRIPTION file of the accompanying software package. ‘Tags’ values supplied by the user are not be entered in the database and are not part of the formal metadata. This 'controlled vocabulary' approach was taken to limit the search terms to a well defined set and may change in the future.


character(1) Class of derived object (e.g. ‘GRanges’).


POSIXct() Date resource was added to ExperimentHub. The default is today's date and is auto-generated when metadata are constructed. Resources will appear in snapshots with a date greater than or equal to the RDataDateAdded.


character() File path to where object is stored in AWS S3 bucket or on the web.The Location_Prefix will be prepended to RDataPath for the full path to the resource. If the resource is stored in Bioconductor's AWS S3 buckets, it should start with the name of the package associated with the metadata and should not start with a leading slash. It should include the resource file name. For strongly associated files, like a bam file and its index file, the two files should be separates with a colon :. This will link a single hub id with the multiple files.


character(1) Maintainer name and email address, ‘A Maintainer [email protected]


character(1). The first Bioconductor version the resource was made available for. Unless removed from the hub, the resource will be available for all versions greater than or equal to this field.


logical(1) Do coordinates start with 1 or 0?


character(1). Determines how data are loaded into R. The value for this field should be ‘Rda’ if the data were serialized with save() and ‘Rds’ if serialized with saveRDS. The filename should have the appropriate ‘rda’ or ‘rds’ extension.

A number of dispatch classes are pre-defined in AnnotationHub/R/AnnotationHubResource-class.R with the suffix ‘Resource’. For example, if you have sqlite files, the AnnotationHubResource-class.R defines SQLiteFileResource so the DispatchClass would be SQLiteFile. Contact [email protected] if you are not sure which class to use.The function AnnotationHub::DispatchClassList() will output a matrix of currently implemented DispatchClass and brief description of utility. If a predefine class does not seem appropriate contact [email protected].


character(1) URL location of AWS S3 bucket or web site where resource is located.


character() Notes about the resource.


character(1) Used internally.


In practice, instances of this class are generated by a call to addResources or makeExperimentHubMetadata instead of a direct call to the constructor.

addResources is a function used by the Bioconductor Core team when adding new metadata records to the production database. makeExperimentHubMetadata and the low-level helper


A ExperimentHubMetadata object.

See Also



Make ExperimentHubMetadata objects from csv file of metadata


Make ExperimentHubMetadata objects from metadata.csv file located in the "inst/extdata/" package directory of an ExperimentHub package.


makeExperimentHubMetadata(pathToPackage, fileName=character())



Full path to data package including the package name; no trailing slash


Name of single metadata file located in "inst/extdata". If none is provided the function looks for a file named "metadata.csv".


  • makeExperimentHubMetadata: Reads the resource metadata in the metadata.csv file into a ExperimentHubMetadata object. The ExperimentHubMetadata is inserted in the ExperimentHub database. Intended for internal use or package authors checking the validity of package metadata.

  • Formatting metadata files:

    makeExperimentHubMetadata reads .csv files of metadata located in "inst/extdata". Internal functions perform checks for required columns and data types and can be used by package authors to validate their metadata before submitting the package for review.

    The rows of the .csv file(s) represent individual Hub resources (i.e., data objects) and the columns are the metadata fields. All fields should be a single character string of length 1.

    Required Fields in metadata file:

    • Title: character(1). Name of the resource. This can be the exact file name (if self-describing) or a more complete description.

    • Description: character(1). Brief description of the resource, similar to the 'Description' field in a package DESCRIPTION file.

    • BiocVersion: character(1). The first Bioconductor version the resource was made available for. Unless removed from the hub, the resource will be available for all versions greater than or equal to this field. Generally the current devel version of Bioconductor.

    • Genome: character(1). Genome. Can be NA

    • SourceType: character(1). Format of original data, e.g., FASTA, BAM, BigWig, etc. getValidSourceTypes() list currently acceptable values. If nothing seems appropiate for your data reach out to [email protected].

    • SourceUrl: character(1). Optional location of original data files. Multiple urls should be provided as a comma separated string.

    • SourceVersion: character(1). Version of original data.

    • Species: character(1). Species.For help on valid species see getSpeciesList, validSpecies, or suggestSpecies. Can be NA.

    • TaxonomyId: character(1). Taxonomy ID. There are checks for valid taxonomyId given the Species which produce warnings. See GenomeInfoDb::loadTaxonomyDb() for full validation table. Can be NA.

    • Coordinate_1_based: logical. TRUE if data are 1-based. Can be NA

    • DataProvider: character(1). Name of company or institution that supplied the original (raw) data.

    • Maintainer: character(1). Maintainer name and email in the following format: Maintainer Name <username@address>.

    • RDataClass: character(1). R / Bioconductor class the data are stored in, e.g., GRanges, SummarizedExperiment, ExpressionSet etc. If the file is loaded or read into R what is the class of the object.

    • DispatchClass: character(1). Determines how data are loaded into R. The value for this field should be ‘Rda’ if the data were serialized with save() and ‘Rds’ if serialized with saveRDS. The filename should have the appropriate ‘rda’ or ‘rds’ extension. There are other available DispathClass types and the function AnnotationHub::DispatchClassList()

      A number of dispatch classes are pre-defined in AnnotationHub/R/AnnotationHubResource-class.R with the suffix ‘Resource’. For example, if you have sqlite files, the AnnotationHubResource-class.R defines SQLiteFileResource so the DispatchClass would be SQLiteFile. Contact [email protected] if you are not sure which class to use. The function AnnotationHub::DispatchClassList() will output a matrix of currently implemented DispatchClass and brief description of utility. If a predefine class does not seem appropriate contact [email protected]. An all purpose DispathClass is FilePath that instead of trying to load the file into R, will only return the path to the locally downloaded file.

    • Location_Prefix: character(1). Do not include this field if data are stored in the Bioconductor AWS S3; it will be generated automatically.

      If data will be accessed from a location other than AWS S3 this field should be the base url.

    • RDataPath: character().This field should be the remainder of the path to the resource. The Location_Prefix will be prepended to RDataPath for the full path to the resource. If the resource is stored in Bioconductor's AWS S3 buckets, it should start with the name of the package associated with the metadata and should not start with a leading slash. It should include the resource file name. For strongly associated files, like a bam file and its index file, the two files should be separates with a colon :. This will link a single hub id with the multiple files.

    • Tags: character() vector. ‘Tags’ are search terms used to define a subset of resources in a Hub object, e.g, in a call to query.

      ‘Tags’ are automatically generated from the ‘biocViews’ in the DESCRIPTION and applied to all resources of the metadata file. Optionally, maintainers can define ‘Tags’ column of the metadata to define tags for each resource individually. Multiple ‘Tags’ are specified as a colon separated string, e.g., tags for two resources would look like this:

      	     Tags=c("tag1:tag2:tag3", "tag1:tag3")

    NOTE: The metadata file can have additional columns beyond the 'Required Fields' listed above. These values are not added to the Hub database but they can be used in package functions to provide an additional level of metadata on the resources.

    More on Location_Prefix and RDataPath. These two fields make up the complete file path url for downloading the data file. If using the Bioconductor AWS S3 bucket the Location_Prefix should not be included in the metadata file[s] as this field will be populated automatically. The RDataPath will be the directory structure you uploaded to S3. If you uploaded a directory ‘MyAnnotation/’, and that directory had a subdirectory ‘v1/’ that contained two files ‘counts.rds’ and ‘coldata.rds’, your metadata file will contain two rows and the RDataPaths would be ‘MyAnnotation/v1/counts.rds’ and ‘MyAnnotation/v1/coldata.rds’. If you host your data on a publicly accessible site you must include a base url as the Location_Prefix. If your data file was at ‘ftp://myinstiututeserver/biostats/project2/counts.rds’, your metadata file will have one row and the Location_Prefix would be ‘ftp://myinstiututeserver/’ and the RDataPath would be ‘biostats/project2/counts.rds’.


A list of ExperimentHubMetadata objects.

See Also


## makeExperimentHubMetadata() reads data from inst/scripts/<files>.csv
## into ExperimentHubMetadata objects. These objects are used to insert
## metadata into the production database. This function is used internally
## by addResources() and is not intended to be called directly.

## For an example of how this works we can use the GSE62944 ExperimentHub
## package. Download the source tarball from:


## and unpack it. Set 'pathToPackage' to point to the downloaded source.
## Then call the function:
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)