Main features of BiocBook
s created with the {BiocBook
package and hosted on GitHub are deployed and served on
the gh-pages
branch and a Docker image is available on
s created with the {BiocBook
package and submitted to Bioconductor are directly
available for reading from the Bioconductor website.
Read the BiocBookDemo
example book to know more about BiocBook
s features.
Creating a BiocBook
A new BiocBook
should be created using the
init(new_package = "...")
This function performs the following operations:
- It checks that the provided package name is available;
- It logs in the GitHub user accounts;
- It creates a new remote Github repository using the
from js2264/BiocBook
- It sets up Github Pages to serve the future books from the
- It clones the remote Github repository to a
local folder;
- It edits several placeholders from the template and commits the
## Note that `.local = TRUE` is only set here for demonstration.
init("myNewBook", .local = TRUE)
#> ══ Running preflight checklist ═════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> ⠙ Checking that no folder named `myNewBook` already exists
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability
#> ✔ Package name `myNewBook` is available
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability! Dummy git configured
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability• git user: `dummy`
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability• git email: `[email protected]`
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability! No GitHub configured
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability• github user: NULL
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability• PAT: NULL
#> ⠙ Checking package name availability
#> ══ Initiating a new `BiocBook` ═════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`
#> ✔ New local book `myNewBook` successfully created
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`✔ Filled out `inst/assets/_book.yml` fields
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`✔ Filled out `` fields
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`✔ Filled out `DESCRIPTION` fields
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`ℹ Please finish editing the `DESCRIPTION` fields, including:
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory` • Title
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory` • Description
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory` • Authors@R
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`✔ Filled out `inst/index.qmd` fields
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`ℹ Please finish editing the `inst/index.qmd` fields, including the `Welcome` section
#> ⠙ Creating new repository from template provided in BiocBook `inst/` directory`ℹ The following files need to be committed:
#> • .Rbuildignore
#> • .github/
#> • Dockerfile
#> •
#> •
#> • inst/
#> • vignettes/
#> ✔ The new files have been commited to the `devel` branch.
#> ── NOTES ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ If you wish to change the cover picture, please replace the following file:
#> • inst/assets/cover.png
#> ══ Results ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> ✔ Local `BiocBook` directory successfully created : myNewBook
#> ! This book will be only available in local until a Github remote is set.
#> # You can connect to the local directory as follows:
#> biocbook <- BiocBook('myNewBook')
The BiocBook
A BiocBook
object acts as a pointer to a local package
directory, with book chapters contained in a pages/
as .qmd
bb <- BiocBook("myNewBook")
#> BiocBook object
#> - local path: /tmp/RtmpBjC7YP/Rbuildfe97e35f330/BiocBook/vignettes/myNewBook
#> - remote url:
#> - Title: myNewBook
#> - Releases(0):
#> - Chapters(1):
#> • Welcome [/inst/index.qmd]
Editing an existing BiocBook
objects can be modified using the following
helper functions:
to start writing a
add_chapter(biocbook, title = "...")
to start writing a
new chapter;
edit_page(biocbook, page = "...")
to edit an existing
add_preamble(bb, open = FALSE)
#> ✔ File created @ `/tmp/RtmpBjC7YP/Rbuildfe97e35f330/BiocBook/vignettes/myNewBook/inst/pages/preamble.qmd`
add_chapter(bb, title = 'Chapter 1', open = FALSE)
#> ✔ File created @ `/tmp/RtmpBjC7YP/Rbuildfe97e35f330/BiocBook/vignettes/myNewBook/inst/pages/chapter-1.qmd`
#> BiocBook object
#> - local path: /tmp/RtmpBjC7YP/Rbuildfe97e35f330/BiocBook/vignettes/myNewBook
#> - remote url:
#> - Title: myNewBook
#> - Releases(0):
#> - Chapters(3):
#> • Welcome [/inst/index.qmd]
#> • Preamble [/inst/pages/preamble.qmd]
#> • Chapter 1 [/inst/pages/chapter-1.qmd]
will compile (and cache) the book
locally. Use it to verify that your book renders correctly.
Publishing an existing BiocBook
As long as the local BiocBook
has been initiated with
, the writer simply has to commit changes and push
them to the origin
In R
, this can be done as follows:
The different available versions published in the origin
branch can be listed using