CluMSID 1.3.1
- fixed bug in mergeMS2spectra when used with external peaktable
CluMSID 0.99.13
- changed download instructions to BiocManager::install()
CluMSID 0.99.12
- Bioconductor review II: R, part three
- added MS2spectrum methods for MSnbase/ProtGenerics generics
- minor code changes with no visible effect for users
CluMSID 0.99.11
- fixed bug in new distanceMatrix(), now coerces numeric IDs to character
CluMSID 0.99.10
- Bioconductor review II: R, part two
- replaced nested for-loop inside distanceMatrix()
CluMSID 0.99.9
- Bioconductor review II: R, part one
- provided all 'type' argument options as vector
- added '...' argument to specplot()
- changed function to convert MSnbase objects from 'convertSpectrum(x)' to
'as.MS2spectrum(x)' / 'as(x, "MS2spectrum")'
- various minor code changes with no visible effect for users
CluMSID 0.99.8
- Bioconductor review I: DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE
- added URL and BugReports to DESCRIPTION
- started importing all packages into NAMESPACE
- abandoned "CluMSID_" prefix and renamed respective functions
- changed all function names to camel case starting with lower case letters
CluMSID 0.99.7
- further reduced size of vignettes
CluMSID 0.99.6
CluMSID 0.99.5
- modified data import for CluMSID MTBLS vignette
CluMSID 0.99.4
- reduced size of vignettes
CluMSID 0.99.3
- added missing dependency for is()
CluMSID 0.99.2
- started avoiding class() function to check for class
- minor code style change
CluMSID 0.99.1
- removed .RHistory
- changed import for "show"
- removed invalid character from GC_post.csv in CluMSIDdata
which caused errors on Linux and OS X
CluMSID 0.99.0
CluMSID 0.1.14
- deleted inst/extdata (now in CluMSIDdata)
CluMSID 0.1.13
- updated R version dependency to 3.6
- code style changes
CluMSID 0.1.12
- updated vignette dependencies
CluMSID 0.1.11
- added missing Suggests
- updated documentation and GC-EI-MS vignette
CluMSID 0.1.10
- added splitPolarities() function
- added specplot() function
CluMSID 0.1.9
- Featurelist() and writeFeaturelist() now also work with lists of
'pseudospectrum' objects
- bugfix for intensity extraction in extractPseudospectra()
- tutorial update
CluMSID 0.1.8
- added "..." to CluMSID_MDSplot(), CluMSID_HCplot(), CluMSID_OPTICSplot()
to allow for customisation of plot appearance
CluMSID 0.1.7
- added polarity slot to 'MS2spectrum' class and respective show() generic
- added polarity accessor
- added extraction of polarity information from raw data to extractMS2spectra()
CluMSID 0.1.6
- added a NEWS file
- added "tolerance" argument for m/z tolerance to cossim() and distanceMatrix()
- added accessor functions for "MS2spectrum" and "pseudospectrum" objects
- added runnable examples for all exported functions
- some formatting and style changes