Package: AnnotationFilter
Authors: Martin Morgan [aut], Johannes Rainer [aut],
Joachim Bargsten [ctb], Daniel Van Twisk [ctb], Bioconductor Package
Maintainer [cre]
Last modified: 2025-01-26
Compiled: Sun Jan 26 05:57:57
A large variety of annotation resources are available in Bioconductor. Accessing the full content of these databases or even of single tables is computationally expensive and in many instances not required, as users may want to extract only sub-sets of the data e.g. genomic coordinates of a single gene. In that respect, filtering annotation resources before data extraction has a major impact on performance and increases the usability of such genome-scale databases.
The AnnotationFilter package was thus developed to provide basic filter classes to enable a common filtering framework for Bioconductor annotation resources. AnnotationFilter defines filter classes for some of the most commonly used features in annotation databases, such as symbol or genename. Each filter class is supposed to work on a single database table column and to facilitate filtering on the provided values. Such filter classes enable the user to build complex queries to retrieve specific annotations without needing to know column or table names or the layout of the underlying databases. While initially being developed to be used in the Organism.dplyr and ensembldb packages, the filter classes and the related filtering concept can be easily added to other annotation packages too.
All filter classes extend the basic AnnotationFilter
class and take one or more values and a condition to
allow filtering on a single database table column. Based on the type of
the input value, filter classes are divided into:
: takes a character
value of length >= 1 and supports conditions ==
, startsWith
and endsWith
. An
example would be a GeneIdFilter
that allows to filter on
gene IDs.
: takes a single integer
as input and supports the conditions ==
, !=
, <
, >=
. An example would be a GeneStartFilter
that filters results on the (chromosomal) start coordinates of
: takes a single numeric
input and supports the conditions ==
, !=
, <
, >=
: is a special filter, as it takes a
as value
and performs the filtering on
a combination of columns (i.e. start and end coordinate as well as
sequence name and strand). To be consistent with the
method from the IRanges
package, the constructor of the GRangesFilter
filter takes
a type
argument to define its condition. Supported values
are "any"
(the default) that retrieves all entries
overlapping the GRanges
, "start"
matching all features with the same start and end
coordinate respectively, "within"
that matches all features
that are within the range defined by the GRanges
and "equal"
that returns features that are equal to the
The names of the filter classes are intuitive, the first part
corresponding to the database column name with each character following
a _
being capitalized, followed by the key word
. The name of a filter for a database table column
is thus called GeneIdFilter
. The
default database column for a filter is stored in its field
slot (accessible via the field
The supportedFilters
method can be used to get an
overview of all available filter objects defined in
## filter field
## 16 CdsEndFilter cds_end
## 15 CdsStartFilter cds_start
## 6 EntrezFilter entrez
## 19 ExonEndFilter exon_end
## 1 ExonIdFilter exon_id
## 2 ExonNameFilter exon_name
## 18 ExonRankFilter exon_rank
## 17 ExonStartFilter exon_start
## 24 GRangesFilter granges
## 5 GeneBiotypeFilter gene_biotype
## 21 GeneEndFilter gene_end
## 3 GeneIdFilter gene_id
## 4 GeneNameFilter gene_name
## 20 GeneStartFilter gene_start
## 11 ProteinIdFilter protein_id
## 13 SeqNameFilter seq_name
## 14 SeqStrandFilter seq_strand
## 7 SymbolFilter symbol
## 10 TxBiotypeFilter tx_biotype
## 23 TxEndFilter tx_end
## 8 TxIdFilter tx_id
## 9 TxNameFilter tx_name
## 22 TxStartFilter tx_start
## 12 UniprotFilter uniprot
Note that the AnnotationFilter
package does provides
only the filter classes but not the functionality to apply the
filtering. Such functionality is annotation resource and database layout
dependent and needs thus to be implemented in the packages providing
access to annotation resources.
Filters are created via their dedicated constructor
functions, such as the GeneIdFilter
function for the
class. Because of this simple and cheap
creation, filter classes are thought to be read-only and thus
don’t provide setter methods to change their slot values. In
addition to the constructor functions, AnnotationFilter
provides the functionality to translate query expressions into
filter classes (see further below for an example).
Below we create a SymbolFilter
that could be used to
filter an annotation resource to retrieve all entries associated with
the specified symbol value(s).
## class: SymbolFilter
## condition: ==
## value: BCL2
Such a filter is supposed to be used to retrieve all entries
associated to features with a value in a database table column called
symbol matching the filter’s value "BCL2"
Using the "startsWith"
condition we could define a
filter to retrieve all entries for genes with a gene name/symbol
starting with the specified value (e.g. "BCL2"
for the example below.
## class: SymbolFilter
## condition: startsWith
## value: BCL2
In addition to the constructor functions,
provides a functionality to create filter
instances in a more natural and intuitive way by translating
filter expressions (written as a formula, i.e. starting with a
## class: SymbolFilter
## condition: ==
## value: BCL2
Individual AnnotationFilter
objects can be combined in
an AnnotationFilterList
. This class extends
and provides an additional logicOp()
defines how its individual filters are supposed to be combined. The
length of logicOp()
has to be 1 less than the number of
filter objects. Each element in logicOp()
defines how two
consecutive filters should be combined. Below we create a
containing two filter objects to be
combined with a logical AND.
## AnnotationFilterList of length 2
## symbol == 'BCL2' & tx_biotype == 'protein_coding'
Note that the AnnotationFilter
function does not (yet)
support translation of nested expressions, such as
(symbol == "BCL2L11" & tx_biotype == "nonsense_mediated_decay") | (symbol == "BCL2" & tx_biotype == "protein_coding")
Such queries can however be build by nesting
## Define the filter query for the first pair of filters.
afl1 <- AnnotationFilterList(SymbolFilter("BCL2L11"),
## Define the second filter pair in ( brackets should be combined.
afl2 <- AnnotationFilterList(SymbolFilter("BCL2"),
## Now combine both with a logical OR
afl <- AnnotationFilterList(afl1, afl2, logicOp = "|")
## AnnotationFilterList of length 2
## (symbol == 'BCL2L11' & tx_biotype == 'nonsense_mediated_decay') | (symbol == 'BCL2' & tx_biotype == 'protein_coding')
This AnnotationFilterList
would now select all entries
for all transcripts of the gene BCL2L11 with the biotype
nonsense_mediated_decay or for all protein coding transcripts
of the gene BCL2.
in other packagesThe AnnotationFilter
package does only provide filter
classes, but no filtering functionality. This has to be implemented in
the package using the filters. In this section we first show in a very
simple example how AnnotationFilter
classes could be used
to filter a data.frame
and subsequently explore how a
simple filter framework could be implemented for a SQL based annotation
Let’s first define a simple data.frame
containing the
data we want to filter. Note that subsetting this
using AnnotationFilter
is obviously
not the best solution, but it should help to understand the basic
## Define a simple gene table
gene <- data.frame(gene_id = 1:10,
symbol = c(letters[1:9], "b"),
seq_name = paste0("chr", c(1, 4, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 3, "X", 4)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## gene_id symbol seq_name
## 1 1 a chr1
## 2 2 b chr4
## 3 3 c chr4
## 4 4 d chr8
## 5 5 e chr1
## 6 6 f chr2
## 7 7 g chr5
## 8 8 h chr3
## 9 9 i chrX
## 10 10 b chr4
Next we generate a SymbolFilter
and inspect what
information we can extract from it.
We can access the filter condition using the
## [1] "=="
The value of the filter using the value
## [1] "b"
And finally the field (i.e. column in the data table) using
the field
## [1] "symbol"
With this information we can define a simple function that takes the
data table and the filter as input and returns a logical
with length equal to the number of rows of the table, TRUE
for rows matching the filter.
doMatch <- function(x, filter) {, list(x[, field(filter)], value(filter)))
## Apply this function
doMatch(gene, smbl)
Note that this simple function does not support multiple filters and
also not conditions "startsWith"
. Next we define a second function that extracts
the relevant data from the data resource.
doExtract <- function(x, filter) {
x[doMatch(x, filter), ]
## Apply it on the data
doExtract(gene, smbl)
## gene_id symbol seq_name
## 2 2 b chr4
## 10 10 b chr4
We could even modify the doMatch
function to enable
filter expressions.
doMatch <- function(x, filter) {
if (is(filter, "formula"))
filter <- AnnotationFilter(filter), list(x[, field(filter)], value(filter)))
doExtract(gene, ~ gene_id == '2')
## gene_id symbol seq_name
## 2 2 b chr4
For such simple examples AnnotationFilter
might be an
overkill as the same could be achieved (much simpler) using standard R
operations. A real case scenario in which AnnotationFilter
becomes useful are SQL-based annotation resources. We will thus explore
next how SQL resources could be filtered using
We use the SQLite database from the package that provides a variety of annotations for all human genes. Using the packages’ connection to the database we inspect first what database tables are available and then select one for our simple filtering example.
We use an EnsDb
SQLite database used by the ensembldb
package and implement simple filter functions to extract specific data
from one of its database tables. We thus load below the
package that provides access to human
gene, transcript, exon and protein annotations. Using its connection to
the database we inspect first what database tables are available and
then what fields (i.e. columns) the gene table
## Load the required packages
## Get the database connection
dbcon <- org.Hs.eg_dbconn()
## What tables do we have?
## [1] "accessions" "alias" "chrlengths"
## [4] "chromosome_locations" "chromosomes" "cytogenetic_locations"
## [7] "ec" "ensembl" "ensembl2ncbi"
## [10] "ensembl_prot" "ensembl_trans" "gene_info"
## [13] "genes" "genetype" "go"
## [16] "go_all" "go_bp" "go_bp_all"
## [19] "go_cc" "go_cc_all" "go_mf"
## [22] "go_mf_all" "kegg" "map_counts"
## [25] "map_metadata" "metadata" "ncbi2ensembl"
## [28] "omim" "pfam" "prosite"
## [31] "pubmed" "refseq" "sqlite_stat1"
## [34] "sqlite_stat4" "ucsc" "uniprot"
provides many different tables, one for
each identifier or annotation resource. We will use the
gene_info table and determine which fields
(i.e. columns) the table provides.
## [1] "_id" "gene_name" "symbol"
The gene_info table provides the official gene symbol and
the gene name. The column symbol matches the default
value of the SymbolFilter
as does the
column gene_name for the GeneNameFilter. If the column
in the database would not match the field of an
, we would have to implement a function
that maps the default field of the filter object to the database column.
See the end of the section for an example.
We next implement a simple doExtractGene
function that
retrieves data from the gene_info table and re-uses the
function to extract specific data. The parameter
is now the database connection object.
doExtractGene <- function(x, filter) {
gene <- dbGetQuery(x, "select * from gene_info")
doExtract(gene, filter)
## Extract all entries for BCL2
bcl2 <- doExtractGene(dbcon, SymbolFilter("BCL2"))
## _id gene_name symbol
## 482 482 BCL2 apoptosis regulator BCL2
This works, but is not really efficient, since the function first
fetches the full database table and subsets it only afterwards. A much
more efficient solution is to translate the
class(es) to an SQL where
condition and hence perform the filtering on the database level. Here we
have to do some small modifications, since not all condition values can
be used 1:1 in SQL calls. The condition "=="
has for
example to be converted into "="
and the
into a SQL "like"
by adding also
a "%"
wildcard to the value of the filter. We would also
have to deal with filters that have a value
of length >
1. A SymbolFilter
with a value
c("BCL2", "BCL2L11")
would for example have to be converted
to a SQL call "symbol in ('BCL2','BCL2L11')"
. Here we skip
these special cases and define a simple function that translates an
to a where condition to be
included into the SQL call. Depending on whether the filter extends
or IntegerFilter
the value has
also to be quoted.
## Define a simple function that covers some condition conversion
conditionForSQL <- function(x) {
"==" = "=",
## Define a function to translate a filter into an SQL where condition.
## Character values have to be quoted.
where <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "CharacterFilter"))
value <- paste0("'", value(x), "'")
else value <- value(x)
paste0(field(x), conditionForSQL(condition(x)), value)
## Now "translate" a filter using this function
## [1] "seq_name='Y'"
Next we implement a new function which integrates the filter into the SQL call to let the database server take care of the filtering.
## Define a function that
doExtractGene2 <- function(x, filter) {
if (is(filter, "formula"))
filter <- AnnotationFilter(filter)
query <- paste0("select * from gene_info where ", where(filter))
dbGetQuery(x, query)
bcl2 <- doExtractGene2(dbcon, ~ symbol == "BCL2")
## _id gene_name symbol
## 1 482 BCL2 apoptosis regulator BCL2
Below we compare the performance of both approaches.
## user system elapsed
## 0.152 0.000 0.153
## user system elapsed
## 0.014 0.000 0.014
Not surprisingly, the second approach is much faster.
Be aware that the examples shown here are only for illustration purposes. In a real world situation additional factors, like combinations of filters, which database tables to join, which columns to be returned etc would have to be considered too.
What if the database column on which we want to filter does not match
the field
of an AnnotatioFilter
? If for
example the database column is named hgnc_symbol instead of
symbol we could for example package-internally overwrite the
default field
method for SymbolFilter
return the correct field for the database column.
## [1] "symbol"
## Overwrite the default method.
setMethod("field", "SymbolFilter", function(object, ...) "hgnc_symbol")
## Call to field returns now the "correct" database column
## [1] "hgnc_symbol"
## R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/; LAPACK version 3.12.0
## locale:
## time zone: Etc/UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] RSQLite_2.3.9 AnnotationDbi_1.69.0
## [4] IRanges_2.41.2 S4Vectors_0.45.2 Biobase_2.67.0
## [7] BiocGenerics_0.53.5 generics_0.1.3 AnnotationFilter_1.31.0
## [10] BiocStyle_2.35.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] bit_4.5.0.1 jsonlite_1.8.9 crayon_1.5.3
## [4] compiler_4.4.2 BiocManager_1.30.25 blob_1.2.4
## [7] Biostrings_2.75.3 GenomicRanges_1.59.1 jquerylib_0.1.4
## [10] png_0.1-8 yaml_2.3.10 fastmap_1.2.0
## [13] R6_2.5.1 XVector_0.47.2 GenomeInfoDb_1.43.4
## [16] knitr_1.49 maketools_1.3.1 GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.13
## [19] DBI_1.2.3 bslib_0.8.0 rlang_1.1.5
## [22] KEGGREST_1.47.0 cachem_1.1.0 xfun_0.50
## [25] sass_0.4.9 sys_3.4.3 lazyeval_0.2.2
## [28] bit64_4.6.0-1 memoise_2.0.1 cli_3.6.3
## [31] digest_0.6.37 lifecycle_1.0.4 vctrs_0.6.5
## [34] evaluate_1.0.3 buildtools_1.0.0 rmarkdown_2.29
## [37] httr_1.4.7 pkgconfig_2.0.3 tools_4.4.2
## [40] htmltools_0.5.8.1 UCSC.utils_1.3.1