To cite DExMA in publications use: Juan Antonio Villatoro-García Jordi Martorell-Marugán Daniel Toro-Domínguez Yolanda Román-Montoya Pedro Femia Pedro Carmona-Sáez DExMA: An R Package for Performing Gene Expression Meta-Analysis with Missing Genes. Mathematics (2022), 10(18), 3376, doi:10.3390/math10183376 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {DExMA: An R Package for Performing Gene Expression Meta-Analysis with Missing Genes}, author = {Juan Antonio Villatoro-García and Jordi Martorell-Marugán and Daniel Toro-Domínguez and Yolanda Román-Montoya and Pedro Femia and Pedro Carmona-Sáez}, journal = {Mathematics}, year = {2022}, volume = {10}, number = {18}, pages = {3376}, doi = {10.3390/math10183376}, url = {}, }