Package 'CellMapper'

Title: Predict genes expressed selectively in specific cell types
Description: Infers cell type-specific expression based on co-expression similarity with known cell type marker genes. Can make accurate predictions using publicly available expression data, even when a cell type has not been isolated before.
Authors: Brad Nelms
Maintainer: Brad Nelms <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.31.0
Built: 2024-09-18 05:12:15 UTC

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Class to contain expression data pre-processed for the 'CellMapper' package. The 'CellMapperList' class extends the 'SimpleList' class.


Container for expression data that has been pre-processed using the 'CMprep' function. A 'CellMapperList' object can be provided directly to the 'CMsearch' function to predict genes expressed selectively in specific cell types.


'CMprep' transforms an expression matrix using singular value decomposition (SVD), resulting in a matrix, 'B', with the left-singular vectors of original data matrix and a vector, 'd', with the singular values. Singular vectors that account for less variance than an individual sample in the original dataset have been trimed (Kaiser's criterion), thereby removing singular vectors that mainly account for noise. The advantage of this transformation is that it reduces dataset size, and avoids the need to perform a time-consuming SVD transformation before running 'CMsearch'.

A 'CellMapperList' object contains the transformed left singular value matrix, 'B', and singular values, 'd', as well as meta-data associated with the original expression matrix.


'CellMapperList' instances are usually created through the 'CMprep' function. See ?CMprep

To create a 'CellMapperList' object directly, the following constructor is provided:

CellMapperList(B, d, meta = list())

where B is a numeric matrix containing left-singular vectors, d is a numeric vector containing singular values, and meta is a list object containing metadata.


Same as for SimpleList objects. See ?SimpleList

The sample metadata can be extracted using metadata().


Brad Nelms


B.D. Nelms, L. Waldron, L.A. Barrera, A.W. Weflen, J.A. Goettel, G. Guo, R.K. Montgomery, M.R. Neutra, D.T. Breault, S.B. Snapper, S.H. Orkin, M.L. Bulyk, C. Huttenhower and W.I. Lencer. CellMapper: rapid and accurate inference of gene expression in difficult-to-isolate cell types. Genome Biology 2016, 17(1).

See Also

CMsearch, CMprep


# Create a mock expression dataset with random expression values
ngenes <- 1000
narrays <- 100
x <- matrix(rnorm(ngenes*narrays), ngenes, narrays)
rownames(x) <- 1:ngenes

# Prepare a CellMapperList object using the CMprep function
data <- CMprep(x, DataSource = "Mock Expression Matrix")

Pre-process a gene expression dataset for CellMapper


Prepares a dataset for use with the CMsearch function.


CMprep(Data, DataSource = '', GeneIDType = '', verbose = TRUE)



a numeric matrix or ExpressionSet object containing microarray expression data. The input expression data should be normalized and log-transformed.


An optional character vector of length one providing some information about the expression data source.


An optional character vector of length one that lists the type of gene IDs used in the expression dataset (e.g. "Human Entrez IDs").


logical value indicating whether progress updates should be provided.


This function calculates the singular value decomposition of a gene expression matrix and prepares the data for use with the CMsearch function. It can take some time for large expression matrices, and so it is recommended to save the output for future use. Pre-processed microarray data, ready for immediate use with CMsearch, can be found in the CellMapperData package.

See the CellMapper vignette for examples about how to use CMprep and associated functions to infer genes selectively expressed in specific cell types.


A 'CellMapperList' object ready to be provided to the CMsearch function.


Brad Nelms


B.D. Nelms, L. Waldron, L.A. Barrera, A.W. Weflen, J.A. Goettel, G. Guo, R.K. Montgomery, M.R. Neutra, D.T. Breault, S.B. Snapper, S.H. Orkin, M.L. Bulyk, C. Huttenhower and W.I. Lencer. CellMapper: rapid and accurate inference of gene expression in difficult-to-isolate cell types. Genome Biology 2016, 17(1).

See Also

CMsearch, ExpressionSet, CellMapperData


# Create a mock expression dataset with random expression values
ngenes <- 1000
narrays <- 100
x <- matrix(rnorm(ngenes*narrays), ngenes, narrays)
rownames(x) <- 1:ngenes

# Prepare the dataset for use with CMsearch
data <- CMprep(x)

# Save the processed dataset for later
## Not run: 
save(data, file = "Preprocessed_CellMapper_Data.RData")

## End(Not run)

Predict cell type-expressed genes using CellMapper


Predicts which genes are selectively expressed in the same cell type as a given cell type-specific marker gene (the 'query gene'), based on co-expression similarity.


CMsearch(Data, query.genes = NULL, control.genes = NULL, QDW = TRUE, 
alpha = 0.5, verbose = TRUE, raw.pvals = FALSE)



a CellMapperList object containing expression data processed with CMprep, or a list of datasets processed with CMprep.


a list of genes that are specifically expressed in the cell type of interested, supplied as a character vector of gene names (matching the row names of the original expression matrix).


a list of genes expressed specifically in non-target cell types (optional), supplied as a character vector of gene names (matching the row names of the original expression matrix). This option generally has little effect on the results and its use is NOT recommended.


logical value indicating whether 'query driven weighting' should be applied in the CellMapper SVD filter. The default value of TRUE can be used in most cases.


alpha parameter controlling the strength of the CellMapper SVD filter. The default value of 0.5 can be used in most cases.


logical value indicating whether progress updates should be provided.


logical value indicating whether unadjusted p-values, which have not been corrected for multiple hypothesis testing, should be returned.


This function predicts which genes are selectively expressed in the same cell type as a given cell type-specific marker gene (the 'query gene'), based on co-expression similarity. The only required inputs are a gene expression matrix that has been pre-processed with the CMprep function (or a list of pre-processed expression matrices), and a 'query gene' known to be specifically expressed in the cell type of interest. Pre-processed microarray data, ready for immediate use with CMsearch, can be found in the CellMapperData package.

See the CellMapper vignette for examples about how to use CMsearch and associated functions to infer genes selectively expressed in specific cell types.


A dataframe containing the gene identifiers in the first column, the false discovery rate (FDR) in the second, and the unadjusted p-value in the third. FDR is calculated using the method of Benjamini and Hochberg.


Brad Nelms


B.D. Nelms, L. Waldron, L.A. Barrera, A.W. Weflen, J.A. Goettel, G. Guo, R.K. Montgomery, M.R. Neutra, D.T. Breault, S.B. Snapper, S.H. Orkin, M.L. Bulyk, C. Huttenhower and W.I. Lencer. CellMapper: rapid and accurate inference of gene expression in difficult-to-isolate cell types. Genome Biology 2016, 17(1).

See Also

CMprep, CellMapperData


# Create a mock expression dataset with random expression values
ngenes <- 1000
narrays <- 100
x <- matrix(rnorm(ngenes*narrays), ngenes, narrays)
rownames(x) <- 1:ngenes

# Prepare the dataset for use with CMsearch
data <- CMprep(x)

# Predict which genes are co-expressed in the same cell type as 'gene' 59 in the
# mock expression dataset
results <- CMsearch(data, query.genes = '59')


Example Gene Lists


Query genes, positive control genes, and negative control genes for example cell types.




'ExampleQueryGenes' is a data frame listing the cell types and query genes analyzed in Nelms, et al. (2016). These genes can be used as query or control genes for custom CellMapper searches, and are also provided for reproducibility of the manuscript results. All predictions from the manuscript can be generated using the ReplicateManuscript function. The 'Dataset' column indicates which dataset(s) were used for each cell type, available from Bioconductor's ExperimentHub. All datasets are available from the CellMapperData package.

'PositiveControlGenes' is a list of positive control genes for each cell type used in Nelms, et al. (2016). These positive control genes were NOT provided to the algorithm, but were used to assess the accuracy of the results. This list contains Entrez gene IDs.

'NegativeControlGenes' is a list of negative control genes for each cell type used in Nelms, et al. (2016). These negative control genes were NOT provided to the algorithm, but were used to assess the accuracy of the results. This list contains Entrez gene IDs.


'ExampleQueryGenes' is a data frame, 'PositiveControlGenes' and 'NegativeControlGenes' are both lists of character vectors


Brad Nelms


B.D. Nelms, L. Waldron, L.A. Barrera, A.W. Weflen, J.A. Goettel, G. Guo, R.K. Montgomery, M.R. Neutra, D.T. Breault, S.B. Snapper, S.H. Orkin, M.L. Bulyk, C. Huttenhower and W.I. Lencer. CellMapper: rapid and accurate inference of gene expression in difficult-to-isolate cell types. Genome Biology 2016, 17(1).

See Also

CMsearch, ReplicateManuscript, CellMapperData, ExperimentHub



Replicate Results from CellMapper Manuscript


Recreates the CellMapper predictions from Nelms, et al. (2016) – Additional dataset 1.




This function will recreate the CellMapper predictions from Nelms, et al. (2016), Additional dataset 1. It requires the ExperimentHub and CellMapperData packages to be installed. Provided that the CellMapperData resources have previously been downloaded from ExperimentHub, the 'ReplicateManuscript' function should take ~5 minutes to run on a personal laptop.


A 'list' object containing CellMapper predictions for each cell type. Genes names are returned as Entrez identifiers.


Brad Nelms


B.D. Nelms, L. Waldron, L.A. Barrera, A.W. Weflen, J.A. Goettel, G. Guo, R.K. Montgomery, M.R. Neutra, D.T. Breault, S.B. Snapper, S.H. Orkin, M.L. Bulyk, C. Huttenhower and W.I. Lencer. CellMapper: rapid and accurate inference of gene expression in difficult-to-isolate cell types. Genome Biology 2016, 17(1).

See Also

CMsearch, ExampleQueryGenes, CellMapperData, ExperimentHub


Results <- ReplicateManuscript()
head(Results[['GABAergic Neurons']])