Package 'CuratedAtlasQueryR'

Title: Queries the Human Cell Atlas
Description: Provides access to a copy of the Human Cell Atlas, but with harmonised metadata. This allows for uniform querying across numerous datasets within the Atlas using common fields such as cell type, tissue type, and patient ethnicity. Usage involves first querying the metadata table for cells of interest, and then downloading the corresponding cells into a SingleCellExperiment object.
Authors: Stefano Mangiola [aut, cre, rev] , Michael Milton [aut, rev] , Martin Morgan [ctb, rev], Vincent Carey [ctb, rev], Julie Iskander [rev], Tony Papenfuss [rev], Silicon Valley Foundation CZF2019-002443 [fnd], NIH NHGRI 5U24HG004059-18 [fnd], Victoria Cancer Agency ECRF21036 [fnd], NHMRC 1116955 [fnd]
Maintainer: Stefano Mangiola <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.3.0
Built: 2024-09-22 06:09:24 UTC

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URL pointing to the full metadata file


URL pointing to the full metadata file




An object of class character of length 1.


A character scalar consisting of the URL


get_metadata(remote_url = DATABASE_URL)

Gets the Curated Atlas metadata as a data frame.


Downloads a parquet database of the Human Cell Atlas metadata to a local cache, and then opens it as a data frame. It can then be filtered and passed into get_single_cell_experiment() to obtain a SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment


  remote_url = DATABASE_URL,
  cache_directory = get_default_cache_dir(),
  use_cache = TRUE



Optional character vector of length 1. An HTTP URL pointing to the location of the parquet database.


Optional character vector of length 1. A file path on your local system to a directory (not a file) that will be used to store metadata.parquet


Optional logical scalar. If TRUE (the default), and this function has been called before with the same parameters, then a cached reference to the table will be returned. If FALSE, a new connection will be created no matter what.


The metadata was collected from the Bioconductor package cellxgenedp. it's vignette using_cellxgenedp provides an overview of the columns in the metadata. The data for which the column organism_name included "Homo sapiens" was collected collected from cellxgenedp.

The columns dataset_id and file_id link the datasets explorable through CuratedAtlasQueryR and cellxgenedpto the CELLxGENE portal.

Our representation, harmonises the metadata at dataset, sample and cell levels, in a unique coherent database table.

Dataset-specific columns (definitions available at cell_count, collection_id, created_at.x, created_at.y, dataset_deployments, dataset_id, file_id, filename, filetype, is_primary_data.y, is_valid, linked_genesets, mean_genes_per_cell, name, published, published_at, revised_at, revision, s3_uri, schema_version, tombstone, updated_at.x, updated_at.y, user_submitted, x_normalization

Sample-specific columns (definitions available at

sample_, .sample_name, age_days, assay, assay_ontology_term_id, development_stage, development_stage_ontology_term_id, ethnicity, ethnicity_ontology_term_id, experiment___, organism, organism_ontology_term_id, sample_placeholder, sex, sex_ontology_term_id, tissue, tissue_harmonised, tissue_ontology_term_id, disease, disease_ontology_term_id, is_primary_data.x

Cell-specific columns (definitions available at

cell_, cell_type, cell_type_ontology_term_idm, cell_type_harmonised, confidence_class, cell_annotation_azimuth_l2, cell_annotation_blueprint_singler

Through harmonisation and curation we introduced custom column, not present in the original CELLxGENE metadata

  • tissue_harmonised: a coarser tissue name for better filtering

  • age_days: the number of days corresponding to the age

  • cell_type_harmonised: the consensus call identity (for immune cells) using the original and three novel annotations using Seurat Azimuth and SingleR

  • confidence_class: an ordinal class of how confident cell_type_harmonised is. 1 is complete consensus, 2 is 3 out of four and so on.

  • cell_annotation_azimuth_l2: Azimuth cell annotation

  • cell_annotation_blueprint_singler: SingleR cell annotation using Blueprint reference

  • cell_annotation_blueprint_monaco: SingleR cell annotation using Monaco reference

  • sample_id_db: Sample subdivision for internal use

  • file_id_db: File subdivision for internal use

  • sample_: Sample ID

  • .sample_name: How samples were defined

Possible cache path issues

If your default R cache path includes non-standard characters (e.g. dash because of your user or organisation name), the following error can manifest

Error in db_query_fields.DBIConnection(): ! Can't query fields. Caused by error: ! Parser Error: syntax error at or near "/" LINE 2: FROM /Users/bob/Library/Caches...

The solution is to choose a different cache, for example

get_metadata(cache_directory = path.expand('~'))


A lazy data.frame subclass containing the metadata. You can interact with this object using most standard dplyr functions. For string matching, it is recommended that you use stringr::str_like to filter character columns, as stringr::str_match will not work.


filtered_metadata <- get_metadata() |>
        ethnicity == "African" &
            assay %LIKE% "%10x%" &
            tissue == "lung parenchyma" &
            cell_type %LIKE% "%CD4%"

Given a data frame of HCA metadata, returns a Seurat object corresponding to the samples in that data frame


Given a data frame of HCA metadata, returns a Seurat object corresponding to the samples in that data frame





Arguments passed on to get_single_cell_experiment


A data frame containing, at minimum, a sample_ column, which corresponds to a single cell sample ID. This can be obtained from the get_metadata() function.


A character vector whose elements must be either "counts" and/or "cpm", representing the corresponding assay(s) you want to request. By default only the count assay is downloaded. If you are interested in comparing a limited amount of genes, the "cpm" assay is more appropriate.


A character vector of length one. If provided, it should be an HTTP URL pointing to the location where the single cell data is stored.


An optional character vector of length one. If provided, it should indicate a local file path where any remotely accessed files should be copied.


An optional character vector of features (ie genes) to return the counts for. By default counts for all features will be returned.


A Seurat object containing the same data as a call to get_single_cell_experiment()


meta <- get_metadata() |> head(2)
seurat <- get_seurat(meta)

Gets a SingleCellExperiment from curated metadata


Given a data frame of Curated Atlas metadata obtained from get_metadata(), returns a SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment object corresponding to the samples in that data frame


  assays = "counts",
  cache_directory = get_default_cache_dir(),
  repository = COUNTS_URL,
  features = NULL



A data frame containing, at minimum, a sample_ column, which corresponds to a single cell sample ID. This can be obtained from the get_metadata() function.


A character vector whose elements must be either "counts" and/or "cpm", representing the corresponding assay(s) you want to request. By default only the count assay is downloaded. If you are interested in comparing a limited amount of genes, the "cpm" assay is more appropriate.


An optional character vector of length one. If provided, it should indicate a local file path where any remotely accessed files should be copied.


A character vector of length one. If provided, it should be an HTTP URL pointing to the location where the single cell data is stored.


An optional character vector of features (ie genes) to return the counts for. By default counts for all features will be returned.


A SingleCellExperiment object, with one assay for each value in the assays argument


meta <- get_metadata() |> head(2)
sce <- get_single_cell_experiment(meta)

Gets a SingleCellExperiment from curated metadata


Given a data frame of Curated Atlas metadata obtained from get_metadata(), returns a SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment object corresponding to the samples in that data frame





Arguments passed on to get_single_cell_experiment


A data frame containing, at minimum, a sample_ column, which corresponds to a single cell sample ID. This can be obtained from the get_metadata() function.


A character vector whose elements must be either "counts" and/or "cpm", representing the corresponding assay(s) you want to request. By default only the count assay is downloaded. If you are interested in comparing a limited amount of genes, the "cpm" assay is more appropriate.


A character vector of length one. If provided, it should be an HTTP URL pointing to the location where the single cell data is stored.


An optional character vector of length one. If provided, it should indicate a local file path where any remotely accessed files should be copied.


An optional character vector of features (ie genes) to return the counts for. By default counts for all features will be returned.


A SingleCellExperiment object, with one assay for each value in the assays argument


meta <- get_metadata() |> head(2)
sce <- get_single_cell_experiment(meta)

Returns unharmonised metadata for selected datasets.


Various metadata fields are not common between datasets, so it does not make sense for these to live in the main metadata table. This function is a utility that allows easy fetching of this data if necessary.


  cells = NULL,
  conn = dbConnect(drv = duckdb(), read_only = TRUE),
  remote_url = UNHARMONISED_URL,
  cache_directory = get_default_cache_dir()



A character vector, where each entry is a dataset ID obtained from the ⁠$file_id⁠ column of the table returned from get_metadata()


An optional character vector of cell IDs. If provided, only metadata for those cells will be returned.


An optional DuckDB connection object. If provided, it will re-use the existing connection instead of opening a new one.


Optional character vector of length 1. An HTTP URL pointing to the root URL under which all the unharmonised dataset files are located.


Optional character vector of length 1. A file path on your local system to a directory (not a file) that will be used to store the unharmonised metadata files.


A named list, where each name is a dataset file ID, and each value is a "lazy data frame", ie a tbl.


dataset <- "838ea006-2369-4e2c-b426-b2a744a2b02b"
harmonised_meta <- get_metadata() |> 
    dplyr::filter(file_id == dataset) |> dplyr::collect()
unharmonised_meta <- get_unharmonised_dataset(dataset)
unharmonised_tbl <- dplyr::collect(unharmonised_meta[[dataset]])
dplyr::left_join(harmonised_meta, unharmonised_tbl, by=c("file_id", "cell_"))

Returns unharmonised metadata for a metadata query


Various metadata fields are not common between datasets, so it does not make sense for these to live in the main metadata table. This function is a utility that allows easy fetching of this data if necessary.


get_unharmonised_metadata(metadata, ...)



A lazy data frame obtained from get_metadata(), filtered down to some cells of interest


Arguments passed on to get_unharmonised_dataset


A character vector, where each entry is a dataset ID obtained from the ⁠$file_id⁠ column of the table returned from get_metadata()


An optional character vector of cell IDs. If provided, only metadata for those cells will be returned.


An optional DuckDB connection object. If provided, it will re-use the existing connection instead of opening a new one.


Optional character vector of length 1. An HTTP URL pointing to the root URL under which all the unharmonised dataset files are located.


Optional character vector of length 1. A file path on your local system to a directory (not a file) that will be used to store the unharmonised metadata files.


A tibble with two columns:

  • file_id: the same file_id as the main metadata table obtained from get_metadata()

  • unharmonised: a nested tibble, with one row per cell in the input metadata, containing unharmonised metadata


harmonised <- dplyr::filter(get_metadata(), tissue == "kidney blood vessel")
unharmonised <- get_unharmonised_metadata(harmonised)

URL pointing to the sample metadata file, which is smaller and for test, demonstration, and vignette purposes only


URL pointing to the sample metadata file, which is smaller and for test, demonstration, and vignette purposes only




An object of class character of length 1.


A character scalar consisting of the URL


get_metadata(remote_url = SAMPLE_DATABASE_URL)