To cite package ‘BaalChIP’ in publications use: de Santiago I, Liu W, Ke Y, Martin O, Chilamakuri C, A. J. Ponder B, B. Meyer K, Markowetz F (2017). “BaalChIP: Bayesian analysis of allele-specific transcription factor binding in cancer genomes.” _Genome Biology_, *18*(1), 39. . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {{BaalChIP}: Bayesian analysis of allele-specific transcription factor binding in cancer genomes}, author = {Ines {de Santiago} and Wei Liu and Yuan Ke and O'Reilly Martin and Chandra Chilamakuri and Bruce {A. J. Ponder} and Kerstin {B. Meyer} and Florian Markowetz}, year = {2017}, journal = {Genome Biology}, year = {2017}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {39}, url = {}, }