Package 'ASSET'

Title: An R package for subset-based association analysis of heterogeneous traits and subtypes
Description: An R package for subset-based analysis of heterogeneous traits and disease subtypes. The package allows the user to search through all possible subsets of z-scores to identify the subset of traits giving the best meta-analyzed z-score. Further, it returns a p-value adjusting for the multiple-testing involved in the search. It also allows for searching for the best combination of disease subtypes associated with each variant.
Authors: Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee [aut, cre], Guanghao Qi [aut], Nilanjan Chatterjee [aut], William Wheeler [aut]
Maintainer: Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2 + file LICENSE
Version: 2.25.0
Built: 2025-03-29 03:00:13 UTC

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Association analysis for SubSETs


ASSET is a suite of statistical tools specifically designed to be powerful for pooling association signals across multiple studies when true effects may exist only in a subset of the studies and could be in opposite directions across studies. The method explores all possible subsets (or a restricted set if user specifies so) of studies and evaluates fixed-effect meta-analysis-type test-statistics for each subset. The final test-statistic is obtained by maximizing the subset-specific test-statistics over all possible subsets and then evaluating its significance after efficient adjustment for multiple-testing, taking into account the correlation between test-statistics across different subsets due to overlapping subjects. The method not only returns a p-value for significance for the overall evidence of association of a SNP across studies, but also outputs the "best subset" containing the studies that contributed to the overall association signal. For detection of association signals with effects in opposite directions, ASSET allows subset search separately for positively- and negatively- associated studies and then combines association signals from two directions using a chi-square test-statistic. The method can take into account correlation due to overlapping subjects across studies (e.g. shared controls). Although the method is originally developed for conducting genetic association scans, it can also be applied for analysis of non-genetic risk factors as well.


The package consists of two main functions: (1) h.traits and (2) h.types. The function h.traits is suitable for conducting meta-analysis of studies of possibly different traits when summary level data are available from individual studies. The function allows correlation among different studies/traits, which, for example, may arise due to shared subjects across studies. The function can also be used to conduct "meta-analysis" across multiple correlated traits on the same individuals by appropriately specifying the correlation matrix for the multivariate trait. The method, however, is not optimized yet (from a power perspective) for analyzing multivariate traits measured on the same individuals. The function h.types is suitable for analysis of case-control studies when cases consist of distinct disease subtypes. This function assumes individual level data are available. The functions h.summary and h.forestPlot are useful for summarizing results and displaying forest plots. The helper functions z.max and p.dlm are generic functions called internally for obtaining the maximized subset-based test-statistics and the corresponding p-values approximated by the Discrete Local Maximization (DLM) method. These functions can be further customized for specific applications. For example, the default options of these functions currently assume all possible subsets to search. For analysis of case-control studies with ordered diseased subtypes (e.g. stages of a cancer), however, it may be more meaningful to restrict the subset search to incorporate ordering constraints among the disease subtypes. In such a situation, one can pass a function argument sub.def to z.max and p.dlm for performing restricted subset searches.


Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee, Nilanjan Chatterjee and William Wheeler <[email protected]>


Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee, Preetha Rajaraman, Kevin B. Jacobs, William A. Wheeler, Beatrice S. Melin, Patricia Hartge, GliomaScan Consortium, Meredith Yeager, Charles C. Chung, Stephen J. Chanock, Nilanjan Chatterjee. A subset-based approach improves power and interpretation for combined-analysis of genetic association studies of heterogeneous traits. Am J Hum Genet, 2012, 90(5):821-35

Create blocks from correlation matrix


Partition the set of traits into blocks of correlated traits using hierarchical clustering.


create_blocks(cormat, cor_thr = 0.2)



A named k by k correlation matrix of z-statistics with row and column names being the names of studies/traits.


Threshold of correlation to divide the set of traits into blocks. Z-statistics with correlation less than cor_thr are treated as uncorrelated.


A list of character vectors. Each element is a vector of study/trait names that fall into the same correlation block based on cormat. Studies from different blocks are treated as independent. Studies that are not in the list are treated as independent from other studies.


data("ex_fast_asset", package="ASSET")
block <- create_blocks(ldscintmat)

Data for the fast_asset example


Data for fast_asset


The object data contains estimated log odds-ratios and their standard errors for 1 snp and 116 traits in betahat and SE. The trait names are in traits and the snp name in SNP. The Neff vector contains effective sample sizes of the individual traits. The ldscintmat matrix contains correlation matrix between pairs of traits as estimated using genome-wide LD-score regression.

See Also

h.traits, h.types


data(ex_fast_asset, package="ASSET")

 # Display the parts of the data objects
 ldscintmat[1:6, 1:6]

Data for the h.traits example


Data for h.traits


The object data contains estimated log odds-ratios and their standard errors for 5 SNPs and 6 traits. The matrices N00, N10, and N11 are the case-control overlap matrices.

See Also

h.types, fast_asset


data(ex_trait, package="ASSET")

 # Display the data, and case/control overlap matrices

Data for the h.types example


Sample data for h.types


The data frame contains columns for disease subtype, study center, and 3 SNPs.

See Also

h.traits, fast_asset


data(ex_types, package="ASSET")

 # Display the first 10 rows of the data
 data[1:10, ]

Fast ASSET using pre-screening


This function implements a fast version of ASSET for analysis of a large number of traits. It accelerates the computation by restricting subset search among the traits with suggestive level of associations. The traits are selected by a liberal p-value threshold. The input is GWAS summary statistics for one SNP. See details for more information.


  scr_pthr = 0.05



A character string giving the SNP name to be analyzed. No default.


A character vector giving the names/identifiers of the k studies/traits being analyzed. The order of this vector must match the columns of beta.hat and sigma.hat No default.


A numeric vector of length k giving the coefficients obtained from the analysis of that SNP across the k studies/traits. No default.


A vector of same dimension as beta.hat, giving the corresponding standard errors. No default.


A numeric vector of same dimension as beta.hat, giving the effective sample size of each study. For continuous traits, the effective sample size is the total sample size; for binary traits, the effective sample size is Ncase*Ncontrol/(Ncase+Ncontrol).


A matrix of dimension k by k storing the correlation of z-statistics under the null hypothesis. It can be estimated using LD score regression ( For example, element (j,k) is the LD score regression intercept between traits j and k. Diagonal elements are equal to 1. Set to identity matrix if different studies do not have overlapping samples.


A list of character vectors. Each element is a vector of study/trait names that fall into the same correlation block based on cor. Studies from different blocks are treated as independent. Studies that are not in block are treated as independent from other studies.


P-value threshold for pre-screening. Only traits with p-value < scr_pthr are retained. Default to 0.05.


The standard ASSET (h.traits) which searches through all subsets can be computationally intractable for analyzing a large number of traits. fast_asset reduces the computational burden by the following procedure: (1) De-correlate the z-statistics associated with different traits using the correlation matrix (cor); (2) select the set of traits using a liberal threshold (p<0.05 by default) of the de-correlated z-statistics; (3) adjust the de-correlated z-statistics for the pre-selection independently across different traits; (4) re-introduce the correlation using the matrix cor and supply the adjusted statistics to standard ASSET.


A list of the same format as the output of h.traits.


Guanghao Qi, Surya Chhetri, Elizaveta Naydanova, Debashree Ray, Diptavo Dutta, Alexis Battle, Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee and Nilanjan Chatterjee. "Genome-wide Multi-trait Analysis Across 116 Studies Identifies Complex Patterns of Pleiotropy and Unique Trait-Specific Loci". In preparation (2021).


data("ex_fast_asset", package="ASSET")
block <- create_blocks(ldscintmat)
test <- fast_asset(snp=SNP, traits.lab=traits, beta.hat=betahat, sigma.hat=SE
                , Neff=Neff, cor=ldscintmat, block=block, scr_pthr=0.05)

Forest plot for meta-analysis of heterogenerous traits or types.


Forest Plot for meta-analysis of heterogenerous traits or types.


h.forestPlot(rlist, snp.var, level=0.05, p.adj=TRUE, digits=2, calc.miss=FALSE)



The list of results returned by h.traits or h.types. SNPs other than snp.var are ignored.


A character string giving the name of the SNP variable to be plotted. No default.


Level for confidence intervals. Default is 0.05 for 95% confidence intervals.


Logical. Whether to report Bonferroni adjusted p-values for each individual subtype. Default is TRUE.


Number of significant digits to display the odds ratios in the plot.


Logical. If TRUE, first 3 components of rlist are calculated and filled (if NULL) so that all 3 summarizations can be shown in the forest plot.


Forest plot for a SNP showing regression coefficients (e.g. log-odds-ratio for case-control studies) for individual studies/traits and confidence intervals, estimate of an overall regression coefficient and confidence interval based on standard fixed-effect meta-analysis and estimate of regression coefficient(s) and confidence intervals associated with the identified best subset(s).

See Also

h.summary, h.traits, h.types


# Use the example data
 data(ex_trait, package="ASSET")

 # Define the input arguments to h.traits
 snps       <- as.vector(data[, "SNP"])
 traits.lab <- paste("Trait_", 1:6, sep="")
 beta.hat   <- as.matrix(data[, paste(traits.lab, ".Beta", sep="")])
 sigma.hat  <- as.matrix(data[, paste(traits.lab, ".SE", sep="")])
 cor        <- list(N11=N11, N00=N00, N10=N10)
 ncase      <- diag(N11)
 ncntl      <- diag(N00)

 # Now let us call h.traits on these summary data. 
 res <- h.traits(snps, traits.lab, beta.hat, sigma.hat, ncase, ncntl, cor=cor, 
                 cor.numr=FALSE, search=NULL, side=2, meta=TRUE, zmax.args=NULL, 

 h.forestPlot(res, "SNP_1", digits=3)

Summary results from subset-search.


This function produces summary results from subset-based association analysis.


h.summary(rlist, level = 0.05, digits = 3)



List returned by h.traits or h.types


Level for confidence intervals. Default is 0.05 for 95% confidence intervals. The confidence intervals are obtained by inverting the corresponding multiple-testing adjusted p-values.


Number of significant digits to retain in odds ratios and confidence intervals in the summary table


Returns a list of data frames containing p-values, odds-ratios, confidence intervals and the traits/types for each analysis. The number of data frames in the list will depend on which function (h.traits or h.types) was called and on the function options specified.


A list of data frames, one for each of the methods specified the original call of the functions h.traits or h.types. Each row of a data frame corresponds to a SNP and the values include p-values for overall association (including component-wise p-values for two-sided search), names of phenotypes or disease subtypes included in the best-subset, summary regression coefficients (e.g. log-odds-ratio for case-control studies) representing strength of association of a SNP with the identified subset of traits/subtype and corresponding confidence intervals.

See Also

h.forestPlot, h.traits, h.types


# Use the example data
 data(ex_trait, package="ASSET")

 # Define the input arguments to h.traits
 snps       <- as.vector(data[, "SNP"])
 traits.lab <- paste("Trait_", 1:6, sep="")
 beta.hat   <- as.matrix(data[, paste(traits.lab, ".Beta", sep="")])
 sigma.hat  <- as.matrix(data[, paste(traits.lab, ".SE", sep="")])
 cor        <- list(N11=N11, N00=N00, N10=N10)
 ncase      <- diag(N11)
 ncntl      <- diag(N00)

 # Now let us call h.traits on these summary data. 
 res <- h.traits(snps, traits.lab, beta.hat, sigma.hat, ncase, ncntl, cor=cor, 
                 cor.numr=FALSE, search=NULL, side=2, meta=TRUE, 
                 zmax.args=NULL, meth.pval="DLM")

Heterogeneous traits or studies


Performs one-sided or two-sided subset-based meta-analysis of heteregeneous studies/traits.


h.traits(snp.vars, traits.lab, beta.hat, sigma.hat, ncase, ncntl, 
  cor=NULL, cor.numr=FALSE, search=NULL, side=2, meta=FALSE, 
  zmax.args=NULL, meth.pval="DLM", pval.args=NULL)



A character vector giving the SNP names to be analyzed. No default.


A character vector giving the names/identifiers of the k studies/traits being analyzed. The order of this vector must match the columns of beta.hat and sigma.hat No default.


A matrix of dimension length(snp.vars) by (k) (or a vector of length k when 1 SNP is passed). Each row gives the coefficients obtained from the analysis of that SNP across the k studies/traits. No default.


A vector or matrix of same dimension as beta.hat, giving the corresponding standard errors. No default.


The number of cases in each of the k studies. This can be same for each SNP, in which case ncase is a vector of length k. Alternatively if the number of non-missing cases analyzed for each SNP is known, ncase can be a length(snp.vars) by (k) matrix. No default.


Same as ncase (above) for controls. No default.


Either a k by k matrix of inter-study correlations or a list containing three case/control overlap matrices (for case-control studies) named N11, N00 and N10. See details. Default is NULL, so that studies are assumed to be independent. The rows and columns of all matrices needs to be in the same order as traits.lab and columns of beta.hat and sigma.hat


Logical. When specified as TRUE the correlation information is used for optimal weighting of the studies in the definition of the meta-analysis test-statistics. The default is FALSE. In either case, the correlation is accounted for variance calculation of the meta-analysis test-statistic.


1, 2 or NULL. Search option 1 and 2 indicate one-sided and two-sided subset-searches respectively. The default option is NULL that automatically returns both one-sided and two-sided subset searches. Default is NULL.


Either 1 or 2. For two-tailed tests (where absolute values of Z-scores are maximized), side should be 2. For one-tailed tests, side should be 1 (positive tail is assumed). Default is 2. The option is ignored when search=2 since the two-sided subset search is automatically a two-sided test.


Logical. When specified as TRUE, standard fixed effect meta-analysis results are returned together with results from subset-based meta-analysis. The Default is FALSE.


Optional arguments to be passed to z.max as a named list. This option can be useful if the user wants to restrict subset searches in some structured way, for example, incorporating some ordering constraints.


Optional arguments to be passed to internal p-value calculation functions p.dlm (method "DLM") or (method "IS") as a named list. This option can be useful if the user wants to restrict subset searches in some structured way, for example, incorporating some ordering constraints.


The method of p-value computation. Currently the options are DLM (Discrete Local Maximum), IS(Exact Importance Sampling) and B (Bonferroni) with the default option being DLM. The IS method is currently computationally feasible for analysis of at most k=10 studies/traits


The one-sided subset search maximizes the standard fixed-effect meta-analysis test-statistics over all possible subsets (or over a restricted set of subsets if such an option is specified) of studies to detect the best possible association signals. The p-value returned for the maximum test-statistics automatically accounts for multiple testing penalty due to subset search and can be taken as an evidence of an overall association for the SNP accross the k studies/traits. The one-sided method automatically guarantees identification of studies/traits that have associations in the same direction and thus is useful in applications where it is desirable to identify SNPs that shows effects in the same direction across multiple traits/studies. The two-sided subset search, applies one-side subset search separately for positively and negatively associated traits for a given SNP and then combines the association signals from two directions into a single combined chi-square type statistic. The method is sensitive in detecting SNPs that may be associated with different traits in different directions.

The methods allow for accounting for correlation among studies/subject that might arise due to shared subjects across distinct studies or due to correlation among related traits in the same study. For application of the method for meta-analysis of case-control studies, the matrices N11, N10 and N00 denote the number subjects that are shared between studies by case-control status. By defintion, the diagonals of the matrices N11 and N00 contain the number of cases and controls, respectively, in the k studies. Also, by definition, the diagonal of N10 is zero since cases cannot serve as controls and vice versa in the same study. The most common situation may involve shared controls accross studies, ie non-zero off-diagonal elements of the matrix N00.

The output standard errors are approximate (based on inverting p-values) and are used for constructing confidence intervals in h.summary and h.forestPlot.


A list containing 3 main component lists named:

(1) "Meta" (Results from standard fixed effect meta-analysis of all studies/traits). This list is non-null when meta is TRUE and contains 3 vectors named (pval, beta, sd) of length same as snp.vars.

(2) "Subset.1sided" (one-sided subset search): This list is non-null when search is NULL or 1 and contains, 4 vectors named (pval, beta, sd, sd.meta) of length same as snp.vars and a logical matrix named "pheno" with one row for each snp and one column for each phenotype. For a particular SNP and phenotype, the entry has "TRUE" if this phenotype was in the selected subset for that SNP. In the output, the p-value is automatically adjusted for multiple testing due to subset search. The beta and sd correspond to the standard fixed-effect meta-analysis estimate and corresponding standard error estimate for the regression coefficient of a SNP based only on those studies/traits that are included in the identified subset. The vector sd.meta gives the meta-analysis standard errors for estimates of beta based on studies in the identified subset ignoring the randomness of the subset.

(3) Subset.2sided (two-sided subset search) This list is non-null when search is NULL or 2 and contains 9 vectors named (pval, pval.1, pval.2, beta.1, sd.1, beta.2, sd.2, sd.1.meta, sd.2.meta) of length same as snp.vars and two matrices named "pheno.1" and "pheno.2" giving logical indicators of a phenotype being among the positively or negatively associated subsets (respectively) as identified by 2-sided subset search. In the output, while pval provides the significance of the overall test-statistics that combined association signals from two directions, pval.1 and and pval.2 return the corresponding level of significance for each of the component one-sided test-statistics in the positive and negative directions. The values (beta.1, sd.1, beta.2, sd.2) denote the corresponding meta-analysis estimate of regression coefficients and standard errors for the identifed subsets of traits/studies that show association in positive and negative directions, respectively. The vector sd.1.meta and sd.2.meta give the meta-analysis standard errors for estimates of beta based on studies in the identified subset ignoring the randomness of the subset in positive and negative directions, respectively.

The other objects in the list are the input arguments passed into h.traits.


Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee, Preetha Rajaraman, Kevin B. Jacobs, William A. Wheeler, Beatrice S. Melin, Patricia Hartge, GliomaScan Consortium, Meredith Yeager, Charles C. Chung, Stephen J. Chanock, Nilanjan Chatterjee. A subset-based approach improves power and interpretation for combined-analysis of genetic association studies of heterogeneous traits. Am J Hum Genet, 2012, 90(5):821-35

See Also

h.summary, h.forestPlot


# Use the example data
 data(ex_trait, package="ASSET")

 # Display the data, and case/control overlap matrices
 # Define the input arguments to h.traits
 snps       <- as.vector(data[, "SNP"])
 traits.lab <- paste("Trait_", 1:6, sep="")
 beta.hat   <- as.matrix(data[, paste(traits.lab, ".Beta", sep="")])
 sigma.hat  <- as.matrix(data[, paste(traits.lab, ".SE", sep="")])
 cor        <- list(N11=N11, N00=N00, N10=N10)
 ncase      <- diag(N11)
 ncntl      <- diag(N00)

 # Now let us call h.traits on these summary data. 
 res <- h.traits(snps, traits.lab, beta.hat, sigma.hat, ncase, ncntl, cor=cor, 
                 cor.numr=FALSE, search=NULL, side=2, meta=TRUE, 
                 zmax.args=NULL, meth.pval="DLM")

Heterogeneous Subtype analysis


Subset-based analysis of case-control studies with heterogeneous disease subtypes.


h.types(dat, response.var, snp.vars, adj.vars, types.lab, cntl.lab, 
        subset=NULL, method=NULL, side=2, logit=FALSE, test.type="Score", 
        zmax.args=NULL, meth.pval="DLM", pval.args=NULL)



A data frame containing individual level data for phenotype (disease status/subtype information), covariate data and SNPs. No default.


Variable name or position of the response variable column in the data frame. This variable needs to contain disease status/subtype information in the data frame. No default.


A character or numeric vector giving the variable names or positions of the SNP variables. Missing values for SNP genotypes are indicated by NA. No default.


A character or numeric vector containing the variable names or positions of the columns in the data frame that would be used as adjusting covariates in the analysis. Use NULL if no covariates are used for adjustment.


NULL or a character vector giving the names/identifiers of the disease subtypes in response.var to be included in the analysis. If NULL, then all subtypes will be included. No default.


A single character string giving the name/identifier of controls (disease-free subjects) in response.var. No default.


A logical vector with length=nrow(dat) indicating the subset of rows of the data frame to be included in the analysis. Default is NULL, all rows are used.


A single character string indicating the choice of method as "case-control" or "case-complement". The Default option is NULL which will carry out both types of analysis. For the case-complement analysis of disease subtype i, the set of control subjects is formed by taking the complement of disease subtype i, ie the original controls and the cases not defined by disease subtype i.


A numeric value of either 1 or 2 indicating whether one or two-tailed p-values should be computed, respectively. The default is 2.


If TRUE, results are returned from an overall case-control analysis using standard logistic regression. Default is FALSE.


A character string indicating the type of tests to be performed. The current options are "Score" and "Wald". The default is "Score."


Optional arguments to be passed to z.max as a named list. This option can be useful if the user wants to restrict subset searches in some structured way, for example, incorporating ordering constraints.


A character string indicating the method of evaluating the p-value. Currently the options are "DLM" (Discrete Local Maximum), "IS" (Exact Importance Sampling) and "B" (Bonferroni) with the default option being DLM. The IS method is currently computationally feasible for analysis of at most k=10 studies/traits


Optional arguments to be passed to internal p-value calculation functions p.dlm (method "DLM") or (method "IS") as a named list. This option can be useful if the user wants to restrict subset searches in some structured way, for example, incorporating ordering constraints.


The output standard errors are approximate (based on inverting DLM pvalues) and are used for constructing confidence intervals in h.summary and h.forestPlot. For a particular SNP, if any of the genotypes are missing, then those subjects will be removed from the analysis for that SNP.


A list containing 3 component lists named:

(1) "Overall.Logistic" (output for overall case-control analysis using standard logistic regression): This list is non-null when logit is TRUE and contains 3 vectors named (pval, beta, sd) of length same as snp.vars.

(2) "Subset.Case.Control" (output for subset-based case-control analysis): This list is non-null when method is NULL or "case-control". The output contains, 3 vectors named (pval, beta, sd) of length same as snp.vars and a logical matrix named "pheno" with one row for each snp and one column for each disease subtype. For a particular SNP and disease-subtype, the corresponding entry is "TRUE" if that disease subtype is included the best subset of disease subtypes that is identified to be associated with the SNP in the subset-based case-control analysis. In the output, the p-value is automatically adjusted for multiple testing due to subset search. The beta and sd corresponds to estimate of log-odds-ratio and standard error for a SNP from a logistic regression analysis involving the cases of the identified disease subtypes and the controls.

(3) "Subset.Case.Complement" (output for subset-based case-complement analysis): This list is non-null when method is NULL or "case-complement". The output contains, 3 vectors named (pval, beta, sd) of length same as snp.vars and a logical matrix named "pheno" with one row for each snp and one column for each disease subtype. For a particular SNP and disease-subtype, the corresponding entry is "TRUE" if that disease subtype is included the best subset of disease subtypes that is identified to be associated with the SNP in the subset-based case-complement analysis. In the output, the p-value is automatically adjusted for multiple testing due to subset search. The beta and sd corresponds to estimate of log-odds-ratio and standard error for the SNP from a logistic regression analysis involving the cases of the selected disease subtypes and the whole complement set of subjects that includes original controls and the cases of unselected disease subtypes.


Samsiddhi Bhattacharjee, Preetha Rajaraman, Kevin B. Jacobs, William A. Wheeler, Beatrice S. Melin, Patricia Hartge, GliomaScan Consortium, Meredith Yeager, Charles C. Chung, Stephen J. Chanock, Nilanjan Chatterjee. A subset-based approach improves power and interpretation for combined-analysis of genetic association studies of heterogeneous traits. Am J Hum Genet, 2012, 90(5):821-35

See Also

h.summary, h.forestPlot


# Use the example data
 data(ex_types, package="ASSET")

 # Display the first 10 rows of the data and a table of the subtypes
 data[1:10, ]
 table(data[, "TYPE"])
 # Define the input arguments to h.types. 
 snps     <- paste("SNP_", 1:3, sep="")
 adj.vars <- c("CENTER_1", "CENTER_2", "CENTER_3")
 types <- paste("SUBTYPE_", 1:5, sep="")

 # SUBTYPE_0 will denote the controls
 res <- h.types(data, "TYPE", snps, adj.vars, types, "SUBTYPE_0", subset=NULL, 
        method="case-control", side=2, logit=FALSE, test.type="Score", 
        zmax.args=NULL, meth.pval="DLM", pval.args=NULL)


Discrete Local Maxima approximate p-value.


Function to obtain Discrete Local Maxima based estimates of p-values for z-scores maximized over subsets (of traits or subtypes), with possible restrictions and weights. Should not be called directly. See details.


p.dlm(t.vec, k, search, side, cor.def=NULL, cor.args=NULL, sizes=rep(1, k), 
      sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL, wt.def=NULL, wt.args=NULL)



Numeric vector of (positive) points for which to calculate p-values, i.e. general observed Z-max values. No default.


Integer (currently less than 30). The number of studies (traits) or subtypes being analyzed. No default.


0, 1 or 2. Search option, with 0 indicating subtype analysis, 1 and 2 denote one-sided and two-sided subset-search. No default.


Either 1 or 2. For two-tailed tests (where absolute values of Z-scores are maximized), side should be 2. For one-tailed tests, side should be 1 (positive tail assumed). No default. Ignored when search is 2.


A function with at least 3 arguments which calculates correlation between its first argument (a subset) and its second argument (subsets such as its neighbors). The third argument is the number of traits/subtypes and the function should return a vector of correlations with the neighbors. If NULL or a non-function value is specified, internal default functions for the corresponding search option are used.


Other arguments to be passed to cor.def. These can include sample sizes and overlaps of different studies or subtypes and analysis option such as case-control or case-complement that affect the correlation structure. If cor.def is NULL, then ncase and ncntl must be specified in this list.


Sizes of equivalence classes of traits. By default, no two traits or studies are equivalent. This argument is for internal use.


A function to restrict subsets, e.g., order restrictions in subtype analysis. Should accept a subset (a logical vector of size k) as its first argument and should return TRUE if the subset satisfies restrictions and FALSE otherwise. Default is NULL implying all (2^k - 1) subsets are considered in the maximum.


Other arguments to be passed to sub.def as list. Default is NULL (i.e. none).


A function that gives the weight of one subset with respect to another. Should accept two subsets as the first two arguments and return a single positive weight. Default NULL. Currently this option is not implemented and the argument is ignored.


Other arguments to be passed to wt.def as a list . Default NULL. Currently ignored.


The function is vectorized to handle blocks of SNPs at a time. Currently weight options are ignored. This is a helper function that is called internally by h.traits and h.types and should not be called directly. The arguments of this function that have defaults, can be customized using the argument pval.args in h.traits and h.types.


A numeric vector of estimated p-values.


# A function to define the correlations between a subset and its neighbors
  # Returned values should not exceed the value of 1
  cor.def <- function(subset, neighbors, k, ncase, ncntl) {
    n <- ncol(neighbors)
    mat <- matrix(subset, nrow=k, ncol=n, byrow=FALSE)
    cor <- (mat + neighbors)*(1:k)/(k^2)
    cor <- colSums(cor)
    cor <- cor/max(cor)
    dim(cor) <- c(n, 1)


  # Subset definition
  sub.def <- function(logicalVec) {
    # Only allow the cummulative subsets:
    # etc
    sum <- sum(logicalVec)  
    ret <- all(logicalVec[1:sum])


  k     <- 5
  t.vec <- 1:k

  p.dlm(t.vec, k, 1, 2, cor.def=cor.def, sub.def=sub.def,
         cor.args=list(ncase=rep(1000, k), ncntl=rep(1000,k)))

Z-score Maximization


Function to maximize z-scores over subsets of traits or subtypes, with possible restrictions and weights. Should not be called directly. See details.


z.max(k, snp.vars, side, meta.def, meta.args, th=rep(-1, length(snp.vars)), 
      sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL, wt.def=NULL, wt.args=NULL)



Single integer (currently at most 30). The total number of traits or studies or subtypes being analyzed. No default


Vector of integers or string labels for the SNPs being analyzed. No default.


Either 1 or 2. For two-tailed tests (where absolute values of Z-scores are maximzed), side should be 2. For one-tailed tests, side should be 1 (positive tail is assumed). Default is 2, ignored when search is 2.


Function that calculates z-scores for a given subset, for all the SNPs. Should accept a subset (logical vector of length k) as its first argument, followed by a list of SNPs (subset of snp.vars) as its second argument. Should return a named list with at least the name "z", which is the vector of z-scores. The length of the vector should be the same length as snp.vars. Missing z-scores if any are treated as zero, in the maximization. No default.


Other arguments to be passed to meta.def as a named list. For example, this could include an entire data frame containing individual level data as in case of subtype analysis, or sample sizes and correlation matrix in case of meta-analysis of heterogeneous traits. No default.


A vector of thresholds for each SNP, beyond which to stop maximization for that SNP. Default is a threshold of -1 for each SNP , implying no threshold. This argument is for internal use.


A function to restrict subsets, e.g., order restrictions in subtype analysis. Should accept a subset (a logical vector of size k) as its first argument and should return TRUE if the subset satisfies restrictions and FALSE otherwise. Default is NULL implying all (2^k - 1) subsets are considered in the maximum.


Other arguments to be passed to sub.def as list. Default is NULL (i.e. none).


A function that gives weight of one subset with respect to another. Should accept two subsets as first two argumets and return a single positive weight. Default NULL. Currently this option is not implemented and the argument is ignored.


Other arguments to be passed to wt.def as a list. Default NULL. Currently ignored.


This function loops through all possible (2^k - 1) subsets of (k) studies (or traits or subtypes), skips subsets that are not valid (e.g. that do not satisfy order restrictions), and maximizes the z-scores or re-weighted z-scores if weights are specified. The function is vectorized to handle blocks of SNPs at a time. Currently weight options are ignored. This is a helper function that is called internally by h.traits and h.types and should not be called directly. The arguments of this function that have defaults, can be customized using the argument zmax.args in h.traits and h.types.


A list with two components. A vector of optimized z-scores (opt.z) and a logical matrix (opt.s) of dimension length(snp.vars) by k. Each row of (opt.s) has indicators of each trait/subtype being included in the best (optimal) subset.



  # Define the function to calculate the z-scores
  meta.def <- function(logicalVec, SNP.list, arg.beta, arg.sigma) {

    # Get the snps and subset to use
    beta <- as.matrix(arg.beta[SNP.list, logicalVec])
    se   <- as.matrix(arg.sigma[SNP.list, logicalVec])
    test <- (beta/se)^2
    ret  <- apply(test, 1, max)

  # Define the function to determine which subsets to consider
  sub.def <- function(logicalVec) {
    # Only allow the cummulative subsets:
    # etc
    sum <- sum(logicalVec)  
    ret <- all(logicalVec[1:sum])

  # Assume there are 10 subtypes and 3 SNPs
  k        <- 10
  snp.vars <- 1:3
  # Generate some data 
  nsnp     <- length(snp.vars)
  beta     <- matrix(-0.5 + runif(k*nsnp), nrow=nsnp)
  sigma    <- matrix(runif(k*nsnp)^2, nrow=nsnp) 

  meta.args <- list(arg.beta=beta, arg.sigma=sigma)
  z.max(k, snp.vars, 2, meta.def, meta.args, sub.def=sub.def)