ClustIRR 1.5.41
- Function for community inspection/decoding
ClustIRR 1.5.36
- Two function for visualization of results: get_honeycombs and get_beta_violins
ClustIRR 1.3.34
- Stable version but not tested
ClustIRR 1.3.25
- Major changes since this version including
* community detection
* Stan model-based differential community occupancy
* supporting functions
ClustIRR 1.3.20
- Future based parallelization in clustering and graphing
ClustIRR 1.3.1
- Stub functions for integration of data from VDJdb, TCR3d and MCPAS-TCR
ClustIRR 1.1.10
- New global clustering solution
ClustIRR 0.99.28-29
- Accepted in Bioconductor
Chainges in version 1.1.5 (20 Dec, 2023)
- New graph generating and plotting functions
ClustIRR 0.99.20-0.99.26
- Functions added for: graph building, joining, plotting
- S4 object accessors added
ClustIRR 0.99.16
- Changes after first round of review done
- Now we have two versions (old version=1 removed, unused)
- S4 object output of clust_irr
ClustIRR 0.99.4
- Build errors/warnings fixed
ClustIRR 0.99.0
- Submitted to Bioconductor