--- title: "How to run CaDrA within a Docker Environment" output: rmarkdown::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{How to run CaDrA within a Docker Environment} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Software requirements - Git version >= 2.21 - Docker version >= 20.10 Don't have Git installed, see [Git Guides](https://github.com/git-guides/install-git) Don't have Docker installed, see [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) # Build Docker image of `CaDrA` ## (1) Clone this repository ```bash git clone https://github.com/montilab/CaDrA ``` ## (2) Navigate to `CaDrA` folder where `Dockerfile` is stored and build its Docker image. ```bash cd CaDrA docker build -t montilab/cadra:latest . ``` **`-t`**: add a tag to an image such as the version of the application, e.g. *montilab/cadra:1.0.0* or *montilab/cadra:latest*
### (3) After the build is completed, check if the image is built successfully ```bash docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE montilab/cadra latest 2c22887402d3 2 hours ago 2.46GB ``` # Run `CaDrA` container with its built image ```bash docker run --name cadra -d -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=CaDrA montilab/cadra:latest ``` **`--name`**: give an identity to the container
**`-d`**: run container in detached mode
**`-p`**: map host port to container port **[host_port]:[container_port]**
**`-e`**: set a default password to access RStudio Server For more information about the Docker syntax, see [Docker run reference](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/) Check if the container is built successfully ```bash docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES b37b6b19c4e8 montilab/cadra:latest "/init" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours>8787/tcp cadra ``` # Run `CaDrA` on RStudio Server hosted within a Docker environment Using your preferred web browser, go to http://localhost:8787. You will be prompted to log into Rstudio Server. Enter the following credentials: username: rstudio
password: CaDrA When the Rstudio Server is opened, copy the following commands and run them in the R console. The script is used to search for candidate drivers that associated with the YAP/TAZ Activity in the BrCA dataset that provided with the package. ```bash # Load R packages library(CaDrA) library(SummarizedExperiment) ## Read in BRCA GISTIC+Mutation object utils::data(BRCA_GISTIC_MUT_SIG) eset_mut_scna <- BRCA_GISTIC_MUT_SIG ## Read in input score utils::data(TAZYAP_BRCA_ACTIVITY) input_score <- TAZYAP_BRCA_ACTIVITY ## Samples to keep based on the overlap between the two inputs overlap <- base::intersect(base::names(input_score), base::colnames(eset_mut_scna)) eset_mut_scna <- eset_mut_scna[,overlap] input_score <- input_score[overlap] ## Binarize FS to only have 0's and 1's SummarizedExperiment::assay(eset_mut_scna)[SummarizedExperiment::assay(eset_mut_scna) > 1] <- 1.0 ## Pre-filter FS based on occurrence frequency eset_mut_scna_flt <- CaDrA::prefilter_data( FS = eset_mut_scna, max_cutoff = 0.6, # max event frequency (60%) min_cutoff = 0.03 # min event frequency (3%) ) # Run candidate search topn_res <- CaDrA::candidate_search( FS = eset_mut_scna_flt, input_score = input_score, method = "ks_pval", # Use Kolmogorow-Smirnow scoring function method_alternative = "less", # Use one-sided hypothesis testing weights = NULL, # If weights is provided, perform a weighted-KS test search_method = "both", # Apply both forward and backward search top_N = 7, # Evaluate top 7 starting points for each search max_size = 7, # Maximum size a meta-feature matrix can extend to do_plot = FALSE, # Plot after finding the best features best_score_only = FALSE # Return all results from the search ) ## Fetch the meta-feature set corresponding to its best scores over top N features searches topn_best_meta <- CaDrA::topn_best(topn_res) # Visualize the best results with the meta-feature plot CaDrA::meta_plot(topn_best_list = topn_best_meta, input_score_label = "YAP/TAZ Activity") # Evaluate results across top N features you started from CaDrA::topn_plot(topn_res) ```
Any questions or issues? Please report them on our [github issues](https://github.com/montilab/CaDrA/issues).