To cite BANKSY in publications use: Singhal, V., Chou, N., et al. BANKSY: A Spatial Omics Algorithm that Unifies Cell Typing and Tissue Domain Segmentation Preprint at bioRxiv (2022) A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {BANKSY: A Spatial Omics Algorithm that Unifies Cell Typing and Tissue Domain Segmentation}, author = {Vipul Singhal and Nigel Chou and Joseph Lee and Jinyue Liu and Wan Kee Chock and Li Lin and Yun-Ching Chang and Erica Teo and Hwee Kuan Lee and Kok Hao Chen and Shyam Prabhakar}, journal = {bioRxiv}, year = {2022}, url = {}, }