Package 'ClustIRR'

Title: Clustering of immune receptor repertoires
Description: ClustIRR analyzes repertoires of B- and T-cell receptors. It starts by identifying communities of immune receptors with similar specificities, based on the sequences of their complementarity-determining regions (CDRs). Next, it employs a Bayesian probabilistic models to quantify differential community occupancy (DCO) between repertoires, allowing the identification of expanding or contracting communities in response to e.g. infection or cancer treatment.
Authors: Simo Kitanovski [aut, cre] , Kai Wollek [aut]
Maintainer: Simo Kitanovski <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3 + file LICENSE
Version: 1.5.39
Built: 2025-01-24 03:33:45 UTC

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BLOSUM62 matrix


Predefined scoring matrix for amino acid or nucleoitide alignments.




BLOSUM62 is a square symmetric matrix. Rows and columns are identical single letters, representing nucleotide or amino acid. Elements are integer coefficients (substitution scores).


BLOSUM62 was obtained from NCBI (the same matrix used by the stand- alone BLAST software).






data(BLOSUM62, package = "ClustIRR")

Mock data set of complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) sequences and variable (V) and joining (J) genes from the α\alpha and β\beta chains of 10,000 T cell receptors.


T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire with 10,000 T-cells (rows). Each T-cell has the following features: amino acid sequences of their complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3); and variable (V) and joining (J) gene names for TCR chains α\alpha and β\beta.

Important remark: this is a mock dataset, all CDR3 sequences and the genes were sampled from a larger set of CDR3β\beta sequences and genes of naive CD8+ T cells in humans.




data.frame with 10,000 rows and 6 columns

  • CDR3a: CDRα\alpha amino acid sequence

  • TRAV: variable (V) gene of TCRα\alpha

  • TRAV: joining (J) gene of TCRα\alpha

  • CDR3b: CDRβ\beta amino acid sequence

  • TRBV: variable (V) gene of TCRβ\beta

  • TRBV: joining (J) gene of TCRβ\beta


data(CDR3ab) loads the object CDR3ab, which is a data.frame with six columns (3 for TCRα\alpha and 3 for TCRβ\beta) and 10,000 rows (see details).


GLIPH version 2



clust_irr class


Objects of the class clust_irr are generated by the function cluster_irr. These objects are used to store the clustering results in a structured way, such that they may be used as inputs of other ClustIRR functions (e.g. get_graph, plot_graph, etc.).

The output is an S4 object of class clust_irr. This object contains two sublists:

  • clust, list, contains clustering results for each IR chain. The results are stored as data.frame in separate sub-list named appropriately (e.g. CDR3a, CDR3b, CDR3g, etc.). Each row in the data.frames contains a pair of CDR3s.

    The remaining columns contain similarity scores for the complete CDR3 sequences (column weight) or their cores (column cweight). The columns max_len and max_clen store the length of the longer CDR3 and CDR3 core sequence in the pair, and these used to normalize the scores weight and cweight: the normalized scores are shown in the columns nweight and ncweight

  • inputs, list, contains all user provided inputs (see Arguments)



list, contains clustering results for each TCR/BCR chain. The results are stored in separate sub-list named appropriately (e.g. CDR3a, CDR3b, CDR3g, etc.)


list, contains all user provided inputs


The output is an S4 object of class clust_irr


To access the slots of clust_irr object we have two accessor functions. In the description below, x is a clust_irr object.


get_clustirr_clust(x): Extract the clustering results (slot clust)


get_clustirr_inputs(x): Extract the processed inputs (slot inputs)


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
s <- data.frame(CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:100, "CDR3b"], sample = "A", clone_size = 1)

# run analysis
c <- cluster_irr(s = s)

# output class

# output structure

# inspect which CDR3bs are globally similar
knitr::kable(head(slot(c, "clust")$CDR3b))

# clust_irr S4 object generated 'manually' from the individual results
new_clust_irr <- new("clust_irr", 
                     clust = slot(object = c, name = "clust"),
                     inputs = slot(object = c, name = "inputs"))

# we should get identical outputs
identical(x = new_clust_irr, y = c)

Clustering of immune receptor repertoires (IRRs)


cluster_irr computes similarities between immune receptors (IRs = T-cell and B-cell receptors) based on their CDR3 sequences.


            meta = NULL,
            control = list(gmi = 0.7,
                           trim_flank_aa = 3,
                           db_dist = 0,
                           db_custom = NULL))



a data.frame with complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) amino acid sequences observed in IRR clones (data.frame rows). The data.frame has the following columns (IR clone features):

  • sample: name of the IRR (e.g. 'A')

  • clone_size: cell count in the clone (=clonal expansion)

  • CDR3?: amino acid CDR3 sequence. Replace '?' with the appropriate name of the IR chain (e.g. CDR3a for CDR3s from TCRα\alpha chain; or CDR3d for CDR3s from TCRδ\delta chain. Meanwhile, if paired CDR3s from both chains are available, then you can provide both in separate columns e.g.:

    • CDR3b and CDR3a [for αβ\alpha\beta TCRs]

    • CDR3g and CDR3d [for γδ\gamma\delta TCRs]

    • CDR3h and CDR3l [for heavy/light chain BCRs]


data.frame with meta-data for each IR clone, which may contain data such as, V/J genes, biological condition, age, etc. This data will be used to annotate the graph nodes and help downstream analyses.


auxiliary parameters to control the algorithm's behavior. See the details below:

  • gmi: the minimum sequence identity between a pair of CDR3 sequences for them to even be considered for alignment and scoring (default = 0.7; 70 percent identity).

  • trim_flank_aa: how many amino acids should be trimmed from the flanks of all CDR3 sequences to isolate the CDR3 cores. trim_flank_aa = 3 (default).

  • db_custom: additional database (data.frame) which allows us to annotate CDR3 sequences from the input (s) with their cognate antigens. The structure of db_custom must be identical to that in data(vdjdb, package = "ClustIRR"). ClustIRR will use the internal databases if db_custom=NULL (default). Three databases (data only from human CDR3) are integrated in ClustIRR: VDJdb, TCR3d and McPAS-TCR.

  • db_dist: we compute edit distances between CDR3 sequences from s and from a database (e.g. VDJdb). If a particular distance is smaller than or equal to db_dist (default = 0), then we annotate the CDR3 from s with the specificity of the database CDR3 sequence.


IRRs, such as T-cell receptor repertoires, are made up of T-cells which are distributed over T-cell clones. TCR clones with identical pairs of CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta sequences most likely recognize the same sets of antigens. Meanwhile, TCR clones with similar pairs of CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta sequences may also share common specificity. ClustIRR aims to quantify the similarity between pairs of TCR clones based on the similarities of their CDR3s sequences.

How to compute a similarity score between a pair of CDR3 sequences?

1. Align pairs of sequences

2. Score alignment with BLOSUM62 substitution matrix and gap open/exten costs

3. Normalize alignment scores by alignment length

4. Compute the normalized alignment score of the CDR3 cores.

CDR3 cores are the central parts of the CDR3 loop, which tend to have high probability of making a contact with the antigen. ClustIRR constructs the CDR3 cores by trimming few residues (defined by control$trim_flanks) from both ends of each CDR3 sequence.

For large IRRs with many clones, step 1 requires significant computational resources. To mitigate this challenge, we employ a screening step in which similar sequence pairs selected. In short, each CDR3 is used as a query in a fast protein-BLAST search as implemented in the R-package blaster, while the remaining CDR3s are considered as a database of amino acid sequences against which the query is compared. CDR3 sequences which share at least 70% sequence identity (user parameter control$gmi) with the query are selected, and only these are scored according to steps 2-4.


The output is an S4 object of class clust_irr. This object contains two sublists:

  • clust, list, contains clustering results for each IR chain. The results are stored as data.frame in separate sub-list named appropriately (e.g. CDR3a, CDR3b, CDR3g, etc.). Each row in the data.frames contains a pair of CDR3s.

    The remaining columns contain similarity scores for the complete CDR3 sequences (column weight) or their cores (column cweight). The columns max_len and max_clen store the length of the longer CDR3 sequence and core in the pair, and these used to normalize the scores weight and cweight: the normalized scores are shown in the columns nweight and ncweight

  • inputs, list, contains all user provided inputs (see Arguments)


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
s <- data.frame(CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:100, "CDR3b"], sample = "A", clone_size = 1)

# run analysis
c <- cluster_irr(s = s)

# output class

# output structure

# inspect which CDR3bs are similar
knitr::kable(head(slot(c, "clust")$CDR3b))

Model-based differential community occupancy (DCO) analysis


This algorithm takes as input a community matrix, and quantifies the relative enrichment/depletion of individual communities in each sample using a Bayesian hierarchical model.


dco(community_occupancy_matrix, mcmc_control, compute_delta=TRUE, groups = NA)



matrix, rows are communities, columns are repertoires, matrix entries are numbers of cells in each community and repertoire.


list, configurations for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation.

  • mcmc_warmup = 750; number of MCMC warmups

  • mcmc_iter = 1500; number of MCMC iterations

  • mcmc_chains = 4; number of MCMC chains

  • mcmc_cores = 1; number of computer cores

  • mcmc_algorithm = "NUTS"; which MCMC algorithm to use

  • adapt_delta = 0.95; MCMC step size

  • max_treedepth = 12; the max value, in exponents of 2, of what the binary tree size in NUTS should have.


should delta be computed by the Stan model? This may be take up extra memory.


vector with integers 1\geq1, one for each repertoire (column in community_occupancy_matrix). This specifies the biological group of each repertoire (e.g. for cancer repertoire we may specify the index 1, and for normal repertoires the index 2). If this vector is specified, ClustIRR will employ a hierarchical model, modeling the dependence between the repertoires within each group. Else (which is the default setting in ClustIRR), ClustIRR will treat the repertoires as independent samples by employing a simpler model.


The output is a list with the folling elements:


model fit (stan object)


nested list with data.frames, summary of model parameters, including their means, medians, 95% credible intervals, etc. Predicted observations (y_hat), which are useful for posterior predictive checks are also provided.


matrix, rows are communities, columns are repertoires, matrix entries are numbers of cells in each community and repertoire.


mcmc configuration inputs provided as list.


the input compute_delta.


the input groups.


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
a <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[1:500, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:500, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "a")

b <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[401:900, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[401:900, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "b")
b$clone_size[1] <- 20

# run ClustIRR analysis
c <- c(cluster_irr(s = a), cluster_irr(s = b))

# get joint graph
jg <- get_joint_graph(clust_irrs = c)

# detect communities
gcd <- detect_communities(graph = jg$graph, 
                          algorithm = "leiden",
                          resolution = 1,
                          weight = "ncweight",
                          metric = "average",
                          chains = c("CDR3a", "CDR3b"))

# look at outputs

# look at the community matrix

# look at the community summary

# look at the node summary

# differential community occupancy analysis
dco <- dco(community_occupancy_matrix = gcd$community_occupancy_matrix)


Graph-based community detection (GCD)


Performs graph-based community detection to find densely connected groups of nodes in graph constructed by get_graph or get_joint_graph.


                   algorithm = "leiden", 
                   resolution = 1,
                   iterations = 100,
                   metric = "average",



igraph object


graph-based community detection (GCD) method: leiden (default) or louvain.


clustering resolution (default = 1) for the GCD.


clustering iterations (default = 100) for the GCD.


which edge weight metric (default = ncweight) should be used for GCD


possible metrics: "average" (default), "strict" or "loose".


which chains should be used for clustering? For instance: chains = "CDR3a"; or chains = CDR3b; or chains = c("CDR3a", "CDR3b").


ClustIRR employs graph-based community detection (GCD) algorithms, such as Louvain or Leiden, to identify densely connected nodes. But first, we must decide how to compute a similarity between two nodes, ii and jj, (e.g. TCR clones) based on the similarity scores between their CDR3 sequences (computed in clust_irr) and use this metric as edge weight ω(i,j)\omega(i,j).

Scenario 1

If our IRR data data contains CDR3 sequences from only one chain, such as CDR3β\beta, then ω(i,j)\omega(i,j) is defined as

ω(i,j)=ωˉβorω(i,j)=ωˉcβ\omega(i,j)={\bar{\omega}}^\beta \qquad\text{or}\qquad \omega(i,j)={\bar{\omega}}^\beta_c

The user can decide among the two definitions by specifying

  • weight = "ncweight" \rightarrow ω(i,j)=ωˉc\omega(i,j)=\bar{\omega}_c (default)

  • weight = "nweight" \rightarrow ω(i,j)=ωˉ\omega(i,j)=\bar{\omega}

Scenario 2

If our IRR data contains CDR3 sequences from both chains (paired data) To compute the similarity score between TCR clones, ii and jj, we compute the average alignment score (metric=average) from their CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta alignment scores (in the next, I will use TCRαβ\alpha\beta as an example, however, this approach can also be used to compare TCRγδ\gamma\delta or BCRIgH-IgL clones):

ω(i,j)=ωˉα+ωˉβ2orω(i,j)=ωˉcα+ωˉcβ2\omega(i,j)=\dfrac{{\bar{\omega}}^\alpha + {\bar{\omega}}^\beta}{2} \qquad\text{or}\qquad \omega(i,j)=\dfrac{{\bar{\omega}}^\alpha_c + {\bar{\omega}}^\beta_c}{2},

where ωˉα\bar{\omega}^\alpha and ωˉβ\bar{\omega}^\beta are the alignment scores for the CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta sequences, respectively; and ωˉcα\bar{\omega}^\alpha_c and ωˉcβ\bar{\omega}^\beta_c are the alignment scores for the CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta cores, respectively. Based on this metric, CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta contribute towards the overall similarity of the TCR clones with equal weights.

ClustIRR provides two additional metrics for computing similarity scores between TCR clones, including a metric=strict, which assigns high similarity score to a pair of TCR clones only if both of their CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta sequence pairs are similar

ω(i,j)=min(ωˉα,ωˉβ)orω(i,j)=min(ωˉcα,ωˉcβ)\omega(i,j) = \min({\bar{\omega}}^\alpha, {\bar{\omega}}^\beta) \qquad\text{or}\qquad \omega(i,j) = \min({\bar{\omega}}^\alpha_c, {\bar{\omega}}^\beta_c),

and a metric=loose, which assigns high similarity score to a pair of TCR clones if either of their CDR3α\alpha and CDR3β\beta sequence pairs are similar

ω(i,j)=max(ωˉα,ωˉβ)orω(i,j)=max(ωˉcα,ωˉcβ)\omega(i,j) = \max({\bar{\omega}}^\alpha, {\bar{\omega}}^\beta) \qquad\text{or}\qquad \omega(i,j) = \max({\bar{\omega}}^\alpha_c, {\bar{\omega}}^\beta_c),


The output is a list with the folling elements:


matrix, rows are communities, columns are repertoires, matrix entries are numbers of cells in each community and repertoire.


data.frame, rows are communities and their properties are provided as columns.


data.frame, rows are nodes (clones) and their properties are provided as columnscontains all user provided.


igraph object, processed graph object.


graph modularity and quality (only for Leiden) measure of the strength of division of the graph into communities.


list, inputs provided as list.


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
a <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[1:300, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:300, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "a")

b <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[201:400, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[201:400, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "b")
b$clone_size[1] <- 20

# run ClustIRR analysis
c <- c(cluster_irr(s = a), cluster_irr(s = b))

# get joint graph
jg <- get_joint_graph(clust_irrs = c)

# detect communities
gcd <- detect_communities(graph = jg$graph, 
                          weight = "nweight",
                          algorithm = "leiden",
                          resolution = 1,
                          iterations = 100,
                          metric = "average",
                          chains = c("CDR3a", "CDR3b"))

# look at outputs

# look at the community occupancymatrix

# look at the community summary

# look at the node summary

Estimate the number of antigen-specific T-cells in selected communities


Use 1. a list of community IDs, 2. node_summary data.frame generated by the function detect_communities; and 3. antigen species/genes to estimate the number of antigen-specific T-cells in selected communities in each repertoire.


               ag_species = NULL, 
               ag_genes = NULL,
               db = "vdjdb",
               db_dist = 0,
               chain = "both")



numeric vector with community IDs


node_summary data.frame


antigen species, character vector, e.g. c("EBV", "CMV")


antigen genes, character vector, e.g. "MLANA"


annotation database, character, e.g. "vdjdb"


maximum edit distance threshold for matching, nummeric


immune receptor chain for annotation, "both", "CDR3a" or "CDR3b"


The user has to provide a vector of antigen species (e.g. ag_species = c("EBV", "CMV")) and/or a vector of antigen genes (e.g. ag_genes = "MLANA"). Furthermore, the user has to provide nodes (node_summary data.frame created by the function detect_communities) and a vector with community IDs.

The user can also select an annotation database db, such as "vdjdb", "mcpas" or "tcr3d"; and restrict the annotation to specific IR chains, such as "CDR3a", "CDR3b" or "both". By default, we will look for perfect matches (db_dist=0) between CDR3 sequences in the input and in the annotation database for annotation. Flexible annotation based on edit distances can be performed by increasing db_dist.


The output is a data.frame with the number of T-cells specific for the antigenic species/genes (columns) provided as input per repertoire (row), including the total number of T-cells in each repertoire.


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
a <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[1:500, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:500, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "a")

b <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[401:900, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[401:900, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "b")
b$clone_size[1] <- 20

# run ClustIRR analysis
c <- c(cluster_irr(s = a), cluster_irr(s = b))

# get joint graph
jg <- get_joint_graph(clust_irrs = c)

# detect communities
gcd <- detect_communities(graph = jg$graph, 
                          algorithm = "leiden",
                          resolution = 1,
                          weight = "ncweight",
                          metric = "average",
                          chains = c("CDR3a", "CDR3b"))

# look at outputs

# look at the community matrix

# look at the community summary

# look at the node summary

# differential community occupancy analysis
dco <- dco(community_occupancy_matrix = gcd$community_occupancy_matrix)


# generate beta violin plots
ag_summary <- get_ag_summary(communities = 1:3,
                             node_summary = gcd$node_summary,
                             ag_species = c("EBV", "CMV"),
                             ag_genes = "MLANA",
                             db = "vdjdb",
                             db_dist = 0,
                             chain = "both")

Generate beta violin plot: visualize distribution of β\beta coefficient means for communities in immune receptor repertoires


Use 1. node_summary data.frame generated by the function detect_communities; 2. beta data.frame which is part of posterior_summary generated by the function dco; and 3. antigen species/genes to visualize distributions of β\beta coefficient means for communities that contain antigen-specific and antigen-unspecific IRs.


                 ag_species = NULL, 
                 ag_genes = NULL,
                 db = "vdjdb",
                 db_dist = 0,
                 chain = "both")



beta data.frame


node_summary data.frame


antigen species, character vector, e.g. c("EBV", "CMV")


antigen genes, character vector, e.g. "MLANA"


annotation database, character, e.g. "vdjdb"


maximum edit distance threshold for matching, nummeric


immune receptor chain for annotation, "both", "CDR3a" or "CDR3b"


The user has to provide a vector of antigen species (e.g. ag_species = c("EBV", "CMV")) and/or a vector of antigen genes (e.g. ag_genes = "MLANA"). Furthermore, the user has to provide nodes (node_summary data.frame created by the function detect_communities) and beta data.frame which is part of posterior_summary generated by the function dco.

The user can also select an annotation database db, such as "vdjdb", "mcpas" or "tcr3d"; and restrict the annotation to specific IR chains, such as "CDR3a", "CDR3b" or "both". By default, we will look for perfect matches (db_dist=0) between CDR3 sequences in the input and in the annotation database for annotation. Flexible annotation based on edit distances can be performed by increasing db_dist.


The output is a list with 4 elements:

node_annotations: annotated node_summary

beta_summary: annotated beta

vars: annotation variables

violins: violin plots (one for each antigen species and gene)


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
a <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[1:500, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:500, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "a")

b <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[401:900, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[401:900, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "b")
b$clone_size[1] <- 20

# run ClustIRR analysis
c <- c(cluster_irr(s = a), cluster_irr(s = b))

# get joint graph
jg <- get_joint_graph(clust_irrs = c)

# detect communities
gcd <- detect_communities(graph = jg$graph, 
                          algorithm = "leiden",
                          resolution = 1,
                          weight = "ncweight",
                          metric = "average",
                          chains = c("CDR3a", "CDR3b"))

# look at outputs

# look at the community matrix

# look at the community summary

# look at the node summary

# differential community occupancy analysis
dco <- dco(community_occupancy_matrix = gcd$community_occupancy_matrix)


# generate beta violin plots
beta_violins <- get_beta_violins(beta = dco$posterior_summary$beta,
                                 node_summary = gcd$node_summary,
                                 ag_species = c("EBV", "CMV"),
                                 ag_genes = "MLANA",
                                 db = "vdjdb",
                                 db_dist = 0,
                                 chain = "both")

Get igraph object from clust_irr object


Given a clust_irr object generated by the function cluster_irr, the function get_graph constructs an igraph object.

The graph nodes represent IR clones. Undirected edges are drawn between pairs of nodes, and the attributes of these edges are assigned based on the clust_irr outputs: ωˉ\bar{\omega}, ωˉc\bar{\omega}_c, etc.





S4 object generated by the function cluster_irr


The output is a list with the following elements. First, the list contains an igraph object. The graph nodes and edges contain attributes encoded in the clust_irr objects. Second, it contains a data.frame in which rows are clones (nodes) in the graph. Third, the list contains the logical variable joint_graph, which is set to TRUE if the graph is a joint graph generated by the function get_joint_graph and FALSE if the graph is not a joint graph generated by get_graph.


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
s <- data.frame(CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:100, "CDR3b"], sample = "A", clone_size = 1)

# run ClustIRR analysis
out <- cluster_irr(s = s)

# get graph
g <- get_graph(clust_irr = out)


Generate honycomb plot: visualize community occupancy of pairs of immune receptor repertoires


Use the community_occupancy_matrix generated by the function detect_communities to generate honeycomb plots for each pair of repertoires. In each plot, we will show communities (rows in the matric community_occupancy_matrix) as dots and their intensities in a pair of repertoires (x-axis and y-axis). The density of dots is encoded by the color of the honeycomb-like hexagons.





community_occupancy_matrix, matrix generated by detect_communities


Use the community_occupancy_matrix generated by the function detect_communities to generate honeycomb plots for each pair of repertoires. In each plot, we will show communities (rows in the matric community_occupancy_matrix) as dots and their intensities in a pair of repertoires (x-axis and y-axis). The density of dots is encoded by the color of the honeycomb-like hexagons.


The output is a list with ggplots. Given n repertoires (columns in input community_occupancy_matrix), it will generate n*(n-1)/2 plots. You can arrange the ggplots (or a portion of them) in any shape e.g. with the R-package patchwork.


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
a <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[1:300, "CDR3a"],
                CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:300, "CDR3b"],
                clone_size = 1,
                sample = "a")

b <- data.frame(CDR3a = CDR3ab[201:400, "CDR3a"],
                  CDR3b = CDR3ab[201:400, "CDR3b"],
                  clone_size = 1,
                  sample = "b")
b$clone_size[1] <- 20

# run ClustIRR analysis
c <- c(cluster_irr(s = a), cluster_irr(s = b))

# get joint graph
jg <- get_joint_graph(clust_irrs = c)

# detect communities
gcd <- detect_communities(graph = jg$graph, 
                          algorithm = "leiden",
                          resolution = 1,
                          weight = "ncweight",
                          metric = "average",
                          chains = c("CDR3a", "CDR3b"))

# get honeycombs
g <- get_honeycombs(com = gcd$community_occupancy_matrix)


Create joint igraph object from multiple clust_irr objects


Given a vector of clust_irr objects, generated by the function cluster_irr, the function get_joint_graph performs the following steps:

1. runs the function get_graph on each clust_irr object

2. merges the nodes: if graph a and b have |a| and |b| nodes, then the joint graph has |a|+|b| nodes, regardless of whether exactly the same clone (vertex) is found in both graphs.

3. draws edges between nodes from the different graphs using the same algorithm for drawing edges between nodes within an IRR (see function clust_irr).

4. return a joint graph as igraph object

5. return the input clustirr object list

6. return a logical joint_graph=TRUE


get_joint_graph(clust_irrs, cores = 1)



A list of at least two S4 objects generated with the function cluster_irr


number of computer cores to use (default = 1)


The main output is an igraph object.


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
a <- data.frame(CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:100, "CDR3b"], sample = "a", clone_size = 1)
b <- data.frame(CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:100, "CDR3b"], sample = "b", clone_size = 1)

# run ClustIRR analysis
c <- c(cluster_irr(s = a), cluster_irr(s = b))

# get graph
g <- get_joint_graph(clust_irrs = c)


CDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from McPAS-TCR


data.frame with CDR3a and/or CDR3b sequences and their matching antigenic epitopes obtained from McPAS-TCR. The remaining CDR3 columns are set to NA. For data processing details see the script inst/script/get_mcpastcr.R




data.frame with columns:

  1. CDR3a: CDR3a amino acid sequence

  2. CDR3b: CDR3b amino acid sequence

  3. CDR3g: CDR3g amino acid sequence -> NA

  4. CDR3d: CDR3d amino acid sequence -> NA

  5. CDR3h: CDR3h amino acid sequence -> NA

  6. CDR3l: CDR3l amino acid sequence -> NA

  7. CDR3_species: CDR3 species (e.g. human, mouse, ...)

  8. Antigen_species: antigen species

  9. Antigen_gene: antigen gene

  10. Reference: Reference (Pubmed ID)


data(mcpas) loads the object McPAS-TCR


McPAS-TCR, June 2024



Plot ClustIRR graph


This function visualizes a graph. The main input is g object created by the function get_graph.


           select_by = "Ag_species",
           as_visnet = FALSE,
           show_singletons = TRUE, 
           node_opacity = 1)



Object returned by the functions get_graph or get_joint_graph


logical, if as_visnet=TRUE we plot an interactive graph with visNetwork. If as_visnet=FALSE, we plot a static graph with igraph.


character string, two values are possible: "Ag_species" or "Ag_gene". This only has an effect if as_visnet = TRUE, i.e. if the graph is interactive. It will allow the user to highligh clones (nodes) in the graph that are associated with a specific antigenic specie or gene. The mapping between CDR3 and antigens is extracted from databases, such as, VDJdb, McPAS-TCR and TCR3d. This mapping is done by the function get_graph. If none of the clones in the graph are matched to a CDR3, then the user will have no options to select/highlight.


logical, if show_singletons=TRUE we plot all vertices. If show_singletons=FALSE, we plot only vertices connected by edges.


probability, controls the opacity of node colors. Lower values corresponding to more transparent colors.


The output is an igraph or visNetwork plot.

The size of the vertices increases linearly as the logarithm of the degree of the clonal expansion (number of cells per clone) in the corresponding clones.


# load package input data
data("CDR3ab", package = "ClustIRR")
s <- data.frame(CDR3b = CDR3ab[1:100, "CDR3b"], sample = "A", clone_size = 1)

# run ClustIRR analysis
out <- cluster_irr(s = s)

# get graph
g <- get_graph(clust_irr = out)

# plot graph with vertices as clones
plot_graph(g, as_visnet=FALSE, show_singletons=TRUE, node_opacity = 0.8)

CDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from TCR3d


data.frame with paired CDR3a and CDR3b CDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from TCR3d. The remaining CDR3 columns are set to NA. The antigenic epitopes come from cancer antigens and from viral antigens. For data processing details see the script inst/script/get_tcr3d.R




data.frame with columns:

  1. CDR3a: CDR3a amino acid sequence

  2. CDR3b: CDR3b amino acid sequence

  3. CDR3g: CDR3g amino acid sequence -> NA

  4. CDR3d: CDR3d amino acid sequence -> NA

  5. CDR3h: CDR3h amino acid sequence -> NA

  6. CDR3l: CDR3l amino acid sequence -> NA

  7. CDR3_species: CDR3 species (e.g. human, mouse, ...)

  8. Antigen_species: antigen species

  9. Antigen_gene: antigen gene

  10. Reference: Reference ID


data(tcr3d) loads the object tcr3d


TCR3d, June 2024



CDR3 sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from VDJdb


data.frame with unpaired CDR3a or CDR3b sequences and their matching epitopes obtained from VDJdb. The remaining CDR3 columns are set to NA. For data processing details see the script inst/script/get_vdjdb.R




data.frame with columns:

  1. CDR3a: CDR3a amino acid sequence

  2. CDR3b: CDR3b amino acid sequence

  3. CDR3g: CDR3g amino acid sequence -> NA

  4. CDR3d: CDR3d amino acid sequence -> NA

  5. CDR3h: CDR3h amino acid sequence -> NA

  6. CDR3l: CDR3l amino acid sequence -> NA

  7. CDR3_species: CDR3 species (e.g. human, mouse, ...)

  8. Antigen_species: antigen species

  9. Antigen_gene: antigen gene

  10. Reference: Reference (Pubmed ID)


data(vdjdb) loads the object vdjdb


VDJdb, December 2024

