cSimulator handles non integers values for the ihibitors and stimuli
gaDiscreteT1.R: fix issue when only 1 model was returned within tolerance
reduceFuzzy.R fix bug that causes seg faut (model was not cut properly)
defaultParametersFuzzy.R: added nTF to set number of TF to arbitrary value (not tested)
CNORwrapFuzzy.R: fixed pMutation argument that was not populated
gaDiscrete functions return best score as well in the dataframe.
output names of the fields returned by gaDiscrete are now using camel lower case so that plotFit from CellNoptR can be used
add C simulator
add NEWS.Rd in inst/
move tests in inst/unitTests/
USE CNOlist class from CellNOptR
emove indexList and simList where possible.
use preprocessing function inside CNORwrapFuzzy
CNOList argument renamed in CNOlist
add hashtable in gaDiscrete useful for small model.
made after the same uniformisation was done in CellNOptR 1.3.19
Update manual/vignettes accordingly
add computeScoreFuzzy function.
complete vignette.
complete manual
CNORwrapFuzzy is the main user interface function.
Tutorial completed
parameters of the optimisation procedure in getRefinedModel can be set by the user
defaultParametersFuzzy ease the creation of a structure to handle all the parameters
removed readMIDAS and makeCNOlist, which are now called directly from CellNOptR. Similarly, prep4simFuzzy calls CellNOptR prep4sim instead of rewritting it.