ChIPpeakAnno 3.41.1
- Update Jianhong's email address.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.39.3
- Fix the documentation for Vennerable.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.39.2
- Fix the documentation for summarizePatterInPeaks.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.39.1
- Unique promoters for genomicElementDistribution.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.37.5
- Update by importing pwalign.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.37.4
- Handle the biofilecache error.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.37.3
- use an updated and unified single vignette to replace the four old ones
- remove oligoNucleotideEnrichment.R and incorporate it into summarizePatternsInPeaks.R
- update findMotifsInPromoterSeqs.R to match changes in summarizePatternsInPeaks.R
ChIPpeakAnno 3.37.2
- export function oligoNucleotideEnrichment
ChIPpeakAnno 3.37.1
- export disable.logging parameter for venn.diagram called by
ChIPpeakAnno 3.35.3
- update documentation for the annotatePeakInBatch function
ChIPpeakAnno 3.35.1
- fix the seqlevelsStyle check for custom species.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.33.2
- update the documentation for enrichment analysis
ChIPpeakAnno 3.33.1
- update the disjointExons to exonicParts for ensembldb
ChIPpeakAnno 3.31.4
- update the oligoFrequency function to remove the limitation of sequence
ChIPpeakAnno 3.31.3
- support 'CSV' format for 'toGRanges'
ChIPpeakAnno 3.31.2
- use 'entrez_id' instead of 'EntrezID' for getEnrichedPATH() output
ChIPpeakAnno 3.31.1
- add parameter check of proximal.promoter.cutoff and
immediate.downstream.cutoff for assignChromosomeRegion.
- fix the bug in 'plotBinOverRegions'
ChIPpeakAnno 3.29.6
ChIPpeakAnno 3.29.5
- update the pipeline documentation to avoid the error when converting the
GRanges object to data.frame.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.29.3
- handle the error "non standard bed file."
ChIPpeakAnno 3.29.2
- fix the error: trying to generate an object from a virtual class "DataFrame".
ChIPpeakAnno 3.29.1
- add subGroupComparison parameter to getEnrichedGO and getEnrichedPATH.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.27.7
- Fix the error "!anyNA(m32) is not TRUE" in seqlevelsStyle is not
ChIPpeakAnno 3.27.6
- Fix the error "pvalue" undefined columns selected in enrichmentPlot
ChIPpeakAnno 3.27.5
- update documentation of pipeline.rmd
ChIPpeakAnno 3.27.4
- use formatSeqnames function to handle the error from seqlevelsStyle:
"cannot switch some of GRCm38's seqlevels from NCBI to UCSC style"
ChIPpeakAnno 3.27.3
- use formatSeqnames function to handle the error from seqlevelsStyle:
"!anyNA(m31) is not TRUE "
ChIPpeakAnno 3.27.2
- add keepExonsInGenesOnly for genomicElementDistribution
- add upstream and downstream for assignChromosomeRegion function when define promoter and downstream regions.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.27.1
- Add the possibility of find overlaps by percentage covered of interval
for function findOverlapsOfPeaks
ChIPpeakAnno 3.25.6
- Fix a bug in estLibSize introduced by last push.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.25.5
- Add LazyDataCompression in description
ChIPpeakAnno 3.25.4
- Add choice endMinusStart to annotatePeakInBatch.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.25.3
- fix the missing link of documentation for rtracklyaer:import.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.25.2
- update documentation.
- update findEnhancers to for known interaction data
ChIPpeakAnno 3.25.1
- fix the bug for genomicElementDistribution when the peak length is zero.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.12
- fix the bug for genomicElementDistribution when the order of SortedByQueryHits is incorrect.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.11
- use seqlevelsStyle to reformat the seqlevels for annotation.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.10
- update documentation for genomicElementDistribution
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.9
- add new function enrichmentPlot, genomicElementDistribution, genomicElementUpSetR, and methagenePlot to improve visualization.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.8
- update documentation for findOverlapsOfPeaks.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.7
- update documentation for findOverlapsOfPeaks.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.6
- change parameter from otherCount to otherCounts to makeVennDiagram function.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.5
- add plot parameter to makeVennDiagram function.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.4
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.3
- use roxygen2 to generate the help file.
- move multiple package from Imports to Suggests.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.2
- fix the issue for new paste output.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.23.1
- remove dependence of Rfast
ChIPpeakAnno 3.21.7
- Fix a potentical bug reported by millerh1.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.21.6
- add new function findMotifsInPromoterSeqs.
- replace all 'class' by 'is'.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.21.4
- Fix a bug in getAllPeakSequence when there is peak out side of genome.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.21.3
- Update function summarizePatternInPeaks.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.21.2
ChIPpeakAnno 3.21.1
- remove RangedData from ChIPpeakAnno.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.19.5
- fix the issue that findOverlapsOfPeaks will connect the peaks in same peak list.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.19.4
- add last choice for xget.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.19.3
- fix the colnames of addMetadata.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.19.2
- fix the issue that seqlevelsStyle(peak) == seqlevelsStyle(annotation) are not all TRUE
ChIPpeakAnno 3.19.1
ChIPpeakAnno 3.17.2
- fix a bug in toGRanges to accept GTF files.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.17.1
- fix the bug in annotatePeakInBatch which can not accept bindingType parameter.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.15.2
- fix the bug in binOverRegions and binOverGene
ChIPpeakAnno 3.15.1
- Fix the bug in assignChromosomeRegion for the Jaccard index calculation.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.19
- Fix the bug in assignChromosomeRegion for the percentage calculation when nucleotideLevel equal to true.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.18
- Fix the bug in assignChromosomeRegion for resetting seqlevels.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.17
- Fix the bug in annoScore by setting the ignore.strand for punion.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.16
- Fix the bug in assignChromosomeRegion for the integer overflow.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.14
- Fix the warnings under windows.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.12
- Change "class" function to "is" function.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.11
- Fix the help file for assignChromosomeRegion.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.10
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.9
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.8
- Fix the warnings under windows.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.6
- Improve the functions featureAlignedSignal and featureAlignedExtendSignal
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.5
- add minFragmentSize parameter to estFragmentLength
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.4
- suppress the message from featureAlignedExtendSignal
- modified help files to make the samples run on local test.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.3
- fix the bug in binOverRegions and binOverGene
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.2
- featureAlignedSignal generate outputs with rownames
ChIPpeakAnno 3.13.1
- change the test value from GNAI3;MIR197 to GNAI3 to avoid the error because of
update of annotation database.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.11.8
- make featureAlignedExtendSignal accept GAlignments list object
ChIPpeakAnno 3.11.6
- fix the bugs Codoc mismatches from documentation object 'peakPermTest'
ChIPpeakAnno 3.11.4
- fix the bugs when annoMcols is numeric values.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.11.3
- update the function featureAlignedSignal
ChIPpeakAnno 3.11.2
- add new function binOverGene, binOverRegions, plotBinOverRegions.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.11.1
- make FAQs availble
- Fix the bug in annoPeaks for warning of out-of-bound ranges
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.19
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.18
- import rowRanges() generic from DelayedArray instead of SummarizedExperiment
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.17
- Improve the function featureAlignedExtendSignal
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.16
- Fix the bug that unable to find an inherited method for function
'reverseComplement' for signature '"BString"' in oligoSummary function.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.14
- re-order the signals for cumulativePercentage.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.13
- add new function cumulativePercentage.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.12
- remove unused code in oligoSummary.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.11
- update the documents of featureAlignedSignal.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.10
- fix the bug of featureAlignedSignal when there are seqnames in featues but
not in cvglists.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.9
- add 2 more parameters to getEnrichedGO
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.8
- update the colnames of toGRanges
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.7
- fix the bug of findOverlapsOfPeaks when the peaks are exactly same
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.6
- fix the bug of findOverlapsOfPeaks when there is no peak names for peaklist
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.5
- update the documents of findOverlapsOfPeaks
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.4
- update the documents of getEnrichedGO
- add more output for findOverlapsOfPeaks.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.3
- trim seqnames when using toGRanges
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.2
- add adjustFragmentLength for featureAlignedExtendSignal.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.9.1
- fix the bug for pair end reads for featureAlignedExtendSignal.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.7.9
- fix the problem in the test when there are names for target but not
for current.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.7.8
- remove the dependence of MMDiffBamSubset in documentation becuase it is
not availble now.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.7.7
- fix bugs for toGRanges to import MACS2 broad calls.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.7.6
- add new functions tileGRanges, tileCount
ChIPpeakAnno 3.7.5
- add parameter select to annoPeaks
ChIPpeakAnno 3.7.3
- add new function featureAlignedExtendSignal, estLibSize, estFragmentLength
ChIPpeakAnno 3.7.2
- Correct typo in documentation for Z-score.
- Improve the efficiency of findOverlapsOfPeaks.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.18
- Fix the bugs for featureAlignedSignal when features
contain strand info.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.17
- Fix the bugs for getEnrichedGO/PATH when recodes in
database such as reactome database is not unique.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.16
- fix the warning in windows for replacing previous import
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.15
- not do log2 transform for featureAlignedSingal
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.14
- remove NA for featureAlignedDistribution
- handle NA and infinite value for featureAlignedSingal
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.13
- throw message when seqlevels are not identical
for featureAlignedSignal
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.12
- add new function summarizeOverlapsByBins.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.11
- clean output of findEnhancers
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.10
- add new function findEnhancers
- normalize the output of gene region for binOverFeature
- change the documentation to avoid time-out error
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.9
- merge peaksNearBDP and bdp function.
- improve oligoSummary.
- update the documentations.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.8
- change toGRanges from function to method
- update the documentations.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.7
- change test from RUnit to testthat
- add new function addMetadata
- change the output and parameters of annoPeaks
- simple the parameter output of annotatePeakInBatch
- allow bdp function to accept GRanges annotation
- add error bar function for binOverFeature function
- remove the log file after plot for makeVennDiagram function
- add private function trimPeakList
- update the documentation of annoPeaks and annotatePeakInBatch
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.5
- update the documentation to fix the typo in quickStart.
- change the default value of annoPeaks.
- update annoGR class to fix the error:
identical(colnames(classinfo), colnames(out)) is not TRUE
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.2
- update the documentation to fix the error on windows (import bigwig error)
- avoid the output of addGeneIDs as factors
ChIPpeakAnno 3.5.1
- update the documentation
- toGRanges can accept connection object
- add annoPeaks function
- add xget function
- update the peakPermTest algorithm to make more reasonable result.
- add oligoSummary function
- add IDRfilter function
- add reCenterPeaks function
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.8
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.7
- fix the problem in creating vignettes in linux platform.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.6
- add new function featureAlignedSignal, featureAlignedDistribution,
featureAlignedHeatmap, pie1
- add new dataset HOT.spots, wgEncodeTfbsV3
- update annoGR class
- update vignettes
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.5
- remove all the RangedData
- add annoGR class
- update vignettes
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.4
- toGRanges from MACS2, narrowPeak.
- calculate the p value of overlapping peaks by reagioneR
- update documentation
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.3
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.2
ChIPpeakAnno 3.3.1
ChIPpeakAnno 3.0.1
- give errors when inputs of addGeneIDs is incorrect.
ChIPpeakAnno 3.0.0
- From RangedData to Granges
- High efficiency
- Find Overlaps for more than 2 groups
- Add Utility test
- Add new function binOverFeature, egOrgMap.
ChIPpeakAnno 2.17.2
- add byBase for makeVennDiagram.
ChIPpeakAnno 2.12.3
- relative postion for negative strand are not correct when call findOverlappingPeaks.
ChIPpeakAnno 2.11.4
- Add selection of 'shortestDistance' to output parameter of annotatePeakInBatch.
- Add selection of 'shortestDistance' to output parameter of annotatePeakInBatch.
ChIPpeakAnno 2.11.3
- Improved efficiency of annotatePeakInBatch.
ChIPpeakAnno 2.9.6
- Changed Enhancer.Silencer to intergenic.Region in assignChromosomeRegion.
ChIPpeakAnno 2.9.5
- negative widths are not allowed when call findOverlappingPeaks.
- Find the peaks with bi-directional promoters with summary
statistics (peaksNearBDP).
- Summarize the occurrence of motifs in peaks
- Add other IDs to annotated peaks or enrichedGO (addGeneIDs)The
function makeVennDiagram supports 4-way venn diagram.
- Enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms are annotated with a list of
genes which can be traced back to peaks.
- FAQ:
- Summarize peak distribution over exon, intron, enhancer, proximal promoter, 5 prime UTR and 3 prime UTR (assignChromosomeRegion)