To cite package ‘CNVfilteR’ in publications use: Moreno-Cabrera J, del Valle J, Castellanos E, Feliubadalo L, Pineda M, Serra E, Capella G, Lazaro C, Gel B (2021). “CNVfilteR: an R/Bioconductor package to identify false positives produced by germline NGS CNV detection tools.” _Bioinformatics_. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btab356 . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{CNVfilteR, title = {CNVfilteR: an R/Bioconductor package to identify false positives produced by germline NGS CNV detection tools}, author = {Jose Marcos Moreno-Cabrera and Jesus {del Valle} and Elisabeth Castellanos and Lidia Feliubadalo and Marta Pineda and Eduard Serra and Gabriel Capella and Conxi Lazaro and Bernat Gel}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btab356}, pubmed = {33983414}, }