title: "4. Einsum operation by DelayedTensor"
- name: Koki Tsuyuzaki
affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research,
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
- name: Itoshi Nikaido
affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research,
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
email: k.t.the-answer@hotmail.co.jp
graphics: no
package: DelayedTensor
toc_float: true
vignette: |
```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message=FALSE}
**Authors**: `r packageDescription("DelayedTensor")[["Author"]] `
**Last modified:** `r file.info("DelayedTensor_4.Rmd")$mtime`
**Compiled**: `r date()`
# What is `einsum`
`einsum` is an easy and intuitive way to write tensor operations.
It was originally introduced by
package of Python but similar tools have been implemented in other languages
(e.g. R, Julia) inspired by `Numpy`.
In this vignette, we will use CRAN `r CRANpkg("einsum")` package first.
`einsum` is named after
Einstein summation^[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein_notation]
introduced by Albert Einstein,
which is a notational convention that implies summation over
a set of indexed terms in a formula.
Here, we consider a simple example of `einsum`; *matrix multiplication*.
If we naively implement the matrix multiplication,
the calculation would look like the following in a for loop.
```{r Matrix Multiplication 1, echo=TRUE}
A <- matrix(runif(3*4), nrow=3, ncol=4)
B <- matrix(runif(4*5), nrow=4, ncol=5)
C <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=5)
I <- nrow(A)
J <- ncol(A)
K <- ncol(B)
for(i in 1:I){
for(j in 1:J){
for(k in 1:K){
C[i,k] = C[i,k] + A[i,j] * B[j,k]
Therefore, any programming language can implement this.
However, when analyzing tensor data,
such operations tend to be more complicated and increase
the possibility of causing bugs because the order of tensors is
larger or more tensors are handled simultaneously.
In addition, several programming languages, especially R,
are known to significantly slow down the speed of computation
if the code is written in for loop.
Obviously, in the case of the R language,
it should be executed using the built-in matrix multiplication function
(%\*%) prepared by the R, as shown below.
```{r Matrix Multiplication 2, echo=TRUE}
C <- A %*% B
However, more complex operations than matrix multiplication
are not always provided by programming languages as standard.
`einsum` is a function that solves such a problem.
To put it simply, `einsum` is a wrapper for the for loop above.
Like the Einstein summation, it omits many notations such as for,
array size (e.g. I, J, and K), brackets (e.g. {}, (), and []),
and even addition operator (+) and
extracts the array subscripts (e.g. i, j, and k)
to concisely express the tensor operation as follows.
```{r Matrix Multiplication 3, echo=TRUE}
C <- einsum('ij,jk->ik', A, B)
# Einsum of `DelayedTensor`
CRAN `r CRANpkg("einsum")` is easy to use because the syntax is almost
the same as that of `Numpy`'s `einsum`,
except that it prohibits the implicit modes that do not use '->'.
It is extremely fast because the internal calculation
is actually performed by C++.
When the input tensor is huge, however,
it is not scalable because it assumes that the input is R's standard array.
Using `einsum` of `r Biocpkg("DelayedTensor")`,
we can augment the CRAN `einsum`'s functionality;
in `r Biocpkg("DelayedTensor")`,
the input `r Biocpkg("DelayedArray")` objects are divided into
multiple block tensors and the CRAN `r CRANpkg("einsum")`
is incremently applied in the block processing.
# Typical operations of einsum
A surprisingly large number of tensor operations can be handled
uniformly in `einsum`.
In more detail, `einsum` is capable of performing any tensor operation
that can be described by a combination of the following
three operations^[https://ajcr.net/Basic-guide-to-einsum/].
1. **Multiplication**: the element values of the tensors on the left side
of -> are multiplied by each other
2. **Summation**: when comparing the left and right sides of ->,
if there is a missing subscript on the right, the summation is done
in the direction of the subscript
3. **Permutation**: the subscripts to the right of ->
can be rearranged in any order
Some typical operations are introduced below.
Here we use the arrays and `r Biocpkg("DelayedArray")` objects below.
```{r Setting, echo=TRUE}
arrA <- array(runif(3), dim=c(3))
arrB <- array(runif(3*3), dim=c(3,3))
arrC <- array(runif(3*4), dim=c(3,4))
arrD <- array(runif(3*3*3), dim=c(3,3,3))
arrE <- array(runif(3*4*5), dim=c(3,4,5))
darrA <- DelayedArray(arrA)
darrB <- DelayedArray(arrB)
darrC <- DelayedArray(arrC)
darrD <- DelayedArray(arrD)
darrE <- DelayedArray(arrE)
## No Operation
### print, show
If the same subscript is written on both sides of ->,
`einsum` will simply output the object without any calculation.
```{r Print 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('i->i', arrA)
DelayedTensor::einsum('i->i', darrA)
```{r Print 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij->ij', arrC)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij->ij', darrC)
```{r Print 3, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->ijk', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->ijk', darrE)
### diag
We can also extract the diagonal elements as follows.
```{r Diag 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ii->i', arrB)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ii->i', darrB)
```{r Diag 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('iii->i', arrD)
DelayedTensor::einsum('iii->i', darrD)
## Multiplication
By using multiple arrays or `r Biocpkg("DelayedArray")` objects as input and
writing "," on the right side of ->,
multiplication will be performed.
### Hadamard Product
Hadamard Product can also be implemented in `einsum`,
multiplying by the product of each element.
```{r Hadamard Product 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('i,i->i', arrA, arrA)
DelayedTensor::einsum('i,i->i', darrA, darrA)
```{r Hadamard Product 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij,ij->ij', arrC, arrC)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij,ij->ij', darrC, darrC)
```{r Hadamard Product 3, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk,ijk->ijk', arrE, arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk,ijk->ijk', darrE, darrE)
### Outer Product
The outer product can also be implemented in `einsum`,
in which the subscripts in the input array are all different,
and all of them are kept.
```{r Outer Product 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('i,j->ij', arrA, arrA)
DelayedTensor::einsum('i,j->ij', darrA, darrA)
```{r Outer Product 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij,klm->ijklm', arrC, arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij,klm->ijklm', darrC, darrE)
## Summation
If there is a vanishing subscript on the left or right side of ->,
the summation is done for that subscript.
```{r Summation 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('i->', arrA)
DelayedTensor::einsum('i->', darrA)
```{r Summation 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij->', arrC)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij->', darrC)
```{r Summation 3, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->', darrE)
### Row-wise / Column-wise Summation
```{r rowSums, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij->i', arrC)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij->i', darrC)
```{r colSums, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij->j', arrC)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij->j', darrC)
### Mode-wise Vectorization
```{r Summation in each Mode 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->i', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->i', darrE)
```{r Summation in each Mode 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->j', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->j', darrE)
```{r Summation in each Mode 3, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->k', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->k', darrE)
### Mode-wise Summation
These are the same as what the `modeSum` function does.
```{r Mode Sum 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->ij', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->ij', darrE)
```{r Mode Sum 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->jk', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->jk', darrE)
```{r Mode Sum 3, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->jk', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->jk', darrE)
### Trace
If we take the diagonal elements of a matrix
and add them together, we get `trace`.
```{r Trace, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ii->', arrB)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ii->', darrB)
## Permutation
By changing the order of the indices on the left and right side of ->,
we can get a sorted array or `r Biocpkg("DelayedArray")`.
```{r Permutation 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij->ji', arrB)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij->ji', darrB)
```{r Permutation 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->jki', arrD)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->jki', darrD)
## Multiplication + Summation
Some examples of combining Multiplication and Summation are shown below.
### Inner Product (Squared Frobenius Norm)
Inner Product first calculate Hadamard Product and collapses it to
0D tensor (norm).
```{r Inner Product 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('i,i->', arrA, arrA)
DelayedTensor::einsum('i,i->', darrA, darrA)
```{r Inner Product 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij,ij->', arrC, arrC)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij,ij->', darrC, darrC)
```{r Inner Product 3, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk,ijk->', arrE, arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk,ijk->', darrE, darrE)
### Contracted Product
The inner product is an operation that eliminates all subscripts,
while the outer product is an operation that leaves all subscripts intact.
In the middle of the two, the operation that eliminates some subscripts
while keeping others by summing them is called contracted product.
```{r Contracted Product, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk,ijk->jk', arrE, arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk,ijk->jk', darrE, darrE)
### Matrix Multiplication
Matrix Multiplication is considered a contracted product.
```{r Matrix Multiplication, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij,jk->ik', arrC, t(arrC))
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij,jk->ik', darrC, t(darrC))
## Multiplication + Permutation
Some examples of combining Multiplication and Permutation are shown below.
```{r Multiplication and Permutation 1, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ij,ij->ji', arrC, arrC)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ij,ij->ji', darrC, darrC)
```{r Multiplication and Permutation 2, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk,ijk->jki', arrE, arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk,ijk->jki', darrE, darrE)
## Summation + Permutation
Some examples of combining Summation and Permutation are shown below.
```{r Summation and Permutation, echo=TRUE}
einsum::einsum('ijk->ki', arrE)
DelayedTensor::einsum('ijk->ki', darrE)
## Multiplication + Summation + Permutation
Finally, we will show a more complex example,
combining Multiplication, Summation, and Permutation.
```{r Multiplication, Summation, and Permutation, echo=TRUE}
arrA, arrC, arrE, arrE, t(arrC))
darrA, darrC, darrE, darrE, t(darrC))
# Create your original function by `einsum`
By using `einsum` and other `r Biocpkg("DelayedTensor")` functions,
it is possible to implement your original tensor calculation functions.
It is intended to be applied to Delayed Arrays,
which can scale to large-scale data
since the calculation is performed internally by block processing.
For example, `kronecker` can be easily implmented by `eimsum`
and other `r Biocpkg("DelayedTensor")` functions^[https://stackoverflow.com/
(the `kronecker` function inside `r Biocpkg("DelayedTensor")`
has a more efficient implementation though).
```{r Kronecker Function, echo=TRUE}
darr1 <- DelayedArray(array(1:6, dim=c(2,3)))
darr2 <- DelayedArray(array(20:1, dim=c(4,5)))
mykronecker <- function(darr1, darr2){
stopifnot((length(dim(darr1)) == 2) && (length(dim(darr2)) == 2))
# Outer Product
tmpdarr <- DelayedTensor::einsum('ij,kl->ikjl', darr1, darr2)
# Reshape
DelayedTensor::unfold(tmpdarr, row_idx=c(2,1), col_idx=c(4,3))
identical(as.array(DelayedTensor::kronecker(darr1, darr2)),
as.array(mykronecker(darr1, darr2)))
# Session information {.unnumbered}
```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE}