Package 'BiocIO'

Title: Standard Input and Output for Bioconductor Packages
Description: The `BiocIO` package contains high-level abstract classes and generics used by developers to build IO funcionality within the Bioconductor suite of packages. Implements `import()` and `export()` standard generics for importing and exporting biological data formats. `import()` supports whole-file as well as chunk-wise iterative import. The `import()` interface optionally provides a standard mechanism for 'lazy' access via `filter()` (on row or element-like components of the file resource), `select()` (on column-like components of the file resource) and `collect()`. The `import()` interface optionally provides transparent access to remote (e.g. via https) as well as local access. Developers can register a file extension, e.g., `.loom` for dispatch from character-based URIs to specific `import()` / `export()` methods based on classes representing file types, e.g., `LoomFile()`.
Authors: Martin Morgan [aut], Michael Lawrence [aut], Daniel Van Twisk [aut], Marcel Ramos [cre]
Maintainer: Marcel Ramos <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.15.2
Built: 2024-09-22 03:16:02 UTC

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BiocFile class objects


BiocFile is the base virtual class for high-level file abstractions where subclasses are associated with a particular file format or type. It wraps a low-level representation of a file, currently either a path, URL, or connection object. We can represent a list of BiocFile objects with a BiocFileList.




resource(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'BiocFile'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'BiocFile,character_OR_connection'
resource(x) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'character'

## S4 method for signature 'BiocFile'

## S4 method for signature 'BiocFile'
path(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'BiocFile'

FileForFormat(path, format = file_ext(path), prefix = NULL, suffix = "File")

## S4 method for signature 'BiocFile'



character() A vector of file paths for the BiocFileList constructor


A BiocFile instance


A BiocFile instance


additional arguments to lower-level functions, not used.

path, value

Either a character or connection object to replace the original resource


character(1) The file extension conducive to a file class name, e.g., CSVFile


character(1) The prefix to prepend to the format class name, e.g., Spatial for a class SpatialCSV.


character(1) The suffix to append to the format class name, e.g., File for a class CSVFile.


For constructors, an instance of that class. For extractors such as resource and path, typically a character vector of the file path. For FileForFormat, a convenient instance of the class for which the input file corresponds to.

Accessor Methods

In the code snippets below, x represents a BiocFile object.


Gets the path, as a character vector, to the resource represented by the BiocFile object, if possible.


Gets the low-level resource, either a character vector (a path or URL) or a connection.


Gets a string identifying the file format. Can also be called directly on a character file path, in which case it uses a heuristic based on the file extension.


The prefix and suffix arguments are used to filter the class names to those that match the pattern paste0(prefix, format, suffix). If either prefix or suffix are NULL, they are ignored. Note that the search is case insensitive and does require the format to be in the name of the class.


Michael Lawrence

See Also

Implementing classes include: BigWigFile, TwoBitFile, BEDFile, GFFFile, WIGFile


## For our examples, we create a class called CSVFILE that extends BiocFile
.CSVFile <- setClass("CSVFile", contains = "BiocFile")

## Constructor
CSVFile <- function(resource) {
    .CSVFile(resource = resource)

setMethod("import", "CSVFile", function(con, format, text, ...) {
    read.csv(resource(con), ...)

## Define export
setMethod("export", c("data.frame", "CSVFile"),
    function(object, con, format, ...) {
        write.csv(object, resource(con), ...)

## Recommend CSVFile class for .csv files
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")

## Create CSVFile
csv <- CSVFile(temp)

## Display path of file

## Display resource of file

File compression


Methods and generics for file compression strategies.


decompress(manager, con, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
decompress(manager, con, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'CompressedFile'
decompress(manager, con, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character'
decompress(manager, con, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'CompressedFile'



The connection manager, defaults to the internal manager class


The connection from which data is loaded or to which data is saved. If this is a character vector, it is assumed to be a file name and a corresponding file connection is created and then closed after exporting the object. If it is a BiocFile derivative, the data is loaded from or saved to the underlying resource. If missing, the function will return the output as a character vector, rather than writing to a connection.


Parameters to pass to the format-specific method.


A BiocFile instance


A decompressed representation of a CompressedFile or character object

Related functions

FileForFormat(path, format = file_ext(path))

Determines the file type of path and returns a high-level file object such as BamFile, BEDFile, BigWigFile, etc.


file <- tempfile(fileext = ".gzip")
decompress(con = file)

Import and export


The functions import and export load and save objects from and to particular file formats.


import(con, format, text, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'connection,character,ANY'
import(con, format, text, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'connection,missing,ANY'
import(con, format, text, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,ANY'
import(con, format, text, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,ANY'
import(con, format, text, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,character'
import(con, format, text, ...)

export(object, con, format, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,connection,character'
export(object, con, format, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,connection,missing'
export(object, con, format, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,missing,character'
export(object, con, format, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,character,missing'
export(object, con, format, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,character,character'
export(object, con, format, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'CompressedFile,missing,ANY'
import(con, format, text, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,CompressedFile,missing'
export(object, con, format, ...)



The connection from which data is loaded or to which data is saved. If this is a character vector, it is assumed to be a file name and a corresponding file connection is created and then closed after exporting the object. If it is a BiocFile derivative, the data is loaded from or saved to the underlying resource. If missing, the function will return the output as a character vector, rather than writing to a connection.


The format of the output. If missing and con is a file name, the format is derived from the file extension. This argument is unnecessary when con is a derivative of BiocFile.


If con is missing, this can be a character vector directly providing the string data to import.


Parameters to pass to the format-specific method.


The object to export.


If con is missing, a character vector containing the string output. Otherwise, nothing is returned.


Michael Lawrence

See Also

Format-specific options for the popular formats: GFF, BED, Bed15, bedGraph, WIG, BigWig


## To illustrate export(), import(), and yeild(), we create a class, CSVFILE
.CSVFile <- setClass("CSVFile", contains = "BiocFile")

## Constructor
CSVFile <- function(resource) {
    .CSVFile(resource = resource)

## Define import
setMethod("import", "CSVFile",
    function(con, format, text, ...) {
        read.csv(resource(con), ...)

## Define export
setMethod("export", c("data.frame", "CSVFile"),
    function(object, con, format, ...) {
        write.csv(object, resource(con), ...)

## Usage
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
csv <- CSVFile(temp)

export(mtcars, csv)
df <- import(csv)