Package 'COTAN'

Title: COexpression Tables ANalysis
Description: Statistical and computational method to analyze the co-expression of gene pairs at single cell level. It provides the foundation for single-cell gene interactome analysis. The basic idea is studying the zero UMI counts' distribution instead of focusing on positive counts; this is done with a generalized contingency tables framework. COTAN can effectively assess the correlated or anti-correlated expression of gene pairs. It provides a numerical index related to the correlation and an approximate p-value for the associated independence test. COTAN can also evaluate whether single genes are differentially expressed, scoring them with a newly defined global differentiation index. Moreover, this approach provides ways to plot and cluster genes according to their co-expression pattern with other genes, effectively helping the study of gene interactions and becoming a new tool to identify cell-identity marker genes.
Authors: Galfrè Silvia Giulia [aut, cre] , Morandin Francesco [aut] , Fantozzi Marco [aut] , Pietrosanto Marco [aut] , Puttini Daniel [aut] , Priami Corrado [aut] , Cremisi Federico [aut] , Helmer-Citterich Manuela [aut]
Maintainer: Galfrè Silvia Giulia <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 2.7.4
Built: 2025-03-28 04:13:01 UTC

Help Index

Clusters utilities


Handle clusterization <-> clusters list conversions, clusters grouping and merge


asClusterization(clusters, allCells = NULL)


  elemNames = vector(mode = "character"),
  throwOnOverlappingClusters = TRUE

groupByClustersList(elemNames, clustersList, throwOnOverlappingClusters = TRUE)


mergeClusters(clusters, names, mergedName = "")

multiMergeClusters(clusters, namesList, mergedNames = NULL)



A named vector or factor that defines the clusters


A vector of cells' names that should list the same names in the clusters in any order


A named list whose elements define the various clusters


A list of names to which associate a cluster


When TRUE, in case of overlapping clusters, the function fromClustersList and groupByClustersList will throw. This is the default. When FALSE, instead, in case of overlapping clusters, fromClustersList will return the last cluster to which each element belongs, while groupByClustersList will return a vector of positions that is longer than the given elemNames


A list of clusters names to be merged


The name of the new merged clusters


A list of lists of clusters names to be respectively merged


The names of the new merged clusters


asClusterization() given a clusterization in the form of a data.frame or a vector or a factor, returns a named factor

toClustersList() given a clusterization, creates a list of clusters (i.e. for each cluster, which elements compose the cluster)

fromClustersList() given a list of clusters returns a clusterization (i.e. a named vector that for each element indicates to which cluster it belongs)

groupByClusters() given a clusterization returns a permutation, such that using the permutation on the input the clusters are grouped together

groupByClustersList() given the elements' names and a list of clusters returns a permutation, such that using the permutation on the given names the clusters are grouped together.

mergeClusters() given a clusterization, creates a new one where the given clusters are merged.

multiMergeClusters() given a clusterization, creates a new one where the given sets of clusters are merged.


asClusterization() returns the clusterization as a named factor

toClustersList() returns a list of clusters

fromClustersList() returns a clusterization. If the given elemNames contain values not present in the clustersList, those will be marked as "-1"

groupByClusters() and groupByClustersList() return a permutation that groups the clusters together. For each cluster the positions are guaranteed to be in increasing order. In case, all elements not corresponding to any cluster are grouped together as the last group

mergeClusters() returns a new clusterization with the wanted clusters being merged. If less than 2 cluster names were passed the function will emit a warning and return the initial clusterization

multiMergeClusters() returns a new clusterization with the wanted clusters being merged by consecutive iterations of mergeClusters() on the given namesList


## create a clusterization
clusters <- paste0("",sample(7, 100, replace = TRUE))
names(clusters) <- paste0("E_",formatC(1:100,  width = 3, flag = "0"))

## create a clusters list from a clusterization
clustersList <- toClustersList(clusters)
head(clustersList, 1)

## recreate the clusterization from the cluster list
clusters2 <- fromClustersList(clustersList, names(clusters))
all.equal(factor(clusters), clusters2)

cl1Size <- length(clustersList[["1"]])

## establish the permutation that groups clusters together
perm <- groupByClusters(clusters)
head(clusters[perm], cl1Size)

## it is possible to have the list of the element names different
## from the names in the clusters list
selectedNames <- paste0("E_",formatC(11:110,  width = 3, flag = "0"))
perm2 <- groupByClustersList(selectedNames, toClustersList(clusters))
all.equal(perm2[91:100], c(91:100))

## is is possible to merge a few clusters together
clustersMerged <- mergeClusters(clusters, names = c("7", "2"),
                                mergedName = "7__2")
sum(table(clusters)[c(2, 7)]) == table(clustersMerged)[["7__2"]]

## it is also possible to do multiple merges at once!
## Note the default new clusters' names
clustersMerged2 <-
  multiMergeClusters(clusters2, namesList = list(c("2", "7"),
                                                 c("1", "3", "5")))

Data class conversions


All functions to convert a COTAN object to/from other data classes used by the BioConductor analysis packages



convertFromSingleCellExperiment(objSCE, clNamesPattern = "")



a COTAN object


A SingleCellExperiment object to be converted


A regular expression pattern used to identify the clustering columns in colData. Default supports Seurat conventions: "^(COTAN_clusters_|seurat_clusters$|.*_snn_res\\..*|wsnn_res\\..*)"


convertToSingleCellExperiment() converts a COTAN object into a SingleCellExperiment object. Stores the raw counts in the "counts" Assays, the metadata for genes and cells as rowData and colData slots respectively and finally the genes' and cells' coex along the dataset metadata into the metadata slot.

The function performs the following steps:

  • Extracts the raw counts matrix, gene metadata, cell metadata, gene and cell co-expression matrix from the COTAN object; the clustersCoex slot is not converted

  • Identifies clusterizations and conditions in the cell metadata by the prefixes "CL_" and "COND_"

  • Renames clusterization columns with the prefix "COTAN_clusters_" and condition columns with the prefix "COTAN_conditions_"

  • Constructs a SingleCellExperiment object with the counts matrix, gene metadata, updated cell metadata, and stores the co-expression matrices in the metadata slot.

The resulting SingleCellExperiment object is compatible with downstream analysis packages and workflows within the Bioconductor ecosystem

convertFromSingleCellExperiment() converts a SingleCellExperiment object back into a COTAN object. It supports SCE objects that were originally created from either a COTAN object or a Seurat object. The function extracts the "counts" matrix, genes' metadata, cells' metadata, co-expression matrices (if available), and reconstructs the COTAN object accordingly.

The function performs the following steps:

  • Extracts the raw matrix from the "counts" Assays

  • Extracts gene metadata from rowData

  • Extracts cell metadata from colData, excluding any clusterizations or conditions present

  • Attempts to retrieve co-expression matrices from the metadata slot if they exist

  • Constructs a COTAN object using the extracted data

  • Adds back the clusterizations and conditions using COTAN methods If the COEX is not present (e.g., in SCE objects created from Seurat), the genesCoex and cellsCoex slots in the resulting COTAN object will be empty matrices


A SingleCellExperiment object containing the data from the input COTAN object, with clusterizations and conditions appropriately prefixed and stored in the cell metadata.

A COTAN object containing the data extracted from the input SingleCellExperiment object

See Also

COTAN, SingleCellExperiment

COTAN, SingleCellExperiment


  obj <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
  obj <- proceedToCoex(obj, calcCoex = FALSE, saveObj = FALSE)

  sce <- convertToSingleCellExperiment(objCOTAN = obj)

  newObj <- convertFromSingleCellExperiment(sce)

  identical(getDims(newObj), getDims(obj))

Handle legacy scCOTAN-class and related symmetric matrix <-> vector conversions


A class and some functions related to the V1 version of the COTAN package


clustersDeltaExpression(objCOTAN, clName = "", clusters = NULL)

vec2mat_rfast(x, genes = "all")




a COTAN object


The name of the clusterization. If not given the last available clusterization will be used, as it is probably the most significant!


A clusterization to use. If given it will take precedence on the one indicated by clName


a list formed by two arrays: genes with the unique gene names and values with all the values.


an array with all wanted genes or the string "all". When equal to "all" (the default), it recreates the entire matrix.


a square (possibly symmetric) matrix with all genes as row and column names.


Define the legacy scCOTAN-class

Automatically converts an object from class scCOTAN into COTAN

Explicitly converts an object from class COTAN into scCOTAN

clustersDeltaExpression() is a legacy function now superseded by DEAOnClusters(). It estimates the change in genes' expression inside the cluster compared to the average situation in the data set.

This is a legacy function related to old scCOTAN objects. Use the more appropriate Matrix::dspMatrix type for similar functionality.

mat2vec_rfast converts a compacted symmetric matrix (that is an array) into a symmetric matrix.

This is a legacy function related to old scCOTAN objects. Use the more appropriate Matrix::dspMatrix type for similar functionality.

vec2mat_rfast converts a symmetric matrix into a compacted symmetric matrix. It will forcibly make its argument symmetric.


a scCOTAN object

clustersDeltaExpression() returns a data.frame with the ν\nu weighted discrepancy of the expression of each gene within the cluster against the corresponding model expectations

mat2vec_rfast returns a list formed by two arrays:

  • "genes" with the unique gene names,

  • "values" with all the values.

vec2mat_rfast returns the reconstructed symmetric matrix



ANY. To store the raw data matrix


ANY. To store the raw data matrix divided for the cell efficiency estimated (nu)


ANY. The coex matrix














ANY. Unused and deprecated. Kept for backward compatibility only






v <- list("genes" = paste0("gene_", c(1:9)), "values" = c(1:45))

M <- vec2mat_rfast(v)
all.equal(rownames(M), v[["genes"]])
all.equal(colnames(M), v[["genes"]])

genes <- paste0("gene_",, 3))

m <- vec2mat_rfast(v, genes)
all.equal(rownames(m), v[["genes"]])
all.equal(colnames(m), genes)

v2 <- mat2vec_rfast(M)
all.equal(v, v2)

COTAN shortcuts


These functions create a COTAN object and/or also run all the necessary steps until the genes' COEX matrix is calculated.


COTAN(raw = "ANY")

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  calcCoex = TRUE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
  deviceStr = "cuda",
  cores = 1L,
  cellsCutoff = 0.003,
  genesCutoff = 0.002,
  cellsThreshold = 0.99,
  genesThreshold = 0.99,
  saveObj = TRUE,
  outDir = "."

  calcCoex = TRUE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
  deviceStr = "cuda",
  cores = 1L,
  cellsCutoff = 0.003,
  genesCutoff = 0.002,
  cellsThreshold = 0.99,
  genesThreshold = 0.99,
  saveObj = TRUE,
  outDir = "."



a matrix or dataframe with the raw counts


a newly created COTAN object


a Boolean to determine whether to calculate the genes' COEX or stop just before at the estimateDispersionBisection() step


Boolean; when TRUE COTAN tries to use the torch library to run the matrix calculations. Otherwise, or when the library is not available will run the slower legacy code


On the torch library enforces which device to use to run the calculations. Possible values are "cpu" to us the system CPU, "cuda" to use the system GPUs or something like "cuda:0" to restrict to a specific device


number of cores to use. Default is 1.


clean() will delete from the raw data any gene that is expressed in less cells than threshold times the total number of cells. Default cutoff is 0.003  (0.3%)0.003 \; (0.3\%)


clean() will delete from the raw data any cell that is expressing less genes than threshold times the total number of genes. Default cutoff is 0.002  (0.2%)0.002 \; (0.2\%)


any gene that is expressed in more cells than threshold times the total number of cells will be marked as fully-expressed. Default threshold is 0.99  (99.0%)0.99 \; (99.0\%)


any cell that is expressing more genes than threshold times the total number of genes will be marked as fully-expressing. Default threshold is 0.99  (99.0%)0.99 \; (99.0\%)


Boolean flag; when TRUE saves intermediate analyses and plots to file


an existing directory for the analysis output.


a code reporting the GEO identification or other specific dataset code


a string reporting the method used for the sequencing


a string reporting the specific sample condition or time point.


Constructor of the class COTAN

proceedToCoex() takes a newly created COTAN object (or the result of a call to dropGenesCells()) and runs calculateCoex()

automaticCOTANObjectCreation() takes a raw dataset, creates and initializes a COTAN object and runs proceedToCoex()


a COTAN object

proceedToCoex() returns the updated COTAN object with genes' COEX calculated. If asked to, it will also store the object, along all relevant clean-plots, in the output directory.

automaticCOTANObjectCreation() returns the new COTAN object with genes' COEX calculated. When asked, it will also store the object, along all relevant clean-plots, in the output directory.


obj <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)

# In case one needs to run more steps to clean the datatset
# the following might apply
if (FALSE) {
  objCOTAN <- initializeMetaDataset(objCOTAN,
                                    GEO = "test",
                                    sequencingMethod = "artificial",
                                    sampleCondition = "test dataset")
# doing all the cleaning...
# in case the genes' `COEX` is not needed it can be skipped
# (e.g. when calling [cellsUniformClustering()])
  objCOTAN <- proceedToCoex(objCOTAN, calcCoex = FALSE,
                            cores = 6L, optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
                            deviceStr = "cuda", saveObj = FALSE)

## Otherwise it is possible to run all at once.
objCOTAN <- automaticCOTANObjectCreation(
  raw = test.dataset,
  GEO = "code",
  sequencingMethod = "10X",
  sampleCondition = "mouse_dataset",
  calcCoex = TRUE,
  saveObj = FALSE,
  outDir = tempdir(),
  cores = 6L)

Definition of the COTAN class


Definition of the COTAN class



dgCMatrix - the raw UMI count matrix n×mn \times m (gene number × cell number)


dspMatrix - the correlation of COTAN between genes, n×nn \times n


dspMatrix - the correlation of COTAN between cells, m×mm \times m






a list of COEX data.frames for each clustering in the metaCells



Simple data-sets included in the package











raw.dataset is a data frame with 20002000 genes and 815815 cells

ERCCRaw is a data.frame

test.dataset is a data.frame with 600600 genes and 12001200 cells

test.dataset.clusters1 is a ⁠character array⁠

test.dataset.clusters2 is a ⁠character array⁠

vignette.split.clusters is a factor

vignette.merge.clusters is a factor

vignette.merge2.clusters is a factor


raw.dataset is a sub-sample of a real scRNA-seq data-set

ERCCRaw dataset

test.dataset is an artificial data set obtained by sampling target negative binomial distributions on a set of 600600 genes on 22 two cells clusters of 600600 cells each. Each clusters has its own set of parameters for the distributions even, but a fraction of the genes has the same expression in both clusters.

test.dataset.clusters1 is the clusterization obtained running cellsUniformClustering() on the test.dataset

test.dataset.clusters2 is the clusterization obtained running mergeUniformCellsClusters() on the test.dataset using the previous clusterization

vignette.split.clusters is the clusterization obtained running cellsUniformClustering() on the vignette dataset (mouse cortex E17.5, GEO: GSM2861514)

vignette.merge.clusters is the clusterization obtained running mergeUniformCellsClusters() on the vignette dataset (mouse cortex E17.5, GEO: GSM2861514) using the previous clusterization

vignette.merge2.clusters is the clusterization obtained re-running mergeUniformCellsClusters() on the vignette dataset (mouse cortex E17.5, GEO: GSM2861514) using the vignette.split.clusters clusterization, but with a sequence of progressively relaxed checks


GEO GSM2861514




This function returns a list of colors based on the brewer.pal() function


getColorsVector(numNeededColors = 0L)



The number of returned colors. If omitted it returns all available colors


The colors are taken from the sets with Set1, Set2, Set3 placed first.


an array of RGB colors of the wanted size


colorsVector <- getColorsVector(17)

Calculations of genes statistics


A collection of functions returning various statistics associated to the genes. In particular the discrepancy between the expected probabilities of zero and their actual occurrences, both at single gene level or looking at genes' pairs

To make the GDI more specific, it may be desirable to restrict the set of genes against which GDI is computed to a selected subset, with the recommendation to include a consistent fraction of cell-identity genes, and possibly focusing on markers specific for the biological question of interest (for instance neural cortex layering markers). In this case we denote it as Local Differentiation Index (LDI) relative to the selected subset.


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
storeGDI(objCOTAN, genesGDI)

genesCoexSpace(objCOTAN, primaryMarkers, numGenesPerMarker = 25L)

  numGenesPerMarker = 25L,
  kCuts = 6L,
  distance = "cosine",
  hclustMethod = "ward.D2"


calculateGDIGivenCorr(corr, numDegreesOfFreedom, rowsFraction = 0.05)

calculateGDI(objCOTAN, statType = "S", rowsFraction = 0.05)

  statType = "S",
  geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
  geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")

  statType = "S",
  geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
  geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")



a COTAN object


the named genes' GDI array to store or the output data.frame of the function calculateGDI()


A vector of primary marker names.


the number of correlated genes to keep as other markers (default 25)


a named list with an element for each group comprised of one or more marker genes


the number of estimated cluster (this defines the height for the tree cut)


type of distance to use. Default is "cosine". Can be chosen among those supported by parallelDist::parDist()


default is "ward.D2" but can be any method defined by stats::hclust() function


a matrix object, possibly a subset of the columns of the full symmetric matrix


a int that determines the number of degree of freedom to use in the χ2\chi^{2} test


The fraction of rows that will be averaged to calculate the GDI. Defaults to 5%5\%


Which statistics to use to compute the p-values. By default it will use the "S" (Pearson's χ2\chi^{2} test) otherwise the "G" (G-test)


an array of genes. It will be put in columns. If left empty the function will do it genome-wide.


an array of genes. It will be put in rows. If left empty the function will do it genome-wide.


getGDI() extracts the genes' GDI array as it was stored by the method storeGDI()

storeGDI() stored and already calculated genes' GDI array in a COTAN object. It can be retrieved using the method getGDI()

genesCoexSpace() calculates genes groups based on the primary markers and uses them to prepare the genes' COEX space data.frame.

establishGenesClusters() perform the genes' clustering based on a pool of gene markers, using the genes' COEX space

calculateGenesCE() is used to calculate the discrepancy between the expected probability of zero and the observed zeros across all cells for each gene as cross-entropy: c1Xc==0log(pc)1Xc!=0log(1pc)-\sum_{c}{\mathbb{1}_{X_c == 0} \log(p_c) - \mathbb{1}_{X_c != 0} \log(1 - p_c)} where XcX_c is the observed count and pcp_c the probability of zero

calculateGDIGivenCorr() produces a vector with the GDI for each column based on the given correlation matrix, using the Pearson's χ2\chi^{2} test

calculateGDI() produces a data.frame with the GDI for each gene based on the COEX matrix

calculatePValue() computes the p-values for genes in the COTAN object. It can be used genome-wide or by setting some specific genes of interest. By default it computes the p-values using the S statistics (χ2\chi^{2})

calculatePDI() computes the p-values for genes in the COTAN object using calculatePValue() and takes their log(log())\log{({-\log{(\cdot)}})} to calculate the genes' Pair Differential Index


getGDI() returns the genes' GDI array if available or NULL otherwise

storeGDI() returns the given COTAN object with updated GDI genes' information

genesCoexSpace() returns a list with:

  • "SecondaryMarkers" a named list that for each secondary marker, gives the list of primary markers that selected for it

  • "GCS" the relevant subset of COEX matrix

  • "rankGenes" a data.frame with the rank of each gene according to its p-value

establishGenesClusters() a list of:

  • "" the genes' COEX space data.frame

  • "plot.eig" the eigenvalues plot

  • "pca_clusters" the pca components data.frame

  • "tree_plot" the tree plot for the genes' COEX space

calculateGenesCE() returns a named array with the cross-entropy of each gene

calculateGDIGivenCorr() returns a vector with the GDI data for each column of the input

calculateGDI() returns a data.frame with:

  • "sum.raw.norm" the sum of the normalized data rows

  • "GDI" the GDI data

  • "exp.cells" the percentage of cells expressing the gene

calculatePValue() returns a p-value matrix as dspMatrix

calculatePDI() returns a Pair Differential Index matrix as dspMatrix


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
objCOTAN <- proceedToCoex(objCOTAN, cores = 6L, saveObj = FALSE)

markers <- getGenes(objCOTAN)[sample(getNumGenes(objCOTAN), 10)]
GCS <- genesCoexSpace(objCOTAN, primaryMarkers = markers,
                      numGenesPerMarker = 15)

groupMarkers <- list(G1 = c("g-000010", "g-000020", "g-000030"),
                     G2 = c("g-000300"),
                     G3 = c("g-000510", "g-000530", "g-000550",
                            "g-000570", "g-000590"))

resList <-  establishGenesClusters(objCOTAN, groupMarkers = groupMarkers,
                                   numGenesPerMarker = 11)

Calculating the COEX matrix for genes and cells


These are the functions and methods used to calculate the COEX matrices according to the COTAN model. From there it is possible to calculate the associated pValue and the GDI (Global Differential Expression)

The COEX matrix is defined by following formula:

i,j{Y, N}(1)#{i,j}OijEij1Eijni,j{Y, N}11Eij\frac{\sum_{i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}}{ (-1)^{\#\{i,j\}}\frac{O_{ij}-E_{ij}}{1 \vee E_{ij}}}} {\sqrt{n \sum_{i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}}{ \frac{1}{1 \vee E_{ij}}}}}

where OO and EE are the observed and expected contingency tables and nn is the relevant numerosity (the number of genes/cells depending on given actOnCells flag).

The formula can be more effectively implemented as:

1ni,j{Y, N}11Eij(OYYEYY)\sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}}{ \frac{1}{1 \vee E_{ij}}}} \, \bigl(O_\text{YY}-E_\text{YY}\bigr)

once one notices that OijEij=(1)#{i,j}rO_{ij} - E_{ij} = (-1)^{\#\{i,j\}} \, r for some constant rr for all i,j{Y, N}i,j \in \{\text{Y, N}\}.

The latter follows from the fact that the relevant marginal sums of the expected contingency tables were enforced to match the marginal sums of the observed ones.

The new implementation of the function relies on the torch package. This implies that it is potentially able to use the system GPU to run the heavy duty calculations required by this method. However installing the torch package on a system can be finicky, so we tentatively provide a short help page Installing_torch hoping that it will help...



## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  genes = vector(mode = "character"),
  zeroDiagonal = TRUE,
  ignoreSync = FALSE

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  cells = vector(mode = "character"),
  zeroDiagonal = TRUE,
  ignoreSync = FALSE

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE, ignoreSync = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'


  actOnCells = FALSE,
  asDspMatrices = FALSE

  zeroOne = NULL,
  actOnCells = FALSE

observedContingencyTables(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE, asDspMatrices = FALSE)

  zeroOne = NULL,
  actOnCells = FALSE

  actOnCells = FALSE,
  asDspMatrices = FALSE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE

  probZero = NULL,
  actOnCells = FALSE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE

  actOnCells = FALSE,
  asDspMatrices = FALSE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE

  probZero = NULL,
  actOnCells = FALSE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE

contingencyTables(objCOTAN, g1, g2)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  actOnCells = FALSE,
  returnPPFract = FALSE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
  deviceStr = "cuda"

  probZero = NULL,
  zeroOne = NULL,
  actOnCells = FALSE,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE

  geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
  geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")

  geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
  geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")



a COTAN object


The given genes' names to select the wanted COEX columns. If missing all columns will be returned. When not empty a proper result is provided by calculating the partial COEX matrix on the fly


When TRUE sets the diagonal to zero.


When TRUE ignores whether the lambda/nu/dispersion have been updated since the COEX matrix was calculated.


The given cells' names to select the wanted COEX columns. If missing all columns will be returned. When not empty a proper result is provided by calculating the partial COEX matrix on the fly


Boolean; when TRUE the function works for the cells, otherwise for the genes


Boolean; when TRUE the function will return only packed dense symmetric matrices


a sub-set of the columns of the matrices that will be returned


the raw count matrix projected to 0 or 1. If not given the appropriate one will be calculated on the fly


Boolean; deprecated: always TRUE


is the expected probability of zero for each gene/cell pair. If not given the appropriate one will be calculated on the fly


a gene


another gene


Boolean; when TRUE the function returns the fraction of genes/cells pairs for which the expected contingency table is smaller than 0.50.5. Default is FALSE


On the torch library enforces which device to use to run the calculations. Possible values are "cpu" to us the system CPU, "cuda" to use the system GPUs or something like "cuda:0" to restrict to a specific device


an array of genes. It will be put in columns. If left empty the function will do it genome-wide.


an array of genes. It will be put in rows. If left empty the function will do it genome-wide.


getMu() calculates the vector μ=λ×νT\mu = \lambda \times \nu^T

getGenesCoex() extracts a complete (or a partial after genes dropping) genes' COEX matrix from the COTAN object.

getCellsCoex() extracts a complete (or a partial after cells dropping) cells' COEX matrix from the COTAN object.

isCoexAvailable() allows to query whether the relevant COEX matrix from the COTAN object is available to use

dropGenesCoex() drops the genesCoex member from the given COTAN object

dropCellsCoex() drops the cellsCoex member from the given COTAN object

calculateLikelihoodOfObserved() gives for each cell and each gene the likelihood of the observed zero/one data

observedContingencyTablesYY() calculates observed Yes/Yes field of the contingency table

observedPartialContingencyTablesYY() calculates observed Yes/Yes field of the contingency table

observedContingencyTables() calculates the observed contingency tables. When the parameter asDspMatrices == TRUE, the method will effectively throw away the lower half from the returned observedYN and observedNY matrices, but, since they are transpose one of another, the full information is still available.

observedPartialContingencyTables() calculates the observed contingency tables.

expectedContingencyTablesNN() calculates the expected No/No field of the contingency table

expectedPartialContingencyTablesNN() calculates the expected No/No field of the contingency table

expectedContingencyTables() calculates the expected values of contingency tables. When the parameter asDspMatrices == TRUE, the method will effectively throw away the lower half from the returned expectedYN and expectedNY matrices, but, since they are transpose one of another, the full information is still available.

expectedPartialContingencyTables() calculates the expected values of contingency tables, restricted to the specified column sub-set

contingencyTables() returns the observed and expected contingency tables for a given pair of genes. The implementation runs the same algorithms used to calculate the full observed/expected contingency tables, but restricted to only the relevant genes and thus much faster and less memory intensive

calculateCoex() estimates and stores the COEX matrix in the cellCoex or genesCoex field depending on given actOnCells flag. It also calculates the percentage of problematic genes/cells pairs. A pair is problematic when one or more of the expected counts were significantly smaller than 1 (<0.5< 0.5). These small expected values signal that scant information is present for such a pair.

calculatePartialCoex() estimates a sub-section of the COEX matrix in the cellCoex or genesCoex field depending on given actOnCells flag. It also calculates the percentage of problematic genes/cells pairs. A pair is problematic when one or more of the expected counts were significantly smaller than 1 (<0.5< 0.5). These small expected values signal that scant information is present for such a pair.

calculateS() calculates the statistics S for genes contingency tables. It always has the diagonal set to zero.

calculateG() calculates the statistics G-test for genes contingency tables. It always has the diagonal set to zero. It is proportional to the genes' presence mutual information.


getMu() returns the mu matrix

getGenesCoex() returns the genes' COEX values

getCellsCoex() returns the cells' COEX values

isCoexAvailable() returns whether relevant COEX matrix has been calculated and, in case, if it is still aligned to the estimators.

dropGenesCoex() returns the updated COTAN object

dropCellsCoex() returns the updated COTAN object

calculateLikelihoodOfObserved() returns a data.frame with the likelihood of the observed zero/one

observedContingencyTablesYY() returns a list with:

  • observedYY the Yes/Yes observed contingency table as matrix

  • observedY the full Yes observed vector

observedPartialContingencyTablesYY() returns a list with:

  • observedYY the Yes/Yes observed contingency table as matrix, restricted to the selected columns as named list with elements

  • observedY the full Yes observed vector

observedContingencyTables() returns the observed contingency tables as named list with elements:

  • "observedNN"

  • "observedNY"

  • "observedYN"

  • "observedYY"

observedPartialContingencyTables() returns the observed contingency tables, restricted to the selected columns, as named list with elements:

  • "observedNN"

  • "observedNY"

  • "observedYN"

  • "observedYY"

expectedContingencyTablesNN() returns a list with:

  • expectedNN the No/No expected contingency table as matrix

  • expectedN the No expected vector

expectedPartialContingencyTablesNN() returns a list with:

  • expectedNN the No/No expected contingency table as matrix, restricted to the selected columns, as named list with elements

  • expectedN the full No expected vector

expectedContingencyTables() returns the expected contingency tables as named list with elements:

  • "expectedNN"

  • "expectedNY"

  • "expectedYN"

  • "expectedYY"

expectedPartialContingencyTables() returns the expected contingency tables, restricted to the selected columns, as named list with elements:

  • "expectedNN"

  • "expectedNY"

  • "expectedYN"

  • "expectedYY"

contingencyTables() returns a list containing the observed and expected contingency tables

calculateCoex() returns the updated COTAN object

calculatePartialCoex() returns the asked section of the COEX matrix

calculateS() returns the S matrix

calculateG() returns the G matrix


The sum of the matrices returned by the function observedContingencyTables() and expectedContingencyTables() will have the same value on all elements. This value is the number of genes/cells depending on the parameter actOnCells being TRUE/FALSE.

See Also

ParametersEstimations for more details.

Installing_torch about the torch package


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
objCOTAN <- initializeMetaDataset(objCOTAN, GEO = "test_GEO",
                                  sequencingMethod = "distribution_sampling",
                                  sampleCondition = "reconstructed_dataset")
objCOTAN <- clean(objCOTAN)

objCOTAN <- estimateDispersionBisection(objCOTAN, cores = 6L)

## Now the `COTAN` object is ready to calculate the genes' `COEX`

## mu <- getMu(objCOTAN)
## observedY <- observedContingencyTablesYY(objCOTAN, asDspMatrices = TRUE)
obs <- observedContingencyTables(objCOTAN, asDspMatrices = TRUE)

## expectedN <- expectedContingencyTablesNN(objCOTAN, asDspMatrices = TRUE)
exp <- expectedContingencyTables(objCOTAN, asDspMatrices = TRUE)

objCOTAN <- calculateCoex(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE)

genesCoex <- getGenesCoex(objCOTAN)
genesSample <- sample(getNumGenes(objCOTAN), 10)
partialGenesCoex <- calculatePartialCoex(objCOTAN, genesSample,
                                         actOnCells = FALSE)

          getGenesCoex(objCOTAN, getGenes(objCOTAN)[sort(genesSample)]))

## S <- calculateS(objCOTAN)
## G <- calculateG(objCOTAN)
## pValue <- calculatePValue(objCOTAN)
gdiDF <- calculateGDI(objCOTAN)
objCOTAN <- storeGDI(objCOTAN, genesGDI = gdiDF)

## Touching any of the lambda/nu/dispersino parameters invalidates the `COEX`
## matrix and derivatives, so it can be dropped it from the `COTAN` object
objCOTAN <- dropGenesCoex(objCOTAN)

objCOTAN <- estimateDispersionNuBisection(objCOTAN, cores = 6L)

## Now the `COTAN` object is ready to calculate the cells' `COEX`
## In case one need to caclualte both it is more sensible to run the above
## before any `COEX` evaluation

g1 <- getGenes(objCOTAN)[sample(getNumGenes(objCOTAN), 1)]
g2 <- getGenes(objCOTAN)[sample(getNumGenes(objCOTAN), 1)]
tables <- contingencyTables(objCOTAN, g1 = g1, g2 = g2)

objCOTAN <- calculateCoex(objCOTAN, actOnCells = TRUE)
stopifnot(isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN, actOnCells = TRUE, ignoreSync = TRUE))
cellsCoex <- getCellsCoex(objCOTAN)

cellsSample <- sample(getNumCells(objCOTAN), 10)
partialCellsCoex <- calculatePartialCoex(objCOTAN, cellsSample,
                                         actOnCells = TRUE)

identical(partialCellsCoex, cellsCoex[, sort(cellsSample)])

objCOTAN <- dropCellsCoex(objCOTAN)
stopifnot(!isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN, actOnCells = TRUE))

lh <- calculateLikelihoodOfObserved(objCOTAN)

Handling meta-data in COTAN objects


Much of the information stored in the COTAN object is compacted into three data.frames:

  • "metaDataset" - contains all general information about the data-set

  • "metaGenes" - contains genes' related information along the lambda and dispersion vectors and the fully-expressed flag

  • "metaCells" - contains cells' related information along the nu vector, the fully-expressing flag, the clusterizations and the conditions


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
getMetadataElement(objCOTAN, tag)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
initializeMetaDataset(objCOTAN, GEO, sequencingMethod, sampleCondition)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
addElementToMetaDataset(objCOTAN, tag, value)

getColumnFromDF(df, colName)

setColumnInDF(df, colToSet, colName, rowNames = vector(mode = "character"))



a COTAN object


the new information tag


a code reporting the GEO identification or other specific data-set code


a string reporting the method used for the sequencing


a string reporting the specific sample condition or time point


a value (or an array) containing the information


the data.frame


the name of the new or existing column in the data.frame


the column to add


when not empty, if the input data.frame has no real row names, the new row names of the resulting data.frame


getMetadataDataset() extracts the meta-data stored for the current data-set.

getMetadataElement() extracts the value associated with the given tag if present or an empty string otherwise.

getMetadataGenes() extracts the meta-data stored for the genes

getMetadataCells() extracts the meta-data stored for the cells

getDims() extracts the sizes of all slots of the COTAN object

datasetTags() defines a list of short names associated to an enumeration. It also defines the relative long names as they appear in the meta-data

initializeMetaDataset() initializes meta-data data-set

addElementToMetaDataset() is used to add a line of information to the meta-data data.frame. If the tag was already used it will update the associated value(s) instead

getColumnFromDF() is a function to extract a column from a data.frame, while keeping the rowNames as vector names

setColumnInDF() is a function to append, if missing, or resets, if present, a column into a data.frame, whether the data.frame is empty or not. The given rowNames are used only in the case the data.frame has only the default row numbers, so this function cannot be used to override row names


getMetadataDataset() returns the meta-data data.frame

getMetadataElement() returns a string with the relevant value

getMetadataGenes() returns the genes' meta-data data.frame

getMetadataCells() returns the cells' meta-data data.frame

getDims() returns a named list with the sizes of the slots

datasetTags() a named ⁠character array⁠ with the standard labels used in the metaDataset of the COTAN objects

initializeMetaDataset() returns the given COTAN object with the updated metaDataset

addElementToMetaDataset() returns the updated COTAN object

getColumnFromDF() returns the column in the data.frame as named array, NULL if the wanted column is not available

setColumnInDF() returns the updated, or the newly created, data.frame


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)

objCOTAN <- initializeMetaDataset(objCOTAN, GEO = "test_GEO",
                                  sequencingMethod = "distribution_sampling",
                                  sampleCondition = "reconstructed_dataset")

objCOTAN <- addElementToMetaDataset(objCOTAN, "Test",
                                    c("These are ", "some values"))

dataSetInfo <- getMetadataDataset(objCOTAN)

numInitialCells <- getMetadataElement(objCOTAN, "cells")

metaGenes <- getMetadataGenes(objCOTAN)

metaCells <- getMetadataCells(objCOTAN)

allSizes <- getDims(objCOTAN)

Handle names and factors' levels


Internal functions dedicated to solve strings or factors related simple tasks


handleNamesSubsets(names, subset = vector(mode = "character"))

conditionsFromNames(names, splitPattern = " ", fragmentNum = 2L)






The full list of the names to handle


The names' subset. When empty all names are returned instead!


the pattern to use to split the names


the string fragment to use as condition from the split names


the name to check


an array or factor object


a factor object


handleNamesSubsets() returns the given subset or the full list of names if none were specified

conditionsFromNames() retrieves a condition from the given names by picking the asked fragment after having them split according to the given pattern

isEmptyName() returns whether the passed name is not null and has non-zero characters

niceFactorLevels() provides nicer factor labels that have all the same number of characters

factorToVector() converts a named factor to a named ⁠character vector⁠


handleNamesSubsets() returns the updated list of names' subset, reordered according to the given names' list

conditionsFromNames() returns the extracted conditions

isEmptyName() returns whether the passed name is equivalent to an empty string

niceFactorLevels() returns a factor that is preserving the names of the input with the new nicer levels

factorToVector() returns a ⁠character vector⁠ that preserves the names of the input factor

Handling cells' clusterization and related functions


These functions manage the clusterizations and their associated cluster COEX data.frames.

A clusterization is any partition of the cells where to each cell it is assigned a label; a group of cells with the same label is called cluster.

For each cluster is also possible to define a COEX value for each gene, indicating its increased or decreased expression in the cluster compared to the whole background. A data.frame with these values listed in a column for each cluster is stored separately for each clusterization in the clustersCoex member.

The formulae for this In/Out COEX are similar to those used in the calculateCoex() method, with the role of the second gene taken by the In/Out status of the cells with respect to each cluster.


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
estimateNuLinearByCluster(objCOTAN, clName = "", clusters = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
getClusterizations(objCOTAN, dropNoCoex = FALSE, keepPrefix = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
getClusterizationName(objCOTAN, clName = "", keepPrefix = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
getClusterizationData(objCOTAN, clName = "")

getClusters(objCOTAN, clName = "")

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  coexDF = data.frame(),
  override = FALSE

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
addClusterizationCoex(objCOTAN, clName, coexDF)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
dropClusterization(objCOTAN, clName)

DEAOnClusters(objCOTAN, clName = "", clusters = NULL)

clusterGeneContingencyTables(objCOTAN, gene, cells)

pValueFromDEA(coexDF, numCells, adjustmentMethod = "none")

  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  floorLambdaFraction = 0.05

  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  coexDF = NULL,
  useDEA = TRUE,
  distance = NULL

  clusters = NULL,
  elements = NULL,
  title = "",
  colors = NULL,
  numNeighbors = 0L,
  minPointsDist = NaN

  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  dataMethod = "",
  genesSel = "HVG_Seurat",
  numGenes = 2000L,
  colors = NULL,
  numNeighbors = 0L,
  minPointsDist = NA

  groupMarkers = list(),
  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  coexDF = NULL,
  kCuts = 3L,
  adjustmentMethod = "bonferroni",
  condNameList = NULL,
  conditionsList = NULL

  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  condName = "",
  conditions = NULL

  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  condName = "",
  conditions = NULL,
  plotTitle = ""

  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  useDEA = TRUE,
  distance = NULL,
  hclustMethod = "ward.D2"

  n = 10L,
  markers = NULL,
  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  coexDF = NULL,
  adjustmentMethod = "bonferroni"

geneSetEnrichment(clustersCoex, groupMarkers = list())

  clName = "",
  clusters = NULL,
  coexDF = NULL,
  reverse = FALSE,
  keepMinusOne = TRUE,
  useDEA = TRUE,
  distance = NULL,
  hclustMethod = "ward.D2"



a COTAN object


The name of the clusterization. If not given the last available clusterization will be used, as it is probably the most significant!


A clusterization to use. If given it will take precedence on the one indicated by clName


When TRUE drops the names from the clusterizations with empty associated coex data.frame


When TRUE returns the internal name of the clusterization: the one with the CL_ prefix.


a data.frame where each column indicates the COEX for each of the clusters of the clusterization


When TRUE silently allows overriding data for an existing clusterization name. Otherwise the default behavior will avoid potential data losses


a gene


a sub-set of the cells


the number of overall cells in all clusters


p-value multi-test adjustment method. Defaults to "bonferroni"; use "none" for no adjustment


Indicates the lower bound to the average count sums inside or outside the cluster for each gene as fraction of the relevant lambda parameter. Default is 5%5\%


Boolean indicating whether to use the DEA to define the distance; alternatively it will use the average Zero-One counts, that is faster but less precise.


type of distance to use. Default is "cosine" for DEA and "euclidean" for Zero-One. Can be chosen among those supported by parallelDist::parDist()


The data.frame to plot. It must have a row names containing the given elements


a named list of elements to label. Each array in the list will be shown with a different color


a string giving the plot title. Will default to UMAP Plot if not specified


an array of colors to use in the plot. If not sufficient colors are given it will complete the list using colors from getColorsVector()


Overrides the n_neighbors value from umap.defaults


Overrides the min_dist value from umap.defaults


selects the method to use to create the data.frame to pass to the UMAPPlot(). To calculate, for each cell, a statistic for each gene based on available data/model, the following methods are supported:

  • "NuNorm" uses the ν\nu-normalized counts

  • "LogNormalized" uses the log-normalized counts. The default method

  • "Likelihood" uses the likelihood of observed presence/absence of each gene

  • "LogLikelihood" uses the likelihood of observed presence/absence of each gene

  • "Binarized" uses the binarized data matrix

  • "AdjBinarized" uses the binarized data matrix where ones and zeros are replaced by the per-gene estimated probability of zero and its complement respectively


Decides whether and how to perform gene-selection. It can be a straight list of genes or a string indicating one of the following selection methods:

  • "HGDI" Will pick-up the genes with highest GDI. Since it requires an available COEX matrix it will fall-back to "HVG_Seurat" when the matrix is not available

  • "HVG_Seurat" Will pick-up the genes with the highest variability via the Seurat package (the default method)

  • "HVG_Scanpy" Will pick-up the genes with the highest variability according to the Scanpy package (using the Seurat implementation)


the number of genes to select using the above method. Will be ignored when no selection have been asked or when an explicit list of genes was passed in


an optional named list with an element for each group comprised of one or more marker genes


the number of estimated cluster (this defines the height for the tree cut)


a list of conditions' names to be used for additional columns in the final plot. When none are given no new columns will be added using data extracted via the function clustersSummaryData()


a list of conditions to use. If given they will take precedence on the ones indicated by condNameList


The name of a condition in the COTAN object to further separate the cells in more sub-groups. When no condition is given it is assumed to be the same for all cells (no further sub-divisions)


The conditions to use. If given it will take precedence on the one indicated by condName that will only indicate the relevant column name in the returned data.frame


The title to use for the returned plot


It defaults is "ward.D2" but can be any of the methods defined by the stats::hclust() function.


the number of extreme COEX values to return


a list of marker genes


the COEX data.frame


a flag to the output order


a flag to decide whether to keep the cluster "-1" (representing the non-clustered cells) untouched


estimateNuLinearByCluster() does a linear estimation of nu: cells' counts averages normalized cluster by cluster

getClusterizations() extracts the list of the clusterizations defined in the COTAN object.

getClusterizationName() normalizes the given clusterization name or, if none were given, returns the name of last available clusterization in the COTAN object. It can return the clusterization internal name if needed

getClusterizationData() extracts the asked clusterization and its associated COEX data.frame from the COTAN object

getClusters() extracts the asked clusterization from the COTAN object

getClustersCoex() extracts the full clusterCoex member list

addClusterization() adds a clusterization to the current COTAN object, by adding a new column in the metaCells data.frame and adding a new element in the clustersCoex list using the passed in COEX data.frame or an empty data.frame if none were passed in.

addClusterizationCoex() adds a clusterization COEX data.frame to the current COTAN object. It requires the named clusterization to be already present.

dropClusterization() drops a clusterization from the current COTAN object, by removing the corresponding column in the metaCells data.frame and the corresponding COEX data.frame from the clustersCoex list.

DEAOnClusters() is used to run the Differential Expression analysis using the COTAN contingency tables on each cluster in the given clusterization

clusterGeneContingencyTables() returns the observed and expected contingency tables for a given gene and a given set of cells (a cluster). The implementation runs the same algorithms used to calculate the full observed/expected contingency tables used for DEA, but restricted to only the relevant gene and cluster, thus much faster and less memory intensive

pValueFromDEA() is used to convert to p-value the Differential Expression analysis using the COTAN contingency tables on each cluster in the given clusterization

logFoldChangeOnClusters() is used to get the log difference of the expression levels for each cluster in the given clusterization against the rest of the data-set

distancesBetweenClusters() is used to obtain a distance between the clusters. Depending on the value of the useDEA flag will base the distance on the DEA columns or the averages of the Zero-One matrix.

UMAPPlot() plots the given data.frame containing genes information related to clusters after applying the umap::umap() transformation

cellsUMAPPlot() returns a ggplot2 plot where the given clusters are placed on the base of their relative distance. Also if needed calculates and stores the DEA of the relevant clusterization.

clustersMarkersHeatmapPlot() returns the heatmap plot of a summary score for each cluster and each gene marker in the given clusterization. It also returns the numerosity and percentage of each cluster on the right and a clusterization dendogram on the left, as returned by the function clustersTreePlot(). The heatmap cells' colors express the DEA, that is whether a gene is enriched or depleted in the cluster, while the stars are aligned to the corresponding adjusted pp-value: ⁠***⁠ for p<0.1%p < 0.1\%, ⁠**⁠ for p<1%p < 1\%, * for p<5%p < 5\%, . for p<10%p < 10\%

clustersSummaryData() calculates various statistics about each cluster (with an optional further condition to separate the cells).

clustersSummaryPlot() calculates various statistics about each cluster via clustersSummaryData() and puts them together into a plot.

clustersTreePlot() returns the dendogram plot where the given clusters are placed on the base of their relative distance. Also if needed calculates and stores the DEA of the relevant clusterization.

findClustersMarkers() takes in a COTAN object and a clusterization and produces a data.frame with the n most positively enriched and the n most negatively enriched genes for each cluster. The function also provides whether and the found genes are in the given markers list or not. It also returns the adjusted p-value for multi-tests using the stats::p.adjust()

geneSetEnrichment() returns a cumulative score of enrichment in a cluster over a gene set. In formulae it calculates 1ni(1eθXi)\frac{1}{n}\sum_i(1-e^{-\theta X_i}), where the XiX_i are the positive values from DEAOnClusters() and θ=10.1ln(0.25)\theta = -\frac{1}{0.1} \ln(0.25)

reorderClusterization() takes in a clusterizations and reorder its labels so that in the new order near labels indicate near clusters according to a DEA (or Zero-One) based distance


estimateNuLinearByCluster() returns the updated COTAN object

getClusterizations() returns a vector of clusterization names, usually without the CL_ prefix

getClusterizationName() returns the normalized clusterization name or NULL if no clusterizations are present

getClusterizationData() returns a list with 2 elements:

  • "clusters" the named cluster labels array

  • "coex" the associated COEX data.frame. This will be an empty data.frame when not specified for the relevant clusterization

getClusters() returns the named cluster labels array

getClustersCoex() returns the list with a COEX data.frame for each clusterization. When not empty, each data.frame contains a COEX column for each cluster.

addClusterization() returns the updated COTAN object

addClusterizationCoex() returns the updated COTAN object

dropClusterization() returns the updated COTAN object

DEAOnClusters() returns the co-expression data.frame for the genes in each cluster

clusterGeneContingencyTables() returns a list containing the observed and expected contingency tables

pValueFromDEA() returns a data.frame containing the p-values corresponding to the given COEX adjusted for multi-test

logFoldChangeOnClusters() returns the log-expression-change data.frame for the genes in each cluster

distancesBetweenClusters() returns a dist object

UMAPPlot() returns a ggplot2 object

cellsUMAPPlot() returns a list with 2 objects:

  • "plot" a ggplot2 object representing the umap plot

  • "cellsPCA" the data.frame PCA used to create the plot

clustersMarkersHeatmapPlot() returns a list with:

  • "heatmapPlot" the complete heatmap plot

  • "dataScore" the data.frame with the score values

  • "pValueDF" the data.frame with the corresponding adjusted pp-values

clustersSummaryData() returns a data.frame with the following statistics: The calculated statistics are:

  • "clName" the cluster labels

  • "condName" the relevant condition (that sub-divides the clusters)

  • "CellNumber" the number of cells in the group

  • "MeanUDE" the average "UDE" in the group of cells

  • "MedianUDE" the median "UDE" in the group of cells

  • "ExpGenes25" the number of genes expressed in at the least 25% of the cells in the group

  • "ExpGenes" the number of genes expressed at the least once in any of the cells in the group

  • "CellPercentage" fraction of the cells with respect to the total cells

clustersSummaryPlot() returns a list with a data.frame and a ggplot objects

  • "data" contains the data,

  • "plot" is the returned plot

clustersTreePlot() returns a list with 2 objects:

  • "dend" a ggplot2 object representing the dendrogram plot

  • "objCOTAN" the updated COTAN object

findClustersMarkers() returns a data.frame containing n genes for each cluster scoring top/bottom COEX scores. The data.frame also contains:

  • "CL" the cluster

  • "Gene" the gene

  • "Score" the COEX score of the gene

  • "adjPVal" the p-values associated to the COEX adjusted for multi-testing

  • "DEA" the differential expression of the gene

  • "IsMarker" whether the gene is among the given markers

  • "logFoldCh" the log-fold-change of the gene expression inside versus outside the cluster from logFoldChangeOnClusters()

geneSetEnrichment() returns a data.frame with the cumulative score

reorderClusterization() returns a list with 2 elements:

  • "clusters" the newly reordered cluster labels array

  • "coex" the associated COEX data.frame

  • "permMap" the reordering mapping


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
objCOTAN <- proceedToCoex(objCOTAN, cores = 6L, calcCoex = FALSE,
                          optimizeForSpeed = TRUE, saveObj = FALSE)

clusters <- test.dataset.clusters1

coexDF <- DEAOnClusters(objCOTAN, clusters = clusters)

groupMarkers <- list(G1 = c("g-000010", "g-000020", "g-000030",
                            "g-000150", "g-000160", "g-000170"),
                     G2 = c("g-000300", "g-000330", "g-000450",
                            "g-000460", "g-000470"),
                     G3 = c("g-000510", "g-000530", "g-000550",
                            "g-000570", "g-000590"))

geneClusters <- rep(1:3, each = 240)[1:600]
names(geneClusters) <- getGenes(objCOTAN)

umapPlot <- UMAPPlot(coexDF, clusters = NULL, elements = groupMarkers)

objCOTAN <- addClusterization(objCOTAN, clName = "first_clusterization",
                              clusters = clusters, coexDF = coexDF)

lfcDF <- logFoldChangeOnClusters(objCOTAN, clusters = clusters)
umapPlot2 <- UMAPPlot(lfcDF, clusters = geneClusters)

objCOTAN <- estimateNuLinearByCluster(objCOTAN, clusters = clusters)

clSummaryPlotAndData <-
  clustersSummaryPlot(objCOTAN, clName = "first_clusterization",
                      plotTitle = "first clusterization")

if (FALSE) {
  objCOTAN <- dropClusterization(objCOTAN, "first_clusterization")

clusterizations <- getClusterizations(objCOTAN, dropNoCoex = TRUE)
stopifnot(length(clusterizations) == 1)

cellsUmapPlotAndDF <- cellsUMAPPlot(objCOTAN, dataMethod = "LogNormalized",
                                    clName = "first_clusterization",
                                    genesSel = "HVG_Seurat")

enrichment <- geneSetEnrichment(clustersCoex = coexDF,
                                groupMarkers = groupMarkers)

clHeatmapPlotAndData <- clustersMarkersHeatmapPlot(objCOTAN, groupMarkers)

conditions <- as.integer(substring(getCells(objCOTAN), 3L))
conditions <- factor(ifelse(conditions <= 600, "L", "H"))
names(conditions) <- getCells(objCOTAN)

clHeatmapPlotAndData2 <-
  clustersMarkersHeatmapPlot(objCOTAN, groupMarkers, kCuts = 2,
                             condNameList = list("High/Low"),
                             conditionsList = list(conditions))

clName <- getClusterizationName(objCOTAN)

clusterDataList <- getClusterizationData(objCOTAN, clName = clName)

clusters <- getClusters(objCOTAN, clName = clName)

allClustersCoexDF <- getClustersCoex(objCOTAN)

summaryData <- clustersSummaryData(objCOTAN)

treePlotAndObj <- clustersTreePlot(objCOTAN, 2)
objCOTAN <- treePlotAndObj[["objCOTAN"]]

clMarkers <- findClustersMarkers(objCOTAN, markers = list(),
                                 clusters = clusters)

Handling cells' conditions and related functions


These functions manage the conditions.

A condition is a set of labels that can be assigned to cells: one label per cell. This is especially useful in cases when the data-set is the result of merging multiple experiments' raw data


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
getAllConditions(objCOTAN, keepPrefix = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
getConditionName(objCOTAN, condName = "", keepPrefix = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
getCondition(objCOTAN, condName = "")

normalizeNameAndLabels(objCOTAN, name = "", labels = NULL, isCond = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
addCondition(objCOTAN, condName, conditions, override = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
dropCondition(objCOTAN, condName)



a COTAN object


When TRUE returns the internal name of the condition: the one with the COND_ prefix.


the name of an existing condition.


the name of the clusterization/condition. If not given the last available clusterization will be used, or no conditions


a clusterization/condition to use. If given it will take precedence on the one indicated by name


a Boolean to indicate whether the function is dealing with clusterizations FALSE or conditions TRUE


a (factors) array of condition labels


When TRUE silently allows overriding data for an existing condition name. Otherwise the default behavior will avoid potential data losses


getAllConditions() extracts the list of the conditions defined in the COTAN object.

getConditionName() normalizes the given condition name or, if none were given, returns the name of last available condition in the COTAN object. It can return the condition internal name if needed

getCondition() extracts the asked condition from the COTAN object

normalizeNameAndLabels() takes a pair of name/labels and normalize them based on the available information in the COTAN object

addCondition() adds a condition to the current COTAN object, by adding a new column in the metaCells data.frame

dropCondition() drops a condition from the current COTAN object, by removing the corresponding column in the metaCells data.frame


getAllConditions() returns a vector of conditions names, usually without the COND_ prefix

getConditionName() returns the normalized condition name or NULL if no conditions are present

getCondition() returns a named factor with the condition

normalizeNameAndLabels() returns a list with:

  • "name" the relevant name

  • "labels" the relevant clusterization/condition

addCondition() returns the updated COTAN object

dropCondition() returns the updated COTAN object


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)

cellLine <- rep(c("A", "B"), getNumCells(objCOTAN) / 2)
names(cellLine) <- getCells(objCOTAN)
objCOTAN <- addCondition(objCOTAN, condName = "Line", conditions = cellLine)

##objCOTAN <- dropCondition(objCOTAN, "Genre")

conditionsNames <- getAllConditions(objCOTAN)

condName <- getConditionName(objCOTAN)

condition <- getCondition(objCOTAN, condName = condName)
isa(condition, "factor")

nameAndCond <- normalizeNameAndLabels(objCOTAN, name = condName,
                                      isCond = TRUE)
isa(nameAndCond[["labels"]], "factor")

Heatmap Plots


These functions create heatmap COEX plots.


singleHeatmapDF(objCOTAN, genesLists, sets, pValueThreshold = 0.01)

  objCOTAN = NULL,
  sets = NULL,
  pValueThreshold = 0.01,
  conditions = NULL,
  dir = "."

  secondaryMarkers = vector(mode = "character"),
  pValueThreshold = 0.01,
  symmetric = TRUE

cellsHeatmapPlot(objCOTAN, cells = NULL, clusters = NULL)

plotTheme(plotKind = "common", textSize = 14L)



a COTAN object


A list of genes' arrays. The first array defines the genes in the columns


A numeric array indicating which fields in the previous list should be used. Defaults to all fields


The p-value threshold. Default is 0.01


An array of prefixes indicating the different files


The directory in which are all COTAN files (corresponding to the previous prefixes)


A set of genes plotted as rows


A set of genes plotted as columns


A Boolean: default TRUE. When TRUE the union of primaryMarkers and secondaryMarkers is used for both rows and column genes


Which cells to plot (all if no argument is given)


Use this clusterization to select/reorder the cells to plot


a string indicating the plot kind


axes and strip text size (default=14)


singleHeatmapDF() creates the heatmap data.frame of one COTAN object

heatmapPlot() creates the heatmap of one or more COTAN objects

genesHeatmapPlot() is used to plot an heatmap made using only some genes, as markers, and collecting all other genes correlated with these markers with a p-value smaller than the set threshold. Than all relations are plotted. Primary markers will be plotted as groups of rows. Markers list will be plotted as columns.

cellsHeatmapPlot() creates the heatmap plot of the cells' COEX matrix

plotTheme() returns the appropriate theme for the selected plot kind. Supported kinds are: "common", "pca", "genes", "UDE", "heatmap", "GDI", "UMAP", "size-plot"


singleHeatmapDF() returns a data.frame

heatmapPlot() returns a ggplot2 object

genesHeatmapPlot() returns a ggplot2 object

cellsHeatmapPlot() returns the cells' COEX heatmap plot

plotTheme() returns a ggplot2::theme object

See Also

ggplot2::theme() and ggplot2::ggplot()


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
objCOTAN <- clean(objCOTAN)
objCOTAN <- estimateDispersionNuBisection(objCOTAN, cores = 6L)
objCOTAN <- calculateCoex(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE)
objCOTAN <- calculateCoex(objCOTAN, actOnCells = TRUE)

## some genes
primaryMarkers <- c("g-000010", "g-000020", "g-000030")

## an example of named list of different gene set
groupMarkers <- list(G1 = primaryMarkers,
                     G2 = c("g-000300", "g-000330"),
                     G3 = c("g-000510", "g-000530", "g-000550",
                            "g-000570", "g-000590"))

hPlot <- heatmapPlot(objCOTAN, pValueThreshold = 0.05,
                     genesLists = groupMarkers, sets = 2L:3L)

ghPlot <- genesHeatmapPlot(objCOTAN, primaryMarkers = primaryMarkers,
                           secondaryMarkers = groupMarkers,
                           pValueThreshold = 0.05, symmetric = FALSE)

clusters <- c(rep_len("1", getNumCells(objCOTAN)/2),
              rep_len("2", getNumCells(objCOTAN)/2))
names(clusters) <- getCells(objCOTAN)

chPlot <- cellsHeatmapPlot(objCOTAN, clusters = clusters)
## plot(chPlot)

theme <- plotTheme("pca")

Installing torch R library (on Linux)


A brief explanation of how to install the torch package on WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux), but it might work the same for other Linux systems. Naturally it makes a difference whether one wants to install support only for the CPU or also have the system GPU at the ready!

The main resources to install torch is or


For the CPU-only support one need to ensure that also numeric libraries are installed, like BLAS and LAPACK and/or MKL if your CPU is from Intel. Otherwise torch will be stuck at using a single core for all computations.

For the GPU, currently only cuda devices are supported. Moreover only some specific versions of cuda (and corresponding cudnn) are effectively usable, so one needs to install them to actually use the GPU.

As of today only cuda 11.7 and 11.8 are supported, but check the torch documentation for more up-to-date information. Before downgrading your cuda version, please be aware that it is possible to maintain separate main versions of cuda at the same time on the system: that is one can have installed both 11.8 and a 12.4 cuda versions on the same system.

Below a link to install cuda 11.8 for WSL2 given: use a local installer to be sure the wanted cuda version is being installed, and not the latest one: cuda 11.8 for WSL2

Logging in the COTAN package


Logging is currently supported for all COTAN functions. It is possible to see the output on the terminal and/or on a log file. The level of output on terminal is controlled by the COTAN.LogLevel option while the logging on file is always at its maximum verbosity


setLoggingLevel(newLevel = 1L)


logThis(msg, logLevel = 2L, appendLF = TRUE)



the new default logging level. It defaults to 1


the log file.


the message to print


the logging level of the current message. It defaults to 2


whether to add a new-line character at the end of the message


setLoggingLevel() sets the COTAN logging level. It set the COTAN.LogLevel options to one of the following values:

  • 0 - Always on log messages

  • 1 - Major log messages

  • 2 - Minor log messages

  • 3 - All log messages

setLoggingFile() sets the log file for all COTAN output logs. By default no logging happens on a file (only on the console). Using this function COTAN will use the indicated file to dump the logs produced by all logThis() commands, independently from the log level. It stores the connection created by the call to bzfile() in the option: COTAN.LogFile

logThis() prints the given message string if the current log level is greater or equal to the given log level (it always prints its message on file if active). It uses message() to actually print the messages on the stderr() connection, so it is subject to suppressMessages()


setLoggingLevel() returns the old logging level or default level if not set yet.

logThis() returns TRUE if the message has been printed on the terminal


setLoggingLevel(3) # for debugging purposes only

logFile <- file.path(".", "COTAN_Test1.log")
logThis("Some log message")
setLoggingFile("") # closes the log file

logThis("LogLevel 0 messages will always show, ",
        logLevel = 0, appendLF = FALSE)
suppressMessages(logThis("unless all messages are suppressed",
                         logLevel = 0))

Handling Multi-Core and GPU environments


Check whether session supports multi-core and/or GPU evaluation and utilities about their activation



canUseTorch(optimizeForSpeed, deviceStr)



the number of cores asked for


A Boolean to indicate whether to try to use the faster torch library


The name of the device to be used by torch


handleMultiCore() uses parallelly::supportsMulticore() and parallelly::availableCores() to actually check whether the session supports multi-core evaluation. Provides an effective upper bound to the number of cores.

canUseTorch() is an internal function to handle the torch library: it returns whether torch is ready to be used. It obeys the opt-out flag set via the COTAN.UseTorch option


handleMultiCore() returns the maximum sensible number of cores to use

canUseTorch() returns a list with 2 elements:

  • "useTorch": a Boolean indicating whether the torch library can be used

  • "deviceStr": the updated name of the device to be used: if no cuda GPU is available it will fallback to CPU calculations

See Also

the help page of parallelly::supportsMulticore() about the flags influencing the multi-core support; e.g. the usage of R option parallelly.fork.enable.

torch::install_torch() and torch::torch_is_installed() for installation. Note the torch::torch_set_num_threads() has effect also on the Rfast package methods

Numeric Utilities


A set of function helper related to the statistical model underlying the COTAN package


funProbZero(dispersion, mu)

  threshold = 0.001,
  maxIterations = 100L

  threshold = 0.001,
  maxIterations = 100L

  threshold = 0.001,
  maxIterations = 100L

  threshold = 0.001,
  maxIterations = 100L



the estimated dispersion (a nn-sized vector)


the lambda times nu values (a n×mn \times m matrix)


the number of genes not expressed in the relevant cell (a mm-sized vector)


the estimated lambda (a nn-sized vector)


the estimated nu (a mm-sized vector)


minimal solution precision


max number of iterations (avoids infinite loops)


names of the relevant genes


the initial guess for nu (a mm-sized vector)


names of the relevant cells


funProbZero is a private function that gives the probability that a sample gene's reads are zero, given the dispersion and mu parameters.

Using dd for disp and μ\mu for mu, it returns: (1+dμ)1d(1 + d \mu)^{-\frac{1}{d}} when d>0d > 0 and exp((d1)μ)\exp{((d - 1) \mu)} otherwise. The function is continuous in d=0d = 0, increasing in dd and decreasing in μ\mu. It returns 0 when d=d = -\infty or μ=\mu = \infty. It returns 1 when μ=0\mu = 0.

dispersionBisection is a private function for the estimation of dispersion slot of a COTAN object via a bisection solver

The goal is to find a dispersion value that reduces to zero the difference between the number of estimated and counted zeros

parallelDispersionBisection is a private function invoked by estimateDispersionBisection() for the estimation of the dispersion slot of a COTAN object via a parallel bisection solver

The goal is to find a ⁠dispersion array⁠ that reduces to zero the difference between the number of estimated and counted zeros

nuBisection is a private function for the estimation of nu slot of a COTAN object via a bisection solver

The goal is to find a nu value that reduces to zero the difference between the number of estimated and counted zeros

parallelNuBisection is a private function invoked by estimateNuBisection() for the estimation of nu slot of a COTAN object via a parallel bisection solver

The goal is to find a ⁠nu array⁠ that reduces to zero the difference between the number of estimated and counted zeros


the probability matrix that a read count is identically zero

the dispersion value

the dispersion values

the nu value

the dispersion values

Estimation of the COTAN model's parameters


These functions are used to estimate the COTAN model's parameters. That is the average count for each gene (lambda) the average count for each cell (nu) and the dispersion parameter for each gene to match the probability of zero.

The estimator methods are named Linear if they can be calculated as a linear statistic of the raw data or Bisection if they are found via a parallel bisection solver.


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  threshold = 0.001,
  cores = 1L,
  maxIterations = 100L,
  chunkSize = 1024L

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  threshold = 0.001,
  cores = 1L,
  maxIterations = 100L,
  chunkSize = 1024L

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  threshold = 0.001,
  cores = 1L,
  maxIterations = 100L,
  chunkSize = 1024L,
  enforceNuAverageToOne = TRUE

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  threshold = 0.001,
  maxIterations = 50L,
  chunkSize = 1024L,
  enforceNuAverageToOne = TRUE

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'




getNormalizedData(objCOTAN, retLog = FALSE)




a COTAN object


minimal solution precision


number of cores to use. Default is 1.


max number of iterations (avoids infinite loops)


number of genes to solve in batch in a single core. Default is 1024.


a Boolean on whether to keep the average nu equal to 1


When TRUE calls getLogNormData(), calls getNuNormData()


estimateLambdaLinear() does a linear estimation of lambda (genes' counts averages)

estimateNuLinear() does a linear estimation of nu (normalized cells' counts averages)

estimateDispersionBisection() estimates the negative binomial dispersion factor for each gene (a). Determines the dispersion such that, for each gene, the probability of zero count matches the number of observed zeros. It assumes estimateNuLinear() being already run.

estimateNuBisection() estimates the nu vector of a COTAN object by bisection. It determines the nu parameters such that, for each cell, the probability of zero counts matches the number of observed zeros. It assumes estimateDispersionBisection() being already run. Since this breaks the assumption that the average nu is one, it is recommended not to run this in isolation but use estimateDispersionNuBisection() instead.

estimateDispersionNuBisection() estimates the dispersion and nu field of a COTAN object by running sequentially a bisection for each parameter.

estimateDispersionNuNlminb() estimates the nu and dispersion parameters to minimize the discrepancy between the observed and expected probability of zero. It uses the stats::nlminb() solver, but since the joint parameters have too high dimensionality, it converges too slowly to be actually useful in real cases.

getNu() extracts the nu array (normalized cells' counts averages)

getLambda() extracts the lambda array (mean expression for each gene)

getDispersion() extracts the dispersion array

estimatorsAreReady() checks whether the estimators arrays lambda, nu, dispersion are available

getNuNormData() extracts the ν\nu-normalized count table (i.e. where each column is divided by nu) and returns it

getLogNormData() extracts the log-normalized count table (i.e. where each column is divided by the getCellsSize()), takes its log10 and returns it.

getNormalizedData() is deprecated: please use getNuNormData() or getLogNormData() directly as appropriate

getProbabilityOfZero() gives for each cell and each gene the probability of observing zero reads


estimateLambdaLinear() returns the updated COTAN object

estimateNuLinear() returns the updated COTAN object

estimateDispersionBisection() returns the updated COTAN object

estimateNuBisection() returns the updated COTAN object

estimateDispersionNuBisection() returns the updated COTAN object

estimateDispersionNuNlminb() returns the updated COTAN object

getNu() returns the nu array

getLambda() returns the lambda array

getDispersion() returns the dispersion array

estimatorsAreReady() returns a boolean specifying whether all three arrays are non-empty

getNuNormData() returns the ν\nu-normalized count data.frame

getLogNormData() returns a data.frame after applying the formula log10(104x+1)\log_{10}{(10^4 * x + 1)} to the raw counts normalized by cells-size

getNormalizedData() returns a data.frame

getProbabilityOfZero() returns a data.frame with the probabilities of zero


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)

objCOTAN <- estimateLambdaLinear(objCOTAN)
lambda <- getLambda(objCOTAN)

objCOTAN <- estimateNuLinear(objCOTAN)
nu <- getNu(objCOTAN)

objCOTAN <- estimateDispersionBisection(objCOTAN, cores = 6L)
dispersion <- getDispersion(objCOTAN)

objCOTAN <- estimateDispersionNuBisection(objCOTAN, cores = 6L,
                                          enforceNuAverageToOne = TRUE)
nu <- getNu(objCOTAN)
dispersion <- getDispersion(objCOTAN)

nuNorm <- getNuNormData(objCOTAN)

logNorm <- getLogNormData(objCOTAN)

logNorm <- getNormalizedData(objCOTAN, retLog = TRUE)

probZero <- getProbabilityOfZero(objCOTAN)

Raw data cleaning


These methods are to be used to clean the raw data. That is drop any number of genes/cells that are too sparse or too present to allow proper calibration of the COTAN model.

We call genes that are expressed in all cells Fully-Expressed while cells that express all genes in the data are called Fully-Expressing. In case it has been made quite easy to exclude the flagged genes/cells in the user calculations.


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
findFullyExpressedGenes(objCOTAN, cellsThreshold = 0.99)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
findFullyExpressingCells(objCOTAN, genesThreshold = 0.99)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  genes = vector(mode = "character"),
  cells = vector(mode = "character")

ECDPlot(objCOTAN, yCut = NaN, condName = "", conditions = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'
  cellsCutoff = 0.003,
  genesCutoff = 0.002,
  cellsThreshold = 0.99,
  genesThreshold = 0.99

cleanPlots(objCOTAN, includePCA = TRUE)


cellSizePlot(objCOTAN, condName = "", conditions = NULL)

genesSizePlot(objCOTAN, condName = "", conditions = NULL)

  genePrefix = "^MT-",
  condName = "",
  conditions = NULL

scatterPlot(objCOTAN, condName = "", conditions = NULL, splitSamples = TRUE)



a COTAN object


any gene that is expressed in more cells than threshold times the total number of cells will be marked as fully-expressed. Default threshold is 0.99  (99.0%)0.99 \; (99.0\%)


any cell that is expressing more genes than threshold times the total number of genes will be marked as fully-expressing. Default threshold is 0.99  (99.0%)0.99 \; (99.0\%)


an array of gene names


an array of cell names


y threshold of library size to drop. Default is NaN


The name of a condition in the COTAN object to further separate the cells in more sub-groups. When no condition is given it is assumed to be the same for all cells (no further sub-divisions)


The conditions to use. If given it will take precedence on the one indicated by condName that will only indicate the relevant column name in the returned data.frame


clean() will delete from the raw data any gene that is expressed in less cells than threshold times the total number of cells. Default cutoff is 0.003  (0.3%)0.003 \; (0.3\%)


clean() will delete from the raw data any cell that is expressing less genes than threshold times the total number of genes. Default cutoff is 0.002  (0.2%)0.002 \; (0.2\%)


a Boolean flag to determine whether to calculate the PCA associated with the normalized matrix. When TRUE the first four elements of the returned list will be NULL


a vector with the standard deviations of the various components


Prefix for the mitochondrial genes (default "^MT-" for Human, mouse "^mt-")


Boolean. Whether to plot each sample in a different panel (default FALSE)


flagNotFullyExpressedGenes() returns a Boolean array with TRUE for those genes that are not fully-expressed.

flagNotFullyExpressingCells()returns a Boolean vector with TRUE for those cells that are not expressing all genes

getFullyExpressedGenes() returns the genes expressed in all cells of the dataset

getFullyExpressingCells() returns the cells that did express all genes of the dataset

findFullyExpressedGenes() determines the fully-expressed genes inside the raw data

findFullyExpressingCells() determines the cells that are expressing all genes in the dataset

dropGenesCells() removes an array of genes and/or cells from the current COTAN object.

ECDPlot() plots the empirical distribution function of library sizes (UMI number). It helps to define where to drop "cells" that are simple background signal.

clean() is the main method that can be used to check and clean the dataset. It will discard any genes that has less than 3 non-zero counts per thousand cells and all cells expressing less than 2 per thousand genes. It also produces and stores the estimators for nu and lambda

cleanPlots() creates the plots associated to the output of the clean() method.

screePlot() creates a plots showing the explained variance of the components of a PCA

cellSizePlot() plots the raw library size for each cell and sample.

genesSizePlot() plots the raw gene number (reads > 0) for each cell and sample

mitochondrialPercentagePlot() plots the raw library size for each cell and sample.

scatterPlot() creates a plot that check the relation between the library size and the number of genes detected.


flagNotFullyExpressedGenes() returns a Booleans array with TRUE for genes that are not fully-expressed

flagNotFullyExpressingCells() returns an array of Booleans with TRUE for cells that are not expressing all genes

getFullyExpressedGenes() returns an array containing all genes that are expressed in all cells

getFullyExpressingCells() returns an array containing all cells that express all genes

findFullyExpressedGenes() returns the given COTAN object with updated fully-expressed genes' information

findFullyExpressingCells() returns the given COTAN object with updated fully-expressing cells' information

dropGenesCells() returns a completely new COTAN object with the new raw data obtained after the indicated genes/cells were expunged. All remaining data is dropped too as no more relevant with the restricted matrix. Exceptions are:

  • the meta-data for the data-set that gets kept unchanged

  • the meta-data of genes/cells that gets restricted to the remaining elements. The columns calculated via estimate and find methods are dropped too

ECDPlot() returns an ECD plot

clean() returns the updated COTAN object

cleanPlots() returns a list of ggplot2 plots:

  • "pcaCells" is for pca cells

  • "pcaCellsData" is the data of the pca cells (can be plotted)

  • "genes" is for B group cells' genes

  • "UDE" is for cells' UDE against their pca

  • "nu" is for cell nu

  • "zoomedNu" is the same but zoomed on the left and with an estimate for the low nu threshold that defines problematic cells

screePlot() returns a ggplot2 plot for the explained variances

cellSizePlot() returns the violin-boxplot plot

genesSizePlot() returns the violin-boxplot plot

mitochondrialPercentagePlot() returns a list with:

  • "plot" a violin-boxplot object

  • "sizes" a sizes data.frame

scatterPlot() returns the scatter plot



objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset) <- getGenes(objCOTAN)[grep('^MT', getGenes(objCOTAN))] <- getCells(objCOTAN)[which(getCellsSize(objCOTAN) == 0)]
objCOTAN <- dropGenesCells(objCOTAN,,

objCOTAN <- clean(objCOTAN)

objCOTAN <- findFullyExpressedGenes(objCOTAN)
goodPos <- flagNotFullyExpressedGenes(objCOTAN)

objCOTAN <- findFullyExpressingCells(objCOTAN)
goodPos <- flagNotFullyExpressingCells(objCOTAN)

feGenes <- getFullyExpressedGenes(objCOTAN)

feCells <- getFullyExpressingCells(objCOTAN)

## These plots might help to identify genes/cells that need to be dropped
ecdPlot <- ECDPlot(objCOTAN, yCut = 100.0)

# This creates many infomative plots useful to determine whether
# there is still something to drop...
# Here we use the tuple-like assignment feature of the `zeallot` package
c(pcaCellsPlot, ., genesPlot, UDEPlot, ., zNuPlot) %<-% cleanPlots(objCOTAN)

lsPlot <- cellSizePlot(objCOTAN)

gsPlot <- genesSizePlot(objCOTAN)

mitPercPlot <-
  mitochondrialPercentagePlot(objCOTAN, genePrefix = "g-0000")[["plot"]]

scPlot <- scatterPlot(objCOTAN)

Raw data COTAN accessors


These methods extract information out of a just created COTAN object. The accessors have read-only access to the object.


## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'

## S4 method for signature 'COTAN'



a COTAN object


getRawData() extracts the raw count table.

getNumCells() extracts the number of cells in the sample (mm)

getNumGenes() extracts the number of genes in the sample (nn)

getCells() extract all cells in the dataset.

getGenes() extract all genes in the dataset.

getZeroOneProj() extracts the raw count table where any positive number has been replaced with 1

getCellsSize() extracts the cell raw library size.

getNumExpressedGenes() extracts the number of genes expressed for each cell. Exploits a feature of Matrix::CsparseMatrix

getGenesSize() extracts the genes raw library size.

getNumOfExpressingCells() extracts, for each gene, the number of cells that are expressing it. Exploits a feature of Matrix::CsparseMatrix


getRawData() returns the raw count sparse matrix

getNumCells() returns the number of cells in the sample (mm)

getNumGenes() returns the number of genes in the sample (nn)

getCells() returns a character array with the cells' names

getGenes() returns a character array with the genes' names

getZeroOneProj() returns the raw count matrix projected to 0 or 1

getCellsSize() returns an array with the library sizes

getNumExpressedGenes() returns an array with the library sizes

getGenesSize() returns an array with the library sizes

getNumOfExpressingCells() returns an array with the library sizes


objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)

rawData <- getRawData(objCOTAN)

numCells <- getNumCells(objCOTAN)

numGenes <- getNumGenes(objCOTAN)

cellsNames <- getCells(objCOTAN)

genesNames <- getGenes(objCOTAN)

zeroOne <- getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN)

cellsSize <- getCellsSize(objCOTAN)

numExpGenes <- getNumExpressedGenes(objCOTAN)

genesSize <- getGenesSize(objCOTAN)

numExpCells <- getNumOfExpressingCells(objCOTAN)

Uniform Clusters


This group of functions takes in input a COTAN object and handle the task of dividing the dataset into Uniform Clusters, that is clusters that have an homogeneous genes' expression. This condition is checked by calculating the GDI of the cluster and verifying that no more than a small fraction of the genes have their GDI level above the given GDIThreshold


  condition = "",
  statType = "S",
  GDIThreshold = 1.43,

  checker = NULL,
  GDIThreshold = NaN,
  initialResolution = 0.8,
  maxIterations = 25L,
  cores = 1L,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
  deviceStr = "cuda",
  useDEA = TRUE,
  distance = NULL,
  genesSel = "HVG_Seurat",
  hclustMethod = "ward.D2",
  initialClusters = NULL,
  initialIteration = 1L,
  saveObj = TRUE,
  outDir = "."

  cores = 1L,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
  deviceStr = "cuda",
  saveObj = TRUE,
  outDir = "."

  clusters = NULL,
  checkers = NULL,
  GDIThreshold = NaN,
  batchSize = 0L,
  cores = 1L,
  optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
  deviceStr = "cuda",
  useDEA = TRUE,
  distance = NULL,
  hclustMethod = "ward.D2",
  allCheckResults = data.frame(),
  initialIteration = 1L,
  saveObj = TRUE,
  outDir = "."



a COTAN object


a named list of genes to label. Each array will have different color.


a string corresponding to the condition/sample (it is used only for the title).


type of statistic to be used. Default is "S": Pearson's chi-squared test statistics. "G" is G-test statistics


legacy. The threshold level that is used in a SimpleGDIUniformityCheck. It defaults to 1.431.43


when the GDI data frame was already calculated, it can be put here to speed up the process (default is NULL)


the object that defines the method and the threshold to discriminate whether a cluster is uniform transcript. See UniformTranscriptCheckers for more details


a number indicating how refined are the clusters before checking for uniformity. It defaults to 0.80.8, the same as Seurat::FindClusters()


max number of re-clustering iterations. It defaults to


number of cores to use. Default is 1.


Boolean; when TRUE COTAN tries to use the torch library to run the matrix calculations. Otherwise, or when the library is not available will run the slower legacy code


On the torch library enforces which device to use to run the calculations. Possible values are "cpu" to us the system CPU, "cuda" to use the system GPUs or something like "cuda:0" to restrict to a specific device


Boolean indicating whether to use the DEA to define the distance; alternatively it will use the average Zero-One counts, that is faster but less precise.


type of distance to use. Default is "cosine" for DEA and "euclidean" for Zero-One. Can be chosen among those supported by parallelDist::parDist()


Decides whether and how to perform the gene-selection. used for the clustering. It is a string indicating one of the following selection methods:

  • "HGDI" Will pick-up the genes with highest GDI

  • "HVG_Seurat" Will pick-up the genes with the highest variability via the Seurat package (the default method)

  • "HVG_Scanpy" Will pick-up the genes with the highest variability according to the Scanpy package (using the Seurat implementation)


It defaults is "ward.D2" but can be any of the methods defined by the stats::hclust() function.


an existing clusterization to use as starting point: the clusters deemed uniform will be kept and the remaining cells will be processed as normal


the number associated tot he first iteration; it defaults to 1. Useful in case of restart of the procedure to avoid intermediate data override


Boolean flag; when TRUE saves intermediate analyses and plots to file


an existing directory for the analysis output. The effective output will be paced in a sub-folder.


the tag of the cluster


the cells belonging to the cluster


The clusterization to merge. If not given the last available clusterization will be used, as it is probably the most significant!


a list of objects that defines the method and the increasing thresholds to discriminate whether to merge two clusters if deemed uniform transcript. See UniformTranscriptCheckers for more details


Number pairs to test in a single round. If none of them succeeds the merge stops. Defaults to 2(#cl)2/32 (\#cl)^{2/3}


An optional data.frame with the results of previous checks about the merging of clusters. Useful to restart the merging process after an interruption.


GDIPlot() directly evaluates and plots the GDI for a sample.

cellsUniformClustering() finds a Uniform clusterizations by means of the GDI. Once a preliminary clusterization is obtained from the Seurat-package methods, each cluster is checked for uniformity via the function checkClusterUniformity(). Once all clusters are checked, all cells from the non-uniform clusters are pooled together for another iteration of the entire process, until all clusters are deemed uniform. In the case only a few cells are left out (50\leq 50), those are flagged as "-1" and the process is stopped.

checkClusterUniformity() takes a COTAN object and a cells' cluster and checks whether the latter is uniform by looking at the genes' GDI distribution. The function runs checkObjIsUniform() on the given input checker

mergeUniformCellsClusters() takes in a uniform clusterization and iteratively checks whether merging two near clusters would form a uniform cluster still. Multiple thresholds will be used from 1.371.37 up to the given one in order to prioritize merge of the best fitting pairs.

This function uses the cosine distance to establish the nearest clusters pairs. It will use the checkClusterUniformity() function to check whether the merged clusters are uniform. The function will stop once no tested pairs of clusters are mergeable after testing all pairs in a single batch


GDIPlot() returns a ggplot2 object with a point got each gene, where on the ordinates are the GDI levels and on the abscissa are the average gene expression (log scaled). Also marked are the given threshold (in red) and the 50%50\% and 75%75\% quantiles (in blue).

cellsUniformClustering() returns a list with 2 elements:

  • "clusters" the newly found cluster labels array

  • "coex" the associated COEX data.frame

checkClusterUniformity returns a checker object of the same type as the input one, that contains both threshold and results of the check: see UniformTranscriptCheckers for more details

a list with:

  • "clusters" the merged cluster labels array

  • "coex" the associated COEX data.frame



objCOTAN <- automaticCOTANObjectCreation(raw = test.dataset,
                                         GEO = "S",
                                         sequencingMethod = "10X",
                                         sampleCondition = "Test",
                                         cores = 6L,
                                         saveObj = FALSE)

groupMarkers <- list(G1 = c("g-000010", "g-000020", "g-000030"),
                     G2 = c("g-000300", "g-000330"),
                     G3 = c("g-000510", "g-000530", "g-000550",
                            "g-000570", "g-000590"))

gdiPlot <- GDIPlot(objCOTAN, genes = groupMarkers, cond = "test")

## Here we override the default checker as a way to reduce the number of
## clusters as higher thresholds imply less stringent uniformity checks
## In real applications it might be appropriate to do so in the cases when
## the wanted resolution is lower such as in the early stages of the analysis

checker <- new("AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck")
identical(checker@firstCheck@GDIThreshold, 1.297)

checker2 <- shiftCheckerThresholds(checker, 0.1)
identical(checker2@firstCheck@GDIThreshold, 1.397)

splitList <- cellsUniformClustering(objCOTAN, cores = 6L,
                                    optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
                                    deviceStr = "cuda",
                                    initialResolution = 0.8,
                                    checker = checker2,
                                    saveObj = FALSE)

clusters <- splitList[["clusters"]]

firstCluster <- getCells(objCOTAN)[clusters %in% clusters[[1L]]]

checkerRes <-
  checkClusterUniformity(objCOTAN, checker = checker2,
                         cluster = clusters[[1L]], cells = firstCluster,
                         cores = 6L, optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
                         deviceStr = "cuda", saveObj = FALSE)

objCOTAN <- addClusterization(objCOTAN,
                              clName = "split",
                              clusters = clusters,
                              coexDF = splitList[["coex"]],
                              override = FALSE)

identical(reorderClusterization(objCOTAN)[["clusters"]], clusters)

## It is possible to pass a list of checkers tot the merge function that will
## be applied each to the *resulting* merged *clusterization* obtained using
## the previous checker. This ensures that the most similar clusters are
## merged first improving the overall performance

mergedList <- mergeUniformCellsClusters(objCOTAN,
                                        checkers = c(checker, checker2),
                                        batchSize = 2L,
                                        clusters = clusters,
                                        cores = 6L,
                                        optimizeForSpeed = TRUE,
                                        deviceStr = "cpu",
                                        distance = "cosine",
                                        hclustMethod = "ward.D2",
                                        saveObj = FALSE)

objCOTAN <- addClusterization(objCOTAN,
                              clName = "merged",
                              clusters = mergedList[["clusters"]],
                              coexDF = mergedList[["coex"]],
                              override = TRUE)

identical(reorderClusterization(objCOTAN), mergedList[["clusters"]])

Definition of the Transcript Uniformity Checker classes


A hierarchy of classes to specify the method for checking whether a cluster has the Uniform Transcript property. It also doubles as result object.

getCheckerThreshold() extracts the main GDI threshold from the given checker object

calculateThresholdShiftToUniformity() calculates by how much the GDI thresholds in the given checker must be increased in order to have that the relevant cluster is deemed uniform transcript

shiftCheckerThresholds() returns a new checker object where the GDI thresholds where increased in order to relax the conditions to achieve uniform transcript


## S4 method for signature 'SimpleGDIUniformityCheck'
checkObjIsUniform(currentC, previousC = NULL, objCOTAN = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck'
checkObjIsUniform(currentC, previousC = NULL, objCOTAN = NULL)


dfToCheckers(df, checkerClass)

## S4 method for signature 'SimpleGDIUniformityCheck'

## S4 method for signature 'AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck'

## S4 method for signature 'SimpleGDIUniformityCheck'

## S4 method for signature 'AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck'

## S4 method for signature 'SimpleGDIUniformityCheck,numeric'
shiftCheckerThresholds(checker, shift)

## S4 method for signature 'AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck,numeric'
shiftCheckerThresholds(checker, shift)



the object that defines the method and the threshold to discriminate whether a cluster is uniform transcript.


the optional result object of an already done check


an optional COTAN object


a list of objects that defines the method, the thresholds and the results of the checks to discriminate whether a cluster is deemed uniform transcript.


a data.frame with col-names being the member names and row-names the names attached to each checker


the type of the checker to be reconstructed from the given data.frame


An checker object that defines how to check for uniform transcript. It is derived from BaseUniformityCheck


The amount by which to shift the GDI thresholds in the checker


BaseUniformityCheck is the base class of the check methods

GDICheck represents a single unit check using GDI data. It defaults to an above check with threshold 1.41.4 and ratio 1%1\%

SimpleGDIUniformityCheck represents the simplified (and legacy) mechanism to determine whether a cluster has the Uniform Transcript property

The method is based on checking whether the fraction of the genes' GDI below the given threshold is less than the given ratio

AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck represents the more precise and advanced mechanism to determine whether a cluster has the Uniform Transcript property

The method is based on checking the genes' GDI against three thresholds: if a cluster fails the first below check is deemed not uniform. Otherwise if it passes either of the other two checks (one above and one below) it is deemed uniform.

checkObjIsUniform() performs the check whether the given object is uniform according to the given checker

checkersToDF() converts a list of checkers (i.e. objects that derive from BaseUniformityCheck) into a data.frame with the values of the members

dfToCheckers() converts a data.frame of checkers values into an array of checkers ensuring given data.frame is compatible with member types


a copy of currentC with the results of the check. Note that the slot clusterSize will be set to zero if it is not possible to get the result of the check

a data.frame with col-names being the member names and row-names the names attached to each checker

dfToCheckers() returns a list of checkers of the requested type, each created from one of data.frame rows

getCheckerThreshold() returns the appropriate member of the checker object representing the main GDI threshold

calculateThresholdShiftToUniformity() returns the positive shift that would make the ⁠@isUniform⁠ slot TRUE in the checker. It returns zero if the result is already TRUE and NaN in case no such shift can exist (e.g. the check have been not done yet)

shiftCheckerThresholds() returns a copy of the checker object where all GDI thresholds have been shifted by the same given shift amount



Logical. Output. The result of the check


Integer. Output. The number of cells in the checked cluster. When zero implies no check has been run yet


Logical. Determines how to compare quantiles against given thresholds. It is deemed passed if the relevant quantile is above/below the given threshold


Numeric. The level of GDI beyond which the cluster is deemed not uniform. Defaults


Numeric. The maximum fraction of the empirical GDI distribution that sits beyond the GDI threshold


Integer. The minimum rank in the empirical GDI distribution for the GDI threshold


Numeric. Output. The fraction of genes whose GDI is above the threshold


Integer. Output. The rank that the GDI threshold would have in the genes' GDI vector


Numeric. Output. The quantile in the genes' GDI corresponding at the given ratio


Numeric. Output. The quantile in the genes' GDI corresponding at the given rank


GDICheck. The single threshold check used to determine whether the cluster is deemed not uniform. Threshold defaults to 1.41.4, maxRatioBeyond to 1%1\%


GDICheck. Single threshold below check used to determine whether the cluster is deemed not uniform. Threshold defaults to 1.2971.297, maxRatioBeyond to 5%5\%


GDICheck. Single threshold above check used to determine whether the cluster is deemed uniform. Threshold defaults to 1.3071.307, maxRatioBeyond to 2%2\%


GDICheck. Single threshold below check used to determine whether the cluster is deemed uniform. Threshold defaults to 1.41.4, maxRatioBeyond to 1%1\%


GDICheck. Single threshold below check used to determine whether the cluster is deemed uniform. Threshold defaults to 1.41.4, maxRankBeyond to 22