Title: | CNVrd2: a read depth-based method to detect and genotype complex common copy number variants from next generation sequencing data. |
Description: | CNVrd2 uses next-generation sequencing data to measure human gene copy number for multiple samples, indentify SNPs tagging copy number variants and detect copy number polymorphic genomic regions. |
Authors: | Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and Mik Black |
Maintainer: | Hoang Tan Nguyen <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.45.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-26 06:36:11 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/CNVrd2 |
CNVrd2 uses next-generation sequencing data to measure human gene copy number for multiple samples and indentify SNPs/INDELs which are in linkage disequilibrium with the gene copy number variation.
Package: | CNVrd2 |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.0 |
Date: | 2013-03-26 |
License: | GPL-2 |
Depends: | methods |
Maintainer: Hoang Tan Nguyen <[email protected]>
Identifying SNPs/INDELs being in linkage disequilibrium with CNV.
calculateLDSNPandCNV(sampleCNV = NULL, vcfFile = NULL, matrixGenotype = NULL, cnvColumn = NULL, popColumn = NULL, population = NULL, chr = NULL, hg = "hg19", st = NULL, en = NULL, nChunkForVcf = 10, codeSNP = c("Two", "Three"), codeCNV = c("CN", "ThreeGroup"), typeTest = c("All", "Dup", "Del"), parallel = FALSE)
calculateLDSNPandCNV(sampleCNV = NULL, vcfFile = NULL, matrixGenotype = NULL, cnvColumn = NULL, popColumn = NULL, population = NULL, chr = NULL, hg = "hg19", st = NULL, en = NULL, nChunkForVcf = 10, codeSNP = c("Two", "Three"), codeCNV = c("CN", "ThreeGroup"), typeTest = c("All", "Dup", "Del"), parallel = FALSE)
sampleCNV |
A data frame with no missing data; The first column is samples, the other columns are copy number, population names. This object can be obtained from the clustering step (allGroups). |
vcfFile |
Name of zipped vcf file including SNPs/INDELs. |
matrixGenotype |
A matrix of SNPs/INDELs coded: 0 for 0|0 or 0/0; 1 for 0/1, 1/0, 0|1, 1|0; 2 for 1/1, 1|1. Rows are SNPs/INDELs and columns are samples. If users use this argument then the argument vcfFile is not necessary. |
cnvColumn |
A number indicating the column of CNV. |
popColumn |
A number indicating the column of a population being calculated LD values. |
population |
A character() vector indicating names of populations. |
chr |
A character string indicating a chromosome of genes/SNPs/INDELs. |
hg |
A character string indicating the version of a reference genome (default: hg19). |
st |
A number indicating a starting coordinate to read the vcf file. |
en |
A number indicating an ending coordinate to read the vcf file. |
nChunkForVcf |
A number indicating how many chunks users would like to divide the vcf file to read into R. It depends on users' computers. We usually use 10 to 50 for this argument. |
codeSNP |
A character string indicating a way to code unphased/phased SNPs/INDELs into numeric values (Two: 0, 1 or Three: 0, 1, 2). |
codeCNV |
A character string partial matching to one of: “All” will test copy-number counts and SNPs/INDELs, “ThreeGroup” will divide samples into three groups: deletion, normality and duplication. |
typeTest |
A character string partial matching to one of: “All” will test all copy-number status, “Dup/Del” will test for only duplicated/deleted versus normal. |
parallel |
A logical value indicating whether multicores are used or NOT (default: FALSE). |
A data frame (or a list) with each row for a SNP/INDEL: all information includes p-values adjusted by the method of Benjamini and Hocheberg (1995) and r2 values
between the SNP/INDEL and copy-number status.
st and en must not be outside the coordinates of the VCF file.
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Benjamini, Y., and Hochberg, Y., 1995. Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 57, 289-300.
##Load data: fcgr3bMXL in CNVrd2 package############ data(fcgr3bMXL) ##Name a vcf file (vcfFile) vcfFile <- system.file(package="CNVrd2", "extdata", "chr1.161600000.161611000.vcf.gz") ##Make a data fame named sampleCNV including samples, CNs, population names sampleCNV <- data.frame(copynumberGroups$allGroups[, c(1,2) ],rep("MXL", 58)) rownames(sampleCNV) <- substr(sampleCNV[, 1], 1, 7) sampleCNV[, 1] <- rownames(sampleCNV) ##The first column must be the sample names tagSNPandINDELofMXL <- calculateLDSNPandCNV(sampleCNV = sampleCNV, vcfFile = vcfFile, cnvColumn = 2, population = "MXL", popColumn = 3, nChunkForVcf = 5, chr = "1", st = 161600000, en = 161611000, codeSNP= "Three", codeCNV = "ThreeGroup") tagSNPandINDELofMXL[1:3,]
##Load data: fcgr3bMXL in CNVrd2 package############ data(fcgr3bMXL) ##Name a vcf file (vcfFile) vcfFile <- system.file(package="CNVrd2", "extdata", "chr1.161600000.161611000.vcf.gz") ##Make a data fame named sampleCNV including samples, CNs, population names sampleCNV <- data.frame(copynumberGroups$allGroups[, c(1,2) ],rep("MXL", 58)) rownames(sampleCNV) <- substr(sampleCNV[, 1], 1, 7) sampleCNV[, 1] <- rownames(sampleCNV) ##The first column must be the sample names tagSNPandINDELofMXL <- calculateLDSNPandCNV(sampleCNV = sampleCNV, vcfFile = vcfFile, cnvColumn = 2, population = "MXL", popColumn = 3, nChunkForVcf = 5, chr = "1", st = 161600000, en = 161611000, codeSNP= "Three", codeCNV = "ThreeGroup") tagSNPandINDELofMXL[1:3,]
This data set includes: segmentation results, population information and CCL3L1 CN.
This is a data frame including four columns: Name (names of samples), Pop (names of populations), SS (segmentation scores of samples at the gene) and CN (CCL3L1 CN obtained by using a Bayesian clustering approach with European-ancestry as prior information).
This class is used to cluster segmentation scores into copy-number groups.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("clusteringCNVs", ...)
:Object of class "numeric"
:Object of class "numeric"
indicating a number of groups.
:Object of class "numericOrNULL"
groups' proportions.
:Object of class "numericOrNULL"
indicating groups' means.
:Object of class "numericOrNULL"
indicating groups' standard deviations.
:Object of class "numeric"
indicating the
value to stop the iteration process of the EM algorithm.
:Object of class "numeric"
indicating a
maximum number of iterations.
:Object of class "logical"
whether all groups having equal variances or not (default).
:Object of class "numeric"
indicating a pseudo value of 0.
:Object of class "numeric"
a number of iterations to obtain initial values.
:Object of class "numeric"
indicating a number of times to change from unequal variances to
equal variances (“this option is used to avoid the EM algorithm being broken down
if there is one (or a few) sample in a group”).
:Object of class "logical"
whether printing out all loops.
:Object of class "numericOrNULL"
indicating the distance between groups.
signature(Object = "clusteringCNVs")
: run
the EM algorithm.
signature(Object = "clusteringCNVs")
cluster segmentation scores into groups.
signature(Object = "clusteringCNVs")
identify a number of groups.
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
A class of reading BAM files into R and grouping read-count windows into similar segments.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("CNVrd2", ...)
:Object of class "numeric"
a window size.
:Object of class "character"
indicating the
chromosome of the region.
:Object of class "numeric"
indicating the
starting coordinate of the region.
:Object of class "numeric"
indicating the
ending coordinate of the region.
:Object of class "character"
indicating a directory of BAM files.
:Object of class "character"
indicating a directory where all the positions of mapped reads
will be written out to prepare for the segmentation process.
:Object of class "numeric"
gene coordinates.
:Object of class "character"
indicating names of genes.
signature(Object = "CNVrd2")
: Count
reads in windows.
signature(Object = "CNVrd2")
: Plot traces
of samples.
signature(Object = "CNVrd2")
: Cluster
windows of read counts into regions having similar signal values.
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Counting, transfering and standardizing read counts for all windows of samples. If correctGC = TRUE then all read-count windows will be corrected by the method of Yoon et al. (2009).
countReadInWindow(Object, ...)
countReadInWindow(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class CNVrd2. |
... |
Further aguments. |
: a matrix of read counts for all samples (rows).
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Yoon, S., Xuan, Z., Makarov, V., Ye, K., Sebat, J., 2009. Sensitive and accurate detection of copy number variants using read depth of coverage. Genome research 19 (9), 1586-1592.
## Not run: data(fcgr3bMXL) bamFiles <- dir("Bam", pattern = ".bam$") objectCNVrd2 <- new("CNVrd2", windows = 1000, chr = "chr1", st = 161100001, en = 162100000, dirBamFile = "Bam", genes = c(161592986, 161601753), geneNames = "3B") readCountMatrix <- countReadInWindow(Object = objectCNVrd2, correctGC = TRUE) readCountMatrix[1:3, 1:3] ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(fcgr3bMXL) bamFiles <- dir("Bam", pattern = ".bam$") objectCNVrd2 <- new("CNVrd2", windows = 1000, chr = "chr1", st = 161100001, en = 162100000, dirBamFile = "Bam", genes = c(161592986, 161601753), geneNames = "3B") readCountMatrix <- countReadInWindow(Object = objectCNVrd2, correctGC = TRUE) readCountMatrix[1:3, 1:3] ## End(Not run)
Method to count reads in windows
signature(Object = "CNVrd2")
Count, stransfer and standardize read count in windows of samples
##data(fcgr3bMXL) ##readCountMatrix <- countReadInWindow(Object = objectCNVrd2, correctGC = TRUE) ##readCountMatrix[1:3, 1:3]
##data(fcgr3bMXL) ##readCountMatrix <- countReadInWindow(Object = objectCNVrd2, correctGC = TRUE) ##readCountMatrix[1:3, 1:3]
This function is used to obtain the maximization likelihood estimation of normal mixture model by using the EM algorithm (Demster et al., 1977).
emnormalCNV(Object, ...)
emnormalCNV(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class clusteringCNVs. |
... |
Optional arguments |
loglk |
Value of the likelihood function. |
p |
Proportions of groups. |
m |
Means of groups. |
sigma |
Standard deviations of groups. |
count |
A number of iteration to obtain convergence stage. |
bic |
See |
z |
Data frame of proportions of data in mixture components. |
In the package, the distance between two initial means of the two nearest neighbor groups was set groupDistance
= 0.25 as
a default value to obtain initial values (using the kmeans
function in R).
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Dempster, A. P., Laird, N. M., Rubin, D. B., 1977. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the em algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 1-38.
data(fcgr3bMXL) sS <- resultSegment$segmentationScores #########Histogram########################### ###View segmentation scores################## hist(sS[, 1], 100) ############################################ ##Number of components####################### ###Make an object of clusteringCNVs class###### objectCluster <- new("clusteringCNVs", x = sS[, 1], k = 4, EV = TRUE) set.seed(123) copynumberGroups <- groupCNVs(Object = objectCluster)
data(fcgr3bMXL) sS <- resultSegment$segmentationScores #########Histogram########################### ###View segmentation scores################## hist(sS[, 1], 100) ############################################ ##Number of components####################### ###Make an object of clusteringCNVs class###### objectCluster <- new("clusteringCNVs", x = sS[, 1], k = 4, EV = TRUE) set.seed(123) copynumberGroups <- groupCNVs(Object = objectCluster)
Implement the Expectation Maximization
signature(Object = "clusteringCNVs")
This data set includes: segmentation results “resultSegment”, information copy number “copynumberGroups” of FCGR3B gene.
All results analysed by the CNVrd2 package.
Cluster segmentation scores into different groups by using prior information from one population.
groupBayesianCNVs(xData, nGroups, lambda0, sd0, alpha0, distanceBetweenGroups, inits = NULL, precisionOfGroupMeans = 3000, sdOftau = NULL, n.adapt = 100, nUpdate = 1000, n.iter = 20000, thin = 5, n.chains = 1, heidel.diag = FALSE, leftLimit = NULL, rightLimit = NULL)
groupBayesianCNVs(xData, nGroups, lambda0, sd0, alpha0, distanceBetweenGroups, inits = NULL, precisionOfGroupMeans = 3000, sdOftau = NULL, n.adapt = 100, nUpdate = 1000, n.iter = 20000, thin = 5, n.chains = 1, heidel.diag = FALSE, leftLimit = NULL, rightLimit = NULL)
xData |
a numeric vector of observations (segmentation scores). |
nGroups |
an integer indicating a number of groups. |
lambda0 |
Prior means of groups. |
sd0 |
Prior standard deviations of groups. |
alpha0 |
Prior parameters for mixing proportions. |
distanceBetweenGroups |
Prior value for the distance between groups. |
inits |
A list of initial values of parameters. |
precisionOfGroupMeans |
Prior parameter of group means (default = 3000). |
sdOftau |
Prior parameter of the standard deviations of group precisions. |
n.adapt |
the number of iterations for adaptation ( |
nUpdate |
the number of iterations for burn-in process. |
n.iter |
the number of iterations for sampling ( |
thin |
thinning interval for monitors ( |
n.chains |
the number of parallel chains for the model ( |
heidel.diag |
If heidel.diag = TRUE then Heidelberger and Welch's convergence diagnostic is used. |
leftLimit |
Values which are less than this value will be allocated to the smallest group. |
rightLimit |
Values which are larger than this value will be allocated to the largest group. |
This function assumes that users already know the information of groups' means, standard deviations; the distances between groups.
mcmcChains |
A list of mcarray objects for means, standard deviations, proportions |
m1 |
Means of groups |
s1 |
Standard deviations of groups |
p1 |
Proportions of groups |
allGroups |
A data.frame includes samples and their corresponding groups |
hTest |
Results of Heidelberger and Welch's convergence diagnostic |
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Martyn Plummer (2013). rjags: Bayesian graphical models using MCMC. R package version 3-10. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rjags.
Lunn, David J., et al. WinBUGS-a Bayesian modelling framework: concepts, structure, and extensibility. Statistics and Computing 10.4 (2000): 325-337.
## Not run: data(ccl3l1data) xyEuro <- ccl3l1data[grep("CEU|TSI|IBS|GBR|FIN", ccl3l1data[, 2]), ] names(yEuro) <- rownames(xyEuro) ##Clustering European segmentation scores into group: 5 groups were chosen objectClusterEuroCCL3L1 <- new("clusteringCNVs", x = yEuro, k = 5) europeanCCL3L1Groups <- groupCNVs(Object = objectClusterEuroCCL3L1) ##Obtain prior information #Means lambda0 <- as.numeric(europeanCCL3L1Groups$m) #SD sdEM <- as.numeric(europeanCCL3L1Groups$sigma) #Proportions pEM <- as.numeric(europeanCCL3L1Groups$p) ###Calculate the distances between groups for (ii in 2:5){print(lambda0[ii] - lambda0[ii-1])} ###All segmentation scores ccl3l1X <- ccl3l1data$SS names(ccl3l1X) <- as.character(ccl3l1data$Name) range(ccl3l1X) ##Set prior information: #prior for the sd of the means of groups: #5 was set for the third group = 2 CN sd <- c(1, 1, 5, 1, 1) ccl3l1X <- sort(ccl3l1X) ###Data xData <- ccl3l1X ###Number of groups nGroups <- 10 ###prior for means of groups lambda0 <- lambda0 ###Prior for mixing proportions alpha0 <- c(3, 29, 44, 18, 7, 5, rep(2, nGroups -length(pEM) -1)) ##Prior for the distances between groups distanceBetweenGroups = 0.485 sdEM = sdEM ##Adjust standard deviation for the fifth group sdEM[5] <- sdEM[4] set.seed(123) groupCCL3L1allPops <- groupBayesianCNVs(xData = xData, nGroups = nGroups, lambda0 = lambda0, sd0 = sdEM, alpha0 = alpha0, distanceBetweenGroups = distanceBetweenGroups, sdOftau = sd, rightLimit = 4) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(ccl3l1data) xyEuro <- ccl3l1data[grep("CEU|TSI|IBS|GBR|FIN", ccl3l1data[, 2]), ] names(yEuro) <- rownames(xyEuro) ##Clustering European segmentation scores into group: 5 groups were chosen objectClusterEuroCCL3L1 <- new("clusteringCNVs", x = yEuro, k = 5) europeanCCL3L1Groups <- groupCNVs(Object = objectClusterEuroCCL3L1) ##Obtain prior information #Means lambda0 <- as.numeric(europeanCCL3L1Groups$m) #SD sdEM <- as.numeric(europeanCCL3L1Groups$sigma) #Proportions pEM <- as.numeric(europeanCCL3L1Groups$p) ###Calculate the distances between groups for (ii in 2:5){print(lambda0[ii] - lambda0[ii-1])} ###All segmentation scores ccl3l1X <- ccl3l1data$SS names(ccl3l1X) <- as.character(ccl3l1data$Name) range(ccl3l1X) ##Set prior information: #prior for the sd of the means of groups: #5 was set for the third group = 2 CN sd <- c(1, 1, 5, 1, 1) ccl3l1X <- sort(ccl3l1X) ###Data xData <- ccl3l1X ###Number of groups nGroups <- 10 ###prior for means of groups lambda0 <- lambda0 ###Prior for mixing proportions alpha0 <- c(3, 29, 44, 18, 7, 5, rep(2, nGroups -length(pEM) -1)) ##Prior for the distances between groups distanceBetweenGroups = 0.485 sdEM = sdEM ##Adjust standard deviation for the fifth group sdEM[5] <- sdEM[4] set.seed(123) groupCCL3L1allPops <- groupBayesianCNVs(xData = xData, nGroups = nGroups, lambda0 = lambda0, sd0 = sdEM, alpha0 = alpha0, distanceBetweenGroups = distanceBetweenGroups, sdOftau = sd, rightLimit = 4) ## End(Not run)
Use the EM algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977) to cluster segmentation scores into various groups.
groupCNVs(Object, ...)
groupCNVs(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class clusteringCNVs. |
... |
Further arguments. |
Users can set limits of segmentation scores: values being smaller than the left limit will be assigned to the smallest group and values being larger than righ limit will be assigned to the largest group.
allGroups |
Samples and their corresponding groups |
means |
Means of groups. |
sigma |
Variances of groups. |
p |
Proportions of groups in all data set. |
loglk |
Value of loglikehood function. |
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Dempster, A. P., Laird, N. M., Rubin, D. B., 1977. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the em algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 1-38.
data("fcgr3bMXL") #resultSegment <- segmentSamples(Object = objectCNVrd2, stdCntMatrix = readCountMatrix) objectCluster <- new("clusteringCNVs", x = resultSegment$segmentationScores[, 1], k = 4, EV = TRUE) #searchGroupCNVs(Object = objectCluster) copynumberGroups <- groupCNVs(Object = objectCluster)
data("fcgr3bMXL") #resultSegment <- segmentSamples(Object = objectCNVrd2, stdCntMatrix = readCountMatrix) objectCluster <- new("clusteringCNVs", x = resultSegment$segmentationScores[, 1], k = 4, EV = TRUE) #searchGroupCNVs(Object = objectCluster) copynumberGroups <- groupCNVs(Object = objectCluster)
Using quantile values to identify polymorphic regions.
identifyPolymorphicRegion(Object, ...)
identifyPolymorphicRegion(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class CNVrd2 |
... |
Optional arguments. |
putativeBoundary |
resultant boundaries based on quantile thresholds. |
subRegionMatrix |
segmentation-score matrix of sub-regions derived from the segmentation process. |
subRegion |
sub-regions derived from the segmentation process. |
mQuantile |
matrix of quantile values. |
mSD |
data frame including subregions and their standard deviations. |
Vst |
data frame of Vst between populations if VstTest = TRUE. |
SSofPolymorphicRegions |
segmentation scores of polymorphic regions. |
Users can choose various quantile values and adjust different thresholds to obtain polymorphic regions.
To visualize more clearly polymorphic regions user can use the method plotPolymorphicRegion with the option typePlot="SD".
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
## Not run: fcgr3PolymorphicRegion <- identifyPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, segmentObject = resultSegment, thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.75, 0.25), plotLegend = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: fcgr3PolymorphicRegion <- identifyPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, segmentObject = resultSegment, thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.75, 0.25), plotLegend = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Methods for function identifyPolymorphicRegion
signature(Object = "CNVrd2")
Auxiliary classes; may contain either a numeric vector or NULL [or a call / data.frame or NULL, respectively].
A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.
No methods defined with class "numericOrNULL" in the signature.
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Plot traces of samples.
plotCNVrd2(Object, ...)
plotCNVrd2(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class CNVrd2. |
... |
Optional arguments. |
Users can plot multiple samples simultaneously.
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
data(fcgr3bMXL) ##Obtain all information of CNVs allGroups <- copynumberGroups$allGroups ###Obtain names of duplicate samples duplicatedSamples <- rownames(allGroups[allGroups[, 2] > 2,]) ###Plot the first duplicate samples par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) for (ii in duplicatedSamples[1:6]) plotCNVrd2(Object = objectCNVrd2, segmentObject = resultSegment, sampleName = ii)
data(fcgr3bMXL) ##Obtain all information of CNVs allGroups <- copynumberGroups$allGroups ###Obtain names of duplicate samples duplicatedSamples <- rownames(allGroups[allGroups[, 2] > 2,]) ###Plot the first duplicate samples par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) for (ii in duplicatedSamples[1:6]) plotCNVrd2(Object = objectCNVrd2, segmentObject = resultSegment, sampleName = ii)
Plot polymorphic regions based on coordinates set by users.
plotPolymorphicRegion(Object, ...)
plotPolymorphicRegion(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class CNVrd2 |
... |
Optional arguments. |
putativeBoundary |
Putative boundaries of polymorphic regions based on quantile values. |
Users can choose various quantile values and adjust different thresholds to obtain polymorphic regions.
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
## Not run: plotPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, polymorphicRegionObject = fcgr3PolymorphicRegion, xlim = c(161300000, 161800000), drawThresholds = TRUE, thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.75, 0.25)) ##Change thresholds plotPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, polymorphicRegionObject = fcgr3PolymorphicRegion, xlim = c(161300000, 161800000), drawThresholds = TRUE, thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.9, 0.1)) ##Plot standard deviation plotPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, polymorphicRegionObject = fcgr3PolymorphicRegion, xlim = c(161300000, 161800000), typePlot = "SD", thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.75, 0.25)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: plotPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, polymorphicRegionObject = fcgr3PolymorphicRegion, xlim = c(161300000, 161800000), drawThresholds = TRUE, thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.75, 0.25)) ##Change thresholds plotPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, polymorphicRegionObject = fcgr3PolymorphicRegion, xlim = c(161300000, 161800000), drawThresholds = TRUE, thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.9, 0.1)) ##Plot standard deviation plotPolymorphicRegion(Object = objectCNVrd2, polymorphicRegionObject = fcgr3PolymorphicRegion, xlim = c(161300000, 161800000), typePlot = "SD", thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = c(0.75, 0.25)) ## End(Not run)
Methods for function plotPolymorphicRegion
signature(Object = "CNVrd2")
Choose a number of CN groups by using Bayesian Information Criterion (Schwarz, 1978).
searchGroupCNVs(Object, ...)
searchGroupCNVs(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class clusteringCNVs. |
... |
Optional arguments. |
Groups |
General information. |
nComponents |
A suitable number of components. |
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Schwarz, G. , 1978. Estimating the dimension of a model. The Annals of Statistics 6(2), 461-464.
Method searchGroupCNVs
signature(Object = "clusteringCNVs")
Segment read-count windows into region having similar signal values by using the DNAcopy package (Venkatraman and Olshen, 2007) and refine this process to obtain segmentation scores at genes.
segmentSamples(Object, ...)
segmentSamples(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class CNVrd2. |
... |
Optional arguments. |
segmentResults |
All results of the segmentation process. |
segmentationScores |
Segmentation scores of the gene(s) being measured. |
observedReadCountRatios |
Observed read-count ratios of genes. This value is a matrix of observed read-count ratios at genes if (only inputBamFile = TRUE). |
stdCntMatrix |
Matrix of read counts (standardized). |
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Venkatraman, E., Olshen, A. B., 2007. A faster circular binary segmentation algorithm for the analysis of array chg data. Bioinformatics 23 (6), 657-663.
, DNAcopy
data(fcgr3bMXL) ## Not run: resultSegment <- segmentSamples(Object = objectCNVrd2, stdCntMatrix = readCountMatrix)
data(fcgr3bMXL) ## Not run: resultSegment <- segmentSamples(Object = objectCNVrd2, stdCntMatrix = readCountMatrix)
Segment read-count windows into region having similar signal values by using the DNAcopy package (Venkatraman and Olshen, 2007) and refine this process to obtain segmentation scores at genes. Then, the function adjusts segmentation scores for multiple populations using a linear regression model.
segmentSamplesUsingPopInformation(Object, ...)
segmentSamplesUsingPopInformation(Object, ...)
Object |
An object of class CNVrd2. |
... |
Optional arguments. |
segmentationScores |
All adjusted results of the segmentation process. |
segmentationScoresFromSinglePops |
Segmentation scores of single populations. |
segmentResults |
Un-adjusted segmentation scores |
observedReadCountRatios |
Observed read-count ratios of genes. This value is a matrix of observed read-count ratios at genes if (only inputBamFile = TRUE). |
stdCntMatrix |
Matrix of read counts (standardized). |
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony R Merriman and MA Black. [email protected]
Venkatraman, E., Olshen, A. B., 2007. A faster circular binary segmentation algorithm for the analysis of array chg data. Bioinformatics 23 (6), 657-663.
, DNAcopy
Method segmentSamplesUsingPopInformation
signature(Object = "CNVrd2")
Auxiliary class
A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.
No methods defined with class "vectorORfactor" in the signature.
Hoang Tan Nguyen, Tony Merriman and Mik Black. [email protected]