CellTrails 1.7.1
- Compatible with R 4.0.0
- Bugfixes:
- Removed isSpike
- Resolved error with extracting latent space information at 'showTrajInfo'
- Resolved inverted color palette for 'plotManifold' and 'plotMaps'
- Resolved machine precision issue for 'findStates'
CellTrails 1.0.0
- Package published at Bioconductor
CellTrails 0.99.15
- Bugfixes:
- Adjusted NAMESPACE for most recent 'SingleCellExperiment' release
CellTrails 0.99.14
- Bugfixes:
- Filtering. Captures invalid user input.
- Clustering. Parameter settings resulting in a minimum number of samples per
initial state <= 1 are captured.
CellTrails 0.99.13
- Bugfixes:
- Visualization. Package is compatible with most recent 'ggplot2'
release (3.x.x).
- Updated CITATION
CellTrails 0.99.0
- Public pre-release for Bioconductor submission
- CellTrails is fully compatible with a 'SingleCellExperiment' object
- Bugfixes